WebLogic Integration Release 2.1 Service Pack 1

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Troubleshooting FAQ


The following sections provide answers to frequently asked questions about problems that you might encounter as you develop and deploy WebLogic Integration solutions:

Questions are categorized according to typical user experiences. Each section describes one or more problems and includes a detailed description of the problem, one or more suggested remedies, and cross-references to additional helpful information, such as product documentation.

This section provides general troubleshooting tips. For information about known limitations in specific WebLogic Integration releases, see the BEA WebLogic Integration Release Notes.


Installation and Preparation

This section answers the following questions:

What should I do if bulk loading of repository data fails?


In certain circumstances when working with B2B integration, such as before you run a WebLogic Integration sample, you are required to bulk load data into the WebLogic Integration repository. If error messages are displayed after you try to bulk load data into the repository, the bulk loading process has not run successfully.


Check the error message to determine the reason for the error. Then correct the error and perform the bulk loading operation again. Because bulk loading is not transactional, we suggest that you completely clean your database before bulk loading the data again.

Possible errors during bulk loading include:

For more information, see Working with the Bulk Loader in Administering B2B Integration.

How can I determine the version of WebLogic Integration that I am using?


You do not know how to determine the installed version of WebLogic Integration.


Look in the registry.xml file in your WLI_HOME directory (the directory in which WebLogic Integration is installed). The registry.xml file contains an XML segment similar to the following:

<product name="WebLogic Integration" format="1.0"> 
<release level="2.1"
InstallTime="Nov 9, 2001 9:41:13 AM"
<component name="Full" />
<component name="Samples" />
<database Type="production"
name="Cloudscape" />
<database Type="samples"
name="Cloudscape" />

Look at the release element (text starting with <release level . . . ). This element indicates the number of the release and service pack of WebLogic Integration that is currently installed.



This section answers the following questions:

How can I move my design-time data for WebLogic Integration to another database?


You might want or need to move the design-time data for WebLogic Integration to another database. Such migration may become necessary, for example, because you are installing a new service pack release of WebLogic Integration, or because you are changing database types.


To fully migrate design-time data from one WebLogic Integration repository database to another, export all design-time data from the source database and import it into the target database. For detailed instructions, see Migrating to BEA WebLogic Integration Release 2.1 and "Specifying a New Database for a Domain" in Customizing WebLogic Integration in Starting, Stopping, and Customizing BEA WebLogic Integration.

Why do my workflows fail to work when I import a package into the WebLogic Integration Studio?


Sometimes, after a previously exported package is imported into the WebLogic Integration Studio, the imported workflows are not instantiated properly, or you encounter run-time errors.


Consider the following possible solutions:


Using the Samples

This section answers the following question:

I installed a sample from the Developer Center and it does not seem to work with my WebLogic Integration installation. How can I fix this?

I installed a sample from the Developer Center and it does not seem to work with my WebLogic Integration installation. How can I fix this?


Although all the samples packaged with the product are compatible with your WebLogic Integration installation, not all samples available from the BEA Developer Center are updated for the current release. Some samples are not forwardly compatible.


Read the documentation for the downloaded sample to verify that all the components of your environment (platform, release of WebLogic Integration, and version of WebLogic Server) are supported for the sample.


Starting the Server

This section answers the following questions:

Why do I get ConnectExceptions when starting the server?


You encounter the following exception message when the server is started:

              a routed: 'Protocol: 't3'' connection
to:'0S:[7001,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1]' on port: '7001'
java.rmi.ConnectException: No available router to destination
. . .


Remove the *.tlog file from your log directory.

If this problem occurs on a production server, make sure you archive the transaction log files before deleting them, as they contain information about transactions that were in process when the server failed.

Why do I get a Table or View Does Not Exist error when starting the server? I am using an Oracle database.


You encounter the following error message when a server, running over an Oracle database, is started:

####<Aug 30, 2001 12:40:52 PM GMT-08:00> <Alert> <JMS> <> 
<myserver> <main> <system> <> <040052> <JMSServer "WLA
I_JMSServer", store failed to open, JMS JDBC store,
connection pool = <wliPool>, prefix = <null>: JMS JDBC I/
O failure
java.sql.SQLException: ORA-00942: table or view does not exist

at oracle.jdbc.dbaccess.DBError.throwSqlException(
at oracle.jdbc.ttc7.TTIoer.processError(
at oracle.jdbc.ttc7.Oall7.receive(
at oracle.jdbc.ttc7.TTC7Protocol.doOall7(
at weblogic.jdbc.pool.Statement.executeQuery(


This error occurs when JMS finds two tables with the same name, one of which belongs to a different user or schema. Assign each JMSJDBCStore table a unique name. Change the JMSJDBCStore line in your config.xml file to a line similar to the following example:

<JMSJDBCStore ConnectionPool="wliPool" Name="wliPool" 
PrefixName="someuniqname" />


Designing Applications

This section answers the following questions:

Why do I encounter an error message when I create an XML document in the WebLogic Integration Studio XML editor?


