Using Entry Events in General Ledger

This chapter provides an overview of entry events in Oracle's PeopleSoft Enterprise General Ledger and discusses how to:

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Use entry events in PeopleSoft Enterprise General Ledger to post additional debit and credit accounting entries. In addition, federal agencies can update budgetary as well as proprietary accounts in a single transaction or update the budgetary ledgers without posting to the actuals ledger.

This section lists prerequisites and discusses:

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Before using entry events in General Ledger, you must:

  1. Perform the normal setup activities for General Ledger and the Commitment Control feature.

  2. For General Ledger, in the Entry Event field on the Installation Options - Entry Event page, select either Optional or Required.

  3. Only for GLJEADJ - Commitment Control Adjustment Journals, enable the Commitment Control feature for General Ledger in the Enable Commitment Control group box on the Installation Options - Installed Products page.

  4. Select Allow GL Entry Event Bypass for selected users on the User Preferences - General Ledger page, if desired.

    This option enables specific users to bypass selecting entry event codes that are identified as required for General Ledger on the Installation Options - Entry Event page.

  5. Select Skip Entry Event Processing in the Budget Post Options group box for selected users on the User Preferences - General Ledger page, if desired.

    This option enables specific users to post a budget without running the Entry Event Processor Application Engine process (FS_EVENTGEN).

  6. Verify that the ledger group for entering journal entries with entry events (normally the actuals ledger group, which is named the Recording ledger group in the predefined data) is associated with the standard ledger group type.

    This is the only ledger group type that you can use to enter entry events for General Ledger journal entries.

    Note. If you plan to create multibook journals with entry events, make sure that all of the multibook ledgers are set up, that the ledger group type is set to standard, and that you select the Keep Ledgers in Sync check box on the Ledger Groups - Definition page.

  7. Refer to the documentation regarding the setup of the entry event codes for an organization based on the entry event source transactions and processes that are predefined for General Ledger.

See Using Entry Events.

Note. You can create your own entry event codes that use the predefined source transactions and processes; however, do not modify the predefined data.

See Also

Setting Up Entry Events

Enabling Entry Events at the Installation Level

Defining Overall User Preferences

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicGeneral Ledger Entry Event Transactions

General Ledger enables you to enter, process, copy, and correct entry event transactions using:

Note. Do not associate entry event codes with open item accounts for use in open item entries. Also, do not associate entry event codes with value-added tax (VAT) or VAT-applicable accounts. The entry event code definition does not allow the selection of VAT-applicable accounts for entry event processing. If a journal comes from an external source (such as a flat file or spreadsheet), the appropriate account from the entry event code definition overwrites any accounts specified on the entry event lines that are subject to the GLJE Entry Event process.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEntry Event Source Definitions, Processes, Steps, and Codes

General Ledger provides sample data with a set of predefined entry event codes. You can use these predefined codes as examples for defining your own codes. The system has predefined entry event source definitions and specific entry event processes that you must not change. The source definitions identify the source and target records that the system updates when the Entry Event Processor runs. The predefined source definitions for General Ledger are:

Entry event source definitions, processes, and steps determine the way in which the entry event codes are processed. The processing procedures for creating journal entries with entry events and creating budget adjustment journal entries are unique due to the specific entry event source transactions and entry event processes and steps that are linked to each entry event code. Multiple entry event source transactions, such as GL_JOURNAL and GL_JRNLIU (for interunit transactions), can be associated with one entry event process, such as the GLJE Entry Event process or the GLJEADJ Entry Event process. Subsequently, the Entry Event Processor can generate journal lines for a normal journal entry, an interunit journal entry, or a standard journal entry, depending on the source transaction associated with the entry event process.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicGLJE Entry Event Process

The GLJE Entry Event process is used for most types of entry event journal entries. When an entry event code is associated with the GLJE Entry Event process, you can generate additional debit and credit entries—beyond the entries that the user entered by the Journal Edit process—for accounting.

