Structuring Landed Costs

This chapter provides an overview of landed costs and discusses how to:

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Landed Costs

The cost of obtaining inventory stock includes more than just the material costs of the items. Landed costs include all of the charges that are associated with getting items into a warehouse and available for use or sale, including material, subcontracted services, freight, insurance, duty, taxes, and handling charges. This chapter discusses how to handle all of the landed costs.

PeopleSoft's landed costs feature calculates and accounts for the total landed cost by recording the variances for the difference between the actual invoiced cost and estimated purchase order (PO) cost for:

  1. Material costs of the item.

  2. Subcontracted services that are included in a production ID in PeopleSoft Manufacturing. This only applied to subcontracted services using actual cost accounting.

  3. Other miscellaneous landed costs, such as freight, insurance, duty, taxes, and handling charges.

    Note. PeopleSoft's landed cost feature can be used to record the non-recoverable portion of excise duty, customs duty, and sales tax for India.

These variances can be applied to the system by updating the item's cost (for actual and average cost items) or updating a variance account (for standard cost items).

PeopleSoft's landed costs feature:

Consigned items can be set up as landed cost items. When the consigned item is consumed, then the system transacts all accrued landed cost charges.

Note. To use the complete landed cost feature, you must have PeopleSoft Cost Management, PeopleSoft Purchasing, PeopleSoft Inventory, and PeopleSoft Payables installed. To update subcontracted services to actual costs, you must also have PeopleSoft Manufacturing installed and use a cost profile for actual cost.

Click to jump to parent topicSetting Up Miscellaneous Landed Costs

Miscellaneous landed costs include costs of obtaining the item, such as freight, insurance, duty, taxes, and handling charges. In order to record miscellaneous landed costs, you must first define several factors. You must decide how to categorize and identify landed costs by using cost elements and miscellaneous charge codes. You can set up the conditions that the system uses to automatically apply miscellaneous landed costs to POs. You must establish how the various miscellaneous landed costs are calculated and prorated to receipt and voucher distribution lines.

To set up miscellaneous landed costs:

  1. (Optional) For reporting purposes, you can group similar landed costs together to make reports more readable to users. Use the Landed Cost Group page to create groups for landed costs. For example, air freight and ocean freight components might be grouped into a single freight cost group.

  2. Create cost elements with the cost category of landed. Cost elements enable you to account for and report on different types of costs. This enables you to accurately identify each different type of miscellaneous landed costs. Use the Cost Elements page to create cost elements. A landed cost element can be made up of one or many miscellaneous charge codes.

  3. Define miscellaneous charge codes (also know as cost components) to define miscellaneous landed costs along with the attributes that identify how and when the landed costs are to be applied, calculated, and prorated. Use the Misc Charge/Landed Cost Definition page to define miscellaneous charge codes. Define which cost element the miscellaneous charge will summarize into.

  4. (Optional) If you plan to applying several miscellaneous charge codes to a single PO line, then consider using the landed cost template to group all the related charge codes together and apply them as a group. This feature enables you to quickly apply charge codes and track relationships for future changes to the structure. Use the Misc Chg/Landed Cost Template page to define different collections of miscellaneous charge codes.

  5. (Optional) You may tell the system when to apply the miscellaneous charge codes or landed cost templates to a PO. This is done by identifying the properties that must exist on a PO in order to apply the charge codes. Use the Miscellaneous Charges - Miscellaneous page to associate templates or charge codes and specific charge amounts for any combination of item category, item ID, vendor ID, vendor location code, ship-to ID, and purchasing business unit. When one of these item/category/vendor combinations is included on a PO, the system applies the template or charge code, and then calculates and prorates the estimated landed costs to the PO schedule line.

  6. (Optional) For items that you wish to define a standard cost profile to be used for analytical purposes.

Note. If you do not need to update landed costs to actual amounts because the estimated costs are accurate, then include the landed costs by using the Additional Costs by Items page. Apply the estimated landed costs to the item by simplifying entering the costs by cost element on the Additional Costs by Items page. This method does not update inventory values or create variance when the voucher is processed.

See Also

Defining the Cost Foundation for Makeable Items

Using Standard Costing for Purchased Items

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Define Miscellaneous Landed Costs

Page Name

Object Name



Landed Cost Group


Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Product Related, Cost Accounting, Landed Cost Groups, Landed Cost Group

Aggregate landed cost charges into cost groups for reporting purposes.

