Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle Extension SDK
11g Release 2 (

A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z _


RAD - Static variable in interface oracle.javatools.parser.css.LexicalUnits
Represents a rad lexical unit.
RADIO - Static variable in class oracle.ide.controls.ToggleAction
RADIO_OPTION_HGAP - Static variable in class oracle.javatools.ui.LayoutConstants
The horizontal gap in pixels between radio option groups.
radioButton - Variable in class oracle.ide.controls.JLabeledRadioButton
RadioKeyController - Class in oracle.ide.controls
RadioKeyController is a specialized version of ButtonKeyController that will check the JRadioButton in addition to set the focus.
RadioMenuItem - Class in oracle.ide.controls
The RadioMenuItem class is a subclass of JRadioButtonMenuItem that has been extended to respond to additional PropertyChangeEvent notifications for state changes from the ToggleAction from which it was constructed.
RadioMenuItem(ToggleAction) - Constructor for class oracle.ide.controls.RadioMenuItem
RadioToolButton - Class in oracle.ide.controls
Deprecated. Replace toolbar radio button groups with MenuToolButton.
RadioToolButton(ToggleAction) - Constructor for class oracle.ide.controls.RadioToolButton
RAISE - Static variable in class oracle.ide.editor.OpenEditorOptions
Use this flag to activate the editor after it has been created.
RAISE_SHUTTER_DELAY - Static variable in class oracle.ide.IdePropertyConstants
Delay in ms to wait before raising a minimized dockable when the mouse pauses over the button.
RAISED_BORDER - Static variable in class oracle.ide.controls.ThinBevel
raiseEditorToFront() - Method in class oracle.ide.ceditor.DropHandlerPlugin
Utility routine which will raise the window containing the editor to the front, and place focus in the editor.
RANDOM_ACCESS_TRAVERSAL - Static variable in class oracle.ide.panels.TraversableContext
Constant that indicates that the direction of traversal for the Traversable.onEntry(TraversableContext) and Traversable.onExit(TraversableContext) methods.
RDS - Static variable in class oracle.javatools.icons.OracleIcons
read(ClassLoader, DataInputStream) - Static method in class
read(Reader, URL) - Method in class oracle.ide.marshal.xml.HashStructureIO
Reads a hash structure from the specified Reader.
read() - Method in class
read(byte[], int, int) - Method in class
read() - Method in class oracle.ide.util.InflaterInputStreamPatch
read(byte[], int, int) - Method in class oracle.ide.util.InflaterInputStreamPatch
read(Reader) - Method in class oracle.javatools.buffer.AbstractTextBuffer
Replaces the current contents of the text buffer with the data from a reader instance.
read(FileChannel, CharsetDecoder) - Method in class oracle.javatools.buffer.AbstractTextBuffer
Replaces the current contents of the text buffer with the data from a file channel instance and given character set decorder.
read(EOLNormalizer) - Method in class oracle.javatools.buffer.AbstractTextBuffer
Read implementation that takes care of locking, notification, undo, and so on, and delegates the read to a normalizer instance.
read(Reader) - Method in interface oracle.javatools.buffer.TextBuffer
Replaces the current contents of the text buffer with the data from a reader instance.
read(Reader) - Method in class oracle.javatools.buffer.TextBufferDecorator
Replaces the current contents of the text buffer with the data from a reader instance.
read() - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.db.migration.CMConnectionsReader
Read all of the connections descriptors from storage.
read() - Method in interface oracle.ojc.interfaces.Storage
Reads the entire contents of this data Storage.
read(byte[]) - Method in interface oracle.ojc.interfaces.Storage
Tries to fill a buffer with data from contents of this Storage.
read() - Method in class
read(byte[]) - Method in class
READ_ONLY - Static variable in class oracle.ide.ceditor.EditorStatusBar
String for read only label.
READ_ONLY - Static variable in class oracle.ide.model.ElementAttributes
READ_ONLY is a mutable attribute that indicates that the Element is currently read only.
READ_ONLY - Static variable in interface oracle.javatools.buffer.TextBuffer
Public constant for use with setReadOnly() to mark the buffer as read only.
READ_ONLY - Static variable in class oracle.javatools.db.View
Allowed value for the "query restriction" property.
READ_ONLY - Static variable in class oracle.javatools.editor.plugins.StatusBarPlugin
String for read only label.
READ_ONLY_ATTRIBUTE - Static variable in interface oracle.javatools.buffer.TextBufferListener
Public constant for the attribute for read-only mode.
READ_ONLY_BUNDLE_HELPTEXT - Static variable in class oracle.ide.resourcebundle.res.ResourceBundleUIArb
READ_ONLY_BUNDLE_HELPTEXT - Static variable in class oracle.ide.resourcebundle.res.ResourceBundleUIArb_en
READ_ONLY_BUNDLE_HELPTEXT - Static variable in class oracle.ide.resourcebundle.res.ResourceBundleUIArb_ja
READ_ONLY_BUNDLE_MESSAGE - Static variable in class oracle.ide.resourcebundle.res.ResourceBundleUIArb
READ_ONLY_BUNDLE_MESSAGE - Static variable in class oracle.ide.resourcebundle.res.ResourceBundleUIArb_en
READ_ONLY_BUNDLE_MESSAGE - Static variable in class oracle.ide.resourcebundle.res.ResourceBundleUIArb_ja
READ_ONLY_CHANGED - Static variable in class
The event type for when the read-only status of a file changes.
READ_ONLY_DIALOG_TITLE - Static variable in class oracle.ide.resourcebundle.res.ResourceBundleUIArb
READ_ONLY_DIALOG_TITLE - Static variable in class oracle.ide.resourcebundle.res.ResourceBundleUIArb_en
READ_ONLY_DIALOG_TITLE - Static variable in class oracle.ide.resourcebundle.res.ResourceBundleUIArb_ja
READ_ONLY_MESSAGE - Static variable in class oracle.ide.resourcebundle.res.ResourceBundleUIArb
READ_ONLY_MESSAGE - Static variable in class oracle.ide.resourcebundle.res.ResourceBundleUIArb_en
READ_ONLY_MESSAGE - Static variable in class oracle.ide.resourcebundle.res.ResourceBundleUIArb_ja
readAdfConfig() - Method in class oracle.javatools.resourcebundle.AppBundleInfo
readAdfConfig() - Method in class oracle.javatools.resourcebundle.AppBundleInfoRT
readBuffer - Variable in class oracle.javatools.parser.css.Tokenizer
The reading buffer.
readCount - Variable in class oracle.javatools.parser.css.Tokenizer
The current read buffer count.
reader - Variable in class oracle.javatools.parser.css.Tokenizer
The reader.
readFile(URL) - Static method in class oracle.ide.util.FileUtilities
Reads the contents of the URL completely into memory, returning the contents as a byte array.
readImpl(DataInputStream) - Method in class
readImpl(DataInputStream) - Method in class
readLock() - Method in class oracle.ide.model.Node
Read locks the node for the current thread.
readLock() - Method in class oracle.javatools.buffer.AbstractTextBuffer
Attempts to acquire a read lock on this text buffer for the purposes of reading the text buffer - this is a blocking call.
readLock() - Method in class oracle.javatools.buffer.CharArrayReadTextBuffer
Attempts to acquire a read lock on this text buffer for the purposes of reading the buffer - this is a blocking call.
readLock() - Method in interface oracle.javatools.buffer.ReadTextBuffer
Attempts to acquire a read lock on this text buffer for the purposes of reading the buffer - this is a blocking call.
readLock() - Method in class oracle.javatools.buffer.ReadTextBufferDecorator
Attempts to acquire a read lock on this text buffer for the purposes of reading the buffer - this is a blocking call.
readLock() - Method in class oracle.javatools.buffer.ReadWriteLock
Acquires a read lock for the current thread, blocking until available.
readLock(boolean) - Method in interface oracle.javatools.buffer.ReadWriteLockImplementation
readLock() - Method in class oracle.javatools.editor.BasicDocument
Attempts to acquire a read lock on this document and the underlying text buffer - this is a blocking call.
readLock() - Method in interface oracle.javatools.editor.folding.CodeFoldingModel
Acquires a read lock on the model.
readLock() - Method in class oracle.javatools.editor.folding.DefaultCodeFoldingModel
readLock() - Method in class oracle.javatools.editor.language.HistoryReadTextBuffer
Attempts to acquire a read lock on this text buffer for the purposes of reading the buffer - this is a blocking call.
readLockCount() - Method in class oracle.ide.model.Node
readLockInterruptibly() - Method in class oracle.ide.model.Node
Read locks the node for the current thread.
readLockInterruptibly() - Method in class oracle.javatools.buffer.AbstractTextBuffer
Attempts to acquire a read lock on this text buffer for the purposes of reading the text buffer - this is a blocking call.
readLockInterruptibly() - Method in class oracle.javatools.buffer.CharArrayReadTextBuffer
Attempts to acquire a read lock on this text buffer for the purposes of reading the buffer - this is a blocking call.
readLockInterruptibly() - Method in interface oracle.javatools.buffer.ReadTextBuffer
Attempts to acquire a read lock on this text buffer for the purposes of reading the buffer - this is a blocking call.
readLockInterruptibly() - Method in class oracle.javatools.buffer.ReadTextBufferDecorator
Attempts to acquire a read lock on this text buffer for the purposes of reading the buffer - this is a blocking call.
readLockInterruptibly() - Method in class oracle.javatools.buffer.ReadWriteLock
Acquires a read lock for the current thread, blocking until available.
readLockInterruptibly() - Method in interface oracle.javatools.buffer.ReadWriteLockImplementation
readLockInterruptibly() - Method in class oracle.javatools.editor.language.HistoryReadTextBuffer
Attempts to acquire a read lock on this text buffer for the purposes of reading the buffer - this is a blocking call.
readObject(File, File) - Method in class oracle.ide.config.DTCacheMigrator
readObject(File, File) - Method in class oracle.ide.migration.XMLMigrator
Read in the settings.
readObject(File, File) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.library.LibraryMigrator
Read in the settings.
ReadOnlyException - Exception in oracle.javatools.buffer
An ReadOnlyException is thrown when clients attempt to modify a TextBuffer instance marked as read only.
ReadOnlyException() - Constructor for exception oracle.javatools.buffer.ReadOnlyException
Creates a new instance of an ReadOnlyException.
ReadOnlyListModel<T> - Class in oracle.javatools.editor.insight
ReadOnlyListModel(T[]) - Constructor for class oracle.javatools.editor.insight.ReadOnlyListModel
readOnlyPropertyName - Static variable in class oracle.javatools.editor.BasicDocument
Public constant for the read only property name.
ReadOnlyScrollPane - Class in oracle.ide.db.controls
A scrollable, navigable, copyable, readonly text-area, whose contents can be read by a screen reader
ReadOnlyScrollPane() - Constructor for class oracle.ide.db.controls.ReadOnlyScrollPane
ReadOnlyScrollPane(Component) - Constructor for class oracle.ide.db.controls.ReadOnlyScrollPane
readPosition - Variable in class oracle.javatools.parser.css.Tokenizer
The current position in the read buffer.
ReadPropertiesFile - Class in oracle.ideimpl.webupdate.task
ReadPropertiesFile(File) - Constructor for class oracle.ideimpl.webupdate.task.ReadPropertiesFile
ReadTextBuffer - Interface in oracle.javatools.buffer
The ReadTextBuffer interface provides a subset of the TextBuffer methods for read-only access to text data.
ReadTextBufferDecorator - Class in oracle.javatools.buffer
The ReadTextBufferDecorator is a base decorator for a ReadTextBuffer.
ReadTextBufferDecorator(ReadTextBuffer) - Constructor for class oracle.javatools.buffer.ReadTextBufferDecorator
Constructs the decorator for the delegate buffer.
readTextFile(URL) - Static method in class oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.util.VCSTextFileUtils
Reads a text string from a local file.
readUnlock() - Method in class oracle.ide.model.Node
Read unlocks the node for the current thread.
readUnlock() - Method in class oracle.ide.model.TextNode
Read unlocks the node for the current thread.
readUnlock() - Method in class oracle.javatools.buffer.AbstractTextBuffer
Releases a held read lock on this text buffer.
readUnlock() - Method in class oracle.javatools.buffer.CharArrayReadTextBuffer
Releases a held read lock on this text buffer.
readUnlock() - Method in interface oracle.javatools.buffer.ReadTextBuffer
Releases a held read lock on this text buffer.
readUnlock() - Method in class oracle.javatools.buffer.ReadTextBufferDecorator
Releases a held read lock on this text buffer.
readUnlock() - Method in class oracle.javatools.buffer.ReadWriteLock
Releases a read lock for the current thread.
readUnlock() - Method in interface oracle.javatools.buffer.ReadWriteLockImplementation
readUnlock() - Method in class oracle.javatools.editor.BasicDocument
Releases a held read lock on this Document.
readUnlock() - Method in interface oracle.javatools.editor.folding.CodeFoldingModel
Releases the previously acquired read lock on the model.
readUnlock() - Method in class oracle.javatools.editor.folding.DefaultCodeFoldingModel
readUnlock() - Method in class oracle.javatools.editor.language.HistoryReadTextBuffer
Releases a held read lock on this text buffer.
ReadWriteLock - Class in oracle.javatools.buffer
The ReadWriteLock class is an implementation of a reentrant multiple-reader/single-writer lock.
ReadWriteLock() - Constructor for class oracle.javatools.buffer.ReadWriteLock
Creates an anonymous lock.
ReadWriteLock(String) - Constructor for class oracle.javatools.buffer.ReadWriteLock
Creates a named lock.
ReadWriteLock.Implementation - Enum in oracle.javatools.buffer
An enumeration of the implementation types for a ReadWriteLock.
ReadWriteLock.Options - Enum in oracle.javatools.buffer
An enumeration of the configuration options for a ReadWriteLock.
ReadWriteLockImplementation - Interface in oracle.javatools.buffer
READY_MESSAGE_RECEIVED - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.runner.RunMgrArb
READY_MESSAGE_RECEIVED - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.runner.RunMgrArb_de
READY_MESSAGE_RECEIVED - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.runner.RunMgrArb_en
READY_MESSAGE_RECEIVED - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.runner.RunMgrArb_es
READY_MESSAGE_RECEIVED - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.runner.RunMgrArb_fr
READY_MESSAGE_RECEIVED - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.runner.RunMgrArb_it
READY_MESSAGE_RECEIVED - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.runner.RunMgrArb_ja
READY_MESSAGE_RECEIVED - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.runner.RunMgrArb_ko
READY_MESSAGE_RECEIVED - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.runner.RunMgrArb_pt_BR
READY_MESSAGE_RECEIVED - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.runner.RunMgrArb_zh_CN
READY_MESSAGE_RECEIVED - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.runner.RunMgrArb_zh_TW
readyToStart() - Method in class oracle.ide.runner.DebuggerStartAdapter
readyToStart() - Method in interface oracle.ide.runner.DebuggerStartCallback
Signal the client that the debugger needs to start
readyToStart() - Method in class oracle.ide.runner.DebugStartAdapter
REAL - Static variable in interface oracle.javatools.parser.css.LexicalUnits
represents a real number.
REALIZATION - Static variable in class oracle.javatools.icons.OracleIcons
reallign(String, String) - Method in class oracle.javatools.parser.plsql.symtab.SqlColdef
Given the table name, review the column name
reapplySort() - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.vop.BaseVersionOperationPanel
reapplySort() - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.vop.VersionOperationTablePanel
REBUILD - Static variable in class oracle.javatools.icons.OracleIcons
recache(URI, URI) - Method in class javax.ide.model.DocumentFactory
Removes the oldURI from the cache and puts the newURI in the cache so that it is associated with the original Document oldURI pointed at.
recache(URL, URL, Node) - Static method in class oracle.ide.model.NodeFactory
Removes the oldURL from the cache and puts the newURL in the cache so that it is associated with the given Node.
recache(URL, URL, Node, boolean) - Static method in class oracle.ide.model.NodeFactory
Removes the oldURL from the cache and puts the newURL in the cache so that it is associated with the given Node.
recalculateColumnWidths() - Method in class oracle.javatools.editor.gutter.LineGutterPlugin
Utility routine for recalculating the width of all the gutter columns, taking into account width requirements.
recalculateLineWidths() - Method in class oracle.javatools.editor.gutter.LineGutterPlugin
Private utility routine for recalculating the width of the gutter necessary to display the line numbers in the gutter.
receive(SyntaxToken, int) - Method in class oracle.javatools.parser.plsql.old.PlsqlTreeGenerator
Receive one token from the syntax stream.
receive(SyntaxToken, int) - Method in interface oracle.javatools.parser.SyntaxListener
The SyntaxToken becomes invalid after the call.
RECENTER_LINE - Static variable in class oracle.javatools.editor.ActionNames
RecentFile - Class in oracle.ide.editor
RecentFile() - Constructor for class oracle.ide.editor.RecentFile
RecentFile(Context) - Constructor for class oracle.ide.editor.RecentFile
recognize(URI) - Method in class javax.ide.model.Recognizer
Gets the Class of the data item associated with the specified URI.
recognize(URL) - Method in class oracle.ide.config.FileTypesRecognizer
recognize(URL) - Method in interface oracle.ide.log.LogRecognizer
Gets the Class of the data item associated with the specified URL.
recognize(URL) - Method in class oracle.ide.model.ElementRecognizer
Gets the java.lang.Class of the data item associated with the specified
recognize(URL) - Method in class oracle.ide.model.Recognizer
This method implements the fundamental responsibility of a Recognizer -- to map a URL to a Node type.
recognizeAsMeta(URL) - Method in class oracle.ide.model.FileContentLowPriorityRecognizer
recognizeAsMeta(URL) - Method in class oracle.ide.model.FileContentPatternRecognizer
recognizeAsMeta(URL) - Method in class oracle.ide.model.FileContentRecognizer
recognizeAsMeta(URL) - Method in class oracle.ide.model.Recognizer
This method allows gets the MetaClass of a recognized Node.
recognizeAsMeta(URL) - Method in class oracle.ide.xml.XMLRecognizer
Recognizer - Class in javax.ide.model
The Recognizer interface provides the API for recognizing data types from specific uris.
Recognizer() - Constructor for class javax.ide.model.Recognizer
Recognizer - Class in oracle.ide.model
The Recognizer class is the IDE mechanism by which URLs are mapped to Node types.
Recognizer() - Constructor for class oracle.ide.model.Recognizer
Recognizer.DeclarativeDocumentInfo - Class in oracle.ide.model
RecognizerException - Exception in oracle.ide.model
This is an Exception class that is thrown by a Recognizer when validation fails.
RecognizerException() - Constructor for exception oracle.ide.model.RecognizerException
RecognizerException(String) - Constructor for exception oracle.ide.model.RecognizerException
RecognizersHook - Class in oracle.ide.model
RecognizersHook() - Constructor for class oracle.ide.model.RecognizersHook
recognizeURL(URL, RandomAccessFile, AbstractFileContentRecognizerTemplate.FileContentRule) - Method in class oracle.ide.model.AbstractFileContentRecognizerTemplate
recognizeUrl(URL) - Static method in class oracle.ide.model.NodeFactory
Find the specified url in the cache or recognize it and return the Class instance of the Node that can be, or has been, created for this url.
recognizeURL(URL) - Static method in class oracle.ide.model.Recognizer
Returns the Class of the Node that should be instantiated for the specified url.
recognizeURL(URL, Class<? extends Node>) - Static method in class oracle.ide.model.Recognizer
recognizeURLAsMeta(URL) - Static method in class oracle.ide.model.Recognizer
Returns the MetaClass of the Node that should be instantiated for the specified url.
recognizeURLAsMeta(URL, MetaClass<? extends Node>) - Static method in class oracle.ide.model.Recognizer
reconnect() - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.AbstractDatabase
reconnected(Connection) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.AbstractDatabase
Called when a reconnect happens to (re)initialise any member appropriately on the new Connection.
recordContents(URL, URL) - Method in class oracle.ide.history.Historian
Persist the current contents of the object located at the given source URL into the given destination URL.
recordContents(URL, URL) - Method in class oracle.ide.model.TextNodeHistorian
Persist the current contents of the Node located at the given source URL into the given destination URL.
recoverValues(String[]) - Method in class
Recovers the specified properties from the "dormant" state, so that they again participate in all HashStructure operations.
