Securing WebLogic Resources

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Introduction to Securing WebLogic Resources

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Terms and Concepts

Overview of Securing WebLogic Resources

Securing WebLogic Resources: Main Steps

Types of WebLogic Resources

Administrative Resources

Application Resources

EIS (Enterprise Information System) Resources

COM Resources

JDBC (Java DataBase Connectivity) Resources

JMS (Java Messaging Service) Resources

JNDI (Java Naming and Directory Interface) Resources

Server Resources

URL (Web) and EJB (Enterprise JavaBean) Resources

Techniques for Securing URL and EJB Resources

Using the WebLogic Server Administration Console

Using Deployment Descriptors

Combining the Two Techniques

Prerequisites for Securing URL and EJB Resources

Understanding the fullyDelegateAuthorization Flag

How to Change the fullyDelegateAuthorization Flag

Understanding the Ignore Security Data in Deployment Descriptors Check Box

How to Change the Ignore Security Data in Deployment Descriptors Check Box

Understanding How These Settings Interact

Using the Combined Technique to Secure Your URL and EJB Resources

Copying Security Configurations

Reinitializing Security Configurations

Web Service Resources

Users and Groups

Creating Users

Adding Users to Groups

Modifying Users

Deleting Users

Default Groups

Creating Groups

Nesting Groups

Modifying Groups

Deleting Groups

Security Roles

Dynamic Role Mapping

Types of Security Roles: Global Roles and Scoped Roles

Ways to Create Security Roles in the Administration Console

Default Global Roles

Protected MBean Attributes and Operations

Default Group Associations

Components of a Security Role: Role Conditions, Expressions, and Role Statements

Working with Global Roles

Creating Global Roles

Modifying Global Roles

Deleting Global Roles

Working with Scoped Roles

Creating Scoped Roles

Step 1: Select the WebLogic Resource

Step 2: Create the Scoped Role

Step 3: Create the Role Conditions

Modifying Scoped Roles

Deleting Scoped Roles

Security Policies

Security Policy Granularity and Inheritance

Security Policy Storage and Prerequisites for Use

Default Security Policies

Protected Public Interfaces

Components of a Security Policy: Policy Conditions, Expressions, and Policy Statements

Working With Security Policies

Creating Security Policies

Step 1: Select the WebLogic Resource

Step 2: Create the Policy Conditions

Modifying Security Policies

Deleting Security Policies

Example: Securing URL (Web) Resources Using the Administration Console

Step 1: Specify Server and Prerequisite Settings

Step 2: Create Users

Step 3: Add a User to a Group

Step 4: Grant a Global Role to the Group

Step 5: Create a Security Policy for All URL (Web) Resources Using the Global Role

Step 6: Attempt to Access a Web Application

Step 7: Restrict Access to the basicauth Web Application

Step 8: Create a Scoped Role

Step 9: Grant the Scoped Role to a Group

Step 10: Restrict Access to the welcome JSP Using the Scoped Role

Example: Securing Enterprise JavaBean (EJB) Resources

Step 1: Specify Server and Prerequisite Settings

Step 2: Create a Group

Step 3: Create Users

Step 4: Add a User to the Group

Step 5: Create a Global Role

Step 6: Grant the Global Role to the Group

Step 7: Create a Security Policy for the statelessSession EJB JAR Using the Global Role

Step 8: Attempt to Access EJBs Through a Client Application

Step 9: Restrict Access to the statelessSession EJB

Step 10: Restrict Access to the create() and buy() EJB Methods

Examples: Copying and Reinitializing Security Configurations for the basicauth Web Application

Step 1: Copy Security Configurations for the basicauth Web Application

Step 1: Obtain the basicauth Web Application

Step 2: Modify the Prerequisite Settings and Deploy the Web Application

Step 3: Verify the Copied Security Policies (Optional)

Step 4: Verify the Copied Security Roles (Optional)

Step 5: Revert the Ignore Security Data in Deployment Descriptors Setting

Step 2: Modify a Security Policy Using the Administration Console

Step 3: Reinitialize Security Configurations for the basicauth Web Application

Step 1: Modify the Ignore Security Data in Deployment Descriptors Setting

Step 2: Redeploy the basicauth Web Application

Step 3: Verify That the Security Configuration Has Been Reinitialized (Optional)

Step 4: Revert the Ignore Security Data in Deployment Descriptors Setting


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