(IND) Processing Customs, Excise Duties, Sales Tax, and VAT for India

This chapter provides overviews of Indian excise duties, customs duty processing, customs duty calculation, procure-to-pay and order-to-cash transactions with excise duties, sales tax and VAT, and discusses how to:

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Indian Excise Duties

PeopleSoft calculates Indian excise duties, a tax levied on goods manufactured or produced in India. PeopleSoft calculates the excise duty, creates excise invoices, records nonrecoverable excise duty, maintains the excise registers, and posts the accounting entries to record excise duties.

Based on the criteria entered on the transaction, the system determines if excise duty is applicable and calculates the tax. The tax is applied directly to the transaction or on a corresponding excise invoice. PeopleSoft applies Indian excise duty if necessary when:

In addition, excise duties can be adjusted to reflect adjustments made to the inventory stocked in an Indian factory, such as price adjustments, stock returned by customers, stock returned to vendors, stock quantity adjustments, and other transactions affecting price and stock quantity.

PeopleSoft captures the excise duty for interunit transfer moves of stock from one Indian factory to another factory located in a different Indian tax location through the shipping excise invoice.

Note. The Intercompany Transfers/InterUnit Billing feature does not support excise duty, sales tax, or VAT.

PeopleSoft creates:

After the system calculates excise duty for the excise invoice, it updates the tax registers with each transaction’s excise duty information. PeopleSoft updates the following tax registers:

Accounting entries are created and posted into PeopleSoft accounting records to record the excise duty obligations. The accounting entries for excise taxes are stored in the EXD_ACCTG_LINE record. To process these accounting entries into your general ledger system, map the Journal Generator Template to pick up the relevant fields in this table.

See Also

(IND) Determining and Calculating Excise Duty, Sales Tax, VAT, and Customs Duty

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Customs Duty Processing

PeopleSoft enables you to record customs duties for imports into India. Customs duties are recorded on the following transactions:

See Also

(IND) Setting Up Excise Duty, Customs Duty, Sales Tax, and VAT

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Customs Duty Calculation

To record customs duties, you must first define tax components, tax dependency codes, tax calculation codes, and set up the tax determination. After you have set up your customs duties structure, the system will calculate and record customs duties.

Methods for Calculating Customs Duties

For each customs duty component you define the method to use for calculating customs duties. Define the calculation method on the Tax Calculation Code page. Three methods exist for customs duties:


The customs duty is a percentage of the customs duty assessable value of the item.

Customs duty assessable value is the total of:

  • CIF value of item in local currency.

    This is the sum of total FOB item value, freight, insurance, and other charges.

  • Landing charges.

    This is 1 percent of the CIF item value. The user can change this amount on the BOE.

  • Any previously applied customs duties.


The customs duty is a flat amount. Enter the flat amount to be applied to the PO schedule line in the Tax Amount field on the Tax Calculation Code page.


The customs duty is a unit price multiplied by the number of units. Enter the unit price in the Tax Amount field on the Tax Calculation Code page. To calculate the customs duty, the system multiplies the tax amount by the item quantity on the transaction.

Applying Customs Duties to the PO

The system applies the customs duty tax calculation code to the correct purchase order schedule line by using the tax determination and the tax calculation.

Recoverable and Nonrecoverable Customs Duties

Each customs duty can be split into the recoverable and nonrecoverable parts based on the recoverable tax percentage defined on the Tax Calculation Code page for the customs duty. The recoverable portion is posted to an expense account. The system calculates the nonrecoverable percentage by subtracting the recoverable percent from 100 percent. The nonrecoverable portion is added as a landed cost to the item’s inventory value in Inventory. For example, if the item value is 10,000 INR, the tax rate percentage is 3 percent, and the recoverable tax percentage is 90 percent, then the 30 INR is applied to the cost of the item in inventory, as follows: (10,000 INR * .03) * .10 = 30 INR. When you record the related voucher for customs duties in Payables, any change in the nonrecoverable customs duty can be applied to the item cost using PeopleSoft’s landed cost feature.

Multiple customs duty components can be applied to the item’s cost as a lump sum or individually by using one or more cost elements for customs duties.

See Also

Setting Up the Customs Duties Foundation

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Procure-to-Pay Transactions with Excise Duties, Sales Taxes, and VAT

In the procure-to-pay business process, excise duties are payable on the local purchase of excisable materials. Sales taxes and VAT are payable on the purchase of taxable goods and are payable to the vendor of the goods.

In the procure-to-pay business process, excise duties are always calculated first, followed by sales taxes or VAT. For sales tax or VAT, the base amount includes the basic value and all excise duties. In addition to the base amount, miscellaneous charges and previously calculated sales tax or VAT amounts can also be included in the calculation.

See Also

Setting Up the Sales Tax/VAT Structure

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Order-to-Cash Transactions with Excise Duties and Sales Taxes

In the order-to-cash business process, the tax transaction type determines if excise duties, sales taxes, or VAT are applicable on the sales order in Order Management. Excise duties are always calculated first, followed by sales taxes or VAT, and they are calculated at the order schedule level.

When inventory stock is shipped to fulfill a sales order, excise duties are calculated and posted for the item using a shipping excise invoice in Inventory. During the Populate Billing process, excise duty, sales tax, and VAT information is passed to the Billing Interface only when there is an excise invoice created for shipping lines.

In Billing, final taxes are calculated and printed on invoices. Billing creates accounting entries for the taxes and passes excise duties, sales tax, and VAT information to Receivables.

You can create return material authorization (RMA) activity in Order Management by referring to sales order history. For this activity, Billing copies all tax parameters from the original invoice when creating the adjustment invoice activity. RMA activity can also be created without reference to sales order history. In this case, Billing determines the tax rules and calculates the taxes.

You can enter and calculate excise, sales taxes, and VAT directly in Receivables or pass them to Receivables for transactions interfaced from Billing.

See Also

(IND) Excise Duty, Sales Tax, and VAT Processing for India

Calculating India Excise, Sales Tax, and VAT in PeopleSoft Billing

Processing Indian Taxes for Sales Orders and Quotes

Setting Up the Organizational Structure

Click to jump to parent topicCreating Excise Adjustments

The excise adjustment feature enables you to adjust the values stored in your registers and create adjusting accounting entries.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Excise Adjustments

Excise adjustments are to be carried out based on internal documents like the shipping ID documents, shipping excise invoices, or any external document like the vendor excise invoice. The reasons to use excise adjustments include:

Adding or Updating an Excise Adjustment

Excise adjustments are recorded by:

  1. Entering the adjustment on the Excise Adjustments page.

    1. Identify the adjustment by excise adjustment type.

    2. The excise invoice status must be New to update the adjustment.

    3. Enter excise tax information for your adjustment or enter the appropriate parameters such as business unit, customer, vendor, date, and item; then click the Calculate Tax button to perform the tax determination and tax calculation processes.

      The results are displayed in the Adjustment Line Tax Information section of the page. You can override any information on the line.