Note. In a journal that uses the GLJE Entry Event process, the account from the entry event code appears by default in the first journal line unless the entry event code is set up for IU processing as well. When you run the Journal Edit process (GL_JEDIT), the Entry Event Processor runs automatically during the edit process, generating the additional entry event lines.

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You associate the GLJEADJ Entry Event process with an entry event code to make Commitment Control budget adjustments for encumbrances, pre-encumbrances, and collected revenue budgets, as well as to generate and post the appropriate budgetary accounting entries to the actuals ledger. The GLJE Entry Event process and the GLJEADJ Entry Event process function differently.

After you enter the debit and credit lines, select an entry event code for each line, and finish Journal Edit:

When you enter the budget adjustment journal entries and select an entry event code that is set up with the GLJEADJ Entry Event process, you must enter the debit and credit entries. This is because the Journal Edit process does not run the Entry Event Processor to generate the remaining journal lines, as it does for the GLJE Entry Event process. After journal edit processes, you run the Budget Processor to update the appropriate Commitment Control budget ledger table and adjust the specific control budget's ledger amount. After the journal lines are successfully edited and budget-checked either online or in batch, you must run the Entry Event Processor (using the Process Journals menu) to generate the budgetary accounting entries, based on the accounts that you set up for the selected entry event code. After processing the entry events, you run the Journal Generator process to generate the budgetary accounting journal and post this journal to the appropriate actuals ledger.

Note. In General Ledger, the entry event source definitions, entry event processes and steps, and entry event codes are predefined. Do not change them.

See Also

Entering and Posting Commitment Control Budget Journals

Closing and Withdrawing Commitment Control Budgets

Using Entry Events

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicMultibook Ledgers Using Entry Events

To enter entry events for multibook journals:

  1. Enter one side of the journal entry by selecting an entry event code for a ledger group that contains multiple ledgers and for which the Keep Ledgers in Sync check box is selected.

  2. Run the Journal Edit process.

    When you enter the journal line, you typically enter only one side of the journal if you are using entry events for the GLJE Entry Event process. The Journal Edit process generates the additional entry event lines for the primary ledger. It also matches journal lines for all secondary ledgers within the ledger group using the same entry event code. This is a multibook journal entry.

    Note. If the journal is from an external source and does not already have secondary ledger lines, Journal Edit process creates the secondary ledger lines and calls the Entry Event Processor to create the entry event lines.

  3. Continue to process and post the multibook journal.

See Also

Setting Up and Using Multibook Ledgers

Using Multicurrency Processing in a Multibook Environment

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicInterunit Journal Entries Using Entry Events

When you run the Journal Edit process on an interunit or intraunit journal entry with entry events, it processes all of the journal header and journal lines associated with the interunit or intraunit journal lines first.

The Entry Event Processor process creates accounting entries from the interunit and intraunit entries created by the Journal Edit process. To enable this functionality, the entry event code must have the GLJE Entry Event process included in the setup, as well as the steps required by the transaction such as GLJEIUINP for interunit payables journal entries. It is possible to set up an entry event code to process regular journal entries and interunit and intraunit entries. If an entry event code has been set up with both the regular process step and the interunit and intraunit process steps, this logic is applied to the journal:

The PeopleSoft system comes with a separate entry event source definition to enable you to use entry events with interunit and intraunit journal entry transactions:

Entry event source transaction: GL_JRNLIU.

Source record: EE_JRNL_LN_IUVW.

Target record: JRNL_LN.

Temporary record: EE_JRNL_TMP.

Four predefined process steps are used to process receivable and payable interunit and intraunit journal entry transactions:

Entry event processing for General Ledger interunit and intraunit transactions is slightly different from regular (predefined process step GLJE) journal processing for entry events. By design, interunit and intraunit lines are always balanced. In turn, entry events create balanced DR/CR pairs from the generated interunit and intraunit lines. If there is a need to create additional DR/CR pairs from interunit and intraunit transactions, you can establish only interunit payables, only interunit receivables, or both. The same is true for intraunit payables and intraunit receivables. One or both transactions can be set up to generate balanced DR/CR pairs.