When you create a legitimate XML document in the WebLogic Integration Studio XML editor, the instance editor may display the following message:


Make sure that all values displayed in the right pane of the instance editor are valid expressions. The instance editor indicates values that have invalid expression syntax by displaying an X icon on the lines with errors. For values that are string constants, add double quotes around the string literal. For information about how to make other types of values valid expressions, see Using the WebLogic Integration Studio.


When you import a legitimate XML document into the WebLogic Integration Studio XML editor, the instance editor may display an error message, prompting you to convert the document to a valid template document.


Click Yes and convert the document into a template document.

How do I start a public workflow that starts a B2B conversation?


You want to start a workflow that initiates a B2B conversation.


To start a workflow that initiates a B2B conversation, use the Start Public Workflow action from another workflow. An API is also available to start a public workflow from within a Java application. Note that Start Public Workflow provides input parameters to determine a collaboration agreement, which determines a conversation. The conversation, in turn, contains the workflow template name.


I am using a Start Public Workflow action and the workflow does not start.


Common errors:

What should I do if I cannot see an entity (such as a trading partner) in the navigation tree?


You cannot find entities that you expect to see listed in the navigation tree of the WebLogic Integration B2B Console.


Complete the following steps:

  1. Click the WLI B2B node in the navigation tree.

  2. Select the Configuration tab.

  3. Select the Preferences tab.

  4. Select Display entities on the navigation tree.

  5. Click Apply.

What should I do if I cannot see the details of business protocol definitions?


You cannot see the details of business protocol definitions in the navigation tree of the WebLogic Integration B2B Console.


Complete the following steps:

  1. Click the WLI B2B node in the navigation tree.

  2. Select the Configuration tab.

  3. Select the Preferences tab.

  4. Select Display advanced configuration controls.

  5. Click Apply.

What does it mean if I see a SQL Exception while trying to remove an element from the WebLogic Integration repository?


You encounter a similar SQL exception while removing an element from the repository:

Exception:ERROR: In SQLHelper.execute(), a SQL Exception was caught while
executing a SQL Statement: SQL Exception: DELETE on table 'PARTY_IDENTIFIER'
caused a violation of foreign key constraint
'15b58164-00e8-4d2f-8ace-00ac100b2400' for key (27). The statement has been
rolled back. ERROR: In SQLHelper.execute(), a SQL
Exception was caught while executing a SQL Statement: SQL Exception: DELETE on
table 'PARTY_IDENTIFIER' caused a violation of foreign key constraint
'15b58164-00e8-4d2f-8ace-00ac100b2400' for key (27). The statement has been
rolled back.
. . . <remainder of stack trace not shown> . . .


SQL exceptions like this occur when you attempt to remove a repository element that is being referenced by another repository element from the repository. This exception occurs if you attempt to remove a trading partner that is currently involved in a collaboration agreement. Removing such a trading partner causes a violation of database referential constraints. Before attempting to remove the trading partner, remove the collaboration agreement in which this trading partner is included or remove the reference from the collaboration agreement to the trading partner. For more information on repository element relationships and removing references between repository elements see "Working with the Repository" in Administering B2B Integration.


Running Applications

This section answers the following questions:

How can I can find, in the Worklist, the name of the workflow template needed to start the workflow?


You create a workflow template in the WebLogic Integration Studio and then use the Worklist user interface to start the workflow. However, you cannot find the workflow template in the Worklist when you want to start the workflow.


Perform one or more of the following steps:

Additional Information

See Using the WebLogic Integration Studio and Using the WebLogic Integration Worklist.

How can I debug and trace my workflow execution?


You are having difficulty determining why a workflow is not operating correctly.


Tracing the execution of a workflow can help determine the cause of problems and indicate a solution. There are several ways to debug or trace the execution of a workflow instance:

Additional Information

See the documentation for the assign task to user and the make audit entry actions in Using the WebLogic Integration Studio, as well as the documentation for business operations in Programming BPM Client Applications.

Starting a workflow throws an exception. Why is no instance created?


A workflow encounters an exception, but no workflow instance exists to indicate that the workflow was instantiated.