RECURSIVECOLLECTION - Static variable in class oracle.javatools.icons.OracleIcons
RECYCLEBIN - Static variable in class oracle.ide.db.UIArb
RECYCLED - Static variable in class oracle.ide.db.DBIcons
RECYCLEDOBJECT - Static variable in class oracle.ide.db.UIArb
RecycledObject - Class in oracle.javatools.db.ora
Model of an object that has been dropped and is now in the Oracle recycle bin.
RecycledObject() - Constructor for class oracle.javatools.db.ora.RecycledObject
RecycledObject(String, Schema, DBObjectID) - Constructor for class oracle.javatools.db.ora.RecycledObject
RecycledObject.Operation - Enum in oracle.javatools.db.ora
recycleFragmentsList(StyledFragmentsList) - Method in class oracle.javatools.editor.language.AbstractDocumentRenderer
Recycle the previously gotten StyledFragment's to reduce memory allocations.
recycleFragmentsList(StyledFragmentsList) - Method in interface oracle.javatools.editor.language.DocumentRenderer
Recyle the previously gotten StyledFragment's to reduce memory allocations.
redefineClasses(Map) - Method in class oracle.ide.runner.Debugger
redefineClasses(Project, Map) - Method in class oracle.ide.runner.Debugger
Tells the debugger to redefine some classes that have been recompiled.
redirect(String) - Method in interface oracle.ojc.interfaces.Log
Redirects output into a file
redirectInput(OutputStream) - Method in class oracle.ide.runner.RunProcess
This method will be called by the Starter, if the Starter captured standard input for this process.
redirectOutput(InputStream, InputStream) - Method in class oracle.ide.runner.RunProcess
This method will be called by the Starter, if the Starter captured standard output/error for this process.
redo(Context) - Method in class oracle.ide.controller.CommandProcessor
Redo the last Command associated with the Node of the given Context.
redo() - Method in class
REDO - Static variable in class oracle.javatools.icons.OracleIcons
REDO_CMD - Static variable in class oracle.ide.IdeConstants
Redo command.
REDO_CMD_ID - Static variable in class oracle.ide.IdeConstants
Redo command id.
REDO_ITEM - Static variable in class oracle.ide.editor.EditorConstants
Menu item to appear on the ContextMenu.
REDO_LAST_EDIT - Static variable in class oracle.ide.expressionbuilder.ExpressionBuilderArb
REDO_LAST_EDIT - Static variable in class oracle.ide.expressionbuilder.ExpressionBuilderArb_en
REDO_LAST_EDIT - Static variable in class oracle.ide.expressionbuilder.ExpressionBuilderArb_ja
REF - Static variable in interface oracle.javatools.db.datatypes.DataType
REFERENCE - Static variable in class oracle.ide.dependency.index.DependencyCriteria
Index query criteria for a reference.
Reference - Interface in oracle.ide.dependency
A reference.
Reference - Class in oracle.ide.model
The Reference class is used to reference data nodes such as workspaces and projects from their containers.
Reference() - Constructor for class oracle.ide.model.Reference
Reference(Node) - Constructor for class oracle.ide.model.Reference
Public constructor allowing to create References for use as keys to project owner map.
reference - Static variable in class
Property constant for the "reference" property.
REFERENCE_DEVICE_PROP_NAME - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.webapp.designer.DeviceRegistry
Map of device properties.
REFERENCE_DEVICE_PROPERTIES_PROP_NAME - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.webapp.designer.DeviceRegistry
REFERENCE_FROM - Static variable in class oracle.javatools.icons.OracleIcons
REFERENCE_TO - Static variable in class oracle.javatools.icons.OracleIcons
referenceID - Static variable in class
Property constant for the "referenceID" property.
ReferenceID - Class in oracle.javatools.db
ID implementation used for a reference property - i.e.
ReferenceID() - Constructor for class oracle.javatools.db.ReferenceID
Creates an empty reference ID.
ReferenceID(DBObjectID) - Constructor for class oracle.javatools.db.ReferenceID
Creates a ReferenceID to the object that the given id resolves to.
ReferenceID(DBObjectID, DBObjectProvider) - Constructor for class oracle.javatools.db.ReferenceID
Creates a ReferenceID to the object that the given id resolves to, but sets the new reference up with the given provider.
ReferenceID(DBObject) - Constructor for class oracle.javatools.db.ReferenceID
Creates a ReferenceID populated with details from the given object (including a parent ID to match the parent of the obj if one exists).
ReferenceID(DBObject, DBObjectProvider) - Constructor for class oracle.javatools.db.ReferenceID
Creates a ReferenceID to the give object, but sets the new reference up with the given provider.
ReferenceID(String, String, String) - Constructor for class oracle.javatools.db.ReferenceID
Creates a new ReferenceID to a SchemaObject with the given type, schema and object name.
ReferenceID(String, Schema, String) - Constructor for class oracle.javatools.db.ReferenceID
Creates a new ReferenceID to a SchemaObject with the given type, schema and object name.
ReferenceID(String, Schema, String, String) - Constructor for class oracle.javatools.db.ReferenceID
Creates a reference ID to a schema object including a database name that the object exists in
ReferenceID(String, DBObjectID, String, String, String[]) - Constructor for class oracle.javatools.db.ReferenceID
Creates a reference id to a child object that includes child object information (e.g.
referenceModelName - Static variable in class
Property constant for the "referenceModelName" property.
referenceModels - Static variable in class
Property constant for the "referenceModels" property.
ReferenceProvider - Interface in oracle.ide.dependency
Provides Reference instances.
references - Static variable in class
Property constant for the "references" property.
References - Annotation Type in
Gives extra metadata about a property that references another object (i.e.
referenceType - Static variable in class
Property constant for the "referenceType" property.
referencingNewAs - Static variable in class
Property constant for the "referencingNewAs" property.
referencingOldAs - Static variable in class
Property constant for the "referencingOldAs" property.
refilter(VCSStatus[]) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.changelist.ChangeList
Deprecated. replaced by ChangeList.refilter(oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.spi.VCSStatus[])
refilterActions() - Method in class oracle.ide.controller.ToolbarManager
refilterModel() - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.versionhistory.VersionHistoryViewer
ReflectiveCheckListCellRenderer - Class in oracle.javatools.ui.list
A ListCheckCellRenderer that given a class and textMethod name, will render the toString() result of values passed to the renderer.
ReflectiveCheckListCellRenderer(String) - Constructor for class oracle.javatools.ui.list.ReflectiveCheckListCellRenderer
Create a renderer that renderers the label text by calling the given method on the Object in the list.
ReflectiveCheckListCellRenderer(String, Class[], Object[]) - Constructor for class oracle.javatools.ui.list.ReflectiveCheckListCellRenderer
Create a renderer that renderers the label text by calling the given method on the Object in the list with the given parameters
ReflectiveCheckListCellRenderer(String, String) - Constructor for class oracle.javatools.ui.list.ReflectiveCheckListCellRenderer
Create a renderer that renderers the label text by calling the given method, and an icon by calling the given method on the objects in the list.
ReflectiveCheckListCellRenderer(String, Class[], Object[], String, Class[], Object[]) - Constructor for class oracle.javatools.ui.list.ReflectiveCheckListCellRenderer
Create a renderer that renderers the label text by calling the given method, and an icon by calling the given method on the objects in the list with the given parameters.
ReflectiveListCellRenderer - Class in oracle.javatools.ui.list
A ReflectiveListCellRenderer will render objects by calling the given method name (and icon method name) on the value object for a cell.
ReflectiveListCellRenderer(String) - Constructor for class oracle.javatools.ui.list.ReflectiveListCellRenderer
Create a renderer that renderers the label text by calling the given method on the Object in the list.
ReflectiveListCellRenderer(String, Class[], Object[]) - Constructor for class oracle.javatools.ui.list.ReflectiveListCellRenderer
Create a renderer that renderers the label text by calling the given method on the Object in the list with the given parameters
ReflectiveListCellRenderer(String, String) - Constructor for class oracle.javatools.ui.list.ReflectiveListCellRenderer
Create a renderer that renderers the label text by calling the given method, and an icon by calling the given method on the objects in the list.
ReflectiveListCellRenderer(String, Class[], Object[], String, Class[], Object[]) - Constructor for class oracle.javatools.ui.list.ReflectiveListCellRenderer
Create a renderer that renderers the label text by calling the given method, and an icon by calling the given method on the objects in the list with the given parameters.
ReflectiveTableCellRenderer - Class in oracle.javatools.ui.table
A ReflectiveTableCellRenderer will render objects by calling the given method name (and icon method name) on the value object for a cell.
ReflectiveTableCellRenderer(String) - Constructor for class oracle.javatools.ui.table.ReflectiveTableCellRenderer
Create a renderer that renderers the label text by calling the given method on the Object in the table.
ReflectiveTableCellRenderer(String, Class[], Object[]) - Constructor for class oracle.javatools.ui.table.ReflectiveTableCellRenderer
Create a renderer that renderers the label text by calling the given method on the Object in the table with the given parameters
ReflectiveTableCellRenderer(String, String) - Constructor for class oracle.javatools.ui.table.ReflectiveTableCellRenderer
Create a renderer that renderers the label text by calling the given method, and an icon by calling the given method on the objects in the table.
ReflectiveTableCellRenderer(String, Class[], Object[], String, Class[], Object[]) - Constructor for class oracle.javatools.ui.table.ReflectiveTableCellRenderer
Create a renderer that renderers the label text by calling the given method, and an icon by calling the given method on the objects in the table with the given parameters.
ReflectiveTreeCellRenderer - Class in oracle.javatools.ui.tree
A ReflectiveTreeCellRenderer will render objects by calling the given method name (and icon method name) on the value object for a cell.
ReflectiveTreeCellRenderer(String) - Constructor for class oracle.javatools.ui.tree.ReflectiveTreeCellRenderer
Create a renderer that renderers the label text by calling the given method on the Object in the tree.
ReflectiveTreeCellRenderer(String, Class[], Object[]) - Constructor for class oracle.javatools.ui.tree.ReflectiveTreeCellRenderer
Create a renderer that renderers the label text by calling the given method on the Object in the tree with the given parameters
ReflectiveTreeCellRenderer(String, String) - Constructor for class oracle.javatools.ui.tree.ReflectiveTreeCellRenderer
Create a renderer that renderers the label text by calling the given method, and an icon by calling the given method on the objects in the tree.
ReflectiveTreeCellRenderer(String, Class[], Object[], String, Class[], Object[]) - Constructor for class oracle.javatools.ui.tree.ReflectiveTreeCellRenderer
Create a renderer that renderers the label text by calling the given method, and an icon by calling the given method on the objects in the tree with the given parameters.
REFORMAT - Static variable in class oracle.javatools.icons.OracleIcons
REFORMAT_ALL - Static variable in interface
Redoes formatting on this subtree.
REFORMAT_INDENT - Static variable in interface
Redoes indentation on this subtree.
reformatRegion(SourceFile, int, int) - Static method in class
Attempts to reformat between the (inclusive) input Textbuffer offsets.
reformatSelection(SourceFile, int, int) - Static method in class
This method reformats the selected region of code.
reformatSelf(int) - Method in interface
Attempts to format this subtree based on the mask argument.
reformatSubtree(SourceElement) - Static method in class
Attempts to reformat the given subtree.
refresh() - Method in class oracle.ide.ceditor.CodeNavigationPoint
Fetch and remember the current caret position of the focused editor pane of the FindableEditor.
refresh(TNode[]) - Method in class oracle.ide.explorer.ChildFilter
This method will be called when the UI is requested to refresh.
refresh(TNode) - Method in class oracle.ide.explorer.TreeExplorer
Drops all children of the specified tnode and immediately collects them again.
refresh(TNode, Class) - Method in class oracle.ide.explorer.TreeExplorer
Refresh the ancestor of the specified tnode whose data object class is an instance of the specified cls.
refresh() - Method in class oracle.ide.file.AbstractFileScope
refresh(FileChangeListener) - Method in class oracle.ide.file.AbstractFileScope
refresh() - Method in interface oracle.ide.file.FileScope
Refresh this scope.
refresh(FileChangeListener) - Method in interface oracle.ide.file.FileScope
Refresh this scope and invoke a listener with any changes found.
refresh() - Method in class oracle.ide.file.FileTable
refresh(TNode) - Method in class oracle.ide.navigator.NavigatorWindow
Closes and re-opens the specified tnode.
refresh() - Method in interface oracle.ide.runner.DebuggerWindowProvider
Called by the debugger as a courtesy when debugger windows are refreshed.
REFRESH - Static variable in class oracle.javatools.icons.OracleIcons
refresh() - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.changelist.AsynchronousChangeList
refresh(URL[]) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.changelist.ChangeList
refresh() - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.changelist.ChangeList
Completely refresh all files displayed in the change list.
refresh() - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.changelist.ChangeListWindow
refresh() - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.versionhistory.VersionHistoryViewer
REFRESH_CID - Static variable in class oracle.jdevimpl.audit.log.AuditLogPanel
REFRESH_CMD_ID - Static variable in class oracle.ide.IdeConstants
Refresh node command id.
refreshAllProjectsInNavigator(Context) - Static method in class oracle.ide.navigator.ProjectNavigatorManager
This method refreshes all projects in the navigator.
refreshDirectory(URL, boolean, URL, URL) - Method in class oracle.ide.file.FileTable
Synchronously refresh the file table data for a specific directory.
refreshExplorerNode(TNode) - Method in class oracle.ide.model.DefaultFilter
refreshFile(URL, boolean) - Method in class oracle.ide.file.FileTable
Synchronously refresh the file table data for a specific file.
refreshMethod - Static variable in class
Property constant for the "refreshMethod" property.
refreshMode - Static variable in class
Property constant for the "refreshMode" property.
refreshPalette() - Method in class oracle.ide.palette.PaletteManager
Refresh Palette (calls PaletteController.refreshPalette)
refreshPaletteUI() - Method in class oracle.ide.palette.PaletteManager
Refresh PaletteUI (calls PaletteController.refreshPaletteUI) Do not use.
refreshTimestamp() - Method in class oracle.ide.model.Node
Resets the node timestamp to the last modified time of the URL.
refreshUI(TraversableContext) - Method in class oracle.ide.panels.MDDPanel
refreshUI(TraversableContext) - Method in class oracle.ide.panels.TabbedPanel
RegexLogFilter - Class in oracle.javatools.logging
RegexLogFilter() - Constructor for class oracle.javatools.logging.RegexLogFilter
REGION - Static variable in class oracle.javatools.icons.OracleIcons
register() - Method in class oracle.ide.config.IdeSettings
Deprecated. since 11.0 with no replacement. This method no longer does anything.
register(Class<? extends Element>, Handler) - Method in class oracle.ide.controls.elementtree.ElementRegistry
Registers a handler for that class and all sub-classes.
register(Class<? extends Element>, Filter) - Method in class oracle.ide.controls.elementtree.ElementRegistry
Registers a filter for that class and all sub-classes.
register(EditorAddin, Class[]) - Method in class oracle.ide.editor.EditorManager
Registers a EditorAddin for inclusion the editor tabs for the given Node types.
register(Class, Class, Class) - Method in class oracle.ide.explorer.ExplorerManager
Register an Explorer type to be associated with Documents having a given data type.
register(Class, Class, Class, String, ArrayResourceBundle, int) - Method in class oracle.ide.explorer.ExplorerManager
Deprecated. use ExplorerManager.register(Class,Class,Class,String,Icon). Since 11.0
register(Class, Class, Class, String, ResourceBundle, String) - Method in class oracle.ide.explorer.ExplorerManager
Register an Explorer type to be associated with Documents having a given data type.
register(Class, Class, Class, String, Icon) - Method in class oracle.ide.explorer.ExplorerManager
Register an Explorer type to be associated with Documents having a given data type.
register(MacroExpander) - Method in class oracle.ide.externaltools.macro.MacroRegistry
Deprecated. since 11.0. Register macros using the <externaltools> section of the extension manifest.
register(PropertyModelFactory) - Method in class oracle.ide.inspector.InspectorFactory
register(String, MetaClass<? extends QuickDiffReferenceProvider>) - Static method in class oracle.ide.quickdiff.QuickDiffReferenceRegistry
Registers the given QuickDiffReferenceProvider with all Quick Diff margins.
register(VCS) - Static method in class oracle.ide.vcs.VCSRegistry
register(String) - Static method in class
register(AuditProvider) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.audit.AuditManager
Registers an Audit provider with this Audit manager.
register() - Static method in class oracle.jdeveloper.model.JDevTechnologies
Registers all JDeveloper technologies with the TechnologyRegistry.
register(ChangeSetAdapter) - Static method in class oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.changeset.ChangeSetRegistry
register(String, CommentTemplatesConfiguration) - Static method in class oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.changeset.cmd.CommentTemplatesConfiguration
register(String) - Static method in class oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.spi.VCSProtocolRegistry
Register the given URL protocol with version control.
register() - Static method in class oracle.jdevimpl.audit.core.Converters
Register Audit converters with the marshalling framework.
register(AuditProvider) - Method in class oracle.jdevimpl.audit.core.DefaultAuditManager
REGISTER_BUNDLE_DIALOG_TITLE - Static variable in class oracle.ide.resourcebundle.res.ResourceBundleUIArb
REGISTER_BUNDLE_DIALOG_TITLE - Static variable in class oracle.ide.resourcebundle.res.ResourceBundleUIArb_en
REGISTER_BUNDLE_DIALOG_TITLE - Static variable in class oracle.ide.resourcebundle.res.ResourceBundleUIArb_ja
registerAction(String, Action) - Method in class oracle.javatools.ui.RichHintLabel
Registers action for use in hyperlinks included in the text of this hint label.
registerAddin(String) - Method in class oracle.ide.AddinManager
Deprecated. addins should not be registered programmatically. They should be declared in an extension manifest.
registerAllObjects() - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.SchemaObjectManager
Registers all objects in the underlying DBObjectProvider with this manager.
registerAllSQLFragmentFactories(AbstractSQLQueryBuilder) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.sql.AbstractSQLQueryBuilder
registerAlterDDL(String, String, DDLType) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.ddl.TokenDDLGenerator
registerBackingFileIDProvider(MetaClass<BackingFileIDProvider>) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.webapp.faces.backingfile.BackingFileIDProviderManager
registerBrowseablePathProvider(MetaClass<BrowseablePathProvider>) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.webapp.html.BrowseablePathProviderManager
registerBrowseSymbolResolver(String) - Method in class
Registers a fully-qualified class as a browse symbol resolver.
registerBuilder(String, DBObjectBuilder) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.AbstractDBObjectProvider
Registers a Builder for a specific object type.
registerBuilders() - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.AbstractDatabase
Called to request that the DBOBjectBuilders be registered.
registerBundle(ResourceBundle) - Method in class oracle.ide.db.PropertyDisplayRegistry
Registers a bundle of diplay names.
registerBundleAlterDDL(String, String, T) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.ddl.BundleDDLGenerator
Registers alter DDL code from the ResourceBundle by the resource name of the code in that bundle.
registerBundleCreateDDL(String, String, T) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.ddl.BundleDDLGenerator
Registers create DDL code from the ResourceBundle by the resource name of the code in that bundle.
registerBundleDropDDL(String, String, T) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.ddl.BundleDDLGenerator
Registers drop DDL code from the ResourceBundle by the resource name of the code in that bundle.
registerBundleEntry(String, String) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.ddl.BundleDDLGenerator
Registers an entry from an underlying bundle (or property file).
registerBundleTokens() - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.ddl.BundleDDLGenerator
Registers all the tokens in the underyling resource bundles.
registerBundleUndeleteDDL(String, String, T) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.ddl.BundleDDLGenerator
Registers undelete DDL code from the ResourceBundle by the resource name of the code in that bundle.
registerCallback(FeedbackManagerCallback) - Method in class
registerCheckOutFilter(NodeFilter) - Method in class oracle.ide.vcs.VCSManager
Deprecated. replaced by declarative registration through vcs-checkout-filter-hook.