    4. Based on the excise adjustment type and register, the relevant ChartFields for excise adjustment can be determined from the Tax Location - ChartFields page.

  2. Saving the Excise Adjustment page generates an excise adjustment with a unique adjustment excise number based on the excise document number series defined for this excise transaction type.

    Upon saving, the header and line information (for both item and tax) are stored in the excise adjustment tables (EXD_ADJ_HDR, EXD_ADJ_LINE, and EXD_ADJ_LN_TAX).

  3. Running the Register Update process for excise adjustment updates the tax registers for the item quantities and amounts.

    Selecting the Excise Invoice Posting check box also records accounting entries for these adjustments. The following registers can be updated:

Recording the Adjustment on the Excise Adjustment Page

An excise adjustment type identifies each adjustment. Based on the excise register selected, the system determines the excise adjustment types to display on the Excise Adjustment page for selection. After the source transaction has been selected, then excise taxes can be calculated and the excise adjustment transaction can be created.

Excise Adjustment Types


Capital Goods CENVAT (CAP)

Recording excise duty for capital goods bought in the previous year.

Daily Stock Account (QTY)

Adjusting the quantity of finished goods in the Daily Stock Account register. Only the quantities can be adjusted, not the amounts. Quantities may need to be adjusted for numerous reasons including RMA or excise invoice cancellations.

Inventory Adjustments (INV)

Manually adjusting for reversal of excise duty on account of inventory counts, scrapping materials during manufacturing (input materials, semi-finished materials, and finished goods), yield loss quantity in manufacturing, or other reasons.

Other Transaction (OTH)

Recording the cancellation of any excise invoice or recording miscellaneous adjustments to excise duty.

PLA Register Deposit (PLD)

Manually adjusting the PLA register for any deposit to the PLA account. No accounting entries are recorded. Payables records the payment and its accounting entries.

PLA Register Update (PLA)

Manually correcting any previous entries made to the PLA register.

Price Adjustment Dispatch (PAD)

Increasing or decreasing excise duty due to a price increase or decrease to a previous shipping excise invoice sent to customer or business unit.

Price Adjustment Purchase (PAP)

Increasing or decreasing excise duty due to a price increase or decrease from a vendor based on a previous internal vendor excise invoice.

Return Material Authorization (RMA)

Manually reversing the excise duty when the customer returns items. This adjustment reverses the excise duty recorded in the registers and posted as accounting entries by the originating shipping excise invoice. In Billing, the RMA Adjustment process creates an adjustment bill to reverse the product costs and excise duty recorded.

In other words, although Billing will refund the customer for any excise duty paid, this information will not flow through to the registers. You must enter an excise adjustment to record the refund in the tax registers.

Return to Vendor (RTV)

Manually reversing the excise duty when items are returned to the vendor. This adjustment reverses the excise duty recorded in the registers and posted as accounting entries by the originating internal vendor excise invoice. In Payables, the RTV functionality reverses the excise duty recorded on the voucher.

Sub Contracting (SUB)

Decreasing the excise duty payable for subcontracted goods. On the Tax Location - Excise Group page, enter the number of days past due for a subcontractor to return subcontracted items. When the subcontractor exceeds this number of days, enter an excise adjustment to reverse the excise duty payable.

Increasing the excise duty payable for subcontracted goods. In the period when the subcontractor delivers overdue items, create a second excise adjustment to increase the excise duty payable.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Create Excise Adjustments

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Excise Adjustment


Excise and Sales Tax/VAT IND, Excise Adjustments

Enter excise adjustments to increase or decrease quantities and amounts in the following tax registers: PLA register, Daily Stock Account, CENVAT Value Register - Raw Material, and CENVAT Value Register - Capital Goods. Accounting entries are created based on the adjustment entered.

Excise Adjustment


Excise and Sales Tax/VAT IND, Excise Adjustments. Enter Personal Ledger Account in the Excise Register field.

Enter excise adjustments to increase or decrease amounts in the PLA register.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicMaking Excise Adjustments

Access the Excise Adjustment page.

Search Criteria

For all adjustments, the following information must be entered:

Organization Code

Defines registration details for the organization.

Tax Location Code

Identifies the manufacturer’s location of excisable goods.

Excise Register

Enter the tax register that you want to adjust. You cannot add adjustments for the Qty Register - Capital Goods, Qty Register - Raw Material, or CENVAT Register - CG Onhold registers. An error message displays. You can add adjustments for the following registers:

CENVAT Register - Raw Material

CENVAT Register - Capital Goods

Daily Stock Account

Personal Ledger Account

Excise Document Number Series

Enter the excise document number series to create a unique excise invoice number for this transaction. Use a number series created using the excise transaction type of Manual.

Adjustment Excise Invoice Nbr (adjustment excise invoice number)

Displays the excise invoice number assigned to this excise adjustment. The system derives the number from the excise document number series and the tax location code defined above. The system looks at the tax location to identify the format for the document number, such as prefix and length. If you select the Overwrite Allowed check box on the Excise Document Number Series page, then the user can add the invoice number. If the overwrite option has not been selected, the Excise Invoice Number field displays NEXT until the excise adjustment is saved.

Depending on the entries at the top of the page, different fields appear in the header and line details sections of this page and the system performs different validations.

Adjustment Header

Adjustment Date

Enter the date of the adjustment. This field displays if you are adjusting the Daily Stock Account, CENVAT Value Register - Raw Material, or CENVAT Value Register - Capital Goods.

Reason Code

Select a reason code for this adjustment.

Excise Adjustment Type

An excise adjustment type identifies each adjustment. This field displays if you are adjusting the Daily Stock Account, CENVAT Register - Raw Material, or CENVAT Register - Capital Goods.

See the above section, Creating Excise Adjustments, Recording the Adjustment on the Excise Adjustment Page.

Inc/Dec (Increase/Decrease)

If the value is Increase, then the selected register is credited with the excise duty value. If the value is Decrease, then the selected register is debited with the excise duty value. Based on the excise register displayed in the search criteria section at the top of this page, your options for this field will be limited.

(PLA register only) No accounting entries are created when the PLA adjustment direction is Increase; for example, when the Excise Adjustment Type is PLD. An increase means that the accounting will flow through from Payables. The adjustment will not be picked up by the Accounting Line Creation process. Only decrease transactions will result in accounting lines (when the excise adjustment type is PLA).

Posting Date

Enter the date to be used for posting accounting entries. This date is recorded in the PLA register as the excise invoice date. It is compared to the CENVAT as of date used on the Register Update process and the Online CENVAT Utilization page. If you want to use a particular deposit to clear the CENVAT due on shipping excise invoices, verify that your posting date is on or before the CENVAT As of Date used on the Register Update process and the Online CENVAT Utilization page.

Excise Invoice Status

Displays the status of the adjustment. The values are:

New: The adjustment is available for update and has not yet been processed by the Register Update process.

Ready: The adjustment has been processed by the Register Update process but has not been posted. The adjustment cannot be updated, only displayed.

