WebLogic Integration Release 2.1 Service Pack 1

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BEA WebLogic Adapter for Power.Enterprise! 3.0


The BEA WebLogic Adapter for Power.Enterprise! 3.0 is an implementation of the application integration capability in BEA WebLogic Integration. The BEA WebLogic Adapter for Power.Enterprise! enables you to send and receive XML messages that are transformed into and from EDI messages by Power.Enterprise!. This section includes the following topics:


Overview of Application Integration

BEA WebLogic Integration is described in Introducing Application Integration. For more information about implementing and using application integration functionality, see Using Application Integration.

BEA WebLogic Integration's integration solution supports existing and future standards for connecting applications both within and between enterprises. BEAWebLogic Integration provides a means to define communication endpoints, which you may add to a process flow through the business process management (BPM) functionality of BEA WebLogic Integration or by using custom code to form a complete integration solution.

As discussed previously, the BEA WebLogic Adapter for Power.Enterprise! is implemented using the integration functionality provided by BEA WebLogic Integration. The remainder of this chapter discusses this functionality as it applies to the BEA WebLogic Adapter for Power.Enterprise!.

Application Views

To accomplish message-level enterprise application integration, you can create any number of application views for each adapter. An application view defines a set of business functions on a specific adapter. The application view, via the underlying adapter, supports events and services for a particular business use.

Requests and responses for both events and services are passed through the system as XML documents. For more information about application views, see Understanding the Integration Framework in Introducing Application Integration.

The BEA WebLogic Adapter for Power.Enterprise! view provides multiple application views, each containing multiple user-definable services and events. Both services and events are defined by XML schemas, and both transmit data in XML form. This method allows any XML-aware component, such as WebLogic Integration, to use the BEA WebLogic Adapter for Power.Enterprise! for communication with Power.Enterprise!. BEA WebLogic Adapter for Power.Enterprise! application views, services, and events are managed from the WebLogic Application Integration Adapter home page.

Before the BEA WebLogic Adapter for Power.Enterprise! can operate properly with Power.Enterprise!, you must configure it to do so. You must also configure the Adapter services and events.

To facilitate these configuration tasks, BEA WebLogic Adapter for Power.Enterprise! application view provides three Java Server Pages (JSPs).

Configuring the BEA WebLogic Adapter for Power.Enterprise!

To enable the BEA WebLogic Adapter for Power.Enterprise! to communicate with Power.Enterprise!, you must configure it with suitable communication information. To configure the BEA WebLogic Adapter for Power.Enterprise!:

  1. From the BEA WebLogic Integration Application View Console, select Define New AppView.

    Figure 3-1 Define New Application View JSP


  2. Select Configure Connection. The Configure Connection JSP is displayed.

    Figure 3-2 Configure Connection JSP


  3. Enter the hostname or IP address of the system on which the Power.Server! resides.

  4. Enter the port number used by Power.Enterprise! for RMI communications. The default is 1099.

  5. Select Connect to EIS.

  6. Click Add Service, and define any services you want exposed using the procedure in Configuring Services.

  7. Click Add Event, and define any events you want exposed using the procedure in Configuring Events.

    Figure 3-3 Configuration Administration JSP


  8. Set the connection criteria based on your requirements. Many of these criteria are automatically generated based on the information you have already entered and your system configuration. When you are finished, select Continue. The Deploy Application View window appears.

    Figure 3-4 Deploy Application View JSP


  9. Set any parameters necessary, and select Deploy. Your configured application view is deployed.

Note: Always start the Power.Server! before you start WebLogic Integration or WebLogic Server. The WebLogic Integration connectors expect to see an active instance of the Power.Server! when they are initialized, and they will throw exceptions if Power.Server! is not running when they are initialized.


An event contains an XML document that is published by an application view when an event of interest occurs. Clients that want to be notified of events register their interest with an application view. After a client subscribes to events published by an application view, the application view notifies the client whenever a subscribed event occurs within the target application, and then passes the client an XML document that describes the event. For more information about adding events to an application view, see "Step 4B: Add an Event to an Application View" in Defining an Application View in Using Application Integration.

The BEA WebLogic Adapter for Power.Enterprise! provides user-definable events. These events are created and managed using a Java Server Page, which is published as part of the WebLogic Integration Application Interface. When Power.Enterprise! receives an EDI message from a trading partner and forwards it to the BEA WebLogic Adapter for Power.Enterprise!, the Adapter publishes the appropriate events. The process works as follows:

  1. Upon receipt of an EDI document from a trading partner, Power.Enterprise! translates the document to XML.

  2. Using RMI, Power.Enterprise! invokes BEA WebLogic Adapter for Power.Enterprise! with a previously registered event.

  3. WebLogic Integration publishes the defined event.

Configuring Events

Events are used by the BEA WebLogic Adapter for Power.Enterprise! to send information from a workflow to Power.Enterprise!, which forwards it to your trading partner. The BEA WebLogic Adapter for Power.Enterprise! allows you to define multiple events. As a rule, you will define one event per XML/EDI document type (a purchase order, for example) that you plan to send.

To define an event on the BEA WebLogic Adapter for Power.Enterprise!:

  1. On the BEA WebLogic Adapter for Power.Enterprise! home page, click Add Event.

    Figure 3-5 Configure Event JSP


  2. Enter a name for the event that is unique within the BEA WebLogic Adapter for Power.Enterprise!.

  3. If you like. Enter a description. (This step is optional.)

  4. Enter the hostname or IP address of the system on which the Power.Server! process resides.

  5. Enter the number of the port used by the RMI listener process.

  6. Enter the RMI service name of the listener process as defined for Power.Enterprise!.

Testing an Event

After you configure both events and your workflows, you should test that you can successfully send messages through those events. Use the Test Event link to test your event within the Application View console.