registerChildHandler(String, String, ElementHandler) - Method in interface oracle.javatools.xml.esax.ElementContext
Register a handler that will be used only for immediate children of the current element.
registerChildHandler(String, String, ElementHandler) - Method in class oracle.javatools.xml.esax.spi.DefaultElementContext
Register a handler that will be used only for immediate children of the current element.
registerChildVisitor(ElementName, ElementVisitor) - Method in interface javax.ide.extension.ElementContext
Registers a visitor that will visit specific direct children of the current element.
registerClass(String, Class<? extends DBObject>) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.extension.DBObjectRegistry
registerClientWindow(Window) - Method in class
Registers the Window with the Help System so that when the Window is modal, the Help Viewer will still operate properly.
registerComparator(Comparator, Class) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.diff.DiffEngine
Registers a Comparator for a given object type.
registerCompareAlgorithm(CompareType, Class<? extends CompareAlgorithm>) - Static method in class
registerCompareAlgorithm(CompareType, Thunk<Class<? extends CompareAlgorithm>>) - Static method in class
registerCompareView(CompareType, Class<? extends CompareView>) - Static method in class
registerCompareView(CompareType, Thunk<Class<? extends CompareView>>) - Static method in class
registerComplexType(Type, Class) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.datatypes.DataTypeRegistry
Register a complex type against a given schema.
registerComplexType(ComplexType, Class) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.datatypes.DataTypeRegistry
Deprecated. use registerComplexType( Type type, Class provider )
registerComplexTypes(DataTypeRegistry) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.datatypes.DataTypeRegistry.Registerer
Register the complex datatypes ( e.g.
registerComponent(Class<? extends TesterComponent>) - Static method in class oracle.ide.db.panels.sql.tester.SQLQueryTester
Deprecated. use the trigger hook <database-hook>, specifically the <sql-tester-components> element.
registerCompositeProxy(CompositeFileElementProxy) - Static method in class oracle.ide.composite.CompositeFileElementRegistry
Deprecated. replaced by declarative registration through composite-file-element-hook.
registerConnectionCreator(String, DatabaseFactory.ConnectionCreator) - Static method in class oracle.javatools.db.DatabaseFactory
Registers a Connection creator that can duplicate connections for the Databases provided by the factory.
registerConnectionCreator(String, ConnectionCreator) - Static method in class oracle.jdeveloper.db.adapter.DatabaseProvider
Registers a ConnectionCreator implementation for a new connection subtype.
registerConnectionTypeUI(String, String, String, String, String[], String, String, String, ConnectionTypeUIRegistry.AlwaysNeverAsk, ConnectionTypeUIRegistry.AlwaysNeverAsk, Class, ConnectionTypeUIRegistry.ConnectionTooltipProvider) - Static method in class oracle.jdeveloper.db.ConnectionTypeUIRegistry
Deprecated. Registers the UI Requirements for the given Connection Type.
registerConnectionTypeUI(String, String, String, String, String[], String, String, String, ConnectionTypeUIRegistry.AlwaysNeverAsk, ConnectionTypeUIRegistry.AlwaysNeverAsk, boolean, Class, ConnectionTypeUIRegistry.ConnectionTooltipProvider) - Static method in class oracle.jdeveloper.db.ConnectionTypeUIRegistry
Deprecated. Registers the UI Requirements for the given Connection Type.
registerContentSetProvider(ContentSetProvider) - Static method in class oracle.ide.model.ProjectContent
Deprecated. register content set providers declaratively using the content-set-providers-hook hook.
registerContextMenu(ContextMenu) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.webapp.navigation.NavigationMenuManager
Registers the ContextMenu to use the navigation menu.
registerContextMenu(ContextMenu, float) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.webapp.navigation.NavigationMenuManager
Registers the ContextMenu to use the navigation menu.
registerContextMenuForCompare(ContextMenu) - Static method in class oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.util.VCSMenuUtils
registerContextMenuForReplace(ContextMenu) - Static method in class oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.util.VCSMenuUtils
registerConversion(Class<? extends Node>, Class<? extends Node>) - Static method in class oracle.ide.model.Recognizer
Registers a conversion between Node classes that is to be considered valid.
registerConverter(ToDomConverter) - Static method in class oracle.ide.marshal.xml.Object2Dom
registerCreateDDL(String, String, DDLType) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.ddl.TokenDDLGenerator
registerCustomBreakpointType(String, DebuggerBreakpoint.BreakpointKind) - Method in interface oracle.ide.runner.DebuggerExtenderCallback
Deprecated. Use registerCustomBreakpointType(String, BreakpointKind, DebuggerBreakpoint) instead.
registerCustomBreakpointType(String, DebuggerBreakpoint.BreakpointKind, DebuggerBreakpoint) - Method in interface oracle.ide.runner.DebuggerExtenderCallback
Deprecated. The programmatic way of registering breakpoint types is discouraged. Instead register in a declarative way in extension.xml, as follows: Use a fully qualified class name of an implementation of oracle.ide.runner.DebuggerBreakpointDeclarator for the 'class' attribute
Use the unique type string of the breakpoint type for the 'type-string' attribute, such as 'ADF Breakpoint'
Add a <hooks> section or use the existing one
Add a <jdeveloper-hook> section or use the existing one

<jdeveloper-hook xmlns="">
class="mycompany.MyDebuggerBreakpointDeclarator" type-string="My Breakpoint" />

registerCustomChooser(Class<? extends DBObjectProvider>, Class<? extends DBObjectChooserDelegate>) - Static method in class oracle.ide.db.controls.DBObjectChooser
Deprecated. - no longer extensible
registerCustomConverter(Class) - Static method in class oracle.javatools.marshal.ToStringManager
Registers a class type as being able to interconvert an object type to and from String.
registerDatabaseCreator(DatabaseFactory.DatabaseCreator) - Static method in class oracle.javatools.db.DatabaseFactory
Registers a Connection creator that can identify and create Databases and DatabaseDescriptors for the factory.
registerDataType(DataType, Class) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.datatypes.DataTypeRegistry
Registers a DataType against the given provider class.
registerDataType(DataType, Class, DataType) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.datatypes.DataTypeRegistry
Registers a DataType against the given provider class and includes the ANSI equivalent of this type.
registerDataTypes(DataTypeRegistry) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.datatypes.DataTypeRegistry.Registerer
Register the (simple) datatypes for the provider.
registerDBEditorFactory(Class, DBEditorFactory) - Static method in class oracle.ide.db.dialogs.DBEditorFactoryRegistry
Deprecated. use the extension.xml mechanism instead.
registerDeclarativeContentSetProvider(ContentSetProviderReference) - Static method in class oracle.ide.model.ApplicationContent
registerDeclarativeContentSetProvider(ContentSetProviderReference) - Static method in class oracle.ide.model.ProjectContent
registerDecorator(String, URLFileSystemHelperDecorator) - Static method in class oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.util.VCSFileSystemUtils
Registers the specified URLFileSystemHelperDecorator as an element in the chain of objects that can handle URLFileSystem operations for URLs of the specified protocol.
registerDeleteActionHandler(Class<? extends Element>, Class<? extends DeleteActionHandler>) - Static method in class oracle.ide.navigator.DeleteHandlerService
Registers a DeleteActionHandler for all nodes of type classKey.
registerDerivedLibrary(Class, Class<? extends DerivedLibrary>) - Static method in class oracle.jdeveloper.library.JLibraryManager
Deprecated. Use the libraries hook to register derived libraries
registerDetractor(MetaClass) - Method in class oracle.ide.inspector.InspectableViewRegistry
Registers the given metclass to disable inspection by the Property Inspector.
registerDetractor(View) - Method in class oracle.ide.inspector.InspectableViewRegistry
Registers the given view to disable inspection by the Property Inspector.
registerDetractor(Class<? extends View>) - Method in class oracle.ide.inspector.InspectableViewRegistry
Registers the given type as a view that should not be inspected by the Property Inspector.
registerDetractor(String) - Method in class oracle.ide.inspector.InspectableViewRegistry
Deprecated. use MetaClass version instead.
registerDiffer(Differ, Class) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.diff.DiffEngine
Registers a given Differ implementation with an object type (to be used by only this DiffEngine instance)
registerDisplayName(String, String) - Method in class oracle.ide.db.PropertyDisplayRegistry
registerDockableFactory(String, DockableFactory) - Method in class oracle.ide.docking.DockStation
Deprecated. clients use a declarative "dockable-factory-hook" trigger hook in their extension.xml.
registerDockableFactory(String, DockableFactory, double) - Method in class oracle.ide.docking.DockStation
Deprecated. clients should use a declarative "dockable-factory-hook" trigger hook in their extension.xml.
registerDockableView(String, int) - Static method in class oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.spi.VCSDockableViewRegistry
registerDoctype(Class, String, String, String) - Static method in class oracle.ide.marshal.xml.Object2Dom
registerDocumentInfo(Class, DocumentInfo) - Static method in class oracle.ide.model.Recognizer
Deprecated. replaced by declarative registration through a node-recognizers-hook/document-infos/document-info trigger hook.
registerDragHelperForInstance(DragHelper, Class) - Method in class oracle.ide.util.dnd.DragDropManager
Registers the DragHelper for use in drag operations on objects whose type is assignable to a variable of the type specified by the supplied Class.
registerDragHelperForType(DragHelper, Class) - Method in class oracle.ide.util.dnd.DragDropManager
Registers a DragHelper for use in drag operations on objects whose type is the same as the supplied Class.
registerDropDDL(String, String, DDLType) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.ddl.TokenDDLGenerator
registerDropHelperForInstance(DropHelper, Class) - Method in class oracle.ide.util.dnd.DragDropManager
Registers the DropHelper to handle data transfer operations where the drop target object is an instanceof the type specified by the Class parameter.
registerDropHelperForType(DropHelper, Class) - Method in class oracle.ide.util.dnd.DragDropManager
Registers the DropHelper to handle data transfer operations where the drop target object is the same type as the type specified by the Class parameter.
registerDynamic(EditorAddin) - Method in class oracle.ide.editor.EditorManager
Registers a EditorAddin for possible inclusion the editor tabs.
registerDynamic(ExplorerInfo) - Method in class oracle.ide.explorer.ExplorerManager
Registers an ExplorerInfo to control inclusion of an associated Explorer.
registerDynamicLibraryProvider(DynamicLibraryProvider) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.library.JLibraryManager
Deprecated. Use the libraries hook to register a dynamic library provider
REGISTERED_BUNDLE_LIST - Static variable in interface oracle.ide.resourcebundle.ResourceBundleConstants
RegisteredBundleAdapter - Class in oracle.ide.resourcebundle
RegisteredBundleAdapter(HashStructure) - Constructor for class oracle.ide.resourcebundle.RegisteredBundleAdapter
RegisteredByExtension - Annotation Type in oracle.ide.extension
Indicates the extension that registers a type.
RegisteredDynamicNode - Class in oracle.ide.config
Deprecated. not replaced.
RegisteredDynamicNode() - Constructor for class oracle.ide.config.RegisteredDynamicNode
registerELContextObjectProvider(MetaClass<ELContextObjectProvider>) - Method in class
Register the given EL Context Object Provider
registerElementTypeResolver(DynamicHook.ElementTypeResolver) - Method in class javax.ide.extension.DynamicHook
registerElementTypeResolver(ElementTypeResolver) - Method in class oracle.javatools.xml.esax.DynamicElementHandler
registerExcludeFilter(String) - Static method in class oracle.ide.config.GlobalIgnoreList
Addins can register strings that should be added to the global ignore list These strings will be used to create an exclude filter and will be persisted across JDeveloper sessions.
registerExclusionGroup(JMenu, Component) - Static method in class oracle.javatools.controls.JMenuSorter
Registers a menu group for a JMenu so that the group will be excluded from sorting.
registerExpanders() - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.AbstractDBObjectProvider
registerExpanders() - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.ddl.DDLDatabase
registerExtension(Extension, Class) - Method in class oracle.ide.navigator.NavigatorManager
Register a navigator extension.
registerExtraValidator(String, String, OfflineDBValidationManager.Validator) - Static method in class oracle.jdeveloper.offlinedb.OfflineDBValidationManager
Deprecated. use extension.xml instead
registerExtraValidator(String, String, AbstractUserPropertyValidator) - Static method in class oracle.jdeveloper.offlinedb.userprops.UserPropertyValidationManager
Deprecated. Registers a validator for a user defined property.
registerFaceletsConfigurationHandler(MetaClass<FaceletsConfigurationHandler>) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.webapp.facelets.FaceletsConfigurationManager
registerFactory(EditorPluginsFactory) - Static method in class oracle.ide.ceditor.CodeEditor
Deprecated. declarative registration via the ceditor.plugin or ceditor.plugin-factory hook is preferred
registerFactory(DBObjectProviderFactory.Creator) - Static method in class oracle.javatools.db.DBObjectProviderFactory
Register the given Creator to be available for creating providers.
registerFactory(DependableRecognizer) - Static method in class oracle.jdeveloper.model.ProjectDependencyFactory
registerFactoryList(Class, List<? extends Thunk>) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.DBCore
Registers an Iterable of classes that can be looked up by the API.
registerFactoryMap(Class, Map<String, Thunk>) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.DBCore
Registers an Map of classes that can be looked up by the API.
registerFileType(String, ContentType) - Static method in class oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.util.VCSFileSystemUtils
Registers a default file type against the given extension in the IDE.
registerFilter(Class, Class, URLFilter) - Method in class oracle.ide.navigator.NavigatorManager
Associates a childFilterClass filter and urlFilter with the specified elementClass.
registerFilter(Class, ChildFilterFactory) - Method in class oracle.ide.navigator.NavigatorManager
Associates a ChildFilterFactory with the specified elementClass.
registerFilterContainerListener(JMenu) - Method in class oracle.ide.controller.ContextMenu
registerFilterContainerListener(JMenu) - Method in class oracle.ide.controller.MenuManager
registerGenericJdbcClass(Class<? extends JdbcDatabase>) - Static method in class oracle.javatools.db.datatypes.DataTypeRegistry
registerGlobalIgnoreFilter(String) - Static method in class oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.util.VCSConfigUtils
Deprecated. replaced by declarative registration through global-ignore-filter.
registerGrammarProviderSource(ViewTechContextExtensionRegistry.ProjectGrammarProviderSource) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.model.ViewTechContextExtensionRegistry
registerGrammarProviderSource(ViewTechContextExtensionRegistry.GrammarProviderSource) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.model.ViewTechContextExtensionRegistry
registerGuiFactories(JDevXmlContext) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.webapp.DelegatingXMLSourceNode
registerGuiFactories(JDevXmlContext) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.webapp.XMLSourceNodeDelegate
Return true if you want the super to be called in XMLSourceNode
registerHandler(JDevUncaughtExceptionHandler, int) - Static method in class oracle.ide.util.ChainingUncaughtExceptionHandler
Registers a handler along with its priority, so it can (if necessary) be called when an uncaught exception is detected.
registerHelper(String, VirtualFileSystemHelper) - Method in class
Registers the specified VirtualFileSystemHelper as the object that can handle VirtualFileSystem operations for URIs of the specified scheme.
registerHelper(DBURLFactory.Helper) - Static method in class oracle.ide.db.DBURLFactory
Deprecated. for permenant helpers, use the extension.xml mechanism instead
registerHelper(String, URLFileSystemHelper) - Static method in class
Registers the specified URLFileSystemHelper as the object that can handle URLFileSystem operations for URLs of the specified protocol.
registerHelpSetURL(URL) - Method in class
Registers the URL to a HelpSet file.
registerHelpSetURL(URL, String, int) - Method in class
Registers the { @link URL} to a HelpSet file.
registerHelpSetURL(String, int, URL, String, int) - Method in class
Registers the URL to a HelpSet jar file that contains all the control files necessary for OHJ.
registerHelpSetURL(String, int, URL, String, int, Map<String, String>) - Method in class
registerHighlights() - Static method in class oracle.ide.ceditor.AbstractBrowseClickPlugin
registerHighlights() - Static method in class
registerHighlights() - Static method in class oracle.javatools.editor.folding.FoldingFader
registerHighlights() - Static method in class oracle.javatools.editor.plugins.BraceMatchingPlugin
registerHighlights() - Static method in class oracle.javatools.editor.plugins.FindHighlightPlugin
registerHighlights() - Static method in class oracle.javatools.editor.plugins.LineHighlightPlugin
registerHistorian(Class, Class) - Method in class oracle.ide.history.HistoryManager
Deprecated. replaced by declarative registration through historian-hook or programmatic registration through HistoryManager.registerHistorian(MetaClass, MetaClass)
registerHistorian(MetaClass<? extends Historian>, MetaClass<? extends Node>) - Method in class oracle.ide.history.HistoryManager
Register a Historian implementation for association with a given object type.
registerHostedDockable(HostedView) - Method in class oracle.ide.navigator.NavigatorManager
registerHostedDockable(ViewId) - Method in class oracle.ide.navigator.NavigatorManager
registerHostedDockable(ViewId, float) - Method in class oracle.ide.navigator.NavigatorManager
registerIdeHook(ElementName, ExtensionHook) - Method in class oracle.ide.ExtensionRegistry
Registers an ide hook.
registerIDProperty(String, boolean, Class<? extends DBObjectProvider>, Class<? extends DBObject>...) - Method in class
Registers a new property in the APIs metadata that has a return type of DBObjectID.
registerInitialiser(TemplateExpander.Initialiser) - Static method in class oracle.javatools.db.TemplateExpander
registerInsightProvider(FieldInsightProvider) - Method in class oracle.javatools.controls.completionfield.CompletionPopupHandler
Deprecated. Register an insight provider with this field.
registerInsightProvider(CompletionProvider) - Method in class oracle.javatools.ui.completion.CompletionPopupHandler
Register an insight provider with this field.
registerInspectable(Class, Class) - Method in class oracle.ide.inspector.InspectorFactory
Register an Inspectable type to be used when requesting the Inspectable for a given data type.
registerJMenu(JMenu) - Static method in class oracle.javatools.controls.JMenuSorter
Registers a JMenu so that it will be maintained in sorted order.
registerKeyStrokes(Collection<IdeAction>, String) - Static method in class oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.util.VCSMenuUtils
Register a key stroke context for the specified collection of actions so that the user can define accelerators from Tools->Preferences.
registerKnownLibraryAnnotations(String, URL) - Static method in class oracle.jdeveloper.jsp.libraries.JspLibraryManager
Registers location of the standalone metadata annotation file that contains metadata for tag library identified by the URI.
registerKnownLibraryAnnotations(String, String, URL) - Static method in class oracle.jdeveloper.jsp.libraries.JspLibraryManager
registerKnownLibrarySchema(String, String, URL) - Static method in class oracle.jdeveloper.jsp.libraries.JspLibraryManager
registerKnownLibrarySchema(String, URL) - Static method in class oracle.jdeveloper.jsp.libraries.JspLibraryManager
Registers location of the schema file that contains grammar definition for tag library identified by the URI.
registerLibrary(String, Class<? extends PanelLibrary>) - Method in class oracle.ide.db.dialogs.BaseDBEditorFactory
registerLibrary(AddinLibrary) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.library.AddinLibraryList
Registers an extension library programmatically.
registerLibraryIndexingMetadata(String, URL) - Static method in class oracle.jdeveloper.jsp.libraries.JspLibraryManager
registerListDiffer(Differ, Class) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.diff.DiffEngine
Registers a given Differ implementation with a List of object type (to be used by only this DiffEngine instances)
registerListener(DBObjectProviderFactory.Listener) - Static method in class oracle.javatools.db.DBObjectProviderFactory
Registers a listener to be notified of any providers being created or removed from the cache.
registerLoadResourcesFromClassLoaderFeatureEnabler(LoadResourcesFromClassLoaderFeatureEnabler) - Method in class
registerLogRecognizer(LogRecognizer) - Method in class oracle.ide.log.AbstractLogManager
registerLogRecognizer(LogRecognizer) - Method in class oracle.ide.log.LogManager
Register a LogRecognizer Registered LogRecognizers determine what files can be opened in the log window and define what class will be used to present the data from the file.
registerLookupHelper(DeleteActionHandler.LookupHelper) - Static method in class oracle.ide.navigator.DeleteHandlerService
Registers a lookup helper.