Posted: The adjustment has been processed by the Register Update process and has been posted. The adjustment cannot be updated, only displayed.

Adjustment Line

For adjustments to the Daily Stock Account, CENVAT Value - Raw Materials, and CENVAT Value - Capital Goods registers, the following fields are available:

Excise Source Document

Enter the original document number for the transaction that you are adjusting. For RMAs, enter the RMA document number. The system does not validate the entry. If the excise adjustment type is OTH (other) then this field is unavailable

Excise Source Document Date

Enter the date of the original source document.

BU Type

Indicate whether the inventory unit (IN) or the purchasing unit (PO) should be used to derive the general ledger business unit for creating accounting entries. No other options are available besides IN or PO.

Business Unit

Identify the business unit based on the BU Type field. Your entry is validated against the BU Tax Applicability page. This value is used to derive the general ledger business unit for posting accounting entries.

Item/Product ID

Identifies if the user is entering an item or product in the following field.


This field displays if you enter Item in the Item/Product ID field. Enter a valid item ID.


This field displays if you enter Product in the Item/Product ID field. Enter a valid product ID.


The disposition quantity of the item or product.

Use Assessable Value

Select to use the assessable value defined on the Item Defn Tax Applicability page or the Product Tax Applicability page. Use only for CENVAT Value registers for raw material/capital goods.

Tax Transaction Type

Defines the type of transaction for excise duty, sales tax, and VAT purposes. Options are:

  • Direct Export With Bond

  • Direct Export Without Bond

  • Direct Import

  • Domestic

  • Local Export With Bond

  • Local Export Without Bond

  • Local Import

Tax Rate Code

Enter the tax calculation code from the source document.

Tax Item Type

Displays the type of item to be adjusted. The options are Raw Material, Capital Goods, or Finished Goods. The tax item type defaults from the item or product ID entered and cannot be overridden. If no item or product ID has been entered, then the user can manually enter in the tax item type.

Trading Partner Type

Enter the type of trading partner entered in the Trading Partner ID field. The valid options are V (vendor) or C (customer).

Trading Partner ID

If no item ID has been entered on this adjustment page, you can enter a customer ID or vendor ID in this field to successfully complete the tax determination process.

Vendor Location

If the trading partner is a vendor, enter the vendor location code.

Address Sequence Number

If the trading partner is a customer, enter the customer’s address sequence number.

Tax Amount

The total excise duty amount.

Tax Base Amount

For adjustments to the Daily Stock Account register, enter the extended price. For adjustments to the PLA register, enter the adjustment or deposit amount. For adjustments to the CENVAT Raw Material or CENVAT Capital Goods registers, enter the value on which tax is to be calculated or the assessable value (if the assessable value field is selected).

Calculate Tax

Click to initiate the tax determination and tax calculation processes for excise duty.

Adjustment Line Tax Information

The bottom portion of this page displays the tax calculations for the adjustment line displayed above. When you save the page or click the Calculate Tax button, the results of tax determination and tax calculations are displayed in this section. The user can override the following values or enter values when tax calculation is not performed.

Tax Component Code

Codes established for each tax.

Calculation Scheme

Displays the default calculation scheme associated with the selected tax component code. You can override this value. Values are:

Amount: Ad hoc amount-based tax calculation.

Percentage: Percentage-based tax calculation. This is the default value.

Quantity: Quantity-based tax calculation.

Tax Rate Percent

If the Calculation Scheme field value is set to Percentage, this field displays the percentage to be applied against the taxable amount.

Recovery Percentage

The percentage of the total excise duty that is expected to be recovered from the customer. This percentage is entered in the Recoverable Tax Pct field of the Tax Calculation Code page.

Tax Rate UOM (tax rate unit of measure)

If you are using the quantity calculation scheme, enter the unit of measure for the quantity tax rate.

Tax Rate Amount

If you are using the amount calculation scheme, enter the actual amount of excise duty.

Tax Base Amount

This is the base amount used to calculate excise duty, sales taxes, and VAT when the calculation scheme is Percentage. This is calculated in tax location currency (reporting currency).

Tax Amount Reporting

The total excise duty, sales tax, and VAT amount, expressed in the reporting currency.

Reporting Recovery Amount

The recoverable portion of the excise duty amount, expressed in the reporting currency.

Non Recovery Reporting Amount

The nonrecoverable portion of the excise duty amount, expressed in the reporting currency.

Adjustment Line

For adjustments to the PLA register, the following fields are available:

Challan Document

Enter the challan number for PLD adjustments. For example, if you are adjusting the PLA register to record a payment into the PLA account, enter the TR6 Challan number that accompanied the payment.

Excise Source Document

Enter the type of source document for PLA or PLD adjustments.

Excise Source Document Date

Enter the date of the source document for PLA or PLD adjustments.

Payment Document Number

Enter the document number of the source document. If you are adjusting the PLA register to record a payment into the PLA account, enter the accounting entry document number used to remit the payment to the bank.

Payment Date

If you are adjusting the PLA register to record a payment into the PLA account, enter the date of the PLA payment document date.

Deposit Date

Enter the PLA deposit date.

Payment Method

Enter the type of payment made with your PLA deposit. Options are: CC (credit card), CHK (check), CSH (cash), DR (draft), DD (direct deposit), LTC (letter of credit), or EFT (electronic funds transfer).

Tax Amount

Enter the payment amount.

Click to jump to parent topicUpdating Registers and Creating Accounting Entries

The internal vendor excise invoice, shipping excise invoice, and excise adjustment determine and calculate the excise duty for receipts, shipments, and adjustments. The internal vendor excise invoice also records customs duties for imported items. The next step is to post the excise duty or customs duty information into the registers and create accounting entries for the duties. This is accomplished by the Register Update process. This process includes several subprocesses. Based on the type of excise invoice, different subprocesses are used to record excise duty or customs duty information.

Internal vendor excise invoices and customs duties are processed by:

Excise adjustments are processed by:

Shipping excise invoices are processed by:

Note. For shipping excise invoices, the CENVAT Utilization subprocess can be replaced (for a small number of invoices) with the Online CENVAT Utilization page where you can manually allocate the CENVAT credit. Before manual allocation, the Register Update process must be used to process the invoices through the Excise Quantity Register Update subprocess. After manual allocation, the Register Update process must be used to process the invoices through the Excise Invoice Posting subprocess.