Cost Elements


Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Product Related, Cost Accounting, Cost Elements

Use to categorize the different components of an item's landed costs.

Misc Charge/Landed Cost Defn

(miscellaneous charge/landed cost definition)


Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Product Related, Procurement Options, Charges/Costs, Misc Charge/Landed Cost Defn

Define miscellaneous charges, including landed costs, to be applied to POs.

Misc Chg/Landed Cost Template

(miscellaneous charge/landed cost template)


Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Product Related, Procurement Options, Charges/Costs, Misc Chrg/Landed Cost Template, Misc Chg/Landed Cost Template

Define different collections of landed cost charge codes that you can apply to groups of purchased material.

Miscellaneous Charges - Miscellaneous


Items, Define Items and Attributes, Miscellaneous Charges, Miscellaneous

Enter the criteria for applying miscellaneous charge codes or landed cost templates to POs.

Miscellaneous Charges Selection


Select the Selection Criteria link on the Miscellaneous Charges - Miscellaneous page.

Enter the criteria for the miscellaneous charges to appear on the Miscellaneous Charges - Miscellaneous page.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUsing the Landed Cost Group Page

To create landed cost groups, use the Landed Cost Group (CM_LC_GROUP_GBL) component.

Access the Landed Cost Group page.

For reporting purposes, you can group similar miscellaneous landed costs together to make reports more readable to users. Use the Landed Cost Group page to create groups for landed costs. By setID, enter a group ID and a description. As you define miscellaneous charge codes on the Misc Charge/Landed Cost Definition page, enter the related landed cost group ID. Set the parameters of the reports to view the information by cost group.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCreating Cost Elements

Access the Cost Elements page.

Cost elements are used for more than landed cost charges. They identify and categorize all the different components of an item's cost and also define the debit and credit ChartField combinations for accounting entries. Cost elements enable you to report and record costs in different categories. For landed costs, you create one or more cost elements for reporting. When setting up a cost element for landed costs, you must identify its category as landed.

See Also

Using the Cost Elements Page

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Miscellaneous Charge Codes

To define miscellaneous charge codes, use the Misc Charge/Landed Cost Defn component (CM_LC_COMPONENT).

Access the Misc Charge/Landed Cost Defn page.

This page is used to identify both miscellaneous charges and miscellaneous landed cost charges. Landed costs charges are prorated to the PO distribution lines, receipt distribution lines, and voucher lines. A landed cost can be from the merchandise vendor or a third-party vendor.

If you select the Accrue Charge check box, then the estimated landed costs for that miscellaneous charge code are included in inventory value at putaway. If you do not select the Accrue Charge check box, the system waits for the actual landed costs (recorded on the matched and posted voucher) and then records the actual landed costs in an expense account. The non-accrued charges are not included in the inventory value.

Note. PeopleSoft's landed cost feature can be used to record the non-recoverable portion of excise duty, customs duty, and sales tax for India. Define a miscellaneous charge code by using the VAT input non-recoverable type and selecting the Prorate and Landed Cost Component options. The non-recoverable portion is recorded in the item value.

See Also

Setting Up Miscellaneous Charges and Landed Costs

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUsing Landed Cost Templates

To create a landed cost template, use the Misc Chg/Landed Cost Template component (CM_LC_TEMPLATE).

Access the Misc Chg/Landed Cost Template page.

If you plan to apply several miscellaneous charge codes to a single PO or PO line, then consider using the landed cost template to group all of the related charge codes together. You can apply them as a group to the Miscellaneous Charges - Miscellaneous page or directly to the PO by using the Header - Miscellaneous page or the Schedule-Miscellaneous Charges page. This feature enables you to quickly apply charge codes and track relationships for future changes to the structure. Use the Misc Chg/Landed Cost Template page to define different collections of miscellaneous charge codes.

See Also

Defining Miscellaneous Charges and Landed Costs

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDesigning Charge Codes to be Applied to Your POs

Access the Miscellaneous Charges - Miscellaneous page.

In order to have the system automatically populate the POs with the correct miscellaneous charge codes and charge amounts; you must design a series of parameter combinations. When a PO is entered that matches the combination of parameters that you define, the assigned charge code or template is used.