registerLowPriorityRecognizer(Recognizer) - Static method in class oracle.ide.model.Recognizer
This method allows a Recognizer to be registered without an associated file extension.
registerMetadataProviderSource(ViewTechContextExtensionRegistry.ProjectMetadataProviderSource) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.model.ViewTechContextExtensionRegistry
registerMetadataProviderSource(ViewTechContextExtensionRegistry.MetadataProviderSource) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.model.ViewTechContextExtensionRegistry
registerMetadataResolverDatabindingMitigator(MetaClass<MetadataResolverDatabindingMitigator>) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.webapp.html.HtmlSourceNodeHookManager
registerMigrator(String, Extension) - Method in class oracle.ide.migration.MigrationManager
Register a Migrator implementation for use when migrating a given extension.
registerModule(LanguageModule) - Method in class oracle.javatools.editor.language.LanguageModule
Registers this language module with the framework.
registerModuleForFileType(LanguageModule, String) - Static method in class oracle.javatools.editor.language.LanguageModule
Utility routine to register the LanguageModule for the given file type.
registerNamespaceElem(Class, String, String) - Static method in class oracle.ide.marshal.xml.Object2Dom
This method associates the specified namespace URI and local element name with the objectClass.
registerNavigationMenuListener(MetaClass<NavigationMenuListener>) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.webapp.navigation.NavigationMenuManager
Registers a MetaClass to be used as a factory for the NavigationMenuListener.
registerNavigationMenuListener(MetaClass<NavigationMenuListener>, Class, boolean) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.webapp.navigation.NavigationMenuManager
Registers a MetaClass to be used as a factory for the NavigationMenuListener.
registerNavigationMenuListener(MetaClass<NavigationMenuListener>, Class, boolean, Class) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.webapp.navigation.NavigationMenuManager
Registers a MetaClass to be used as a factory for the NavigationMenuListener.
registerNodeInfo(NodeInfo) - Static method in class oracle.ide.xml.XMLRecognizer
Uses the specified NodeInfo to register recognizer behavior.
registerNodeType(Class, String) - Static method in class oracle.ide.ceditor.CodeEditor
Registers the given node class for the given syntax highlighting type to use.
registerNotObservableSubject(Class<? extends Subject>) - Method in class oracle.ide.inspector.NotObservableSubjectRegistry
registerObject(T) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.AbstractDBObjectBuilder
Shared between buildObject and buildObjects to perform any post-build tasks that are needed (e.g.
registerObject(String, DatabaseMatcher, Class<? extends DBObjectValidator>, Class<? extends DBObjectBuilder>, Class<? extends DBObjectLister>, Class<? extends DDLGenerator>) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.extension.DBObjectRegistry
registerObject(SystemObject) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.SchemaObjectManager
Register the given SystemObject with this manager.
registerObject(SystemObject, boolean) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.SchemaObjectManager
Registers an object on the understanding that this is a load of the object, not a create or update.
registerObjectClass(String, Class<? extends DBObject>) - Method in class
registerOJSPNextEnabler(MetaClass<OJSPNextFeatureEnabler>) - Method in class
registerOnDemandToolbar(String, Toolbar, View) - Method in class oracle.ide.controller.ToolbarManager
Registers a toolbar defined in an extension manifest to get on-demand updates as extensions are initialized.
registerOverlayConsumer(IconOverlayConsumer) - Method in class oracle.ide.explorer.IconOverlayCache
registerOverlayCoordinator(String, String, int, MetaClass<? extends IconOverlayTracker>) - Static method in class oracle.ide.explorer.IconOverlayRegistry
Registration for an IconOverlayCoordinator that will attach to the overlay consumer views and perform deferred creation of the specified IconOverlayTracker when required.
registerOverridableStarterFactory(Class, StarterFactory) - Static method in class oracle.jdeveloper.model.J2eeEditionAddin
registerPainter(BasicEditorPainter) - Method in class oracle.javatools.editor.BasicEditorPane
Register a BasicEditorPainter to paint custom graphics into the editor
registerPaletteWizard(String, Invokable) - Method in class oracle.ide.palette.PaletteManager
Register Invokable wizard.
registerPanelProvider(PropertiesPanelProvider) - Static method in class
Registers a PropertiesPanelProvider.
registerPlugin(PropertyDisplayRegistry.Plugin) - Method in class oracle.ide.db.PropertyDisplayRegistry
Registers a new plugin to this registry that provides display names for properties.
registerPreferredContentSet(Class, String) - Static method in class oracle.ide.cmd.AddContentCommand
Registers the content set identified by the content set key as the preferred content set to which to add nodes of the supplied class type.
registerPreferredLayoutListener(Class, Class, String, PreferredLayoutListener) - Method in class oracle.ide.editor.EditorManager
Register a PreferredLayoutListener for the specified nodeClass.
registerProcessor(String, OfflineDBUpdateManager.Processor) - Static method in class oracle.jdeveloper.offlinedb.OfflineDBUpdateManager
Deprecated. use extension.xml instead
registerPropertiesToClear(Class, ArrayList<String>, boolean) - Static method in class oracle.javatools.db.TemplateExpander
Deprecated. use registerPropertyToClear
registerProperty(String, Class, Class<? extends DBObjectProvider>, Class<? extends DBObject>...) - Method in class
Registers a new property in the APIs metadata for a given object class and provider.
registerProperty(PropertyInfo) - Method in class
Registers an extra property into the API metadata.
registerPropertyEditors() - Method in interface oracle.ide.inspector.PropertyEditorRegistrar
Register the default 'out of the box' PropertyEditor implementations with the java.beans.PropertyEditorManager.
registerPropertyInitializer(Class<? extends PropertyInitializer>, OfflineDBObjectProvider) - Static method in class oracle.jdeveloper.offlinedb.OfflineDBPropertyInitializationManager
Deprecated. Register a PropertyInitializer.
registerPropertyModel(Class, Class) - Method in class oracle.ide.inspector.InspectorFactory
Register an IdePropertyModel type to be used when requesting the model type for a given data type.
registerPropertyToClear(Class, String) - Static method in class oracle.javatools.db.TemplateExpander
registerProvider(DataTypeRegistry.Registerer, Class) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.datatypes.DataTypeRegistry
Registers a provider of datatypes against
registerProvider(HistoryProvider) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.history.HistoryManager
Deprecated. replaced by declarative registration through history-provider-hook.
registerProvider(String, ConnectionProvider) - Static method in class oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.nav.ConnectionProvider
Deprecated. replaced by declarative registration through vcs-register-hook.
registerProviderClass(Class<? extends Database>, String) - Static method in class oracle.javatools.db.DatabaseFactory
Registers the given provider class with its translated name.
registerPseudoTechnology(String, PseudoTechnologyCallback) - Method in class oracle.ide.model.TechnologyRegistry
Deprecated. Use #registerPseudoTechnology(String key, String extensionId, PseudoTechnologyCallback callback)
registerPseudoTechnology(String, String, PseudoTechnologyCallback) - Method in class oracle.ide.model.TechnologyRegistry
Registers a pseudo-technology with the technology registry.
registerRecognizer(String, Recognizer) - Static method in class oracle.ide.model.Recognizer
Registers the specified file extension so that an URL that ends with it is recognized using the specified Recognizer, so long as no earlier Recognizer has already recognized the URL.
registerRecognizer(String[], Recognizer) - Static method in class oracle.ide.model.Recognizer
Registers the specified file extensions so that an URL that ends with one of the specified extensions is recognized using the specified Recognizer, so long as no earlier Recognizer has already recognized the URL.
registerRenderAsIncludeProvider(QualifiedName, MetaClass<RenderAsIncludeProvider>) - Method in class
Register the RenderAsInclude Provider given the qualified name
registerResourceBundleType(ResourceBundleType) - Method in class oracle.javatools.resourcebundle.ResourceBundleManager
Registers a new ResourceBundleType with the system.
registerRule(Rule) - Method in class oracle.ide.extension.rules.RuleEngine
Attempts to register the given Rule with the RuleEngine.
registerRuleType(RuleType) - Method in class oracle.ide.extension.rules.RuleEngine
Attempts to register the given RuleType with the RuleEngine.
registerScanner(ExternalToolScanner) - Method in class oracle.ide.externaltools.ExternalToolManager
Deprecated. since 11.0. Scanners should be registered in the <externaltools> section of the extension manifest.
registerSchemaObjectExpander(SchemaObjectExpander) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.AbstractDBObjectProvider
registerScopeHandler(String, ElementHandler) - Method in interface oracle.javatools.xml.esax.ElementContext
Register a handler that will bs used within the scope of the current element and all its descendants.
registerScopeHandler(String, String, ElementHandler) - Method in interface oracle.javatools.xml.esax.ElementContext
Register a handler that will bs used within the scope of the current element and all its descendants.
registerScopeHandler(String, ElementHandler) - Method in class oracle.javatools.xml.esax.spi.DefaultElementContext
registerScopeHandler(String, String, ElementHandler) - Method in class oracle.javatools.xml.esax.spi.DefaultElementContext
registerScopeHandlerFactory(ElementHandlerFactory) - Method in interface oracle.javatools.xml.esax.ElementContext
Register a factory that can dynamically retrieve element handlers for XML elements in the current scope.
registerScopeHandlerFactory(ElementHandlerFactory) - Method in class oracle.javatools.xml.esax.spi.DefaultElementContext
registerShortcutButton(Icon, String, URL) - Static method in class oracle.ide.dialogs.DialogUtil
Deprecated. since - use #addURLChooserShortcutProvider(URLChooserShortuctProvider).
registerSQLFragmentFactory(SQLFragmentFactory) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.sql.AbstractSQLQueryBuilder
registerSQLFragmentFactory(SQLFragmentFactory) - Method in interface oracle.javatools.db.sql.SQLQueryBuilder
Register plugin SQLFragmentFactory to create SQLFragments from the given String if not recognized by the base implementation.
registerStarterFactory(Class, StarterFactory) - Method in class oracle.ide.runner.Runner
Registers the specified StarterFactory as a StarterFactory that can create a Starter that may start processes with the specified type of target.
registerStoreProvider(StoreProvider) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.db.DatabaseConnectionStores
Deprecated. - use the extension.xml hook
registerStreamFactory() - Method in class oracle.ide.IdeCore
registerStringConvertible(Class) - Static method in class oracle.javatools.marshal.ToStringManager
Adds the specified class to the list of classes that have a direct String representation.
registerStyles(StyleRegistry) - Method in class oracle.javatools.editor.language.LanguageModule
Register the styles used by the highlighter in this language.
registerSubstitution(CustomFilterSubstitution) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.history.CustomFilterManager
Deprecated. replaced by declarative registration through history-filter-subtitution-hook.
registerSupporter(MetaClass) - Method in class oracle.ide.inspector.InspectableViewRegistry
Registers the given metclass to enable inspection by the Property Inspector.
registerSupporter(Class<? extends View>) - Method in class oracle.ide.inspector.InspectableViewRegistry
Registers the given type as a view that can be inspected by the Property Inspector.
registerSupporter(String) - Method in class oracle.ide.inspector.InspectableViewRegistry
Deprecated. use MetaClass version instead.
registerSynonym(String, DataType, Class) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.datatypes.DataTypeRegistry
Registers a new synonym for the given DataType in the given provider.
registerSynonym(DataType, DataType, Class) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.datatypes.DataTypeRegistry
Registers a DataType as a synonym for the given base DataType in the given provider.
registerSystemNavigable(Navigable) - Static method in class oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.util.VCSNavigableUtils
Deprecated. replaced by declarative registration through settings-ui-hook.
registerTagLibraryConfigurationContextProvider(TagLibraryConfigurationContextProvider, String) - Static method in class oracle.jdeveloper.webapp.libraries.TagLibraryConfigurationContextRegistry
registerTarget(GenerateTarget) - Method in class oracle.ide.db.transfer.generate.GenerateTargetRegistry
Deprecated. Registers a GenerateTarget for the GenerateController to include in the generate submenu.
registerTechnology(String, String, String, String) - Static method in class oracle.ide.model.IdeTechnologies
Registers a child technology with the TechnologyRegistry.
registerTechnology(String, String, String) - Static method in class oracle.ide.model.IdeTechnologies
Registers a top-level technology with the TechnologyRegistry.
registerTechnology(String, String, String) - Method in class oracle.ide.model.TechnologyRegistry
Deprecated. Use TechnologyRegistry.registerTechnology(String, String, String, String). Since
registerTechnology(String, String, String, TechId) - Method in class oracle.ide.model.TechnologyRegistry
Deprecated. Use TechnologyRegistry.registerTechnology(String, String, String, String, TechId). Since
registerTechnology(String, String, String, TechId[]) - Method in class oracle.ide.model.TechnologyRegistry
Deprecated. Use TechnologyRegistry.registerTechnology(String, String, String, String, TechId[]). Since
registerTechnology(String, String, String, String) - Method in class oracle.ide.model.TechnologyRegistry
Registers a top-level technology with the technology registry.
registerTechnology(String, String, String, String, boolean) - Method in class oracle.ide.model.TechnologyRegistry
Registers a top-level technology with the technology registry.
registerTechnology(String, String, String, String, TechId) - Method in class oracle.ide.model.TechnologyRegistry
Registers a child technology with the technology registry.
registerTechnology(String, String, String, String, TechId[]) - Method in class oracle.ide.model.TechnologyRegistry
Registers a dependent technology with the technology registry.
registerTechnology(String, String, String, String, boolean, TechId[]) - Method in class oracle.ide.model.TechnologyRegistry
Registers a dependent technology with the technology registry.
registerTechnologyListener(String, JProjectTechnologyListener) - Static method in class oracle.jdeveloper.model.JProjectTechnologyNotifier
Registers a technology listener for the specified technology.
registerTemporaryHelper(DBURLFactory.Helper) - Static method in class oracle.ide.db.DBURLFactory
registerTerminateHook(Runnable) - Static method in class oracle.ide.cmd.ExitCommand
Add a terminate-handling hook.
registerThrowableChainTraverser(Class, ExceptionDialog.ThrowableChainTraverser) - Static method in class oracle.javatools.dialogs.ExceptionDialog
Register a ThrowableChainTraverser with the ExceptionDialog utility.
registerTipOfDayURL(URL) - Method in class
Registers a file as a tip of the day provider.
registerTokenGenerator(String, TokenGenerator) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.ddl.TokenDDLGenerator
Registers the given token generator for a tokenName.
registerTopic(JComponent, String) - Method in class
Registers the topicID with the JComponent for context sensitive help.
registerTopicSubstitute(String, String) - Method in class
Registers a substitute topic id.
registerTransform(String, String, String, URL) - Static method in class oracle.ide.marshal.xml.XMLObjectStore
registerTransparentComponent(JComponent) - Method in class oracle.javatools.ui.ghost.GhostBackgroundPanel
notify this GhostBackgroundPanel of another component.
registerTransparentComponent(JComponent) - Method in class oracle.javatools.ui.ghost.GhostPalette
notify this GhostPanel of another component.
registerType(String, String, String, String, Icon, Icon) - Method in class oracle.ide.db.DBTypeDispayRegistryEntry
Registers a type with all the String and Icons.
registerType(String, String, String, String, String) - Method in class oracle.ide.db.DBTypeDispayRegistryEntry
Registers a type with display Strings, but for the Icons String keys for OracleIcons are used.
registerType(String, String, String, String, String, String) - Method in class oracle.ide.db.DBTypeDispayRegistryEntry
Registers a type with display Strings, but for the Icons String keys for OracleIcons are used.
registerType(String, int, int, int, String) - Method in class oracle.ide.db.DBTypeDispayRegistryEntry
registerType(String, int, int, int, String, String) - Method in class oracle.ide.db.DBTypeDispayRegistryEntry
registerType(ExternalToolType) - Method in class oracle.ide.externaltools.ExternalToolManager
Deprecated. since where external tools must be declaratively registered
registerType(String, DBObjectBuilder, DBObjectValidator) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.AbstractDBObjectProvider
Registers a Builder and Validator for a specific object type.
registerUI(Navigable) - Static method in class oracle.ide.config.ClientSetting
registerUI(Navigable) - Static method in class oracle.ide.config.IdeSettings
Registers user interface for the Preferences dialog.
registerUI(Navigable) - Method in class oracle.ide.panels.NavigableRegistry
Registers the UI that is specified by the Navigable.
registerUndeleteDDL(String, String, DDLType) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.ddl.TokenDDLGenerator
registerURLToNodeTransformer(URLToNodeTransformer) - Static method in class oracle.jdeveloper.webapp.datatransfer.URLToNodeTransformerRegistry
registerValidator(String, DBObjectValidator) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.AbstractDBObjectProvider
Registers a Validator for a specific object type.
registerValidators() - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.AbstractDatabase
By default this registers default validators for Schema, Sequences, Synonyms, Indexes, Constraints and Columns for the wizards to use.
registerView(View) - Method in class oracle.ide.IdeMainWindow
Register a view for participation in active view handling.
registerViewDecoration(Class<? extends CompareViewDecoration>) - Static method in class
registerViewDecoration(Thunk<Class<? extends CompareViewDecoration>>) - Static method in class
registerViewFactories(JDevXmlContext) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.webapp.DelegatingXMLSourceNode
registerViewFactories(JDevXmlContext) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.webapp.XMLSourceNodeDelegate
Return true if you want the super to be called in XMLSourceNode
registerViewLimitProviderFactory(ViewLimitProviderFactory) - Static method in class oracle.ide.ceditor.CodeEditor
Register a ViewLimitProviderFactory with the code editor.
registerViewSelectionHelperFactory(ViewSelectionHelperFactory) - Static method in class oracle.ide.ceditor.CodeEditor
Register a ViewSelectionHelperFactory with the code editor.
registerVisitorFactory(ElementVisitorFactory) - Method in interface javax.ide.extension.ElementContext
Registers a factory that can dynamically retrieve visitors for named elements.
registerVisualEditorPathProvider(MetaClass<VisualEditorPathProvider>) - Method in class
Register an extension point allowing JSP Design Time Visual Editor viewable paths to be specified for JspSourceNode and subclasses (JspFragmentSourceNode, JspTagSourceNode, JspTagXSourceNode, JspTagFragmentSourceNode).
registerVisualEditorPathProvider(MetaClass<VisualEditorPathProvider>, float) - Method in class
Register an extension point allowing JSP Design Time Visual Editor viewable paths to be specified for JspSourceNode and subclasses (JspFragmentSourceNode, JspTagSourceNode, JspTagXSourceNode, JspTagFragmentSourceNode).
registerWebAppProjectGrammarProviderFactory(MetaClass<WebAppProjectGrammarProviderFactory>) - Static method in class oracle.jdeveloper.webapp.grammar.WebAppProjectGrammarRegistry
registerWebAppProjectMetadataRegistryEntryFactory(MetaClass<WebAppProjectMetadataRegistryEntryFactory>) - Static method in class oracle.jdeveloper.webapp.metadata.WebAppProjectMetadataRegistry
registerWizard(Wizard) - Method in class oracle.ide.wizard.WizardManager
Registers a wizard with the Wizard Manager.
registerWorkspaceArtifact(String) - Method in class oracle.ide.vcs.VCSManager
Deprecated. replaced by declarative registration through vcs-workspace-artifact-hook.
registerXMLSourceNodeDelegateFactory(MetaClass<XMLSourceNodeDelegateFactory>) - Static method in class oracle.jdeveloper.webapp.DelegatingXMLSourceNode
Registers a XMLSourceNodeDelegateFactory with the weight of DEFAULT_WEIGHT.
registerXMLSourceNodeDelegateFactory(MetaClass<XMLSourceNodeDelegateFactory>, double) - Static method in class oracle.jdeveloper.webapp.DelegatingXMLSourceNode
Registers a XMLSourceNodeDelegateFactory with the specified weight.