See Also

(IND) Creating Shipping Excise Invoices for India

Creating Excise Adjustments

Creating Internal Vendor Excise Invoices Against a BOE

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPage Used to Update Registers and Create Accounting Entries

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Register Update


Excise and Sales Tax/VAT IND, Register Update

Adjust item quantities and amounts in the tax registers and create the corresponding accounting entries for shipping excise invoices, internal vendor excise invoices, and excise adjustments.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUsing the Excise Quantity Register Update Process

The Excise Quantity Register Update process applies to all types of excise invoices (shipping, vendor, and adjustment). This process records the item quantities from each transaction line into the quantity registers that must be maintained for India excise duty. The registers to be updated vary by the type of excise invoice, as follows:

When the Excise Quantity Register Update process is complete, the Quantity Register flag on the Excise Invoice table is updated for shipping excise invoices and internal vendor excise invoices.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUsing the CENVAT Utilization Process

The CENVAT Utilization process allocates the amount of excise duty due on shipped items to the Cenvat Value - Raw Materials, Cenvat Value - Capital Goods, and PLA registers. (The amount of excise duty payable is calculated when the shipping excise invoice is created.) This process offsets the excise duty payable for items shipped from the factory (using sales orders and interunit transfers) against the cash deposits in the PLA register and the input of raw materials and capital goods into the CENVAT Value - Raw Materials and Cenvat Value - Capital Goods registers. Run this process fortnightly or whenever you need to apply CENVAT credit to your shipping excise invoices. You can also apply CENVAT credit to a selected few shipping excise invoices using the Online CENVAT Utilization page.

The CENVAT Utilization process retrieves lines from the shipping excise invoice and then allocates the total excise duty payable for all items in the shipping excise invoice by:

  1. Verifying the CENVAT Value - Raw Material register has an active status for the tax location assigned to the sending Inventory business unit.

    The process then checks for sufficient amounts to cover the excise duty payable in this register. If there are enough funds, the CENVAT Value - Raw Material register is updated for the excise duty payable by creating an entry in the value register table (EXD_RG23_AC2) with a unique serial number and the duty payable amount.

  2. If the CENVAT Value - Raw Material register has insufficient balance to cover the entire excise duty payable amount, then the process checks the CENVAT Value - Capital Goods register.

    After verifying the CENVAT Value - Capital Goods register has an active status for the tax location assigned to the sending Inventory business unit, the system checks the amount in the register. If there is enough funds between CENVAT Value - Raw Material and CENVAT Value - Capital Goods registers, then the funds in CENVAT Value - Raw Material are used first and then the remainder is drawn from the CENVAT Value - Capital Goods register. For each register, a line is inserted in the value register table (EXD_RG23_AC2) with a unique serial number and the duty payable amount.

  3. If the combined funds of the CENVAT Value - Raw Material and the CENVAT Value - Capital Goods registers are not enough to cover the excise duty payable amount, then the process verifies the active status of the PLA register (for the tax location assigned to the sending Inventory business unit) and checks the current funds in that register.

    If the sum of the CENVAT Value - Raw Material, CENVAT Value - Capital Goods, and PLA registers are sufficient to cover the duty payable amount then the funds are drawn from the CENVAT Value - Raw Material register until funds are exhausted, then funds are pulled from the CENVAT Value - Capital Goods register until funds are exhausted, and the remainder is drawn from the PLA register. For each register, a line is inserted in the value register table (EXD_RG23_AC2) and the PLA register table (EXD_REG_PLA) with a unique serial number and the duty payable amount.

  4. If the sum of the CENVAT Value - Raw Material, CENVAT Value - Capital Goods, and PLA registers is not sufficient to cover the excise duty payable amount, then the registers are not updated.

    The process creates a message in the message log of this process run. This message provides the excise invoice number and line for the user to get the details of the shipping excise invoice, including the duty payable for each line and the total duty payable for the Shipping ID.

When CENVAT Utilization process is completed successfully, the CENVAT Utilization flag on the Excise Invoice table is updated.

Note. The CENVAT Utilization subprocess can be replaced (for a small number of invoices) with the Online CENVAT Utilization page where you can manually allocate the CENVAT credit. This enables you to allocate the CENVAT credit in a different sequence and in different amounts than stated above for the CENVAT Utilization process. Before manual allocation, the Register Update process must be used to process the invoices through the Excise Quantity Register Update subprocess. After manual allocation, the Register Update process must be used to process the invoices through the Excise Invoice Posting subprocess.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUsing the Value Register Update Process

The Value Register Update process updates the tax registers with the monetary amounts of excise taxes or customs duties included in:

Internal vendor excise invoices

These incoming purchases represent a future amount payable to the Indian government due when the finished goods are shipped. The internal vendor excise invoice includes either excise duties or customs duties. Excise duties are applied to goods manufactured or produced in India. Customs duties are applied to good imported into India. The Value Register Update process retrieves the excise duty or customs duty amounts from the internal vendor excise invoices and inserts the amounts into the CENVAT Value - Raw Material or CENVAT Value - Capital Goods registers.

For purchases to be stored in inventory: If the Inventory business unit is attached to a tax location defined as a factory and the item tax type is raw materials (RM), then the excise duty or customs duty amounts are inserted into the CENVAT Value - Raw Material register.

For purchases to be stored in asset management: If the item tax type is capital goods (C) then the excise duty or customs duty amounts are split between the CENVAT on Capital Goods account and the CENVAT Hold on Capital Goods account. This split is based on the CENVAT % on Capital Goods field on the Tax Location page. These two lines are inserted into the CENVAT Value - Capital Goods register.

Excise Adjustments

These adjustments represent various changes to your excise duty payable such as CENVAT payments, return material authorizations (RMA), return to vendor transactions (RTV), and inventory adjustment transactions. The Value Register Update uses the information on the excise adjustment to determine the adjustment to the excise duty amount in the Daily Stock Account, CENVAT Value - Raw Material, or CENVAT Value - Capital Goods registers.

The value register update process can be run after the Excise Quantity Register Update process has been successfully completed. When the Value Register Update process is complete, the Value Register flag on the Excise Invoice table is updated.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUsing the Excise Invoice Posting Process

This process creates accounting entries to record the excise and customs duties included in the Indian excise registers.

Note. For internal vendor excise invoices of imported items, the process credits the CENVAT Clearing Imports ACD account and debits the CENVAT on Raw Materials, CENVAT on Capital Goods, and CENVAT Hold on Capital Goods accounts. The CENVAT accounts are the ChartField combinations listed on the Tax Location - ChartFields page by Excise Account Type

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicRunning the Register Update Process

Access the Register Update page.

Excise Invoice Source

Select the type of excise invoice. Your options are:

Shipping Excise Invoice: Enables you to run the Excise Quantity Reg Update to update register quantities, the CENVAT Utilization to allocate register amounts, and the Excise Invoice Posting to create accounting entries.

Vendor Excise Invoice: Enables you to run the Excise Quantity Reg Update to update register quantities, the Value Register Update to update register amounts, and the Excise Invoice Posting to create accounting entries.

Excise Invoice Adjustment: You must run the Excise Quantity Reg Update to update register quantities and the Value Register Update to update register amounts. You can also run the Excise Invoice Posting to create accounting entries.

Excise Quantity Reg Update

Select to update the item quantities in the tax registers. This process applies to shipping excise invoices, internal vendor excise invoices, and excise adjustments.

CENVAT Utilization

Select to allocate the monetary amounts from shipments in the CENVAT Value - Raw Material, CENVAT Value - Capital Goods, and the PLA registers. This process applies only to shipping excise invoices.