You can set up default miscellaneous charges that are automatically calculated based on these combinations, where level one overrides level two, and so on:


Miscellaneous Charge Hierarchy Criteria


Item, vendor, purchasing business unit, and ship to location. (INV_ITEM_ID, VENDOR_ID, BUSINESS_UNIT, and SHIPTO_ID)


Item, vendor, and purchasing business unit. (INV_ITEM_ID, VENDOR_ID, and BUSINESS_UNIT; and no SHIPTO_ID)


Item and vendor. (INV_ITEM_ID and VENDOR_ID; and no BUSINESS_UNIT nor SHIPTO_ID)




Category, vendor, purchasing business unit, and ship to location. (CATEGORY_ID, VENDOR_ID, BUSINESS_UNIT, and SHIPTO_ID; and no INV_ITEM_ID)


Category, vendor, and purchasing business unit. (CATEGORY_ID, VENDOR_ID, and BUSINESS_UNIT; and no INV_ITEM_ID nor SHIPTO_ID)


Category and vendor. (CATEGORY_ID and VENDOR_ID; and no INV_ITEM_ID, SHIPTO_ID, nor BUSINESS_UNIT)



For example, you can set up miscellaneous charges that are automatically calculated on the PO when a certain item is ordered from a particular vendor, for a particular purchasing business unit, and for a specific ship to location of the business unit. You can also set up a miscellaneous charge that is automatically calculated for a particular item.

Only one Miscellaneous Charges - Miscellaneous page combination is used for each charge code. If you define the same charge code at multiple levels, the system uses the Miscellaneous Charges - Miscellaneous page at the most specific level of detail. However, you can define more than one charge code. For example, if you define a miscellaneous charge named shipping for an item (level 4), and also for the category (level 8) that the item belongs to, only the charge that is defined for the item is used. The miscellaneous charge that is defined for the category is only used for items that do not have a miscellaneous charge that is specifically defined for them. However, if you define one charge code (shipping) at the item level and another charge code (handling) at the category/vendor/Purchasing business unit/ship to location, then the PO picks up both the handling and shipping charges.

Template ID

If you want to apply a template of miscellaneous charges, select the template ID. Miscellaneous charge templates are set up on the Misc Chg/Landed Cost Template page.

Misc Chg (miscellaneous charge)

The miscellaneous charge code. If you want to apply a miscellaneous charge code, select the charge code ID. Miscellaneous charge codes are set up on the Misc Charge/Landed Cost Definition page.

Calc Method (calculation method)

Select the method that you want to use to calculate this charge. The default comes from the Misc Charge/Landed Cost Defn page. Choose from these options:

FL (flat amount): The charge is a flat amount that you enter in the Amount field.

FR (free): No charge is to be applied.

UNT (per unit amount): Calculate the charge based on the number of items on the PO line.

VAL (percent of value): Calculate the charge based on a percentage of the material value.

VOL (rate based on volume): Calculate the charge based on the total volume for the PO line.

WT (rate based on weight): Calculate the charge based on the total weight for the PO line.

UOM (unit of measure)

The unit of measure, for volume or weight, depending on the choice that you made in the Calc Method field.

Unit Price

The per unit amount of the charge.

Value %

If the miscellaneous charge is a percentage of the unit price, this is the percentage of the charge.


The fixed order amount of the miscellaneous charge. You can define both a unit price and an amount if the calculation method is UNT, VOL, or WT.


The currency of the miscellaneous charge.

Alloc Method (allocation method)

Select the method to allocate the miscellaneous charge. The default comes from the Misc Charge/Landed Cost Defn page. Options are:

Matl Value (material value): Allocates the charges based on the value of the items on each selected line.

Quantity: Allocates the charges based on the quantity of items on each selected line.

Volume: Allocates the charges based on the volume of the items on each selected line.

Weight: Allocates the charges based on the weight of the items on each selected line.

Merch Vendor (merchandise vendor)

The Merch Vendor option setting appears by default from the miscellaneous charge's purchasing attributes on the Misc Charge/Landed Cost Defn page. You can override the setting here as necessary. If you select this option, charges are paid to the PO vendor. If you do not select this option, you can use the Vendor and vendor Location fields to designate a third-party vendor.

RTV Credit (return to vendor credit)

Select this check box if you can receive credit from the vendor for these miscellaneous charges if the items are returned. This check box is only active if the merchandise vendor is selected.

Selection Criteria

Click to access the Miscellaneous Charges Selection page, where you enter the criteria for the miscellaneous charges to appear on the Miscellaneous Charges page.

Miscellaneous Charges Selection Page

Access the Miscellaneous Charges Selection page.