REGISTRAR - Static variable in interface oracle.ide.inspector.PropertyEditorRegistrar
Key used to identify the PropertyEditorRegistrar implementation.
registrationAborted(ExtensionRegistrationEvent) - Method in interface javax.ide.event.ExtensionRegistrationListener
registrationCompleted(ExtensionRegistrationEvent) - Method in interface javax.ide.event.ExtensionRegistrationListener
registrationException(ExtensionRegistrationEvent) - Method in interface javax.ide.event.ExtensionRegistrationListener
registrationProgress(ExtensionRegistrationEvent) - Method in interface javax.ide.event.ExtensionRegistrationListener
registrationStarted(ExtensionRegistrationEvent) - Method in interface javax.ide.event.ExtensionRegistrationListener
registrationUpdate(ExtensionRegistrationEvent) - Method in interface javax.ide.event.ExtensionRegistrationListener
REGULAR_FONT - Static variable in class oracle.javatools.ui.TextLayer
Font to use when the component containing the layer is usually on the smaller size.
REJECT_BOTH - Static variable in class
Rejects deprecated and hidden elements.
REJECT_DEPRECATED - Static variable in class
Rejects only deprecated elements.
REJECT_HIDDEN - Static variable in class
Rejects only hidden elements.
REJECT_LIMIT_UNLIMITED - Static variable in class oracle.javatools.db.ora.OracleExternalTableProperties
rejectLimit - Static variable in class
Property constant for the "rejectLimit" property.
rel_op(int) - Static method in class
relatedObjectID - Static variable in class
Property constant for the "relatedObjectID" property.
relation - Static variable in class
Property constant for the "relation" property.
Relation - Class in oracle.javatools.db
A Relation represents the basic entity of a relational database.
Relation() - Constructor for class oracle.javatools.db.Relation
Constructs a new Relation.
Relation(String, Schema) - Constructor for class oracle.javatools.db.Relation
Constructs a new Relation with the specified name in the specified schema.
RELATION_USAGE - Static variable in class oracle.ide.db.DBIcons
RELATION_USAGE - Static variable in class oracle.javatools.icons.OracleIcons
RelationUsage - Class in oracle.javatools.db.sql
SQL fragment that is a use of a Relation.
RelationUsage() - Constructor for class oracle.javatools.db.sql.RelationUsage
Create an empty RelationUsage.
RelationUsage(DBObjectID) - Constructor for class oracle.javatools.db.sql.RelationUsage
Create a RelationUsage using the given DBObjectID which should resolve to a Relation.
RelativeDirectoryContextFolder - Class in oracle.ide.model
Folder representing a directory displayed in a navigator.
RelativeDirectoryElement - Interface in oracle.ide.model
An interface which represents directories containing source in the navigator.
release() - Method in interface oracle.ide.index.file.FileTable
Deprecated. Release this file table.
release() - Method in interface oracle.ide.index.Index
Release this index when it is no longer needed.
release() - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.audit.model.ModelAdapter
Releases resources used by this model.
release() - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.audit.model.TextFileModelAdapter
release() - Method in interface oracle.jdeveloper.webapp.metadata.WebAppProjectMetadataRegistryEntry
releaseActionContext() - Method in class oracle.ide.inspector.CustomEditorButton
releaseBundle(String) - Static method in class oracle.javatools.resourcebundle.BundleFactory
Releases the ResourceBundleWrapper and all associated resources, once released the old resource bundle should not be used anymore, or it will throw an IllegalStateException.
releaseBundle(ResourceBundleWrapper) - Method in class oracle.javatools.resourcebundle.ResourceBundleManager
Releases the ResourceBundleWrapper and all associated resources, once released the old resource bundle should not be used anymore, or it will throw an IllegalStateException.
releaseBundle(ResourceBundleWrapper) - Method in class oracle.javatools.resourcebundle.ResourceBundleManagerRT
releaseEditor() - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.webapp.metadata.ContextualComponentEditor
Called by the component editor environment to tell the component editor to cleanup its state.
releaseJarIndex(URL) - Static method in class
Releases the in-memory jar index corresponding to the specified URL.
releasePopupMenu() - Method in class oracle.ide.controls.ActionMenuToolButton
releasePopupMenu() - Method in class oracle.ide.controls.ToolButton
Deprecated. Replace a menu-ing ToolButton with MenuToolButton.
releaseReaders() - Method in interface oracle.javatools.buffer.ReadWriteLockImplementation
releaseReadLock(WriteLockRequestListener) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.audit.model.ModelAdapter
Releases a read lock for this model.
releaseReadLock(WriteLockRequestListener) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.audit.model.TextFileModelAdapter
Releases a read lock for this model.
releaseReadTextBuffer(HistoryReadTextBuffer) - Static method in class oracle.javatools.editor.language.HistoryReadTextBuffer
Release the wrapper text buffer so that it can be re-used.
releaseTextBuffer() - Method in interface oracle.ide.db.model.DBObjectPlSqlNode
releaseTextBuffer() - Method in class oracle.ide.model.TextNode
Informs the document that the previously acquired TextBuffer instance is no longer needed.
releaseTextBuffer(TextBuffer) - Static method in class
The caller is responsible for ensuring that there are no more text buffer listeners attached to this buffer.
reload(Node) - Static method in class oracle.ide.cmd.RevertNodeCommand
Utility method to reload a specified Node without confirmation.
reload(Node, boolean) - Static method in class oracle.ide.cmd.RevertNodeCommand
Utility method to reload a specified Node with optional confirmation.
reload(Context) - Static method in class oracle.ide.cmd.RevertNodeCommand
Utility method to reload the Node specified in the context with confirmation; the Node must be an instance of Node.
reload(Context, boolean) - Static method in class oracle.ide.cmd.RevertNodeCommand
Utility method to reload the Node specified in the context with optional confirmation; the Node must be an instance of Node.
reload() - Method in class oracle.javatools.editor.folding.DefaultCodeFoldingModel
RELOAD_END_ATTRIBUTE - Static variable in interface oracle.javatools.buffer.TextBufferListener
Public (pseudo-attribute) constant used as a post-notification to clients that the Reader ) has been completed, and that the contents of the buffer have already been replaced.
RELOAD_NODES_CMD - Static variable in class oracle.ide.IdeConstants
Reload nodes command.
RELOAD_NODES_CMD_ID - Static variable in class oracle.ide.IdeConstants
RELOAD_PROMPT - Static variable in class oracle.ide.dialogs.SelectFilesPanel
RELOAD_PROMPTED - Static variable in class oracle.ide.model.NodeUtil
RELOAD_PROMPTED_IF_DIRTY - Static variable in class oracle.ide.model.NodeUtil
RELOAD_SILENTLY - Static variable in class oracle.ide.model.NodeUtil
RELOAD_START_ATTRIBUTE - Static variable in interface oracle.javatools.buffer.TextBufferListener
Public (pseudo-attribute) constant used as a pre-notification to clients that the Reader ) has been invoked, and that the contents of the buffer are about to be reloaded.
reloadAll(Object[]) - Method in class
Overwrites all preferences to become the given parameters.
reloadBuffer(URL) - Static method in class oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.util.VCSBufferUtils
Silently reloads the buffer of the node for the given URL.
reloadBuffer(URL[]) - Static method in class oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.util.VCSBufferUtils
Silently reloads the buffer of nodes for the given URLs.
reloadBuffers(Map<Node, Long>) - Static method in class oracle.ide.model.NodeUtil
A convenience method for doing a silent reload.
reloadBuffers(Map<Node, Long>, boolean) - Static method in class oracle.ide.model.NodeUtil
This method reloads Node buffers by comparing timestamps stored in the map, Node, and on disk.
reloadBuffers(Map<Node, Long>, boolean, boolean) - Static method in class oracle.ide.model.NodeUtil
reloadBuffers(Collection<Node>, boolean) - Static method in class oracle.ide.model.NodeUtil
Identical to NodeUtil.reloadBuffers(java.util.Map, boolean) but reloads the node independently of the timestamp.
reloadBuffers(Collection<Node>, Map<Node, Long>, int, boolean) - Static method in class oracle.ide.model.NodeUtil
reloadBuffers(Map<Node, Long>, Set<NodeUtil.ReloadMode>) - Static method in class oracle.ide.model.NodeUtil
This method reloads Node buffers by comparing timestamps stored in the map, Node, and on disk.
reloadBuffers(Map) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.spi.VCSCommand
reloadBuffers(Map<Node, Long>) - Static method in class oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.util.VCSBufferUtils
Reloads the buffers of nodes for those files with updated timestamps.
RELOADED - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.spi.VCSNodeUpdate
reloadIfUsed() - Method in class oracle.ide.extension.feature.FeatureType
reloadIfUsed() - Method in class oracle.ide.extension.feature.ServiceFeatureType
reloadIfUsed() - Method in class oracle.ide.extension.feature.SupportFeatureType
reloadIfUsed() - Method in class oracle.ide.extension.feature.TechnologyFeatureType
reloadNodes(Set<NodeUtil.ReloadMode>) - Method in class oracle.ide.IdeMainWindow
Reloads all open nodes.
reloadNodes(Collection<Node>, Set<NodeUtil.ReloadMode>) - Static method in class oracle.ide.model.NodeUtil
Reloads all Node buffers passed in.
reloadStyles(StyleRegistry) - Method in class oracle.javatools.editor.language.BuiltInStyles
Reloads the built in styles from the provided style registry.
reloadTree() - Method in class oracle.ide.db.controls.DBObjectPicker
Reloads the tree model (if elements have been added off-event-queue this will ensure that all is well).
REMOTE_CONNECT_LABEL - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.runner.RunMgrArb
REMOTE_CONNECT_LABEL - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.runner.RunMgrArb_de
REMOTE_CONNECT_LABEL - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.runner.RunMgrArb_en
REMOTE_CONNECT_LABEL - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.runner.RunMgrArb_es
REMOTE_CONNECT_LABEL - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.runner.RunMgrArb_fr
REMOTE_CONNECT_LABEL - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.runner.RunMgrArb_it
REMOTE_CONNECT_LABEL - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.runner.RunMgrArb_ja
REMOTE_CONNECT_LABEL - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.runner.RunMgrArb_ko
REMOTE_CONNECT_LABEL - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.runner.RunMgrArb_pt_BR
REMOTE_CONNECT_LABEL - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.runner.RunMgrArb_zh_CN
REMOTE_CONNECT_LABEL - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.runner.RunMgrArb_zh_TW
REMOTE_CONNECT_SAVE_CHECKBOX - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.runner.RunMgrArb
REMOTE_CONNECT_SAVE_CHECKBOX - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.runner.RunMgrArb_de
REMOTE_CONNECT_SAVE_CHECKBOX - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.runner.RunMgrArb_en
REMOTE_CONNECT_SAVE_CHECKBOX - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.runner.RunMgrArb_es
REMOTE_CONNECT_SAVE_CHECKBOX - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.runner.RunMgrArb_fr
REMOTE_CONNECT_SAVE_CHECKBOX - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.runner.RunMgrArb_it
REMOTE_CONNECT_SAVE_CHECKBOX - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.runner.RunMgrArb_ja
REMOTE_CONNECT_SAVE_CHECKBOX - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.runner.RunMgrArb_ko
REMOTE_CONNECT_SAVE_CHECKBOX - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.runner.RunMgrArb_pt_BR
REMOTE_CONNECT_SAVE_CHECKBOX - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.runner.RunMgrArb_zh_CN
REMOTE_CONNECT_SAVE_CHECKBOX - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.runner.RunMgrArb_zh_TW
REMOTE_CONNECT_TO_DEBUG_PID - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.runner.RunMgrArb
REMOTE_CONNECT_TO_DEBUG_PID - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.runner.RunMgrArb_de
REMOTE_CONNECT_TO_DEBUG_PID - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.runner.RunMgrArb_en
REMOTE_CONNECT_TO_DEBUG_PID - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.runner.RunMgrArb_es
REMOTE_CONNECT_TO_DEBUG_PID - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.runner.RunMgrArb_fr
REMOTE_CONNECT_TO_DEBUG_PID - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.runner.RunMgrArb_it
REMOTE_CONNECT_TO_DEBUG_PID - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.runner.RunMgrArb_ja
REMOTE_CONNECT_TO_DEBUG_PID - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.runner.RunMgrArb_ko
REMOTE_CONNECT_TO_DEBUG_PID - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.runner.RunMgrArb_pt_BR
REMOTE_CONNECT_TO_DEBUG_PID - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.runner.RunMgrArb_zh_CN
REMOTE_CONNECT_TO_DEBUG_PID - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.runner.RunMgrArb_zh_TW
REMOTE_CONNECT_TO_LIVE_PID - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.runner.RunMgrArb
REMOTE_CONNECT_TO_LIVE_PID - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.runner.RunMgrArb_de
REMOTE_CONNECT_TO_LIVE_PID - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.runner.RunMgrArb_en
REMOTE_CONNECT_TO_LIVE_PID - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.runner.RunMgrArb_es
REMOTE_CONNECT_TO_LIVE_PID - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.runner.RunMgrArb_fr
REMOTE_CONNECT_TO_LIVE_PID - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.runner.RunMgrArb_it
REMOTE_CONNECT_TO_LIVE_PID - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.runner.RunMgrArb_ja
REMOTE_CONNECT_TO_LIVE_PID - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.runner.RunMgrArb_ko
REMOTE_CONNECT_TO_LIVE_PID - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.runner.RunMgrArb_pt_BR
REMOTE_CONNECT_TO_LIVE_PID - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.runner.RunMgrArb_zh_CN
REMOTE_CONNECT_TO_LIVE_PID - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.runner.RunMgrArb_zh_TW
REMOTE_DEBUGGING_PROFILING - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.runner.RunConfiguration
RemoteConnectDialog - Class in oracle.jdeveloper.runner
The RemoteConnectDialog class displays a dialog box from which the user can specify remote connection parameters.
RemoteProcess - Class in oracle.jdeveloper.runner
RemoteProcess(Context) - Constructor for class oracle.jdeveloper.runner.RemoteProcess
removalStyle - Variable in class oracle.javatools.editor.language.BuiltInStyles
The base removal style.
remove(Element) - Method in interface javax.ide.model.Folder
Removes the specified child Element.
remove(Collection) - Method in interface javax.ide.model.Folder
Removes the specified children Element.
remove(URI) - Method in class
Remove the specified entry.
remove(Object) - Method in class javax.ide.util.Graph
remove(int) - Method in class oracle.ide.ceditor.CodeEditor.CEToolbar
remove(List, Folder, boolean) - Method in class oracle.ide.cmd.RemoveFileCommand
remove(List, Folder, boolean, List) - Method in class oracle.ide.cmd.RemoveFileCommand
Remove the list of files from their folder owner.
remove(Node, Folder) - Method in class oracle.ide.cmd.RemoveFileCommand
Removes element from owner.
remove(Node, Folder) - Method in class oracle.ide.cmd.RemoveFromDiskCommand
remove(String) - Method in class oracle.ide.config.DTCache
Removes the specified dataKey from the DTCache.
remove(int) - Static method in class oracle.ide.controller.IdeAction
Removes the action associated with the specified command, if it exists, from the IdeActionMap.
remove(Component) - Method in class oracle.ide.controller.MenuManager
Removes a child from the MenuManager's GUI.
remove(Component, JMenu) - Method in class oracle.ide.controller.MenuManager
Removes a child from the given parent.
remove(JComponent) - Method in class oracle.ide.controls.StatusBarControl
remove(Component) - Method in class oracle.ide.controls.Toolbar
remove(int) - Method in class oracle.ide.controls.Toolbar
remove(DockableWindow) - Method in class oracle.ide.docking.DrawerModel
remove(Object) - Method in class oracle.ide.file.Path
remove(int) - Method in class oracle.ide.file.Path
remove() - Method in class oracle.ide.inspector.find.SearchIterator
remove(PropertyModelFactory) - Method in class oracle.ide.inspector.InspectorFactory
remove(KeyStroke) - Method in class oracle.ide.keyboard.IdeInputMapUIResource
remove(KeyStrokes) - Method in class oracle.ide.keyboard.KeyStrokeMap
Removes the mapping for this KeyStrokes
remove(KeyStroke) - Method in class oracle.ide.keyboard.MultiInputMap
remove(Element) - Method in class oracle.ide.layout.IdeLayout
remove(Element) - Method in class oracle.ide.layout.Layouts
Remove the specified Element from this Folder.
remove() - Method in class oracle.ide.model.ContentSet.URLIterator
remove(Element) - Method in class oracle.ide.model.DataContainer
Part of the Folder interface.
remove(Element, boolean) - Method in class oracle.ide.model.DataContainer
remove(Element) - Method in class oracle.ide.model.DefaultContainer
Part of the Folder interface.
remove(Element, boolean) - Method in class oracle.ide.model.DefaultContainer
remove(Element) - Method in class oracle.ide.model.DefaultFolder
Part of the Folder interface.
remove(Element) - Method in interface oracle.ide.model.Folder
Removes the specified child Element.
remove(Element) - Method in class oracle.ide.model.ObservableFolder
remove(Element, boolean) - Method in class oracle.ide.model.Project
remove(TechId) - Method in class oracle.ide.model.TechnologyScope
Ensures that a technology does not exist in the technology scope.
remove(Element, boolean) - Method in class oracle.ide.model.Workspace
remove(Element) - Method in class oracle.ide.model.Workspaces
remove(Element) - Method in class oracle.ide.model.XMLDataContainer
remove(Element, boolean) - Method in class oracle.ide.model.XMLDataContainer
remove(URL) - Method in class
remove(URL[]) - Method in class
remove(URLPath) - Method in class
remove(ToDoItem[]) - Method in class oracle.ide.todo.ToDoManager
Removes an array of ToDoItems from the list of items
remove(List<ToDoItem>) - Method in class oracle.ide.todo.ToDoManager
Removes an List of ToDoItems from the list of items
remove(String) - Method in class oracle.ide.util.DefaultPropertyAccess
remove() - Method in class oracle.ide.util.DuplexIterator
Currently unsupported; always throws an UnsupportedOperationException.
remove(String) - Method in class oracle.ide.util.HistoryList
Removes an item from the history list.
remove(int) - Method in class oracle.ide.util.IntHashMap
Removes the mapping for this key from this map if present.
remove() - Method in class oracle.ide.util.IteratorFilter
Due to the filter mechanism, the remove() method will throw an IllegalStateException if hasNext() has been called after next().
remove(K) - Method in class oracle.ide.util.MultiMap
remove(K, V) - Method in class oracle.ide.util.MultiMap
remove(String) - Method in class oracle.ide.util.Namespace
Removes the mapping that is keyed by the specified string from this Namespace.
remove(Object) - Method in class oracle.ide.util.OrderedProperties
remove(K) - Method in class oracle.ide.util.TimedCache
Deprecated. Removes the mapping for this key from the cache if present.
remove(UpdateInfo) - Method in class oracle.ideimpl.webupdate.UpdateBundle
Removes an update from this bundle.
remove(int, int) - Method in class oracle.javatools.buffer.AbstractTextBuffer
Removes a range of data from the text buffer.
remove(Object) - Method in class oracle.javatools.buffer.SafeArrayList
Removes a single instance of the specified element from this collection.
remove(int) - Method in class oracle.javatools.buffer.SafeArrayList
Removes the element at the specified position in this list.
remove() - Method in class oracle.javatools.buffer.SafeArrayList.SafeListIterator
remove(int, int) - Method in interface oracle.javatools.buffer.TextBuffer
Removes a range of data from the text buffer.
remove(int, int) - Method in class oracle.javatools.buffer.TextBufferDecorator
Removes a range of data from the text buffer.
remove(String) - Method in class
Removes the object bound to the specified name from this Structure.
remove(int) - Method in class
Removes the object at the specified index from this ListStructure, returning the object removed.
remove(Object) - Method in class
Removes the first occurrence of the specified object from this ListStructure.
remove(Class<T>) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.DBCore
remove() - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.DBObjectIterator
Not supported by this iterator.
remove(T) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.ddl.DDL
Removes the given statement type from this DDL (and all the appended DDL as well).
remove() - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.SchemaObjectIterator
Not supported by this Iterator.
remove(Object) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.util.IdentitySet
remove(int, int) - Method in class oracle.javatools.editor.BasicDocument
Removes a portion of the content of the document.
remove(int, int) - Method in class oracle.javatools.editor.BasicEditorPane
Remove the given section from the document.