Note. If the interunit/intraunit journal does not have an anchor business unit line, the system-generated anchor business unit line will not have an entry event code, which means that the system will not generate extra debit/credit (DR/CR) lines.

See Also

Using Inter/Intraunit Processing in General Ledger

Running the Centralized Interunit and Intraunit Processor

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicAllocation Journals Using Entry Events

To create allocation journals using entry events:

  1. Specify the entry event field on the Define Allocation Step - Target page.

    Note. Although you can also specify Entry Event as a field value on the Offset page, do not do so for regular journal processing because you normally generate a one-sided journal entry from allocations when you use entry events in this situation. The Entry Event Processor creates the other side of the journal entry.

  2. Add a line to the Specify Field Values group box.

  3. Select Entry Event as the field name, Value as the source, and an entry event code as a value to create output journals.

  4. Save the allocation step.

  5. Select Request Allocation to create the allocation output journals.

See Also

Processing Allocations

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicStandard Journal Entries Using Entry Events

Standard journal entries are sometimes referred to as template or recurring journals. When you create standard journals, the system copies the entry event source lines, as well as any non entry event lines, and the entry event status of the header and lines is set to N (not generated). This means that you must run the Journal Edit process for these journals to regenerate the entry event lines.

See Also

Creating Standard Journal Entries (SJEs)

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSeparate Debit and Credit Journal Entries Using Entry Events

If you select the Separate DR/CR Amount Fields check box on the Ledgers for a Unit - Definition page for a ledger, the Entry Event Processor process determines whether this is a normal journal entry or a journal entry reversal based on information on the journal line. For example, if you enter a negative amount in the DR column, you indicate a reversal of a debit to the system. The Entry Event Processor process generates the appropriate debit or credit journal lines.

See Also

Defining Default Journal Post Options for a Ledger

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicFlat File Journal Imports Using Entry Events

When you load journals containing entry events into General Ledger by selecting Import Journals, External Flat Files and running the Flat File Journal Import process, this process sets the entry event status of header and any lines with an entry event code to N (not generated). If there is a mismatch between the entry event code and the account uploaded, the account is overwritten by the default account when the Journal Edit process and the Entry Event Processor process are run.

See Also

Using the Flat File Journal Import Process

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSpreadsheet Journal Imports Using Entry Events

To import and run spreadsheet journals containing entry events:

  1. Select Import Journals, Spreadsheet Journals to load spreadsheet files that contain entry events.

  2. Run the Spreadsheet Journal Import process.

    This process sets the entry event status of header and each line with an entry event code to N(not generated). Consequently, you must run the Journal Edit process for these journals.

See Also

Using Spreadsheet Journal Import

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCopy Entry Event Journals

When you select Journal Entry, Copy Journals to copy journals using entry events, the Journal Copy process copies only the entry event source lines and the non entry event lines.

This process sets the new journal entry event status of header and each line with an entry event code to N (not generated), which means that you must run the Journal Edit process that automatically runs the Entry Event Processor process.

See Also

Copying Journal Entries

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEntry Event Journal Errors

When you create journals with entry events and an error occurs during the processing, you can drill down to the transaction line to correct the entry event error and continue processing. When you run the journal edit batch process that has errors, the process generates a report that contains errors that apply to both the journal entries and the entry events.

Click to jump to parent topicCreating and Processing Journal Entries with Entry Events

This section discusses how to:

The GLJE Entry Event process enables you to create journals that post to the actuals ledger.

You can modify the delivered entry event codes or set up your own.

Note. Do not modify entry event source definitions or processes and steps.

See Also

Using Entry Events

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Create and Process Journal Entries with Entry Events

Page Name

Object Name



Create Journal Entries - Header


General Ledger, Journals, Journal Entry, Create/Update Journal Entries, Header

Enter the journal header information for entry event journal entries.

Commitment Control - Commitment Control Amount Types


Click the Commitment Control link on the Create Journal Entries - Header page.

For a Commitment Control budget adjustment journal entry, select the appropriate Commitment Control amount type.