Enter criteria in each field to narrow the search. For example, if you enter only a setID, then all the miscellaneous charges that are set up on the Miscellaneous Charges - Miscellaneous page for that setID are retrieved. If you enter a setID and an item, then all the miscellaneous charges that are set up for that item in that setID are retrieved.

Enter the maximum number of rows that you want to retrieve in the Max Rows field.

See Also

Capturing Item Miscellaneous Charges

Click to jump to parent topicRecording Estimated Landed Costs

The PO and receipt in PeopleSoft Purchasing use an estimated cost. The actual cost is not known until the invoice (voucher) is received and processed in PeopleSoft Payables.


Estimated landed costs appear by default on the purchase order:

Material Costs

The PO price for material costs is derived from the PeopleSoft Purchasing system's pricing structure.

Subcontracted Services

The cost of subcontracted services is derived from the item routing of the production ID. In PeopleSoft Manufacturing, when part or all of the manufacturing process is done by an outside vendor, you need to generate POs for the production IDs with subcontracted operations. Using the Select Subcontract Prdn for PO page in PeopleSoft Manufacturing, you select one or more production IDs, production areas, or item IDs for which to generate POs for subcontracted operations. When you run the Select Subcontract Prdn for PO (SFS5000) process, the system automatically transfers the subcontracted operations information for PO creation to PeopleSoft Purchasing, including the production ID information for which the outside processing must be done as well as the operation sequence that is associated with the outside operation. PeopleSoft Purchasing creates the PO by using the information from the production ID. The Inventory business unit that is used for manufacturing is populated to the PO line. Only one distribution line is allowed for the subcontracted item.

Miscellaneous Landed Costs

Other miscellaneous landed costs are placed on the PO by adding miscellaneous charge codes. Miscellaneous charge codes can be applied to the PO:

  • Automatically: Enter a PO, if any Miscellaneous Charges - Miscellaneous page has the same combination of item category, item ID, vendor ID, vendor location code, ship-to ID, and purchasing business unit, then the charge codes or templates that are defined are placed on the PO. The system then calculates and prorates the estimated landed costs to the PO schedule.

  • Manually add to the PO Header: Attach the miscellaneous charge codes or landed cost templates directly to a PO by using the Header - Miscellaneous page. Use the PO Form: Miscellaneous page to select the miscellaneous charge codes and the lines to which they apply. The system then calculates and prorates the estimated landed costs to the PO schedule.

  • Manually add to the PO Schedule: Attach the miscellaneous charge codes or landed cost templates directly to a PO schedule by using the Schedule-Miscellaneous Charges page. You can also view the landed cost charges that appear by default from the Header - Miscellaneous page and the Miscellaneous Charges - Miscellaneous page.

In all cases, the PO prices can be manually altered before dispatch.

For further information about POs, see PeopleSoft Purchasing PeopleBook, “Creating Purchase Orders Online.”

See Creating Purchase Orders Online.


When the merchandise is received in PeopleSoft Purchasing, the material and other landed cost charges from the PO schedule are copied onto the receipt distribution line. A completed receipt in PeopleSoft Purchasing populates the records, RECV_LN_DISTRIB, RECV_LN_DIST_LC and RECV_LN_SHIP_LC, which are used later by the Landed Cost Extract process to pass data to PeopleSoft Cost Management by using the CM_MATCHED_COST record. For subcontracted services, the production ID information is copied to the receipt line and distribution line. For miscellaneous landed costs, the selection in the Accrue Charge check box on the Misc Charge/Landed Cost Definition page determines if the estimated landed costs are included in the inventory value at putaway or included in expense accounts when they are invoiced.

Once the receipt is recorded in PeopleSoft Purchasing, use the putaway processes in PeopleSoft Inventory to store the item into inventory and record the material and other landed costs.

For subcontracted services, enter the receipt on the Subcontracted Receipt page to complete the subcontracted operation of the production ID. The system records the estimated PO cost or the standard cost, depending on the cost profile of the end item, as a debit to Work in Process (WIP).

See Also

Receiving Shipments

Receiving and Putting Away Stock


Applying Miscellaneous Charges To Purchase Order Lines

Defining Miscellaneous Charges and Landed Costs

Entering Schedule Miscellaneous Charges

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Record Estimated Landed Costs

Page Name

Object Name



Maintain Purchase Order- Header Misc. Charges


Purchasing, Purchase Orders, Add/Update POs, Maintain Purchase Order. Select the Header Misc. Charges value in the Go To field.