remove(FoldingBlock) - Method in class oracle.javatools.editor.folding.AbstractFoldingBlock
remove(FoldingBlock) - Method in interface oracle.javatools.editor.folding.FoldingBlock
Removes the specified child block from this source code block.
remove(Object) - Method in class oracle.javatools.resourcebundle.ChainedKeyValueMap
remove(Component) - Method in class oracle.javatools.ui.ghost.GhostPalette
Removes the specified component from the container.
remove() - Method in class oracle.javatools.util.ArrayIterator
Unsupported: if support were to be added, it should be disabled by default.
remove(Object) - Method in class oracle.javatools.util.ArrayMap
remove(Object) - Method in class oracle.javatools.util.ArraySortedSet
Removes the specified element from this set if it is present (optional operation).
remove() - Method in class oracle.javatools.util.CompositeIterator
remove(Object) - Method in class oracle.javatools.util.CopyOnWriteList
Deprecated. Removes a item from the list.
remove(int) - Method in class oracle.javatools.util.CopyOnWriteList
Deprecated. Removes an item from the list at the specified index.
remove(Object) - Method in class oracle.javatools.util.ImmutableList
remove() - Method in class oracle.javatools.util.IterablesIterator
remove() - Method in class oracle.javatools.util.LineIterator
remove(Object) - Method in class oracle.javatools.util.Maps.AbstractHashMap
Removes the mapping for a key from this map and gets the value that was mapped from the key, or null if none.
remove(K, V) - Method in class oracle.javatools.util.MultiMap
Removes a value from the collection associated with a key.
remove(Object) - Method in class oracle.javatools.util.MultiMap
remove() - Method in class oracle.javatools.util.SynchronizedQueue
Removes an object from this queue; blocks if this queue is empty.
remove(long) - Method in class oracle.javatools.util.SynchronizedQueue
Removes an object from this queue; blocks for a specified interval if this queue is empty.
remove(K) - Method in class oracle.javatools.util.WeakCache
Removes a key and the corresponding value from this cache.
remove(Object) - Method in class oracle.javatools.util.WeightedList
Removes the first entry that is equal to object
remove(Object, double) - Method in class oracle.javatools.util.WeightedList
Removes the first entry that is equal to object and has the specified weight.
remove(int) - Method in interface oracle.javatools.xml.bind.ElementList
Removes the object at the specified index.
remove(int, int) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.audit.transform.TextBufferCommand
Removes text from the buffer.
remove(Object) - Method in class
Removes an object from the cache using the given lookup key.
remove(Library) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.library.JLibraryList
remove(Library) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.library.JProjectLibraryList
remove(Library) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.library.ListWrapper
remove(Library) - Method in interface oracle.jdeveloper.library.MutableLibraryList
Remove a JDK or JLibrary from the respective list.
remove(Collection) - Method in interface oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.vop.MutableVersionOperationModel
remove() - Method in class oracle.jdevimpl.audit.profile.ProfileModel
remove() - Method in class oracle.jdevimpl.audit.util.ArrayIteratorIterator
remove() - Method in class oracle.jdevimpl.audit.util.ArraysIterator
remove() - Method in class oracle.jdevimpl.audit.util.EmptyIterator
remove(Object) - Method in class oracle.jdevimpl.audit.util.KeyedSortedSet
remove() - Method in class oracle.jdevimpl.audit.util.ObjectsIterator
remove() - Method in class oracle.jdevimpl.audit.util.SortedCollections.ComparisonIterator
remove(String, String) - Static method in class oracle.jdevimpl.audit.util.Strings
Removes the first occurrence of a substring.
remove() - Method in class oracle.jdevimpl.audit.util.Strings.TokenIterator
remove() - Method in class oracle.jdevimpl.audit.util.UnmodifiableIterator
REMOVE_ACTION - Static variable in class
REMOVE_ACTION inicates that the HelpSet identified by the helpURL element in the extension.xml file should be removed from the HelpSystem registry.
REMOVE_BUNDLE_TOOLTIP - Static variable in class oracle.ide.resourcebundle.res.ResourceBundleUIArb
REMOVE_BUNDLE_TOOLTIP - Static variable in class oracle.ide.resourcebundle.res.ResourceBundleUIArb_en
REMOVE_BUNDLE_TOOLTIP - Static variable in class oracle.ide.resourcebundle.res.ResourceBundleUIArb_ja
REMOVE_CHANGE_SET_COMMAND - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.changeset.ChangeSetChangeList
REMOVE_CHANGE_SET_COMMAND_ID - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.changeset.ChangeSetChangeList
REMOVE_FILE - Static variable in class oracle.javatools.icons.OracleIcons
REMOVE_FILE_CMD - Static variable in class oracle.ide.IdeConstants
Remove node command.
REMOVE_FILE_CMD_ID - Static variable in class oracle.ide.IdeConstants
Remove node command id.
REMOVE_FROM_CHANGE_SET_COMMAND - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.changeset.ChangeSetChangeList
REMOVE_FROM_CHANGE_SET_COMMAND_ID - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.changeset.ChangeSetChangeList
REMOVE_FROM_DISK_CMD - Static variable in class oracle.ide.IdeConstants
Remove from disk command.
REMOVE_FROM_DISK_CMD_ID - Static variable in class oracle.ide.IdeConstants
Remove from disk command id.
REMOVE_FROM_HELP_ID - Static variable in class oracle.ide.db.panels.sql.FromJoinToPicker
REMOVE_HELP_ID - Static variable in class oracle.ide.db.panels.sql.QueryTargetPicker
REMOVEABLE - Static variable in class oracle.ide.model.ElementAttributes
REMOVEABLE is an immutable attribute that controls the File | Remove from [Container] menu item.
removeAcceleratorDefinitionFile(ClassLoader, String) - Method in class oracle.ide.keyboard.KeyStrokeContextRegistry
Remove context
removeAcceleratorDefinitionFile(ClassLoader, String) - Static method in class oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.util.VCSKeyboardUtils
removeActionControl(Action) - Method in class oracle.javatools.ui.checklist.TaskContent
Removes the action control from the ControlPanel.
removeActionControl(Component) - Method in class oracle.javatools.ui.checklist.TaskContent
Removes the component from the ControlPanel.
removeActionControl(Action) - Method in class oracle.javatools.ui.Header
Removes a control to the toolbar area of this header that was previously added using Header.addActionControl(Action).
removeActionControl(Component) - Method in class oracle.javatools.ui.Header
Removes a control from the toolbar area of this header.
removeActionControl(Component) - Method in class oracle.javatools.ui.table.TableToolbar
Remove the custom tool component you added to this toolbar.
removeActionFilter(ActionFilter) - Method in class oracle.ide.controller.ToolbarManager
removeActionFilter(ActionFilter) - Static method in class oracle.ide.keyboard.MultiMapAdapter
removeActionHookInvoker(ActionHookInvoker) - Method in class oracle.javatools.editor.BasicEditorPane
Removes an ActionHookInvoker from our list.
removeActionListener(ActionListener) - Method in class oracle.ide.db.controls.AbstractTreePicker
Remove an ActionListener from the ItemPicker.
removeActionListener(ActionListener) - Method in class oracle.javatools.ui.balloon.Balloon
Removes an action listener from the balloon.
removeActionListener(ActionListener) - Method in class oracle.javatools.ui.calendar.CalendarPanel
removeActionListener(ActionListener) - Method in class oracle.javatools.ui.ghost.GhostBuilder.GhostBuiltPalette
removeActionListener(ActionListener) - Method in class
removeActionPostInvoker(ActionPostInvoker) - Method in class oracle.javatools.editor.BasicEditorPane
Removes an ActionPostInvoker from our list.
removeActiveViewListener(ActiveViewListener) - Method in class oracle.ide.IdeMainWindow
Remove the specified listener l from the list of active view listeners.
removeADAPaletteListener(ADAPaletteListener) - Method in class oracle.ide.palette.PaletteWindow
Remove an ADAPaletteListener from listener list
removeAll() - Method in interface javax.ide.model.Folder
Removes all children from the folder.
removeAll() - Method in class oracle.ide.config.DTCache
Removes all entries from the DTCache, this is only for use in testing scenarios.
removeAll() - Method in class oracle.ide.controller.ContextMenu
Removes all menu items from the popup menu.
removeAll() - Method in class oracle.ide.controls.SingleRowTabbedPane
removeAll() - Method in class oracle.ide.controls.Toolbar
removeAll(Collection<?>) - Method in class oracle.ide.file.Path
removeAll(KeyStrokeMap) - Method in class oracle.ide.keyboard.KeyStrokeMap
Remove all the mappings in ksm from this map.
removeAll() - Method in class oracle.ide.layout.IdeLayout
removeAll() - Method in class oracle.ide.layout.Layouts
removeAll() - Method in class oracle.ide.model.DataContainer
removeAll(boolean) - Method in class oracle.ide.model.DataContainer
removeAll() - Method in class oracle.ide.model.DefaultContainer
removeAll(boolean) - Method in class oracle.ide.model.DefaultContainer
removeAll() - Method in class oracle.ide.model.DefaultFolder
removeAll() - Method in interface oracle.ide.model.Folder
Removes all children from the folder.
removeAll() - Method in class oracle.ide.model.ObservableFolder
removeAll() - Method in class oracle.ide.model.XMLDataContainer
removeAll(boolean) - Method in class oracle.ide.model.XMLDataContainer
removeAll(Collection) - Method in class oracle.javatools.buffer.SafeArrayList
This operation is not supported by this list implementation.
removeAll(Collection) - Method in class
Removes all of the objects in the specified Collection from this ListStructure.
removeAll() - Method in class oracle.javatools.editor.folding.AbstractFoldingBlock
removeAll() - Method in interface oracle.javatools.editor.folding.FoldingBlock
Removes all child blocks from this source code block.
removeAll() - Method in class oracle.javatools.ui.list.SimpleListModel
Remove all elements in the list, firing an intervalRemoved event.
removeAll(Collection) - Method in class oracle.javatools.util.ImmutableList
removeAll(Collection<?>) - Method in class oracle.javatools.util.WeightedList
removeAll(String, String) - Static method in class oracle.jdevimpl.audit.util.Strings
Removes all occurrences of a substring.
removeAllChildren() - Method in class oracle.ide.util.DefaultStructuredPropertyAccess
removeAllContentSets() - Method in class oracle.ide.model.ContentSet
removeAllElements() - Method in class oracle.ide.controls.DefaultListComboBoxModel
Empties the list.
removeAllExceptSplitters() - Method in class
removeAllGutterColumns() - Method in interface oracle.javatools.editor.gutter.Gutter
Removes all existing columns from the Gutter.
removeAllGutterColumns() - Method in class oracle.javatools.editor.gutter.LineGutterPlugin
Removes all existing columns from the Gutter.
removeAllGutterMarks() - Method in interface oracle.javatools.editor.gutter.GutterColumn
Removes all marks from this column.
removeAllGutterMarks() - Method in class oracle.javatools.editor.gutter.LineGutterPlugin.Column
Removes all marks from this column.
removeAllGutterMarksImpl() - Method in class oracle.javatools.editor.gutter.LineGutterPlugin.Column
Removes all marks from this column without generating a repaint.
removeAllHighlights() - Method in class oracle.javatools.editor.highlight.HighlightLayer
Removes all highlights in this layer from the associated editor pane.
removeAllItems() - Method in class oracle.ide.palette2.DefaultPaletteSection
Remove All Palette Items
removeAllLOBDescriptors() - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.ora.TablePartition
Remove all LOBDescriptor objects that define the (sub)partitioning properties of a table's LOB or VARRAY columns for this (sub)partition.
removeAllLocationSpecifiers() - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.ora.OracleExternalTableProperties
Clears the list of LocationSpecifiers.
removeAllPages() - Method in class oracle.ide.controls.customtab.CustomTab
removeAllPopupItems() - Method in class oracle.ide.controls.DropDownMenuButton
Clears the drop-down menu.
removeAllPopupItems() - Method in class oracle.ide.controls.MenuToolButton
removeAllSections() - Method in class oracle.ide.palette2.DefaultPaletteGroup
Remove All Palette Items
removeAllSelectableItems() - Method in class oracle.ide.db.controls.AbstractTreePicker
removeAllSelectableItems() - Method in class oracle.ide.db.controls.DBObjectListPicker
removeAllSelectableItems() - Method in class oracle.ide.db.controls.DBObjectPicker
Just empties the tree.
removeAllSelectableItems() - Method in class oracle.ide.db.controls.SchemaObjectTargetPicker
removeAllSelectableItems() - Method in class oracle.ide.db.panels.sql.FromJoinToPicker
removeAllSelectableItems() - Method in class oracle.ide.db.panels.sql.GroupByFromPicker
removeAllSelectableItems() - Method in class oracle.ide.db.panels.sql.QueryTargetPicker
removeAllSteps() - Method in class oracle.javatools.ui.checklist.DefaultChecklistModel
Removes all the steps from the model.
removeAllSubsteps(Step) - Method in class oracle.javatools.ui.checklist.DefaultChecklistModel
Removes all the substep from the specified parent.
removeAllSubsteps() - Method in class oracle.javatools.ui.checklist.Step
Remove all substeps from this parent step.
removeApplicationChangeListener(ApplicationChangeListener) - Method in interface oracle.ide.navigator.ApplicationChangeNotifier
Removes the specified listener so that it no longer receives ApplicationChangeEvent notifications from the object implementing this interface.
removeApplyListener(ApplyListener) - Method in interface oracle.ide.panels.ApplyNotifier
Removes a previously added ApplyListener so that it no longer receives notification when the user applies or cancels changes.
removeApplyListener(ApplyListener) - Method in class oracle.ide.panels.TDialogLauncher
removeArgument(SQLFragment) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.sql.Comparison
removeArgument(SQLFragment) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.sql.Operation
removeAsynchronousContentLevelFilter(AsynchronousContentLevelFilter) - Static method in class oracle.ide.model.ContentLevel
removeAttribute(DataTypeAttribute) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.datatypes.PredefinedDataType
removeAttribute(PlSqlAttribute) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.plsql.Type
Removes the given PlSqlAttribute from the Attributes property array
removeAttribute(PlSqlAttribute) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.SpecPlSql
Deprecated. Removes an attribute from this object type.
removeAuditListener(AuditListener) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.audit.service.Auditor
Removes an audit listener from this auditor.
removeAuditListener(AuditListener) - Method in class oracle.jdevimpl.audit.core.DefaultAuditor
removeAuditModelListener(AuditModelListener) - Method in interface oracle.jdeveloper.audit.service.AuditModel
Removes an audit model listener from this model.
removeAuditModelListener(AuditModelListener) - Method in class oracle.jdevimpl.audit.core.AbstractAuditModel
removeBaseLibrary() - Method in interface oracle.jdeveloper.webapp.libraries.DerivedTagLibrary
Removes base library.
removeBreadcrumbsListener(BreadcrumbsListener) - Method in class oracle.javatools.ui.breadcrumbs.JBreadcrumbs
removeBreadcrumbsModelListener(BreadcrumbsModelListener) - Method in interface oracle.javatools.ui.breadcrumbs.BreadcrumbsModel
removeBreadcrumbsModelListener(BreadcrumbsModelListener) - Method in interface
removeBridgedListener(Object) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.AbstractDBObject.ListenerSupport
removeBuildListener(BuildListener) - Method in class
Remove an BuildListener.
removeBuildSystemListener(BuildSystemListener) - Method in class oracle.ide.compiler.Compiler
removeBuildSystemListener method removes a build system listener instance implementation from the build system, see BuildSystemListener for more information.
removeBundle(String) - Method in class oracle.javatools.resourcebundle.AppBundleInfo
removeBundle(String) - Method in class oracle.javatools.resourcebundle.ChainedBundleFactory
removeBundle(String) - Method in class oracle.javatools.resourcebundle.DefaultChainedBundleFactory
removeButton(int) - Method in class oracle.ide.controls.ButtonsLayoutManager
removeByFirstType(A) - Method in class oracle.javatools.util.ArrayPairList
removeByFirstType(A) - Method in interface oracle.javatools.util.PairList
Removes the first occurence of a Pair whose first matches the first of an entry in the list.
removeBySecondType(B) - Method in class oracle.javatools.util.ArrayPairList
removeBySecondType(B) - Method in interface oracle.javatools.util.PairList
Removes the first occurence of a Pair whose second element matches the second of Pair entry in the list.
removeCachedLightSourceFile(URL, JavaFile) - Method in class
Utility routine which removes the cached LightSourceFile (if any) from our cache map.
removeCachedSourceFile(URL) - Method in class
Deprecated. use removeCachedSourceFile( URL, SourceFile ) instead
removeCachedSourceFile(URL, SourceFile) - Method in class
Utility routine which removes the cached SourceFile from our cache map.
removeCacheListener(VCSURLBasedCacheListener) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.spi.VCSURLBasedCache
removeCancelActionListener(ActionListener) - Method in class oracle.javatools.controls.ProgressPanel
removeCategory(SearchCategory) - Method in class
Removes a category from the search field.
removeCategoryMenuItem(JMenuItem) - Method in class
Removes a menu item previously added to the categories drop down list using SearchField.addCategoryMenuItem( JMenuItem ).
removeCellEditorListener(CellEditorListener) - Method in class oracle.ide.controls.AbstractCellEditor
removeCEToolTipProvider(CEToolTipProvider) - Method in class oracle.ide.ceditor.CodeEditor
Deregisters a previously registered CEToolTipProvider implementation when it no longer wants to handle tooltip requests.
removeChangeListener(ChangeListener) - Method in class oracle.ide.config.ChangeEventSource
removeChangeListener(ChangeListener) - Method in class oracle.ide.config.EnvironOptions
removeChangeListener(DBObjectChooser.ChangeListener) - Method in class oracle.ide.db.controls.DBObjectChooser
Removes the given DBObjectChooser.ChangeListener
removeChangeListener(ChangeListener) - Method in interface oracle.ide.view.DynamicStatusProvider
removeChangeListener(ChangeListener) - Method in class oracle.javatools.ui.ViewportChangeNotifier
removeChangeListener(ChangeListener) - Method in class oracle.javatools.util.ChangeSupport
removeChangeListener(DependencyListener) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.audit.model.Dependency
Removes a change listener from this dependency.
removeChangeListener(ChangeListener) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.audit.service.AuditModelFilter
Removes a filter change listener to this filter.
removeChangeListener(ChangeListener) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.audit.service.Profile
Adds a change listener to be notified when changes are applied to this profile.
removeChangeListener(ChangeListener) - Method in interface oracle.jdeveloper.audit.service.ProfileTransaction
Removes a listener for changes to the modified state of this transaction.
removeChangeListener(ChangeListener) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.merge.BaseMergeEditor
removeChangeListener(ChangeListener) - Method in class oracle.jdevimpl.audit.bean.BeanPanel
removeChangeListener(ChangeListener) - Method in class oracle.jdevimpl.audit.core.DefaultProfile
removeChangeListener(ChangeListener) - Method in class oracle.jdevimpl.audit.core.DefaultProfileTransaction
RemoveChangeSetCommand - Class in oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.changeset.cmd
RemoveChangeSetCommand() - Constructor for class oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.changeset.cmd.RemoveChangeSetCommand
removeChar() - Method in class oracle.ide.util.FastStringBuffer
This method removes the "current" character from the buffer, where "current" is defined by 'offset'.
removeCharacterTypedListener(CharacterTypedListener) - Method in class oracle.javatools.editor.BasicEditorPane
Removes a character typed listener from the list so that it no longer receives notifications.
removeCharAt(int) - Method in class oracle.ide.util.FastStringBuffer
This method removes the character from the buffer at value[offset].
removeChars(int) - Method in class oracle.ide.util.FastStringBuffer
This method removes the specified number of characters from the current position (where "current" is defined as value[offset].
removeChars(String, String) - Static method in class oracle.ide.util.IdeUtil
Return a sIn without any character found is sRemove
removeCharsAt(int, int) - Method in class oracle.ide.util.FastStringBuffer
This method will remove a number of characters from the buffer
removeChecklistModelListener(ChecklistModelListener) - Method in interface oracle.javatools.ui.checklist.ChecklistModel
Remove the checklist model listner from this model.
removeChecklistModelListener(ChecklistModelListener) - Method in class oracle.javatools.ui.checklist.DefaultChecklistModel
Remove the checklist model listner from this model.