Create Journal Entries - Lines


General Ledger, Journals, Journal Entry, Create Journal Entries

Select the Lines tab.

Enter the journal line ChartFields and select the appropriate entry event codes for processing.

Edit Journals Request


General Ledger, Journals, Process Journals, Edit Journals, Edit Journals Request

Edit the regular journals and journals using the GLJE and GLJEADJ Entry Event processes.

Budget Check Journals Request


General Ledger, Journals, Process Journals, Budget Check Journals, Budget Check Journals Request

Budget-check regular journals and journals using the GLJE and GLJEADJ Entry Event processes.

Entry Event Journals


General Ledger, Journals, Process Journals, Entry Event Journals, Entry Event Journals

Run the Entry Event Processor for Commitment Control budget adjustment journals using the GLJEADJ Entry Event process.

Generate Journals Request


General Ledger, Journals, Subsystem Journals, Generate Journals, Generate Journals Request

Run the Journal Generator process to generate journals for any journal entries not created online in General Ledger and for Commitment Control budget adjustment journal entries with entry events using the GLJEADJ Entry Event process.

Mark Journals for Posting


General Ledger, Journals, Process Journals, Mark Journals for Posting

Specify which journals to post.

Post Journal Request


General Ledger, Journals, Process Journals, Post Journals, Post Journal Request

Enter the information for the journals that you intend to post. Run the PS/GL Journal Post process (GLPPPOST) to post the journals to their appropriate ledgers.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCreating and Processing Entry Event Journals Using GLJE Entry Event Process

To create and process an entry event journal:

Note. These steps use the JRNL1 entry event code.

  1. Access the Create Journal Entries - Header page.

  2. Select an actuals ledger group that may or may not linked to Commitment Control ledgers, and enter any other information relevant to the journal entry transactions.

    The ledger group in the predefined data is Recording.

  3. Click the Commitment Control link.

  4. Select one of the following Commitment Control amount types, and then click OK:

  5. Access the Create Journal Entries - Lines page, and select the entry event code.

    The account and alternate account values appear by default (after a server trip) in journal line 1 from the values set up for the entry event code (for example, JRNL1) on the Entry Event Code Definition page if the entry event code contains regular process step GLJE.

  6. Enter any other relevant data in the journal line.

    Note. If you change either of these accounts, the system overwrites it with the default DR/CR account or alternate account when you edit the journal if the entry event code contains regular process step GLJE.

  7. Select Edit Journal to save and edit the journal entry as well as initiate the Budget Processor if commitment control is enabled.

    Journal Edit process (GL_JEDIT) creates any missing lines before calling the Entry Event Processor process.

    The Entry Event Processor process generates the additional journal lines based on the set up for the selected entry event code.

    The Budget Processor process runs to verify that a Commitment Control budget is associated with the transaction and that the amounts are not greater than the budget amounts.

  8. Select Post Journal to post the journal entries to the actuals ledger.

    See Correcting Entry Event Journal Errors.

Note. If these are subsystem journals with entry events, the Journal Edit process bypasses the entry event processes for these journals because they have already been through the entry event process in the subsystem.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCreating Budget Adjustment Journal Entries Using the GLJEADJ Entry Event Process

To create and process an entry event journal that adjusts the Commitment Control budget:

  1. Access the Create Journal Entries - Header page.

  2. Select an actuals ledger group that linked to Commitment Control ledgers, and enter any other information relevant to the journal entry transactions.

    The ledger group in the predefined data is Recording.

  3. Click the Commitment Control link.

  4. Select one of the following Commitment Control amount types, and then click OK:

  5. Access the Create Journal Entries- Lines page, and select the entry event code for the adjustment that you want to make.

    Only the adjustment entry event codes are available for selection.

  6. Enter values for Account, Alt. Acct., Amount, and other relevant fields in the journal line.

    If the journal is a Commitment Control budget adjustment journal, the account and alternate account, if applicable, do not appear by default. You must enter the values.

  7. Select Edit Journal to save and edit the journal entry as well as initiate the Budget Processor if commitment control is enabled.

