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Workflow Menu


The following sections explain how to use the various WebLogic Process Integrator Worklist Workflow menu commands:


Workflow Menu Overview

The Workflow pull-down menu contains a list of commands relating to current workflows for which a user is assigned tasks.

Figure 3-1 Workflow Pull-down Menu

Workflow menu commands can be performed by any user or member of a role to which a workflow task is assigned. No special permissions are required other than task assignment.


Start a Workflow Command

Use the Start a Workflow command to start a workflow manually. Any user that has a valid worklist account can manually start a workflow using this command.

Choose this command to display the Start Workflow dialog box, which shows all available workflow template definitions marked "Manually Startable." Such workflows are marked "Active" and "Manual" start during workflow template definition. (For more information, refer to "Specifying Workflow Definition Properties" in Chapter 3, "Defining and Maintaining Workflows" and "Using Starts" in Chapter 4, "Working with Workflow Components" of the WebLogic Process Integrator Studio User Guide.)

The Start Workflow dialog box also displays the list of defined organizations to which you belong. You manually start a workflow for any organizations in this list.

Figure 3-2 Start Workflow Dialog Box

Select the organization and a workflow to start. Click OK to start the workflow. A message is sent to the WebLogic Process Integrator server to start the workflow. The processing depends completely on the definition of the workflow.

You see the following message when the workflow starts successfully.

Figure 3-3 Workflow Successfully Started


Workflow Status Command

Use the Workflow Status command to display a list of all of the tasks associated with the workflow of the selected task.

Figure 3-4 Workflow Status Dialog Box

You can access task commands by right-clicking on a task in the Workflow Status dialog box. These commands are identical to those accessed through the Task menu. For more information, refer to Task Menu.

Figure 3-5 Task Commands