removeChild(TNode, DefaultTreeModel) - Method in class oracle.ide.explorer.TreeExplorer
Remove the specified child from the model.
removeChild(StructuredPropertyAccess) - Method in class oracle.ide.util.DefaultStructuredPropertyAccess
removeChild(StructuredPropertyAccess) - Method in interface oracle.ide.util.StructuredPropertyAccess
Removes the specified node
removeChild(Object) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.AbstractDBObject.ChildSupport
removeChildFilterHelper(ChildFilterHelper) - Method in class oracle.ide.explorer.ChildFilterFactory
removeCloseTabListener(CloseTabListener) - Method in class oracle.ide.controls.tabbedpane.TabTitleComponent
Removes the given CloseTabListener from this TabTitleComponent.
removeCodeExpansionListener(CodeExpansionListener) - Method in class oracle.javatools.editor.folding.CodeFoldingMargin
removeCodeFoldingModelListener(CodeFoldingModelListener) - Method in interface oracle.javatools.editor.folding.CodeFoldingModel
Removes a listener from the data model.
removeCodeFoldingModelListener(CodeFoldingModelListener) - Method in class oracle.javatools.editor.folding.DefaultCodeFoldingModel
removeCodeWillExpandListener(CodeWillExpandListener) - Method in class oracle.javatools.editor.folding.CodeFoldingMargin
removeCodingStyleOptionsListener(CodingStyleOptionsListener) - Method in interface
Add a listener for changes to these options.
removeColumn(Column) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.ColumnConstraint
Removes a column from the list of constrained columns.
removeColumn(DBObjectID) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.ora.LOBDescriptor
Remove a column from the column list.
removeColumn(Column) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.Relation
Removes a column from this relation.
removeColumn(FromObjectUsage) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.sql.UsingJoinCondition
removeColumn(int) - Method in interface oracle.javatools.ui.table.EditableTableModel
Removes the column at column from the model.
removeColumnExpression(IndexObject) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.Index
Removes a column expression from the list of indexed column expressions
removeCommitListener(CommitListener) - Method in interface oracle.ide.panels.CommitNotifier
Removes a previously added CommitListener so that it no longer receives notification when the user applies or cancels changes.
removeCommitListener(CommitListener) - Method in class oracle.ide.wizard.FSMWizard
removeCommitListener(CommitListener) - Method in class oracle.ide.wizard.GenericWizardLauncher
removeComponent(String) - Method in class oracle.ide.ComponentVersionManager
Removes the component name from the list of registered component sets.
removeComponent(Component) - Method in class oracle.ide.controls.TabbedWindow
removeCompositeListener(CompositeFileElementListener) - Static method in class oracle.ide.composite.CompositeFileElementRegistry
Removes a listener to receive composite file element event notification.
removeConnection(String) - Method in interface oracle.jdeveloper.db.Connections
Removes the connection with the given name.
removeConnection(String) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.db.DatabaseConnections
Removes the connection with the given name.
removeConnectionListener(ItemListener) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.db.controls.ConnectionPickerButton
removeConstraint(Constraint) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.Relation
Removes a Constraint from this relation.
removeContainedModel(Object) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.audit.model.ContainerModelAdapter
Removes a model from the set contained by this model.
removeContent(URL, ProjectContent) - Method in class oracle.ide.model.ContentSetHelper
Removes the URL from the project.
removeContentActionListener(ContentActionListener) - Method in class oracle.javatools.ui.checklist.Checklist
Remove the ContentActionListener from the checklist.
removeContentActionListener(ContentActionListener) - Method in interface oracle.javatools.ui.checklist.StepContent
Remove ContentActionListener from this StepContent.
removeContentActionListener(ContentActionListener) - Method in class oracle.javatools.ui.checklist.TaskContent
Removes the ContentActionListener from the TaskContent.
removeContentElement(ContentElement) - Method in class oracle.javatools.ui.checklist.TaskContentProvider
Remove the ContentElement from the task.
removeContentImpl(URL, ContentSet) - Method in class oracle.ide.model.ContentSetHelper
Creates an exclude filter to exclude the URL from the content set.
removeContentLevelFilter(ContentLevelFilter) - Static method in class oracle.ide.model.ContentLevel
removeContentSet(int) - Method in class oracle.ide.model.ContentSet
removeContext(KeyStrokeContext) - Method in class oracle.ide.keyboard.KeyStrokeContextRegistry
Remove a context to the list of known context.
removeContext(KeyStrokeContext) - Method in class oracle.ide.keyboard.KeyStrokeOptions
removeContextMenuListener(ContextMenuListener) - Method in class oracle.ide.controller.ContextMenu
Removes a context menu listener.
removeContextMenuListener(ContextMenuListener) - Method in class oracle.ide.navigator.NavigatorManager
Remove the specified ContextMenuListener.
removeContextMenuListeners(ContextMenu) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.changelist.ChangeList
removeContextMenuListeners(ContextMenu) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.changelist.ChangeListWindow
Removes listeners from the context menu.
removeContextMenuListeners(ContextMenu) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.changeset.ChangeSetChangeList
removeContextualObjectProvider(ContextualObjectProvider) - Method in class
removeController(Controller) - Method in class oracle.ide.controller.IdeAction
Removes the specified controller from the list of controllers that manage this IdeAction.
removeController(int, Controller) - Static method in class oracle.ide.controller.IdeAction
Convenience method for looking up the specified IdeAction by its action ID and, if found, removing the specified controller from it.
removeController(Controller) - Method in class oracle.ide.util.WeightedController
removeCopyListener(CopyListener) - Method in class oracle.ide.compiler.Compiler
removeCopyListener method removes a copy listener instance implementation from the build system, see CopyListener for more information.
removeCtrlTabFromTraversalKeys(Component) - Static method in class oracle.ide.keyboard.KeyUtil
Removes the Ctrl+Tab and Ctrl+Shift+Tab from the focusTraversalKeys
removeCursorListener(CursorListener) - Method in class oracle.ide.ceditor.CodeEditor
Removes a CursorListener from the list of cursor listeners.
REMOVED_VERSION - Static variable in class oracle.ide.file.FileTable
Version constant used to deliver removed events for all files in the file table.
removeDebuggerExtender(DebuggerExtender) - Method in class oracle.ide.runner.Debugger
Remove a previously added DebuggerExtender.
removeDebuggerListener(DebuggerAdapter) - Method in class oracle.ide.runner.Debugger
Removes a previously registered DebuggerListener DebuggerListeners registered in a declarative way should not be removed
removeDebuggerWindowProvider(DebuggerWindowProvider) - Method in class oracle.ide.runner.Debugger
Remove a previously added DebuggerWindowProvider.
removeDefaultActionListener(ActionListener) - Method in class
RemovedEntryLister - Class in oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.generic
RemovedEntryLister() - Constructor for class oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.generic.RemovedEntryLister
removeDependency(Dependable) - Method in class oracle.ide.model.DependencyConfiguration
Removes the specified element from the dependencies list.
removeDependency(TechId) - Method in class oracle.ide.model.TechId
Removes a dependent technology from the this technology, if the dependency exists.
removeDependency(Dependency, URL, Project, Workspace) - Static method in class oracle.jdeveloper.audit.model.DependencyFileChangeListener
removeDependency(Dependency, String, Project, Workspace) - Static method in class oracle.jdeveloper.audit.model.DependencyFileChangeListener
removeDependency(Dependency, Collection<String>, Project, Workspace) - Static method in class oracle.jdeveloper.audit.model.DependencyFileChangeListener
removeDependency(Dependency, DataContainer) - Static method in class oracle.jdeveloper.audit.model.DependencyStructureListener
removeDependency(Dependency) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.audit.model.DependencyStructureListener
removeDeployedJars(URLPath, Project) - Static method in class oracle.jdeveloper.jsp.libraries.JspLibraryUtils
Removes JAR file entries from the given URL path that have already been deployed to project's WEB-INF/lib folder.
removeDisconnectListener(DisconnectListener) - Method in interface oracle.jdeveloper.db.Connections
Removes the given listener from this store if it was registered.
removeDisconnectListener(DisconnectListener) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.db.DatabaseConnections
removedJspLibraryURLClassesProvider(JspLibraryURLClassesProvider) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.jsp.libraries.JspLibraryManager
removeDockableListener(DockableListener, Dockable) - Method in class oracle.ide.docking.DockStation
Unregisters a dockable listener.
removeDocumentListener(DocumentListener) - Method in class javax.ide.model.Document
Removes a DocumentListener from the listener list.
removeDocumentListener(DocumentListener) - Method in class oracle.javatools.editor.BasicDocument
Unregisters the given listener from the notification list so it will no longer receive change updates.
removeDoubleClickActionListener(ActionListener) - Method in class oracle.javatools.controls.nicelist.NiceList
Removes a double click action listener previously registered with NiceList.removeDoubleClickActionListener(ActionListener).
removeDrawer(DrawerElement) - Method in class oracle.ide.docking.DrawerPanel
removeDrawerListener(DrawerListener) - Method in class oracle.ide.docking.DrawerWindow
removeDuplicateActions() - Method in class oracle.ide.controller.ContextMenu
Remove duplicate items from this menu and any submenus.
removeDynamicMenuListener(DynamicMenuListener) - Method in class oracle.ide.IdeMainWindow
Remove the specified listener listener from the list of active menu listeners.
removeEditorListener(EditorListener, String) - Method in class javax.ide.editor.EditorManager
Remove an EditorListener.
removeEditorListener(EditorListener) - Method in class oracle.ide.editor.EditorManager
Removes a registered listener as an EditorListener.
removeEldestEntry(E) - Method in class oracle.javatools.util.Maps.AbstractLinkedHashMap
Gets whether to evict the eldest entry from this map.
removeEldestEntry(Maps.LinkedEntry<K, V>) - Method in class oracle.javatools.util.Maps.CacheMap
Gets whether to evict the eldest entry from this map.
removeElement(Object) - Method in class oracle.ide.controls.DefaultListComboBoxModel
removeElement(Element) - Method in class oracle.ide.model.OwnerMap
removeElement(T) - Method in class oracle.javatools.ui.list.SimpleListModel
Remove a single element, firing an intervalRemoved event.
removeElementAt(int) - Method in class oracle.ide.controls.DefaultListComboBoxModel
removeElementByIndex(int) - Method in class oracle.ide.controls.checkboxlist.CheckBoxListModel
Removes the element from the model with the index specified by index.
removeElementByText(String) - Method in class oracle.ide.controls.checkboxlist.CheckBoxListModel
Removes the element from the model where the label equals the specified value.
removeElementListListener(ElementListListener) - Method in interface oracle.javatools.xml.bind.ElementList
Removes the specified ElementListListener so that it no longer receives events for changes to this ElementList.
removeEntry(DockableWindow) - Method in class oracle.ide.docking.DrawerDockableWindow
Deprecated. Use DockStation.undock(Dockable) instead
removeErrorMonitor(VCSStreamMonitor) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.migrate.VCSShellRunner
removeEventListener(ExtensionRegistrationListener) - Static method in class javax.ide.extension.ExtensionRegistry
removeEventListener(ChangeListEventListener) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.changelist.ChangeListEventQueue
removeExecutorService(ExecutorService) - Static method in class oracle.ide.cmd.ExitCommand
Unregisters an ExecutorService.
removeExistingEntry(E) - Method in class oracle.javatools.util.Maps.AbstractHashMap
Removes an existing entry from this map.
removeExpression(SQLFragment) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.sql.GroupByObject
removeExpressionBuilderPickerListener(ExpressionBuilderPickerListener) - Method in class oracle.ide.expressionbuilder.AbstractExpressionBuilderPicker
removeExpressionBuilderPickerListener(ExpressionBuilderPickerListener) - Method in interface oracle.ide.expressionbuilder.ExpressionBuilderPicker
Removes ExpressionBuilderPickerListener to this picker.
removeExternalTool(ExternalTool) - Method in class oracle.ide.externaltools.ExternalToolManager
Removes an existing external tool.
removeExternalToolListener(ExternalToolListener) - Method in class oracle.ide.externaltools.ExternalToolManager
Removes a listener for events related to external tools.
removeFactory(DependableRecognizer) - Static method in class oracle.jdeveloper.model.ProjectDependencyFactory
removeFeedbackManager(FeedbackManager) - Method in class oracle.javatools.editor.BasicEditorPane
Deinstalls the given FeedbackManager that was previously installed for handling feedback messages for this editor pane.
removeFieldListener(PropertyFieldListener) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.audit.bean.PropertyField
removeFileChangeListener(FileChangeListener) - Method in class oracle.ide.file.AbstractFileScope
removeFileChangeListener(FileChangeListener) - Method in interface oracle.ide.file.FileScope
Remove a file change listener from this scope.
removeFileChangeListener(FileChangeListener) - Method in class oracle.ide.file.FileTable
removeFileChangeListener(Workspace, Project, FileChangeListener) - Method in class oracle.ide.index.file.FileChangeManager
Deprecated. Remove a FileChangeListener for the given workspace and project.
RemoveFileCommand - Class in oracle.ide.cmd
The RemoveFileCommand class implements the command to delete the file(s) that are associated with the selected element(s) from their container.
RemoveFileCommand() - Constructor for class oracle.ide.cmd.RemoveFileCommand
RemoveFileCommand(int, int) - Constructor for class oracle.ide.cmd.RemoveFileCommand
removeFileSpecification(FileSpecification) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.Tablespace
Removes a data/temp file from this tablespace.
removeFilter(AuditModelFilter) - Method in interface oracle.jdeveloper.audit.service.AuditModel
Removes a filter from this model.
removeFilter(AuditModelFilter) - Method in class oracle.jdevimpl.audit.core.DefaultAuditModel
Removes a filter from this model.
removeFilters() - Method in class oracle.ide.util.PatternFilters
removeFilters(HashStructure) - Static method in class oracle.ide.util.PatternFilters
removeFocusHierarchyListener(FocusHierarchyListener) - Method in class oracle.ide.controls.FocusHierarchyDispatcher
removeFormLayoutFactory(FormLayoutFactory) - Static method in class oracle.ide.inspector.layout.PropertyFormLayoutFactory
Remove a FormLayoutFactory.
removeFoundTextEffect() - Method in class oracle.ide.inspector.find.FindTextSupport
Resets the displayed text to the plain text, which has the effect of removing the highlight.
removeFoundTextEffect() - Method in interface oracle.ide.inspector.find.SearchableText
Remove the highlight or other display effect from a previous findText match.
removeFragment(SQLFragment) - Method in interface oracle.ide.db.panels.sql.ExpressionPanel.FragmentProvider
Removes the given fragment from the query.
removeFragment(SQLFragment) - Method in class oracle.ide.db.panels.sql.GroupByPanel
removeFragment(SQLFragment) - Method in class oracle.ide.db.panels.sql.OrderByPanel
removeFragment(SQLFragment) - Method in class oracle.ide.db.panels.sql.SelectObjectsPanel
removeFromBus(VCSEBComponent) - Static method in class oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.spi.VCSEventBus
Removes a component from the bus.
removeFromCache(Dockable) - Method in class oracle.ide.docking.DockStation
removeFromCache(String) - Method in class oracle.ide.docking.DockStation
removeFromChangeSet(URL[], String) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.changeset.ChangeSetAdapter
RemoveFromChangeSetCommand - Class in oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.changeset.cmd
RemoveFromChangeSetCommand() - Constructor for class oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.changeset.cmd.RemoveFromChangeSetCommand
RemoveFromDiskCommand - Class in oracle.ide.cmd
The RemoveFileCommand class implements the command to delete the file(s) on disk that are associated with the selected element(s).
RemoveFromDiskCommand() - Constructor for class oracle.ide.cmd.RemoveFromDiskCommand
removeFromList() - Method in class oracle.ide.db.controls.ListButtons.Controller
removeFromList() - Method in interface oracle.ide.db.controls.ListButtons.Helper
removeFromObject(FromObject) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.sql.AbstractSQLQuery
removeFromObject(FromObject) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.sql.AbstractSQLQueryBuilder
removeFromObject(FromObject) - Method in interface oracle.javatools.db.sql.DeclarativeSQLQuery
Remove a from object from the list.
removeFromObject(FromObject) - Method in interface oracle.javatools.db.sql.SQLQueryBuilder
Removes the given FromObject from the SQLQuery.
removeFSMWizardListener(FSMWizardListener) - Method in class oracle.ide.wizard.FSMWizard
removeGlobalBundle(String) - Method in class oracle.ide.resourcebundle.ResourceBundleManagerDT
Removes the bundle associates with the specified bundle id form the list of global bundles
removeGlobalBundle(String) - Method in class oracle.javatools.resourcebundle.ResourceBundleManagerRT
Removes the bundle associated with the bundle id from the global bundle list
removeGlobalIgnoreFilter(String) - Static method in class oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.util.VCSConfigUtils
Removes a filter pattern from the IDE's global ignore preferences.
removeGlobalPartitionColumn(DBObjectID) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.ora.OracleIndexPartitions
removeGroup(DefaultPaletteGroup) - Method in class oracle.ide.palette2.DefaultPalettePage
Remove Palette Group
removeGroupByColumn(SQLFragment) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.sql.AbstractSQLQueryBuilder
removeGroupByColumn(SQLFragment) - Method in interface oracle.javatools.db.sql.SQLQueryBuilder
Removes the given FromObjectUsage from the GROUP BY clause.
removeGutterClickListener(GutterClickListener) - Method in interface oracle.javatools.editor.gutter.Gutter
Deregisters a previously-registered GutterClickListener so that it no longer receives notifications of mouse clicks in this Gutter component.
removeGutterClickListener(GutterClickListener) - Method in class oracle.javatools.editor.gutter.LineGutterPlugin
Deregisters a previously-registered GutterClickListener so that it no longer receives notifications of mouse clicks in this Gutter component.
removeGutterColumn(GutterColumn) - Method in interface oracle.javatools.editor.gutter.Gutter
Removes an existing column from the Gutter and all of its marks and icons.
removeGutterColumn(GutterColumn) - Method in class oracle.javatools.editor.gutter.LineGutterPlugin
Removes an existing column from the Gutter and all of its marks and icons.
removeGutterMark(GutterMark) - Method in interface oracle.javatools.editor.gutter.GutterColumn
Removes the mark from this column.
removeGutterMark(GutterMark) - Method in class oracle.javatools.editor.gutter.LineGutterPlugin.Column
Removes the mark from this column.
removeHashQuantityTablespace(String) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.ora.OracleTablePartitions
removeHashQuantityTablespace(DBObjectID) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.ora.OracleTablePartitions
removeHashStructureHookListener(HashStructureHookListener) - Method in class oracle.ide.extension.HashStructureHook
Removes a HashStructureHookListener
removeHeaderListener(HeaderListener) - Method in class oracle.javatools.ui.Header
Removes a listener for header expansion that was previously added using the Header.addHeaderListener( HeaderListener) method.
removeHeaderPanelListener(PanelLibrary.HeaderPanelListener) - Method in class oracle.ide.db.controls.NameEditor
removeHeaderPanelListener(PanelLibrary.HeaderPanelListener) - Method in interface oracle.ide.db.panels.PanelLibrary.HeaderPanel
removeHelpableProvider(HelpableProvider) - Method in class oracle.ide.ceditor.CodeEditor
Removes a previously registered HelpableProvider.
removeHelper(DBURLFactory.Helper) - Static method in class oracle.ide.db.DBURLFactory
Removes the registered Helper from the factory.
removeHelper(NodeMigratorHelper) - Method in class oracle.ide.migration.NodeMigrator
Remove the specified NodeMigratorHelper.
removeHierarchyListenerForLoading(HierarchyListener) - Method in class oracle.ide.model.LazyLoadedTraversable
removeHierarchyListenerForLoading(HierarchyListener) - Method in interface oracle.ide.model.LazyTraversable
Used to remove a hierarchy listener from the wrapper once the real object is displayed instead of the load extension button.
removeHighlight() - Method in class oracle.javatools.editor.gutter.LineGutterPlugin.Column.Mark
Utility routine to remove the highlight when the mark is removed.