Apply miscellaneous charges that you add on the Header - Miscellaneous Charges page to the lines of the PO.

Header - Miscellaneous Charges


Click the Miscellaneous Charges link on the Maintain Purchase Order- Header Misc. Charges page.

Enter the miscellaneous charges that you want to allocate to some or all of the lines on the PO using the Maintain Purchase Order- Header Misc. Charges page.

Schedule - Miscellaneous Charges


Purchasing, Purchase Orders, Add/Update POs, Maintain Purchase Order. Click the Schedule button on the Lines group box. Click the Miscellaneous Charges button

Change miscellaneous charges on this schedule.

Click to jump to parent topicRecording Actual Landed Costs

The actual landed costs are recorded on the voucher in PeopleSoft Payables. Landed costs (material, subcontracted services, and other miscellaneous landed costs) can be recorded on regular vouchers, adjustment or reversal vouchers, or third-party vouchers. A merchandise voucher must be matched and posted and a third-party voucher must be posted before their actual landed costs can be passed to PeopleSoft Cost Management.

In PeopleSoft Payables, miscellaneous charges can be attached to vouchers as non-merchandise and non-recoverable VAT charges. These non-merchandise charges are freight, sales tax, use tax and miscellaneous charges.

Note. For excise duty, customs duty, and sales tax for India, you must enter the receipt ID on the associated voucher line in order to adjust the inventory value to the actual cost of these charges. Once this voucher (recorded to pay these duties or taxes) is matched and posted in PeopleSoft Payables, the system can calculate and apply any variance between the non-recoverable amount on the voucher and the non-recoverable amount in the item cost.

For further information about recording, matching, and posting vouchers, see PeopleSoft Payables PeopleBook.

See Also

Running the Matching Process

Running Voucher and Payment Posting

Click to jump to parent topicCreating Inventory Adjustments and Variances for Landed Costs

Once the voucher is matched and posted, the actual landed costs can be sent to PeopleSoft Cost Management. The differences between the estimated and actual landed costs are calculated based on the fluctuations in the cost and the exchange rates. These differences can be applied as adjustments to the item cost for actual or average cost items or can be applied as variances to variance accounts for standard cost items.

To calculate landed cost adjustments or variances:

  1. Run the Landed Cost Extract process (LC_EXTRACT) to link the voucher landed costs back to the PO and receipt costs.

    This process retrieves from PeopleSoft Payables the landed costs, including material costs, subcontracted costs, and other miscellaneous landed costs. The miscellaneous landed costs are categorized by the miscellaneous charge codes. Material costs, including subcontracted costs, are categorized by the material cost element. The vouchered costs are recorded into the CM_MATCHED_COST table.

  2. Review and correct in exceptions from the Landed Cost Extract process.

  3. As needed, manually close any receipt lines or charges that are not fully matched or fully matched but not within the miscellaneous charge code tolerances.

  4. For subcontracted services, run the Production Close process (SFS1100) to set the production ID to closed for accounting.

  5. Run the Transaction Costing process (CM_COSTING) to calculate the variances and cost adjustments. This process is run from the Cost Accounting Creation process page. For actual and average costed items that are produced in PeopleSoft Manufacturing, the Transaction Costing process can calculate the variances for subcontracted services between PO costs and voucher costs.

  6. Run the Accounting Line Creation process (CM_ALC) to create accounting entries to record the variances and cost adjustments. This process is run from the Cost Accounting Creation process page.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Create Adjustments and Variances for Landed Costs

Page Name

Object Name



Landed Cost Extract


Accounts Payable, Batch Processes, Extracts and Loads, Extract Landed Cost, Landed Cost Extract

This application engine process retrieves landed cost data from vouchers, POs and receivers, and passes the data to PeopleSoft Cost Management.

Landed Cost Extraction-Messages


Accounts Payable, Batch Processes, Extracts and Loads, Extract Landed Cost, Messages

View error messages that are associated with previous landed cost extraction requests.

Landed Cost Extract Exceptions


Accounts Payable, Review Accounts Payable Info, Interfaces, Landed Cost Extract Exceptions, Landed Cost Extract Exceptions

View exceptions from the Landed Cost Extract process.

