Siebel Marketing Installation and Administration Guide > Designing Marketing Campaign Load Formats > Creating and Testing Campaign Load Formats >

Testing Campaign Load Formats

To verify that you have created a valid campaign load format, it is recommended that you build a test campaign and test segment.

To test your campaign load mapping

  1. Verify that you have included the minimum required fields for each integration component.

    For more information, see About Marketing Integration Objects.

  2. Confirm that the Campaign Load Format includes the required columns for all formats:
    • Campaign Id
    • Segment Id
    • Load Number
    • Batch Number
    • Token Number
    • Treatment Id
  3. Confirm that the parent integration component is mapped for every child component. For example, if you included Account Address fields, make sure that you also included Account Name and Location.
  4. Create a test segment using the Segment Designer. For the segment, go to the Advanced Options tab and change the Campaign Load List Format to use your new Campaign Load Format. Save the segment.
  5. Create a new campaign under the Campaigns screen tab.
  6. In the Design tab, perform the following steps:
    1. Click the Offers link.
    2. In the Offers list, click New.
    3. In the Add Offer dialog box, choose a test offer and click OK.
    4. In the Treatments list at the bottom of the view, click New.
    5. In the Pick Treatment list, choose a test treatment.
  7. Navigate to the Design screen, then the Segments/Lists view for the Campaign, and click Add Segment to choose your test segment.
    1. Click the Segments/Lists link.
    2. In the Segments/Lists list, click Add Segment.
    3. In the Previously Used Segments dialog box, click Choose a new Segment.
    4. Locate and select your test segment.

      In the Allocation matrix at the bottom, a check box will appear for the treatments you associated in Step 6.

    5. Check the check box and click Save.
  8. Click the menu on the upper form for the campaign and choose 'Load Campaign'. In the dialog box, confirm the load time and click OK to submit.
  9. Navigate to the Execute screen, then the System Tasks view to monitor whether the Campaign Load task successfully completed. Investigate any error messages that appear in the Task Log.
  10. After the load completes successfully, validate that the data loaded matches the expected information.
    1. While your campaign is still selected, navigate to All Contacts/Prospects across Organizations and query for the campaign members for that Load Number. Optionally, export these rows to a file using the Export menu command.
    2. Navigate to the Administration - Marketing screen, Marketing Server Admin, and then the Manage Marketing Jobs view. Find the Marketing Job that you generated with the type WriteListFiles. Open the details link and find the network path to the file that was generated.
    3. Compare the contents of the file and the data that was loaded into your campaign to confirm that the data was complete and correct.
  11. Make any changes required to the Campaign Load Format using the List Format Designer. Be sure to save any changes to the Format.
  12. When completed, purge the load history by performing the following steps:
    1. Navigate to the Campaigns screen and click the campaign.
    2. In the Execute tab, click Suspend Wave.

      NOTE:  You must suspend the waves in the load before you can purge a load.

    3. In the Execution Status view, click Purge Load, and then delete your test campaign.
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