    Note. The Journal Edit process does not run the Entry Event Processor for budget adjustment journals. You must run the Entry Event Processor separately after running the Budget Processor.

  8. Correct any existing entry event journal errors.

    See Correcting Entry Event Journal Errors.

  9. Run the Entry Event processor from the Process Journals - Entry Event Journals page.

    The processor updates or creates the accounting lines in the Adjustment Journal Accounting Line record.

    Note. Budget adjustment journals are processed using the same model as accounts payable, purchasing, and accounts receivable, where the entry event accounting transactions are written to a separate accounting line record and the journal is generated later. If a budget adjustment journal has been processed by the Entry Event Processor and subsequent changes are made to the journal, adjusting entries are created.

  10. Select Subsystem Journals, Generate Journals to create budgetary accounting journals from the adjustment journal accounting line record.

  11. Select Process Journals, Edit Journals, Mark Journals for Posting, and Post Journals to post the journals to their appropriate ledgers.

Warning! If you change the Commitment Control amount type on the journal, the entry event lines are reversed for the previous amount type. For example, suppose that you select the Commitment Control amount type Actuals and Recognized to create a journal and run the Journal Edit process to generate the entry event lines and then you realize that you intended to create a budget adjustment journal for an encumbrance instead. If you attempt to select the Commitment Control amount type Encumbrance, this message appears:

The CC Amount Type has been changed from 'Actuals and Recognized' to 'Encumbrance'.

Because you changed the Commitment Control amount type, the entry event information that you entered is no longer appropriate. If you select Cancel, the Commitment Control amount type remains Actuals and Recognized. If you select OK to accept the change, the original journal entry's entry event codes are wiped out. When you enter the data and run the Journal Edit process for the new journal entry, any generated obsolete entry event lines are also deleted. Regardless of the Commitment Control amount type that you select, the original entry event codes are wiped out when you select OK.

Click to jump to parent topicCorrecting Entry Event Journal Errors

When you correct an entry events journal, the effect on the entry event lines depends on the type of error that occurs.

This section discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCorrecting Journal Entry Errors Containing Entry Events with Suspense Option Off

To correct an error in a journal line when the journal amount or ChartField is incorrect and the entry event was processed successfully:

  1. Correct the error, such as an incorrect amount or ChartField selection, in the journal line.

  2. Run the Journal Edit process.

    The Journal Edit process edits the journal line; however, the Entry Event Processor does not run again.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCorrecting Journal Entry Errors Containing Entry Events with Suspense Option On

To correct errors for journals with entry events using suspense journal option, make sure that you indicate on the Journal Source - Journal Options page, the Ledgers For A Unit - Journal Edit Options page, or the General Ledger - Journal Options page that you want the system to generate a suspense journal line for each journal line with errors that can be suspended as well as the out-of-balance situation.

When you enter transactions with entry events that are set up to use suspense journals, if the original entry event journal line contains an error, its amount is set to 0 and the system creates a suspense line that inherits the entry event code to support intra/interunit entry event process steps. However, Entry Event Processor skips to process the original entry event journal line as well as its edit suspense line. For non-intra/interunit journal, since the original entry event journal is out-of-balance, the system also creates a balance suspense line. When a journal line with entry event goes to suspense, the entry event has no effect on this line.

The entry event field is a display-only field on the Journal Suspense Correction page. When you correct the suspense journal using this page, be sure to correct the amount or ChartField error on the lines with entry event codes, and put the entry event offset account and other ChartFields on the balance suspense line that doesn't have the entry event code. When you run the Journal Edit process on the correction journal, the Entry Event Processor does not run for this correction journal.

Note. If the error occurs when the Entry Event Processor runs, the journal header status indicates that an error occurred. This prevents journal processing until you resolve the entry event problem.

See Also

Correcting Journal Errors

Processing Journals

Defining Common Journal Definitions

Linking Ledgers to a Ledger Group

Reviewing Entry Event Accounting

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDrilling Down to Entry Event Accounting

You can:

See Also

Defining Journal Generator Template Defaults

Reviewing Entry Event Accounting