LC Manual Close (landed cost manual close)


Purchasing, Receipts, Close Landed Costs, LC Manual Close

View and enter details about landed costs that are applied to a receipt and the vouchers that are created to pay for them. Use this page to perform manual overrides, closing individual or all landed cost lines that are associated with the selected receipt line.

Voucher Details


Select the link in the Misc Chg column on the LC Manual Close page.

View voucher details for the selected landed cost that is applied to the receipt line.

Cost Accounting Creation


Cost Accounting, Inventory and Mfg Accounting, Create Accounting Entries, Cost Accounting Creation

Use this run control process page to calculate the cost of transactions that have not yet been costed (CM_COSTING) and also to create accounting entry lines (CM_ACCTG) for these costed transactions.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicRunning the Landed Cost Extract Process

Access the Landed Cost Extract process page.

The Landed Cost Extraction module links all landed costs from vouchers, POs, and receipts, and passes this data for both material charges and landed cost miscellaneous charges to PeopleSoft Cost Management. The material costs, including subcontracted services, are categorized by the material cost element. The miscellaneous landed cost charges are categorized by the miscellaneous charge codes. This process is separate from the PeopleSoft Payables Matching process (AP_MATCHING), which matches merchandise vouchers with POs or receivers for that merchandise. However, even if you are not using miscellaneous landed costs, you must run this process to pass invoiced material costs to PeopleSoft Cost Management, where the material variances for price and exchange rates are computed and applied.

Note. In order to run Landed Cost Extraction, you must have PeopleSoft Payables, PeopleSoft Purchasing, and PeopleSoft Cost Management installed on the same database. For subcontracted services, you must also have PeopleSoft Manufacturing installed on the same database.

The Landed Cost Extract process does not pass the actual vouchered miscellaneous charges to PeopleSoft Cost Management until all the vouchers are created for the miscellaneous charge codes that are within a particular cost element. This avoids repeated or erroneous changes to the costs within PeopleSoft Cost Management.

Run the Landed Cost Extract process prior to running the Transaction Costing process.

The Landed Cost Extraction program processes inventory items by:

Note. Miscellaneous charges on receipt IDs are not processed through landed cost until they are fully matched for landed cost. The miscellaneous charge is not fully matched for landed until it is within the cost tolerance that is defined for the charge on the Misc Charge/Landed Cost Defn page. Only the low (floor) tolerance is used. The receiver is only fully matched once all associated vouchers are matched to it; it is considered partially matched until then. Partially matched charges are stored on the RECV_LN_DIST_VC record. Fully-matched landed costs are stored in the CM_MATCHED_COST record.

Note. Landed cost supports multicurrency, sales tax, and non recoverable VAT. During voucher processing, the Procurement Accounting Control settings are checked to determine if the charges are set up as landed. If so, they are treated as other landed cost charges by the extract process. You can also have multiple vouchers for each receiver line.

See Also

Processing Landed Cost Transactions

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicReviewing and Correcting the Results of the Landed Cost Extract

When the Landed Cost Extract process is complete:

Correct any exceptions and rerun the Landed Cost Extract process.

See Also

Running the Landed Cost Extract Process

Reviewing Landed Cost Exceptions

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicManually Closing Landed Costs

Access the LC Manual Close page.

Use the LC Manual Close page to manually close receipt lines or charges that will not be fully matched. From this page, you can access a Landed Cost Manual Close-Voucher Detail page displaying all voucher line charges that are allocated to a receipt line charge. The Landed Cost Extract process only passes costs to PeopleSoft Cost Management once miscellaneous charges for cost elements are fully matched. This page lets users manually close charges that are not fully matched.

See Also

Working with Landed Costs on Receipts

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicRunning the Transaction Costing Process for Landed Costs

Access the Cost Accounting Creation process page.

Given the costs that are passed in from the Landed Cost Extract process to the CM_MATCHED_COST and CM_RMATCH_COST records, the Transaction Costing process makes the necessary cost adjustments or variances for the landed costs. The Transaction Costing process is run from the Cost Accounting Creation process page. Calculations include:

  1. For standard cost items, two variances are calculated: purchase price variance (PPV) and exchange rate variance (ERV). Together, the PPV and the ERV make up the total standard cost variance.

    1. The PPV is the difference between the standard cost for the landed cost element and the actual landed costs from the matched, posted, and extracted voucher expressed in the PO exchange rate. Based on the timing of the voucher, the variance could be computed and posted in two parts. If the voucher is not available in the CM_MATCHED_COST record when the Transaction Costing process is run, then the system calculates the difference between the standard cost and the PO price. When the voucher becomes available, then the Transaction Costing process computes the difference between the PO price and the voucher price expressed in the PO exchange rate.