CENVAT As of Date

Enter a date to select transactions for the CENVAT utilization process. All available shipping excise invoices with a header date on or before this date are selected. The default is the current system date. This date cannot be greater than the system date or less than the CENVAT As of Date of any previous Register Update processes.

Value Register Update

Select to update the monetary amounts in the tax registers. This process applies to internal vendor excise invoices and excise adjustments.

Excise Invoice Posting

Select to create the necessary accounting entries to record excise duties and customs duties transactions inserted in the tax registers. This process applies to shipping excise invoices, internal vendor excise invoices, and excise adjustments.

Organization Code

Defines registration details for the organization.

Tax Location Code

Identifies the manufacturer’s location of excise applicable goods. The selection is limited to the tax location codes defined for the organization code entered on this page.

Excise Document Series

Enter the excise document number series used for the transactions.

From Invoice Number and To Invoice Number

(Optional) Enter the range of excise invoice numbers for the excise invoices that you want to process.

Note. The Register Update process does not run if the tax location specified on the run control ID is currently locked. A tax location is locked if another Register Update run control is currently processing the Value Register Update subprocess or the CENVAT Utilization subprocess using this tax location. The tax location is also locked if it is currently being used on the Online CENVAT Utilization page.

Click to jump to parent topicApplying CENVAT Using Online Pages

This section discusses how to:

The online CENVAT utilization feature enables you to review all shipping excise invoices not yet processed by the CENVAT Utilization process and manually apply the CENVAT credit from the Cenvat Value - Raw Materials register, Cenvat Value - Capital Goods register, or the PLA register. The credit can be applied in any order needed, for example, you can take part or all of the credit from the PLA register without exhausting the Credit Value registers first. The system default is to exhaust the Cenvat Value registers before using the PLA register.

To use Online CENVAT Utilization page, the shipping excise invoice must have:

The Online CENVAT Utilization page is designed to supplement the CENVAT Utilization process included on the Register Update page. For large numbers of shipping excise invoices, the CENVAT Utilization process should be used. The online page should be used for exceptions and process a smaller volume of invoices. Performance could degrade if large volumes of invoices are used on the Online CENVAT Utilization page.

Once you have allocated CENVAT using the Online CENVAT Utilization page, be sure to run the Register Update run control for the related shipping excise invoices with the Excise Invoice Posting process selected. This creates and posts the necessary accounting entries.

In the course of doing business, the new tax location CENVAT utilization tracking table, as well as related tables like the shipping excise tables and register records can get fairly large. To conserve database space, it is recommended that the transaction data be purged after it is no longer needed with regard to government regulations and business requirements.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Apply CENVAT Online

Page Name

Object Name



Online CENVAT Utilization


Excise and Sales Tax/VAT IND, Online CENVAT Utilization

For specified shipping excise invoices, review the CENVAT due and the CENVAT credit to be applied by the system, then enter any manual changes to the CENVAT credit applied.

Unlock Tax Location


Excise and Sales Tax/VAT IND, Unlock Tax Location Records

Displays all tax locations that are currently locked by the system for CENVAT utilization. You can unlock a tax location using this page. Security should be applied to this page to restrict access to system administrators.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicApplying CENVAT Credit Online

Access the Online CENVAT Utilization page.

When you first enter this page, the system calculates the credit available and the suggested utilization from each register. You can clear any of the excise shipping invoices and change the credit used.

Organization Code

(required) Defines registration details for the organization.

Tax Location Code

(required) Identifies the manufacturer’s location of excise applicable goods. The selection is limited to the tax location codes defined for the organization code entered on this page. Enter an active tax location code that is not locked. A tax location is locked if it is currently in use by the CENVAT Utilization process or another Online CENVAT Utilization page.

Excise Document Nbr Series (excise document number series)

(required) Enter the excise document number series that is valid for the shipping excise invoices that you want to display.

From Invoice Number and To Invoice Number

Enter a range of shipping excise invoices to limit your selection. The system displays all shipping excise invoices that have successfully completed the Excise Quantity Register Update process, have at least one line that has not completed the CENVAT Utilization process, has at least one line with no excise amount applied, and the invoice header status is Ready.

CENVAT As of Date

(required) Enter the as of date. The system displays all unprocessed shipping excise invoices with the same or earlier header date. Shipping excise invoices that have been processed by the CENVAT Utilization process or another Online CENVAT Utilization page are unavailable. The CENVAT As of Date cannot be greater than the system date or earlier than the date used on a previous Online CENVAT Utilization page.

Excise Transaction Type

Identifies the type of transaction for Indian tax purposes.

Excise Curr Rptg (excise reporting currency)

Displays the excise reporting currency. All values are expressed in this currency.

Display Detailed CENVAT Info (display detailed CENVAT information)

Select to display the Cenvat Value - Raw Materials register separate from the Cenvat Value-Capital Goods register. This enables you to apply the credit used for each register. If this check box is cleared, the credit available and credit used for both registers are combined for display and allocation purposes.

Total Excise Credit Avail

Displays the total excise credit available in all registers, Cenvat Value - Raw Materials, Cenvat Value-Capital Goods, and PLA registers. This value is calculated by the system when you enter the page.

Raw Materials Credit Avail and Capital Goods Credit Avail

Displays the credit available in this Cenvat Value register. This field only displays if you selected the Display Detailed CENVAT Info check box.

Total CENVAT Credit Avail

Displays the credit available in both the Cenvat Value - Raw Materials register and the Cenvat Value-Capital Goods register. This field only displays if you did not select the Display Detailed CENVAT Info check box.

PLA Register Credit Avail

Displays the excise credit available in the PLA register. This value is calculated by the system when you enter the page.

Total Excise Due

Displays the total excise due for the selected invoices.

Raw Materials Credit Used and Capital Goods Credit Used

Review or change the credit used for this Cenvat Value register. The suggested utilization is calculated when you enter the page. This field only displays if you selected the Display Detailed CENVAT Info check box.

Total CENVAT Credit Used

Review or change the credit used in both the Cenvat Value - Raw Materials register and the Cenvat Value - Capital Goods register. The suggested utilization is calculated when you enter the page. This field only displays if you did not select the Display Detailed CENVAT Info check box.

PLA Credit Used

Review or change the credit used in the PLA register. The suggested utilization is calculated by the system when you enter the page.

Click the Recalculate CENVAT Utilization button to calculate the excise duty needed for each shipping excise invoice and to validate the entries in the credit used fields. The credit used from each register cannot exceed the available credit for that register. For example, if the PLA Register Credit Available field displays 15,000 then the value in the PLA Credit Used field cannot exceed 15,000. If the credit used fields are blank then the system calculates amounts.

Invoice Details


Clear this check box to remove the shipping excise invoice from the online CENVAT utilization process. The system defaults to selecting all shipping excise invoices retrieved by your search criteria.


Click this link to view the shipping excise invoice in display mode.

Invoice Created

Displays the shipping excise invoice date.