Workflow instances are created and persisted in the database only after a workflow reaches a quiescent state or done node. If a workflow encounters an exception before it reaches a quiescent state or done node, the workflow instance is rolled back. To solve this problem, force a quiescent state by inserting an action, such as No Operation or Assign Task to User, that causes the workflow instance to wait.

Additional Information

See Using the WebLogic Integration Studio and Understanding the BPM Transaction Model in Programming BPM Client Applications.

What should I do if the WebLogic Integration process engine does not process some messages or events in the JMS queue?


It appears that the events or messages posted to the JMS queue are not processed by the WebLogic Integration process engine.


Try any of the following solutions:

What should I do if I get a "resource unavailable" or "Transaction has timed out when making request to XAResource 'WebLogic.jdbc.jts.Connection'" exception?


You encounter one of the following exceptions:


These errors can indicate that more connections are required by your application than you have allocated in the connection pool. An error might occur due to pool exhaustion in the WebLogic Integration repository pool or in the application integration connection factory pool for an ApplicationView.

To determine which pool is being exhausted, check the exception stack trace. If you see a class with a name such as xxxConnectionFactory.getConnection() in the stack trace, you can conclude that a connection factory pool is depleted. The exception message often points to the depleted pool. If you do not see such a class in the stack trace, you can conclude that the JDBC connection pool is depleted.

For either type of pool, estimate the number of expected maximum concurrently active users, multiply that number by two, and use the resulting number as the value of Max Capacity in the pool. For JDBC connection pools, modify the JDBCConnectionPool element of your config.xml file. For connection factory pools for application views, use the Application View Console to edit the connection parameters section of the application view and set the Max Capacity value.

If setting Max Capacity for connection factories does not solve the problem, increase the maximum capacity in the adapter deployment unit. To do this, locate the adapter's RAR file (the location is indicated in your server's config.xml file within the application element for your adapter) and edit its weblogic-ra.xml deployment descriptor, which is located within the META-INF directory of the archive.

Note: To edit the weblogic-ra.xml file, extract the archive, edit the file, and jar the archive. Increase the max-capacity element of the pool-params element in the weblogic-ra.xml file.

If you are using Oracle, check your database block size. If the block size is 2K, rebuild your database with an 8K block size.

You can also adjust the ThreadPoolSize and JDBC connection pool size to proper levels so that each transaction does not need to wait a long time to get a free database connection. In most cases, you should set the JDBC connection pool size to be twice as big as the ThreadPoolSize, but the appropriate size depends on the needs of your application.

What should I do if I encounter event generation problems while using application integration?


You define an application view containing event definitions and deploy it, but you cannot receive any events when using the event-test facility in the WebLogic Integration Application View Console.


This problem might be due to any of the following reasons:

What should I do if my application integration asynchronous service responses are lost while I am using business process management?


In the WebLogic Integration Studio, you define a workflow in which application integration functionality is used to invoke services asynchronously. Within the workflow you define a task node, to invoke a service, and an event node, to receive the response from a service. At run time, however, the response event is not received.


This problem can occur when no significant amount of logic is designed between the task node and the event node for an asynchronous response. In this case, you might encounter a race condition in the WebLogic Integration process engine that causes it to miss events. It is difficult to determine whether the response is received by the BPM event queue. Use the WebLogic Server Administration Console to monitor the BPM event queue and to determine whether the message count has increased as a result of running the workflow containing the task that invokes the asynchronous service. To solve this problem, add a No Operation in a task that is placed between the task node and the event node for the asynchronous service. The addition of the No Operation introduces a slight delay in the processing of the workflow instance.


General Run-Time Issues

This section answers the following questions:

How can I solve out of memory errors?


You encounter out of memory errors in Java applications when the demand for memory allocation in the program exceeds the free space in the JVM heap. You must terminate the Java process that is currently running and restart the application. Although out of memory errors cannot be eliminated completely, the following solutions can reduce the occurrence of this error.


Increase the amount of free space in the JVM and reduce demand. Specifically, you can implement the following steps:

Where are WebLogic Integration log messages saved?


You do not know how to find WebLogic Integration log messages.


Use the following instructions to locate WebLogic Integration log messages:

My server will not shut down properly.


After running the stopWeblogic command, you get the following error message:

<Oct 12, 2001 6:24:00 PM PDT> <Critical> <WebLogicServer> <Failed to invoke shutdown class "WLCShutdown",java.lang.IllegalArgumentException>


This problem, a known bug with WebLogic Server, occurs when you stop and restart the B2B engine without concurrently stopping and restarting WebLogic Server. When this bug appears, the B2B engine has already been shut down properly, but WebLogic Server may hang. For more information, see the BEA WebLogic Server documentation.


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