    2. The ERV is the change between the exchange rate for landed costs on the PO and the exchange rate for landed costs on the voucher. This is calculated once the voucher is matched, posted, and extracted to the CM_MATCHED_COST record. An ERV occurs when the invoice for the purchased item is in a different currency than the inventory business unit's currency and the exchange rate between the two currencies changes between the time that you enter the PO and the time that you voucher the invoice.

  2. For actual cost items, a cost adjustment is calculated for the difference between the landed costs on the PO and the landed costs on the voucher (that is matched, posted, and extracted to the CM_MATCHED_COST record). This adjustment includes changes in the exchange rate between the PO and voucher. The Transaction Costing process finds the original putaway (in TRANSACTION_INV) and updates the on-hand inventory stock and depletion records for the adjustment. The adjustment is posted based on the ChartField combinations that are used on the original entries.

  3. For perpetual weighted average items and retroactive perpetual weighted average items, the cost adjustment (difference between PO price and voucher price including the exchange rate difference) are calculated and applied if the Apply Perpetual Average Adj check box is selected on the Cost Accounting Creation process page. The cost adjustment is added to the on-hand inventory stock. If the cost adjustment is based on more item units than are currently in on-hand stock, then the adjustment is proportionally applied to the on-hand inventory stock and the excess is written off to a write-off account.

  4. For periodic weighted average items, the system lets users decide when to perform the calculations on a periodic basis. For the receipts that have been vouchered, the voucher amount is used. On the Cost Accounting Creation process page, select the Apply Perpetual Average Adjs check box to update the perpetual average costs to include price and exchange rate adjustments.

  5. The system maintains a full history of all cost changes that are processed for inventory items.

If you select the Accrue Charge check box on the Misc Charge/Landed Cost Defn page, then the miscellaneous landed costs for that miscellaneous charge code are included in inventory value at putaway. When the difference between the PO and the voucher (both cost and exchange rate) are computed, the differences are handled based on the cost method:

Actual Cost Items

The item’s inventory value is adjusted for the difference, along with all depletions against the receipts.

If you wish to write-off the cost adjustment rather than update the item's value, use the Writeoff PPV and ERV check box on the Cost Profiles page. Select this check box to record any differences between the purchase order price and the vouchered price in an expense account rather than catching up the adjustments with the inventory receipt and depletion transactions.

Average Cost Items

The average cost is adjusted (depending on the run control settings for transaction costing on the Cost Accounting Creation process page) and transactions are recorded to adjust the inventory balance. Depletion transactions are not adjusted.

Standard Cost Items

The item’s inventory value is not adjusted for the difference. Standard cost is used for the item value. The difference between the standard cost, PO price, and voucher is recorded to a variance account using the ChartField combination (accounts) defined in the transaction accounting rules.

If you select the Hold for Final Cost check box on the Cost Profiles page and run the Cost Accounting Creation process for transaction costing in midperiod mode, then the process waits for the matched cost from the invoice to record adjustments to the actual cost items and to record variances for the standard cost items. Costing of receipts and depletions is put on hold until the PO, receipt, and vouchers are matched and in to the CM_MATCHED_COST record, eliminating the need for variances. If you run the Cost Accounting Creation process for transaction costing in Regular mode, all transactions are costed by using the available cost, regardless of this check box setting.

Most vouchers are processed just one time, however, if corrections are necessary the corrected voucher amounts can be extracted and passed to PeopleSoft Cost Management as often as needed. The system is designed to continuously update the costs to the most current information as vouchers are updated.

See Also

Generating Costs for Transaction Records

Calculating and Applying Purchase Price Variance and Exchange Rate Variance

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicRunning the Accounting Line Creation Job for Landed Costs

Access the Cost Accounting Creation process page.

The Accounting Line Creation job records accounting entries for landed cost differences. This process is run from the Cost Accounting Creation process page. This application engine process retrieves the variances that are computed by the Transaction Costing process (also within the Cost Accounting Creation process page) and creates the accounting entries. These results are stored in the CM_ACCTG_LINE table. The Journal Generator process can then create the journal entries to post to the general ledger system.