Total Excise Duty

Displays the total excise duty (CENVAT) needed to clear this excise shipping invoice.

Amount 1 to Amount 6

Enter up to six tax component code amounts for a particular tax rate code. These columns display based on the number of tax component codes defined.

Initiating the Online CENVAT Utilization

Once you have finished allocating CENVAT credit across the registers, click the Save button to:

  1. Lock tax location to prevent other users from adjusting the same tax location.

    If the system is unable to get a lock on the tax location then an error message is displayed and your changes are not recorded. You must try again when the tax location is unlocked.

  2. Validate that the shipping excise invoices have not been changed by another user.

    If another user has made changes between the time the invoice was first displayed on this page and the Save button was clicked, then an error message is displayed and your changes are not recorded.

  3. Recalculate the CENVAT due for each shipping excise invoice line.

  4. Validate the entries in the credit used fields against the available credit. The credit used from each register cannot exceed the available credit for that register. For example, if the PLA Register Credit Available field displays 15,000 then the value in the PLA Credit Used field cannot exceed 15,000. If the credit available is insufficient to cover the excise due, then an error message is displayed and your changes are not recorded.

  5. The system displays a message asking the user to confirm that the Cenvat Value and PLA registers should be updated with this information.

    Select Yes to write your changes into the tax registers, unlock the tax location, and update the table for online CENVAT utilization.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnlocking Tax Locations

Access the Unlock Tax Location page.

This page displays all tax locations that are currently locked by the system. A tax location is locked if it is currently in use by:

Locking the tax location code prevents users from accessing the same shipping excise invoices on another Online CENVAT Utilization page. Due to power failures or user error, a tax location may get stuck in the locked status. Use this page to unlock tax locations that are not currently being used by the CENVAT Utilization process or the Online CENVAT Utilization page.

Use the Select check box to select the tax location to be unlocked, then click the Unlock Org Tax Locations button. A warning message displays. The unlock feature should only be used if you are certain that there are no Register Update processes running. Balance integrity issues could occur if tax locations are unlocked in error. Save the page to unlock the tax location.

Warning! Security should be applied to this page to prevent general user access. Only system administrators should use this page.

Click to jump to parent topicRecording Accounting Entries for Excise Duties and Customs Duties

The Excise Invoice Posting subprocess creates the accounting entries needed to record excise duties and customs duties. These accounting entries are stored in the EXD_ACCTG_LINE record.

Note. To process these accounting entries into your general ledger system, the Journal Generator Template should be mapped to pick up the relevant fields in EXD_ACCTG_LINE table.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicRecording Accounting for Internal Vendor Excise Invoices

For the internal vendor excise invoices, the Excise Invoice Posting subprocess creates accounting entries for the CENVAT Value - Raw Material register (for raw materials) and the CENVAT Value - Capital Goods register (for capital goods). Run this subprocess using the Register Update process page. Once the Excise Invoice Posting subprocess creates the accounting entries, the new details of posting date and accounting document reference are stored in the internal excise invoice table.

This subprocess retrieves each receipt line from the internal vendor excise invoice table and performs the following validations before posting:

The internal vendor excise invoice includes either excise duties or customs duties. Excise duties are applied to goods manufactured or produced in India. Customs duties are applied to good imported into India.

Excise Duties

The Excise Invoice Posting subprocess records the excise taxes for each receipt by crediting the CENVAT Clearing account and debiting the appropriate CENVAT account. The CENVAT accounts are the ChartField combinations listed on the Tax Location - ChartFields page by Excise Account Type.


Tax Type

Excise Account Type to Debit

Excise Account Type to Credit



R (raw materials)

CENVAT on Raw Materials

CENVAT Clearing account

CENVAT Value - Raw Material

C (capital goods)

CENVAT on Capital Goods


CENVAT Hold on Capital Goods

(Split based on percentage in Tax Location - Excise Group page)

CENVAT Clearing account

CENVAT Value - Capital Goods

Customs Duties

The Excise Invoice Posting subprocess records customs duties instead of excise taxes for each receipt from an imported item by crediting the CENVAT Clearing Imports ACD account and debiting the appropriate CENVAT account. The CENVAT accounts are the ChartField combinations listed on the Tax Location - ChartFields page by Excise Account Type.


Tax Type

Excise Account Type to Debit

Excise Account Type to Credit



R (raw materials)

CENVAT on Raw Materials

CENVAT Clearing Imports ACD account

CENVAT Value - Raw Material

C (capital goods)

CENVAT on Capital Goods


CENVAT Hold on Capital Goods

(Split based on percentage in Tax Location - Excise Group page)

CENVAT Clearing Imports ACD account

CENVAT Value - Capital Goods

Calculating CENVAT on Capital Goods

The amount of excise taxes or customs duties from the receipt of capital goods is split between the CENVAT on Capital Goods account and the CENVAT Hold on Capital Goods account based on the percentage located on the Tax Location - Excise Group page in the CENVAT % on Capital Goods field. The CENVAT on Capital Goods amount is derived by applying the percentage to the total excise duty or customs duty for the item. The remainder is applied to the CENVAT Hold on Capital Goods account.

The amount in the CENVAT Hold account is moved into the CENVAT on Capital Goods account in the subsequent year. Record this adjustment at the beginning of the subsequent year by entering a manual adjustment using the Excise Adjustment page.

See Also

Creating Internal Vendor Excise Invoices Against a BOE

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicRecording Accounting for Shipping Excise Invoices

For the shipping excise invoices, the Excise Invoice Posting subprocess creates accounting entries for the excise registers. Shipping excise invoices include shipments from Inventory business units to customers (based on a sales order) or interunit transfers to another Inventory business unit in a different tax location (based on an interunit material stock request). The Excise Invoice Posting subprocess can be run using the Register Update process page. The shipping excise invoice must have a status of Ready before posting is done. After the Excise Invoice Posting subprocess has created the accounting entries, the internal excise invoice table is updated with the details of posting date and accounting document reference.

The Excise Invoice Posting subprocess records the excise tax for each shipping excise invoice by crediting or debiting the appropriate CENVAT account. The CENVAT accounts are the ChartField combinations listed on the Tax Location - ChartFields page by Excise Account Type assigned to the Tax Location relevant to the sending Inventory business unit. The accounting entries are allocated to CENVAT accounts based on the allocation by the CENVAT Utilization process of the total excise duty payable amount. The following excise account types are used:

Excise Account Type to Debit

Excise Account Type to Credit



Excise Duty Expenses


Cenvat on Raw Materials

CENVAT Value - Raw Material


Cenvat on Capital Goods

CENVAT Value - Capital Goods


PLA Account


See Also

Creating Internal Vendor Excise Invoices for BOE Transactions

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicRecording Accounting for Excise Adjustments

For the excise adjustment invoices, the Excise Invoice Posting subprocess creates accounting entries for the PLA, CENVAT Value - Raw Material, and CENVAT Value - Capital Goods registers. This subprocess can be run using the Register Update process page. After the Excise Invoice Posting subprocess creates the accounting entries, the internal excise invoice table is updated with the details of posting date and accounting document reference.

