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Installation Guide

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Performing Post-Installation Tasks

The following sections describe the tasks you perform after installing WebLogic Server:


Understanding the WebLogic Server Windows Shortcuts

When you install WebLogic Server on a Windows system, the installation program automatically creates shortcut files on the Start Menu. Options on the Start Menu vary according to options you select during installation. The WebLogic Platform 8.1 folder (Start—>Programs—>WebLogic Platform) contains the shortcut files shown in Figure 7-1.

Figure 7-1 BEA WebLogic Platform Start Menu


Figure 7-2 shows the options on the WebLogic Server Start menu (Start—>Programs—>WebLogic Platform 8.1—> WebLogic Server 8.1).

Figure 7-2 WebLogic Server 8.1 Start Menu



Understanding the WebLogic Server Directory Structure

WebLogic Server has a new directory structure for WebLogic Server and a new location for your applications that run on WebLogic Server. This new directory structure provides added flexibility and promotes best practices for application development.

Files and Directories Installed

During the WebLogic Server installation, you are asked to select or create a BEA Home directory and a product installation directory. For information about the BEA Home directory, see BEA Home Directory. For a typical installation, the installer program creates the following directory structure for WebLogic Platform software, which may or may not be in the BEA Home directory:


The contents of each directory are described in the following table.


This directory . . .

Contains . . .


Folders for files shared by all WebLogic Platform components, as well as individual folders for each installed WebLogic Platform component.

XXX refers to the version number of Weblogic Platform.


Files shared by WebLogic Platform components, including template jar files used by the Configuration Wizard when creating domains. The Configuration Wizard reads the contents of this folder and displays template options based on the jar files in the directory. See Configuring Domains, Servers, and Clusters with the Configuration Wizard for more information about using the Configuration Wizard.


Sample code, resources, and preconfigured domains designed to help you learn how to develop your own applications using WebLogic Platform. Samples are organized by component installed on the system. Each WebLogic Platform component has its own folder within the samples folder. The server folder in the samples folder contains the examples and medrec domains, source code for the examples and Medical Records sample applications, and PointBase evaluation software.


WebLogic Server program files.


Code required to uninstall the WebLogic Server software.


WebLogic Workshop application and documentation files and files to support the Workshop sample domain.

Note: Weblogic Workshop is not included in the WebLogic Server 8.1 Beta release.


Domain Directories

Each WebLogic domain that you create with the Configuration Wizard has its own root directory. The domain directory can be anywhere you choose. The only limitation is that scripts and applications in the domain must have access to the Weblogic Server installation and the JVM.

This directory structure provides for flexibility when storing application code and configuring server systems. It also promotes best practices for application development. That is, application code should not be stored with the application server code.

For more information about domains and domain directories, see WebLogic Server Domains in Configuring and Managing WebLogic Server.


Starting the Examples and MedRec Servers

The examples optionally installed with WebLogic Server demonstrate a variety of features using WebLogic Server. The source files and Javadoc files for the WebLogic Server examples are installed in SAMPLES_HOME\server\src\examples. Additional information for configuring and executing the examples server and the example applications is provided in the SAMPLES_HOME\server\src\examples\examples.html file.

The following sections provide instructions for starting the Examples and MedRec on a Windows or UNIX system.

Note: You cannot start the Examples, MedRec, and Workshop Examples servers at the same time (as installed) because all of them are configured to use port 7001 as the non-secure listening port and 7002 as the secure listening port. To run them concurrently, you must reconfigure the listening ports as described in "Setting the Listen Port" in the Administration Console Online Help

Starting the Examples Server on a Windows System

To start the Examples server on a Windows system:

After the server starts, a Web browser automatically opens. Click the Go to Administration Console text link or enter the following URL in a browser window to start the Administration Console: http://hostname:7001/console.

For complete information about starting and stopping WebLogic Server, see "Starting and Stopping WebLogic Servers" in the Administration Console Online Help.

Note: You cannot start the Examples, MedRec, and Workshop Examples servers at the same time (as installed) because all of them are configured to use port 7001 as the non-secure listening port and 7002 as the secure listening port. To run them concurrently, you must reconfigure the listening ports as described in "Setting the Listen Port" in the Administration Console Online Help

Starting the Examples Server on a UNIX System

To start the examples server on a UNIX system, follow these steps:

  1. In a command shell, go to the following directory:

    where SAMPLES_HOME represents the location of all examples for the WebLogic Platform—for example, bea/weblogicXXX/samples.

  2. Enter the following command:

    The script sets up the proper CLASSPATH variable for the Examples server and loads the configuration in the SAMPLES_HOME/server/config/examples/config.xml file.

For complete information about starting and stopping servers, see "Starting and Stopping WebLogic Servers" in the Administration Console Online Help.

Note: You cannot start the Examples, MedRec, and Workshop Examples servers at the same time (as installed) because all of them are configured to use port 7001 as the non-secure listening port and 7002 as the secure listening port. To run them concurrently, you must reconfigure the listening ports as described in Setting the Listen Port in the Administration Console Online Help

Starting the MedRec Server on a Windows System

To start the MedRec server on a Windows system:

The PointBase database server starts with the MedRec server. After the MedRec server starts, a Web browser automatically opens to a page with information about the Avitec Medical Records sample application.

Starting the MedRec Server on a UNIX System

To start the MedRec server on a UNIX system, follow these steps:

  1. In a command shell, go to the following directory:

    where SAMPLES_HOME represents the location of all examples for the WebLogic Platform—for example, bea/weblogicXXX/samples.

  2. Enter the following command:

    The script sets up the proper CLASSPATH variable for the Examples server and loads the configuration in the SAMPLES_HOME/server/config/examples/config.xml file. It also starts the PointBase server.


Starting the Administration Console

The Administration Console is the Web-based administration tool for WebLogic Server. You must start the server before you can access the Administration Console for a server.

Note: For details about starting the WebLogic Server servers, see Starting the Examples and MedRec Servers. For more information about the Administration Console, see the Administration Console Online Help.

To start the Administration Console, follow these steps:

  1. Open the following URL in a supported browser:


  2. The Administration Console prompts you for a username and password. Enter a username and password for the server you want to administer. For the Examples and MedRec servers, weblogic (username and password) is the default administrative user. For the Workshop Examples server, installadministrator (username and password) is the default administrative user.


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