The following procedure is a simple test method to test how an event receives a message:

  1. Configure Power.Enterprise! such that it temporarily uses a file connection to send to your trading partner.

  2. Send a message through the system, and dump the resulting EDI message to a file.

  3. Examine the file containing the message to make sure that the message was created and sent correctly.

  4. When you finish testing, reconfigure the connection to use the transport appropriate to your trading partner.


A service is a business operation in an application that is exposed by the application view. It functions as a request/response mechanism: when an application receives a request to invoke a business service, the application view invokes that functionality in its target application and then responds with an XML document that describes the results. For information about adding services to an application view, see "Step 4A: Add a Service to an Application View" in Defining an Application View in Using Application Integration.

The BEA WebLogic Adapter for Power.Enterprise! provides user-configurable services. These services are created and managed using a Java Server Page, which is published as part of the WebLogic Integration Application Interface. They are used to send XML to Power.Enterprise!, which, in turn, converts the XML message to an EDI message and sends the EDI message to a trading partner.

To send an EDI message, submit an appropriately formatted XML document to the service defined for BEA WL Adapter for Power.Enterprise!. The service uses RMI to pass the message to Power.Enterprise!, which translates the XML message to an EDI message format and dispatches it to the appropriate trading partner.

Configuring Services

Services are used by the BEA WebLogic Adapter for Power.Enterprise! to receive information for a workflow that is forwarded from your trading partner by Power.Enterprise!. Although the BEA WebLogic Adapter for Power.Enterprise! allows you to define multiple services, most situations require you to define only one event per XML/EDI document type (such as an EDI 855 message) that you plan to receive.

To define a service on the BEA WebLogic Adapter for Power.Enterprise!:

  1. On the BEA WebLogic Adapter for Power.Enterprise! home page, click Add Service. The Configure Service JSP is displayed.

    Figure 3-6 Configure Service JSP


  2. Enter a name for the service that is unique within the BEA WebLogic Adapter for Power.Enterprise!.

  3. Enter a description. (This step is optional.)

  4. Enter the name of the RMI source connection, defined under Power.Enterprise!, from which this service can expect to receive messages.

Testing a Service

After you configure both services and the workflows that will use those services, you should verify that you can properly receive messages from them. Use the Test Service link to test your event within the Application View console.

The following procedure is a simple test method to test how a service delivers a message:

  1. Configure Power.Enterprise! such that it temporarily uses an inbound file connection.

  2. Drop a file into an outbox to start a test sequence. The resulting message should be transformed by Power.Enterprise, then sent to your workflow.

  3. In your workflow, examine the message to make sure that it was created and received correctly.

  4. When you finish testing, reconfigure the connection to use the transport appropriate to your trading partner.


Using the Adapter Plug-In to the BEA WebLogic Integration Studio

The BEA WebLogic Adapter for Power.Enterprise! includes a plug-in to the BEA WebLogic Integration Studio, a graphical tool for modeling for business processes. Because the Adapter is an integral part of BEA WebLogic Integration, you can use this plug-in for EDI message handling and integration in exactly the same way you use any other application integration adapter.

For more information about BPM workflow design using adapters and the adapter plug-in to the BEA WebLogic Integration Studio, see Understanding the Application Integration Plug-in for BPM and Understanding the ADK in Introducing Application Integration.

Deploying an Adapter in a New WebLogic Integration Domain

If you want to deploy an instance of the BEA WebLogic Adapter for Power.Enterprise! 3.0 in a new domain, follow these steps:

For Windows Systems:

Before you begin, you must determine the location of the adapter ear and jar file on your computer. By default, they are located in WLI_HOME\adapters\powerenterprise\lib.

  1. Declare the adapter's EAR file in your domain's config.xml file.

    Listing 3-1 Windows Config.XML Domain Declaration

<Application Deployed="true" Name="BEA_POWERENTERPRISE_3_0"
<ConnectorComponent Name="BEA_POWERENTERPRISE_3_0"
Targets="myserver" URI="BEA_POWERENTERPRISE_3_0.rar"/>
<WebAppComponent Name="BEA_POWERENTERPRISE_3_0_EventRouter"
<WebAppComponent Name="BEA_POWERENTERPRISE_3_0_Web"
Targets="myserver" URI="BEA_POWERENTERPRISE_3_0_Web.war"/>

  1. Add the following JAR files in the WebLogic server classpath.

For UNIX Systems

Before you begin, you must determine the location of the adapter ear and jar file on your computer. By default, they are located in WLI_HOME/adapters/powerenterprise/lib.

  1. Declare the adapter's EAR file in your domain's config.xml file:

    Listing 3-2 UNIX Config.XML Domain Declaration

<Application Deployed="true" Name="BEA_POWERENTERPRISE_3_0"
<WebAppComponent Name="BEA_POWERENTERPRISE_3_0_EventRouter"
Targets="myserver" URI="BEA_POWERENTERPRISE_3_0_EventRouter.war"/>
<ConnectorComponent Name="BEA_POWERENTERPRISE_3_0" Targets="myserver"
<WebAppComponent Name="BEA_POWERENTERPRISE_3_0_Web"Targets="myserver"

  1. Add the following JAR files in the WebLogic Server classpath.


Exception Handling

The response schema for a service method should include both a status Code and a Message:

To handle any exception that may occur, create an XPath expression to retrieve the status code from any response XML.

The following is an example of the response schema for a service call:

  <Code>Success </Code>
  <Message>Translation Request Queued Successfully.</Message>

The Code can be extracted from the response schema using the following Xpath expression:



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