If you select the Accrue Charge check box on the Misc Charge/Landed Cost Defn page, then the miscellaneous landed costs for that miscellaneous charge code are included in inventory value at putaway. When the variances are computed, the Accounting Line Creation process creates accounting entries to record the variances.

See Also

Creating Accounting Entries

Click to jump to parent topicReviewing Landed Costs

To review landed costs:

  1. Use the Accrued Liability Reconciliation Tool to verify that all differences between the PO costs and the voucher costs are properly accounted for. The entries that are made to this account by PeopleSoft Cost Management should offset the entries that PeopleSoft Payables makes. The reconciliation tool helps identify transactions that are not offsetting for both material costs and other landed costs.

  2. Generate PeopleSoft reports to accurately compare estimated versus actual landed costs, enabling you to better evaluate suppliers. Reports include:

    1. Estimated vs. Actual Landed Costs (CMS3000): Lists variances between the PO's price and the voucher's price for all landed cost components.

    2. Total Purchase Variance (CMS3010): Lists variances between the PO (price and exchange rate) and the voucher (price and exchange rate) for all landed cost components.

    3. Standard Purchase Variance (CMS3020): For standard cost items only, lists the variance between the item's standard cost and the PO price that is recognized at the receipt of the item.

See Also

Reconciling PeopleSoft Cost Management and Payables

PeopleSoft Enterprise Cost Management Reports

Click to jump to parent topicAdding Non-Recoverable Indian Duties and Taxes to the Item Cost

When you receive raw materials from a vendor, the applicable excise duties, customs duties, and sales taxes (from the vendor excise invoice) can be split into recoverable and non-recoverable parts. The system adds the non-recoverable portion to the inventory value of the raw materials. Later, when you receive the invoice from the vendor and post it into PeopleSoft Payables, any change in the non-recoverable excise duties, custom duties, or sales taxes can be applied to the inventory stock by using the Landed Cost Extract process.

To set up non-recoverable customs duties as a landed cost, read the chapter, “Setting Up Your Customs Duty Structure.”

To set up non-recoverable excise duty and sales taxes as a landed cost:

  1. Create or identify cost elements with the Cost Category of Landed.

    Cost elements enable you to record and report on each different type of landed cost. Use the Cost Elements page to create separate cost elements for non-recoverable excise duty and non-recoverable sales taxes.

  2. Create miscellaneous charge codes to define the non-recoverable excise duty and non recoverable sales taxes.

    The charge codes use the type of VAT input non-recoverable, and select the Prorate and Landed Cost Component check boxes. The cost elements that are defined should be added to the charge codes. Use the Misc Charge/Landed Cost Definition page to define miscellaneous charge codes.

  3. Enter the miscellaneous charge codes for non-recoverable excise duty and non-recoverable sales taxes to the corresponding tax components that are defined on the Tax Component page.

  4. For each tax rate code, enter the recoverable percentage of the total excise duty or sales taxes in the Recoverable Tax Pct field on the Tax Rate Code page.

    The system calculates the non-recoverable percentage by subtracting the recoverable percent from 100 percent.

  5. For items using standard costing, you can use the Additional Costs by Item page to include the non-recoverable excise duty and sales taxes as landed costs in the cost rollup.

Non-recoverable excise duty and sales taxes are applied in this manner:

  1. The system determines and calculates the excise duty and sales taxes for the PO.

  2. When the raw material is received into PeopleSoft Purchasing, the internal vendor excise invoice is recorded with the total excise duty and sales taxes.

  3. The Receipt Push process takes the receipt line and matches up the excise duty and sales taxes from the PO schedule line to create the receipt landed costs transactions. The receipt landed costs transactions contain only the non-recoverable portion of excise duty and sales taxes. The Receipt Push process inserts the non-recoverable excise duty and sales taxes into the Putaway staging tables.

  4. The receipts (including non-recoverable excise duty and sales taxes) in the Putaway staging tables are then inserted into PeopleSoft Inventory by the Load Staged Items process and the Complete Putaway process.

  5. When you receive the vendor’s invoice and process it into PeopleSoft Payables, the Landed Cost Extract process passes the difference (if any) between estimated non-recoverable taxes (on the PO) and the actual non-recoverable taxes (on the voucher) to PeopleSoft Inventory, where the item is updated. This process is the same process used for all landed cost adjustments.

See Also

(IND) Processing Excise Duty, Sales Tax, VAT, and Customs Duty for India in PeopleSoft Payables