The Excise Invoice Posting subprocess records the excise tax for each adjustment by debiting and crediting the appropriate CENVAT accounts. The CENVAT accounts are the ChartField combinations listed on the Tax Location - ChartFields page by Excise Account Type. ChartField combinations for excise adjustments are determined based on the excise adjustment type code, register to be updated, item tax type, and increase/decrease indicator. The following table displays the excise account type for each combination:

Excise Adj Type

Register to update

Item Tax Type



Excise Account Type to Debit

Excise Account Type to Credit

Return Material Authorization

CENVAT Value - Raw Material

R or F

Increase (no decreases allowed for RMA’s)

Cenvat on Raw Materials

Cenvat Clearing

Return to Vendor

CENVAT Value - Raw Material

R or F


(No increases allowed for RTVs)

Cenvat Clearing

Cenvat on Raw Materials

Return to Vendor

CENVAT Value - Capital Goods



(No increases allowed for RTVs)

Cenvat Clearing

Cenvat on Capital Goods

Inventory Adjustments

CENVAT Value - Raw Material

R or F


(No increases allowed for INAs)

Excise Duty Expenses

Cenvat on Raw Materials

Price Adjustment Dispatch

CENVAT Value - Raw Material



(No increases allowed for PADs)

Excise Duty Expenses

Cenvat on Raw Materials

Price Adjustment Dispatch

Daily Stock Account



(No increases allowed for PADs)

No Accounting

No Accounting

Price Adjustment Dispatch

CENVAT Value - Capital Goods



(No increases allowed for PADs)

Excise Duty Expenses

Cenvat on Capital Goods

Price Adjustment Purchase

CENVAT Value - Raw Material

R or F


Cenvat on Raw Materials

Cenvat Clearing

Price Adjustment Purchase

CENVAT Value - Raw Material

R or F


Cenvat Clearing

Cenvat on Raw Materials

Price Adjustment Purchase

CENVAT Value - Capital Goods



Cenvat on Capital Goods

Cenvat Clearing

Price Adjustment Purchase

CENVAT Value - Capital Goods



Cenvat Clearing

Cenvat on Capital Goods

Capital Goods - CENVAT

CENVAT Value - Capital Goods



Cenvat on Capital Goods

Cenvat on Hold Capital Goods

Capital Goods - CENVAT

CENVAT Value - Capital Goods



Cenvat on Hold Capital Goods

Cenvat on Capital Goods


CENVAT Value - Raw Material

R or F


Cenvat on Raw Materials

Cenvat Hold on Sub Contracting


CENVAT Value - Raw Material

R or F


Cenvat Hold on Sub Contracting

Cenvat on Raw Materials


CENVAT Value - Capital Goods



Cenvat on Capital Goods

Cenvat Hold on Sub Contracting


CENVAT Value - Capital Goods



Cenvat Hold on Sub Contracting

Cenvat on Capital Goods

PLA Register Deposit




No accounting entry. Entry from AP

No accounting entry. Entry from AP

PLA Register Update




Excise Duty Expense

PLA Account


CENVAT Value - Raw Material

Not applicable


Cenvat on Raw Materials

Excise Duty Expense


CENVAT Value - Raw Material

Not applicable


Excise Duty Expense

Cenvat on Raw Materials


CENVAT Value - Capital Goods

Not applicable


Cenvat on Capital Goods

Excise Duty Expense


CENVAT Value - Capital Goods

Not applicable


Excise Duty Expense

Cenvat on Capital Goods

Applying CENVAT Hold on Capital Goods

The CENVAT on Hold is moved into the CENVAT on Capital Goods account in the subsequent year. Record this adjustment at the beginning of the subsequent year by entering a manual adjustment using the Excise Adjustment page.

For Return to Vendor Transactions

When items are returned to vendor, use the Excise Adjustment page to record the return. This entry reverses the accounting entry recorded when the items were received using the internal vendor excise invoice. The system uses existing RTV functionality to reverse voucher accounting entries. When an express issue is made against the RTV voucher for inventory depletion, no update is necessary for the Quantity register. The excise invoice is printed for dispatch of items to vendor without accounting entries.

For Return Material Authorization Transactions

No excise duty is calculated on the RMA Form. Create an excise adjustment to reverse the excise duty posted by the originating shipping excise invoice. The existing RMA adjust process creates an adjustment bill in Billing to reverse the product costs and excise duty recorded.


No accounting entries are created by the Excise Invoice Posting process when you enter an excise adjustment to update the PLA register for payment (increase) to your PLA account. Instead, Payables records the payment and its accounting entries.

See Also

Setting Up for Journal Generator

Using the CENVAT Utilization Process

Defining Excise Account Type ChartFields

Click to jump to parent topicReporting on Tax Register Information

The Register Abstract process extracts information from the tax registers and stores the data in abstract tables.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Tax Register Information

You can use the abstract tables to create customized reports or queries for monthly, quarterly, or annual reporting requirements. The abstract records created include:

Abstract Record

Source Record

Date Extracted



This extract table is populated with summarized data from the Daily Stock Account Register (RG 1). This data can be used in the monthly reporting of transactions as per statutory format.



This extract table contains a summary of transactions from the PLA register. The extract includes all computation values pertaining to the PLA register for all transactions except excise adjustments.



This extract table contains a summary of transactions from the CENVAT Register - Raw Material and CENVAT Register - Capital Goods registers. The extract includes all computation values pertaining to these registers for all transactions except excise adjustments.

The primary purpose of the abstract table is to generate the monthly and quarterly returns prescribed by the Indian authority.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Report on Tax Register Information

Page Name

Object Name



Register Abstract


Excise and Sales Tax/VAT IND, Register Abstract

Extract information from the tax registers into extract tables where you can report on the data using customized reports or queries.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicRunning the Register Abstract Process

Access the Register Abstract page.

Excise Quantity Register Abstract

Select to extract item quantities from the tax registers.

Excise PLA Register Abstract

Select to extract data from the PLA register.

Excise CENVAT Register Abstract

Select to extract data from the CENVAT Value - Raw Material and CENVAT Value - Capital Goods registers.

Tax Location Code

Identify the manufacturer’s location of excisable goods. The selection is limited to the tax location codes defined for the organization code entered on this page

From Date and To Date

Enter a time period to extract data from the registers. The To Date cannot be greater than the current date.

Click to jump to parent topicUsing Sales Tax and VAT Form Tracking

To use sales tax and VAT form tracking, you must first use the Form Name component (STX_FORM_NAME) and the Form Code component (STX_FORM_CODE) to identify and group the necessary declaration forms.

This section provides an overview of sales tax form tracking and discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Sales Tax and VAT Form Tracking

There are three types of taxes recorded for India, central sales tax (CST), local sales tax (LST), and Value Added Tax (VAT). The central sales tax is levied on interstate sales or purchases and the local sales tax or VAT is levied on intrastate sales or purchases, depending on the tax regime followed by the state. PeopleSoft records all three types of taxes.

The PeopleSoft form tracking feature marks your transactions with the appropriate sales tax or VAT declaration form and populates the Tax Form Register with these transactions. Form tracking is required for:

To set up tax form tracking:

  1. Identify each tax declaration form for your organization using the Form Name page.

  2. Group the form names into form codes.

    A transaction can be subject to different types of tax forms. Use the Form Code page to group several declaration forms together for tracking purposes.

  3. Attach the form codes to the appropriate tax codes using the Tax Calculation Code page.

    Attach the InterUnit form codes to the appropriate tax authority using the Tax Authority page.

Tax declaration forms are tracked through the business process as follows:

  1. When you create a transaction where Indian sales tax or VAT is applicable, the tax determination and tax calculation processes will determine the tax form codes for the transactions.

  2. Run the Forms Tracking Extract process to retrieve tax form tracking data from the source transactions and copy it into the Tax Form Register (STX_FORM_REGSTR) record.

  3. Use the Form Maintenance page to update or cancel information (such as a form number and form date) in the Tax Form Register table.

    You can also use the Form Maintenance page to delete tax forms or transactions.

  4. Use the Form Audit page to review previously cancelled forms.

Two tables store the tracking information for tax forms receivable and issuable:

See Also

Setting Up the Sales Tax/VAT Structure

Tax Calculation Code Default Hierarchy

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used for Tax Form Tracking

Page Name

Object Name



Form Name


Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Common Definitions, Excise and Sales Tax/VAT IND, Form Name

Define tax declaration forms in your system.

Form Code


Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Common Definitions, Excise and Sales Tax/VAT IND, Form Code

Define form codes, which are groupings of form names. Form codes are assigned to tax calculation codes. When a tax calculation code is associated with a transaction, the form code helps determine the applicable forms for the transaction for form tracking purposes.

Form Maintenance


Excise and Sales Tax/VAT IND, Form Maintenance

This page enables you to attach multiple transactions to a tax declaration form, to delete transactions when no tax declaration form is needed, or to cancel the attachment of a transaction to a form.

Form Audit


Excise and Sales Tax IND/VAT, Form Audit

This page enables you to review previously entered information for transactions whose attachment to a form got cancelled.

Forms Tracking


Excise and Sales Tax/VAT IND, Form Tracking Extract

This process updates the Tax Form Register (STX_FORM_REGSTR) with data from completed transactions that have been recorded with tax form codes.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUsing the Form Maintenance Page

Access the Form Maintenance page.

Use this page to maintain the tax forms and transactions included in the Tax Form Register table. This page can:

Form Source

Select the source of the transactions to retrieve. The options are:

Bill Finalization: Invoiced bills from Billing’s transaction tables.

IUT Goods Receipt: Receipts of interunit stock transfers (that are not intercompany transfers) from Inventory transaction tables.

AP Voucher: Posted vouchers from Payable’s transaction tables.

AR Items: Posted items from Receivables transaction table.

IUT Shipping: Depleted interunit stock transfers (that are not intercompany transfers) from Inventory shipping transaction table.

Business Unit

Enter the business unit of the transactions to be displayed on the page.

Transaction ID

The unique ID number attached to the transaction. Your selection in the Form Source field dictates this value to be the invoice ID, receipt ID, voucher ID, item ID, or shipping ID of the transaction.

Customer/Vendor ID

Enter the customer ID or vendor ID of the transactions to be displayed.

Tax Authority

Enter the tax authority code from which you want to retrieve associated transactions.

Form Name

Enter the form name to identify the tax declaration form of the transaction/form.

Form Direction

Enter the direction of the forms that you issued or received. The options are:

B to S: Buyer to Seller.

S to B: Seller to Buyer.

From Date and To Date

Enter a date range for the transactions to be retrieved and displayed at the bottom of this page.


Select the action:

Update: Enables you to fetch transactions with a form status of Open. The selected transactions can be updated with the form number and form date. When you enter the form number and date for a selected transaction, then the form status becomes Closed and the system updates the data in the STX_FORM_REGSTR table.

Delete: The selected transactions can be updated with a status of Deleted and are not available for any further processing.

Review: The selected transactions can be reviewed but not changed. Review transactions with any status (Open, Closed, or Deleted).

Cancel: Enables you to change a transaction with a Closed form status back to an Open status.

Form Date

The date of the tax declaration form.

Form Number

The number of the tax declaration form.

Update by Line

Select this button to retrieve based on your search criteria forms or transactions previously extracted from the transaction tables. The results display at the bottom of this page where you can edit or review the data.

Form Maintentance Transaction - Transaction Information Tab


Select to edit the current row.

Form Status

Displays the current status of the transaction or tax form.

Transaction Date

The date of the transaction displayed.

Transaction Amount

The amount of the transaction line displayed.

Form Date

Display or enter the date of the tax form for the transaction.

Form Number

Display or enter the tax declaration form number for the transaction.

Form Maintenance Transaction - Additional Information Tab

Tax Form Code

Displays the form code containing one or more tax form names.

See Also

Setting Up the Sales Tax/VAT Structure

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUsing the Form Audit page

Access the Form Audit page.

Use this page to review previously entered information (for example, form number and form date) for transactions whose attachment to a form got cancelled.


Similar to the Form Maintenance page, you can enter your selection criteria. Select the button to display the corresponding forms at the bottom of the page for your review.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUsing the Tax Forms Tracking Extract Process

Access the Forms Tracking page.

This process updates the Tax Form Register (STX_FORM_REGSTR) with the information from transactions required for tracking tax forms. Only transactions with a tax form code are copied to the Tax Form Register. The tax form code is applied to the transaction by the tax determination and tax calculation processes.

Bill Finalization

Select to update this table with invoiced bills from Billing transaction tables. The Bill Finalization and Printing and Create accounting entries processes must be successfully run before bills from the billing tables are copied to the Tax Form Register table.

AR Open Items

Select to update this table with posted items from Receivables transaction tables. The Receivable Update process must be successfully run before items are copied to the Tax Form Register table.

AP Voucher Flag

Select to update this table with posted vouchers from Payables transaction tables. The Voucher Posting process must be successfully run before vouchers are copied to the Tax Form Register table.

IUT Goods Receipt

Select to update this table with receipts of interunit stock transfers (that are not intercompany transfers) from Inventory transaction tables. The Complete Putaway process must be successfully run before receipts are copied to the Tax Form Register table.

IUT Shipping Flag

Select to update this table with depleted interunit transfers (that are not intercompany transfers) from Inventory shipping transaction tables. The Depletion process must be successfully run before shipments are copied to the Tax Form Register table.

See Also

Generating Invoices

Integrating with Receivables, General Ledger, and Accounts Payable

Setting Up the Sales Tax/VAT Structure

Running Voucher and Payment Posting

Preparing Putaway Plans

Running the Deplete On Hand Qty Process