removeHighlight(HighlightedText) - Method in class oracle.javatools.editor.highlight.HighlightLayer
Removes the given highlight from the editor pane.
removeHistory(Node) - Method in class oracle.ide.cmd.FileOpenHistory
Remove the specified Node from the opened node history.
removeHistoryModelListener(HistoryModelListener) - Method in class oracle.javatools.history.AbstractHistoryModel
removeHistoryModelListener(HistoryModelListener) - Method in interface oracle.javatools.history.HistoryModel
Remove a listener previously added via the addVersionHistoryListener method.
removeIcon(Icon) - Method in class oracle.ide.controls.OverlayIcon
removeIdeActivationListener(IdeActivationListener) - Method in class oracle.ide.IdeMainWindow
Removes a listener to IDE activation.
removeIdeListener(IdeListener) - Static method in class oracle.ide.Ide
Removes a listener to the IDE.
removeIfEndsWith(String) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.ddl.TokenContext
removeIfPresent(View) - Method in class oracle.ide.docking.DrawerWindow
removeIllegalFileChars(String) - Static method in class oracle.jdeveloper.offlinedb.OfflineDBUtil
Removes characters from the given name that are illegal for use on any filesystem (windows mostly as it's the most restrictive.
removeImpl(int, int) - Method in class oracle.javatools.buffer.AbstractTextBuffer
Internal version of remove() for subclasses to override.
removeIncludeProvider(QualifiedName) - Method in class
removeIndex(Index) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.Table
removeIndices(int[]) - Method in class oracle.javatools.ui.list.SimpleListModel
Remove the specified indices from the model efficiently.
removeInspectableFactory(InspectableFactory) - Method in class oracle.ide.inspector.InspectorFactory
Remove a registered InspectableFactory.
removeInspectorExpressionProvider(DebuggerInspectorExpressionProvider) - Method in class oracle.ide.runner.Debugger
Remove a previously added DebuggerInspectorExpressionProvider DebuggerInspectorExpressionProviders registered in a declarative way should not be removed
removeItem(Object) - Method in class oracle.ide.db.controls.SchemaPicker
removeItem(PaletteItem) - Method in class oracle.ide.palette2.DefaultPaletteSection
Remove Palette Item
removeItemListener(ItemListener) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.db.panels.DatabaseConnectionPanel
removeJavaOptionProvider(JavaOptionProvider) - Static method in class oracle.jdeveloper.runner.JStarter
Removes the JavaOptionProvider from the list of JavaOptionProviders that will be called when a Java run process is started.
removeJDeveloperComment(JDevXmlContext, Element, String) - Static method in class oracle.jdeveloper.webapp.utils.JspJDeveloperCommentUtils
Removes a JDeveloper comment of the given key from the given parent
removeJDK(JDK, MutableLibraryList) - Static method in class oracle.jdeveloper.library.JLibraryManager
removeJoinObject(FromObject) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.sql.AbstractSQLQueryBuilder
removeJoinObject(FromObject) - Method in interface oracle.javatools.db.sql.SQLQueryBuilder
If the expression for the given obj is a JoinObject the join is removed and the two FromObjects that were joined are added to the top level of the query.
removeJspLibraryEventListener(JspLibraryEventListener) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.jsp.libraries.JspLibraryManager
Remove a library event listener from the library manager.
removeJspLibraryListener(JspLibraryListener) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.jsp.libraries.JspLibraryManager
Remove a listener from the library manager.
removeKey(Key) - Method in class oracle.javatools.util.deferred.DerivedCache
Remove the cached values for the given key
removeKey(Object, Map.Entry<K, V>) - Method in class oracle.javatools.util.Maps.AbstractHashMap
Removes the entry with a key from this map and returns the entry removed, or null if no entry is removed.
removeKeyListener(KeyListener) - Method in class oracle.ide.log.DefaultLogPage
Remove a KeyListener from the GUI.
removeKeyStrokeContext(String) - Static method in class oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.util.VCSKeyboardUtils
removeKeyStrokesFromInputMap(JComponent, KeyStroke[], int) - Static method in class oracle.ide.keyboard.KeyUtil
removeKeyStrokesFromInputMap(JComponent, KeyStroke[], int) - Static method in class oracle.javatools.util.SwingUtils
Remove all mappings bound to the specified set of KeyStrokes for the InputMap of the specified type that is associated with the specified JComponent.
removeKeyStrokesFromInputMaps(JComponent, KeyStroke[]) - Static method in class oracle.ide.keyboard.KeyUtil
removeKeyStrokesFromInputMaps(JComponent, KeyStroke[]) - Static method in class oracle.javatools.util.SwingUtils
Remove all mappings bound to the specified set of KeyStrokes for each InputMap that is associated with the specified JComponent.
removeLast() - Method in class oracle.ide.keyboard.KeyStrokes
Removes the last KeyStroke of the sequence
removeLayoutComponent(Component) - Method in class oracle.ide.controls.ButtonsLayoutManager
removeLayoutComponent(Component) - Method in class oracle.ide.controls.PentaLayout
Removes the specified component from this border layout.
removeLayoutComponent(Component) - Method in class
removeLayoutComponent(Component) - Method in class oracle.javatools.ui.ColumnLayout
removeLayoutComponent(Component) - Method in class oracle.javatools.ui.layout.CenterLayout
removeLayoutComponent(Component) - Method in class oracle.jdevimpl.audit.swing.CenterLayout
removeLayoutComponent(Component) - Method in class oracle.jdevimpl.audit.swing.CommandButtonLayout
removeLayoutComponent(Component) - Method in class oracle.jdevimpl.audit.swing.DelegatingLayout
removeLayoutListener(String) - Method in class oracle.ide.editor.EditorManager
Remove the LayoutListener for one of our child Editor instances
removeLayoutResetListener(LayoutResetListener) - Method in class oracle.ide.layout.Layouts
Removes the given listener from the list of listeners to notify when layouts are reset to original factory settings.
removeLegacyData(String) - Method in class oracle.ide.config.IdeSettings
Removes the legacy data at the specified key.
removeLibrary(JLibrary, MutableLibraryList) - Static method in class oracle.jdeveloper.library.JLibraryManager
removeLibrary(Object) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.model.JProjectLibraries
Remove a JLibrary identified by an ID from the list of referenced JLibrary instances.
removeLibrary(String) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.webapp.libraries.TagLibraryManager
Remove a latest version of the tag library with giver URI.
removeLibrary(T) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.webapp.libraries.TagLibraryManager
Remove a T from the current model.
removeLibraryChangeListener(ProjectLibraryChangeListener) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.library.JLibraryManager
removeLibraryList(LibraryList) - Static method in class oracle.jdeveloper.library.JLibraryManager
removeLifecycleListener(RunProcessLifecycleListener) - Method in class oracle.ide.runner.Runner
removeListActionListener(NiceListActionListener) - Method in class oracle.javatools.controls.nicelist.NiceList
Removes a listener from the list.
removeListDataListener(ListDataListener) - Method in class oracle.ide.controls.customtab.CustomTab
removes a listener that has been set with CustomTab.addListDataListener(javax.swing.event.ListDataListener)
removeListDataListener(ListDataListener) - Method in class oracle.javatools.editor.insight.ReadOnlyListModel
removeListDataListener(ListDataListener) - Method in class oracle.javatools.editor.insight.TooltipDataItemListModel
Remove a listener from the list that's notified each time a change to the data model occurs.
removeListDataListener(ListDataListener) - Method in class oracle.javatools.ui.combo.CheckComboModel
Currently does nothing
removeListDataListener(ListDataListener) - Method in class oracle.javatools.ui.combo.FixListComboModel
Currently does nothing
removeListDataListener(ListDataListener) - Method in class oracle.javatools.ui.combo.TreeComboModel
Currently does nothing
removeListDataListener(ListDataListener) - Method in class oracle.javatools.ui.combo.TreeFixListComboModel
Currently does nothing
removeListDataListener(ListDataListener) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.audit.bean.AbstractEnumerationField
removeListener(CollectionListener) - Method in class oracle.ide.keyboard.KeyStrokeContextRegistry
Removes a CollectionListener
removeListener(CompareHintListener) - Static method in class
removeListener(StatementWrapper.Listener) - Static method in class oracle.javatools.db.execute.StatementWrapper
Removes a query listener.
removeListener(SourceTransactionListener) - Method in interface
Unregisters the given observer.
removeListener(ConnectionsListener) - Method in interface oracle.jdeveloper.db.Connections
Removes the given listener from this store if it was registered.
removeListener(ConnectionsListener) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.db.DatabaseConnections
removeListSelectionListener(ListSelectionListener) - Method in interface oracle.ide.externaltools.macro.MacroPicker
Remove a list selection listener previously added with addListSelectionListener().
removeListSelectionListener(ListSelectionListener) - Method in class oracle.javatools.history.HistoryComponent
Add a listener to be notified when the selection changes.
removeLOBDescriptor(LOBDescriptor) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.ora.TablePartition
Remove a LOBDescriptor object that defines the (sub)partitioning properties of a LOB or VARRAY column for this (sub)partition.
removeLocationSpecifier(OracleExternalTableProperties.LocationSpecifier) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.ora.OracleExternalTableProperties
Removes the given location specifier.
removeMark(BasicEditorPane) - Static method in class oracle.javatools.editor.EmacsAction
Utility routine to remove the Emacs mark from a given editor (i.e., when it is being closed.
removeMark(String, int, FileOverviewMark) - Method in class oracle.javatools.editor.FileOverviewMargin
removeMarkColor(String) - Static method in class oracle.javatools.editor.FileOverviewMargin
removeMDDListener(MDDListener) - Method in class oracle.ide.panels.MDDPanel
removeMenuFilter(MenuFilter) - Method in class oracle.ide.controller.ContextMenu
This implementation removes a menu filter only from the context menu.
removeMenuFilter(MenuFilter) - Method in class oracle.ide.controller.MenuManager
Removes a menu filter from the menu manager.
removeMenuLabel(MnemonicSolver.MenuLabel) - Method in class oracle.ide.util.MnemonicSolver
Unregister the specified menu label.
removeMenuManagerMenuListener(JMenu) - Method in class oracle.ide.controller.MenuManager
INTERNAL method.
removeMethod(PlSqlMethod) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.plsql.Type
Removes the given PlSqlMethod from the Methods property array
removeMethod(PlSqlMethod) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.SpecPlSql
Deprecated. Removes an method from this object type.
removeMiscellaneousFile(URL) - Method in class oracle.ide.model.ContentSet
Removes the specified URL from the static content path.
removeMnemonic(String, char) - Static method in class oracle.javatools.util.StringUtil
Removes the given mnemonic if present in the given text in between parenthesis.
removeModifiers(int) - Method in interface
Removes the modifiers.
removeModifiers(int) - Method in interface
Removes the modifiers.
removeMouseHoverListener(MouseHoverListener) - Method in class oracle.javatools.ui.MouseHoverSupport
removeMouseListener(MouseListener) - Method in class oracle.ide.controls.GlobalMouseDispatcher
removeMouseListener(MouseListener) - Method in class oracle.ide.controls.TabbedWindow
removeMouseListener(MouseListener) - Method in class oracle.ide.log.AbstractLogPage
This implemenation does nothing.
removeMouseListener(MouseListener) - Method in class oracle.ide.log.DefaultLogPage
Remove a MouseListener from the GUI.
removeMouseListener(MouseListener) - Method in interface oracle.ide.log.LogPage
Removes the specified listener from the graphical components used in the page implementation.
removeMouseListener(MouseListener) - Method in class oracle.ide.log.MessagePage
Removes the mouse listener from the message page Note: despite the fact that it is not final, this method is not designed to be overridden by subclasses.
removeMouseListener(MouseListener) - Method in class oracle.javatools.history.HistoryComponent
removeMouseListener(MouseListener) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.changelist.ChangeList
Remove a previously added mouse listener from the change list.
removeMouseListener(MouseListener) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.changelist.ChangeListCommentsCustomizer
removeMouseListener(MouseListener) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.changeset.ChangeSetChangeList
removeMouseListener(MouseListener) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.vop.BaseVersionOperationPanel
removeMouseListener(MouseListener) - Method in class oracle.jdevimpl.audit.log.AuditLogPage
removeMouseListener(MouseListener) - Method in class oracle.jdevimpl.audit.log.AuditLogPanel
removeMouseListenerImpl(MouseListener) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.vop.BaseVersionOperationPanel
removeMouseListenerImpl(MouseListener) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.vop.VersionOperationTablePanel
removeMouseListenerImpl(MouseListener) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.vop.VersionOperationTreePanel
removeNavigationListener(NavigationListener) - Method in class oracle.javatools.editor.BasicEditorPane
removeNewMenuItem(ContextMenu) - Static method in class oracle.ide.navigator.NavigatorConstants
Deprecated. Removes the "New..." menu item from the specified context menu, if it is present.
removeNodeListener(NodeListener) - Method in class oracle.ide.model.Node
Removes the specified NodeListener from this Node instance.
removeNodeListenerForType(Class, NodeListener) - Static method in class oracle.ide.model.Node
Unregisters a listener that had been registered via Node.addNodeListenerForType(Class,NodeListener).
removeNodeListenerForTypeHierarchy(Class, NodeListener) - Static method in class oracle.ide.model.Node
Unregisters a listener that had been registered via Node.addNodeListenerForTypeHierarchy(Class,NodeListener).
removeNodes(Node[]) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.spi.VCSImportBackupHelper
removeNonEditableNodes(Collection<?>) - Static method in class oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.util.VCSCommandUtils
Removes all non-editable nodes from the given collection.
removeNotify() - Method in class oracle.ide.controls.ActionMenuToolButton
removeNotify() - Method in class oracle.ide.controls.DropDownMenuButton
Override to cleanup some resources.
removeNotify() - Method in class oracle.ide.controls.Toolbar
removeNotify() - Method in class
removeNotify() - Method in class oracle.javatools.controls.completionfield.CompletionTextArea
Deprecated. Overridden to ensure that the insight list is hidden when the component is removed from its parent.
removeNotify() - Method in class oracle.javatools.controls.completionfield.CompletionTextField
Deprecated. Overridden to ensure that the insight list is hidden when the component is removed from its parent.
removeNotify() - Method in class oracle.javatools.ui.completion.CompletionTextArea
Overridden to ensure that the insight list is hidden when the component is removed from its parent.
removeNotify() - Method in class oracle.javatools.ui.completion.CompletionTextField
Overridden to ensure that the insight list is hidden when the component is removed from its parent.
removeNotify() - Method in class oracle.javatools.ui.ExtendedTextField
removeNotify() - Method in class oracle.javatools.ui.ghost.GhostPalette
removeObjectListener(DBObjectListener) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.AbstractDBObject.ListenerSupport
removeObjectListener(DBObjectListener) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.AbstractDBObjectProvider
removeObjectListener(DBObjectListener) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.AbstractSystemObject
removeObjectListener(DBObjectListener) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.AbstractSystemObject
removeObjectListener(SchemaObjectListener) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.AbstractSystemObject
removeObjectListener(DBObjectListener) - Method in interface oracle.javatools.db.DBObjectProvider
Removes the given object listener that had been added using DBObjectProvider.addObjectListener(DBObjectListener,SystemObject) or DBObjectProvider.addObjectListener(DBObjectListener,DBObjectCriteria).
removeObjectListener(DBObjectListener) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.plsql.PlSqlSchemaObject
removeObjectListener(DBObjectListener) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.plsql.PlSqlSchemaObject
removeObjectListener(SchemaObjectListener) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.plsql.PlSqlSchemaObject
removeObjectListener(DBObjectListener) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.plsql.Procedure
removeObjectListener(DBObjectListener) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.plsql.Procedure
removeObjectListener(SchemaObjectListener) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.plsql.Procedure
removeObjectListener(SchemaObjectListener) - Method in interface oracle.javatools.db.SchemaObject
Deprecated. - replaced with SystemObject.removeObjectListener(oracle.javatools.db.event.DBObjectListener)
removeObjectListener(DBObjectListener) - Method in interface oracle.javatools.db.SystemObject
Removes the given listener from the list of registered listeners for this class.
removeObjectListener(DBObjectListener) - Method in interface oracle.javatools.db.SystemObject
Deprecated. - replaced with SystemObject.removeObjectListener(oracle.javatools.db.event.DBObjectListener)
removeOffsetMark(OffsetMark) - Method in class oracle.javatools.buffer.AbstractTextBuffer
Remove an existing OffsetMark from the text buffer.
removeOffsetMark(OffsetMark) - Method in interface oracle.javatools.buffer.TextBuffer
Remove an existing OffsetMark from the text buffer.
removeOffsetMark(OffsetMark) - Method in class oracle.javatools.buffer.TextBufferDecorator
Remove an existing OffsetMark from the text buffer.
removeOrCloseApplicationPrompt(Context) - Static method in class oracle.ide.cmd.CloseNodeCommand
Deprecated. No longer an option to close without removing application; use CloseNodeCommand.closeAndremoveApplication(oracle.ide.Context)
removeOrderByObject(OrderByObject) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.sql.AbstractSQLQuery
removeOrderByObject(OrderByObject) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.sql.AbstractSQLQueryBuilder
removeOrderByObject(OrderByObject) - Method in interface oracle.javatools.db.sql.DeclarativeSQLQuery
Remove a OrderBy object from the list.
removeOrderByObject(OrderByObject) - Method in interface oracle.javatools.db.sql.SQLQueryBuilder
Removes the given order by object from the orderby clause.
removeOutputMonitor(VCSStreamMonitor) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.migrate.VCSShellRunner
removeOverlay(String, Element) - Method in class oracle.ide.explorer.IconOverlayCache
Removes overlay information for the given element from the cache.
removeOwnedChildren(Folder) - Method in class oracle.ide.model.OwnerMap
Deprecated. Removes the children of the project that are owned by the specified owner.
removePage(int) - Method in class oracle.ide.controls.customtab.CustomTab
removePage(CustomTabPage) - Method in class oracle.ide.controls.customtab.CustomTab
removePage(Class) - Method in class
Remove a page from the about box.
removePage(LogPage) - Method in class oracle.ide.log.AbstractLogManager
Classes that extend the AbstractLogManager class should override this method from where they should call this method to install the remove any mouse listener installed on the specified page
removePage(LogPage) - Method in class oracle.ide.log.LogManager
Remove the specified page from the LogWindow.
removePage(String) - Method in interface oracle.ide.palette.Palette
Remove a page from the palette
removePage(String) - Method in class oracle.ide.palette.PaletteManager
Remove page from palette
removePainter(BasicEditorPainter) - Method in class oracle.javatools.editor.BasicEditorUI
removePaletteConsumerClass(MetaClass) - Method in class oracle.ide.palette2.PaletteManager
Removes a client View as a PaletteConsumer.
removePaletteDisplayableListener(PaletteDisplayableListener) - Method in class oracle.ide.palette.PaletteManager
Remove a PaletteDisplayableListener
removePaletteItem(String, String, boolean) - Method in class oracle.ide.palette.PaletteManager
This will remove a palette item from specified page.
removePaletteListener(PaletteListener) - Method in class oracle.ide.palette.PaletteManager
Remove a palette listener
removePaletteListener(PaletteListener) - Method in class oracle.ide.palette.PaletteWindow
Remove a PaletteListener from listener list
removePaletteListener(PaletteListener) - Method in class oracle.ide.palette2.PaletteWindow
Remove a PaletteListener from listener list.
removePaletteModelListener(PaletteModelListener) - Method in interface oracle.ide.palette.Palette
Remove a PaletteListener from listener list
removePalettePagesListener(PalettePagesListener) - Method in class oracle.ide.palette2.PalettePages
Remove PalettePagesListener
removePanel(String) - Static method in class oracle.jdeveloper.offlinedb.wizard.ProviderWizard
removeParameter(PlSqlParameter) - Method in interface oracle.javatools.db.DeclarativePlSql
removeParameter(PlSqlParameter) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.PlSqlMethod
Deprecated. Removes a parameter from this Pl/Sql subprogram.
removeParameter(PlSqlParameter) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.PlSqlSubprogram
Deprecated. Removes a parameter from this Pl/Sql subprogram.
removePartition(IndexPartition) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.ora.OracleIndexPartitions
removePartition(TablePartition) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.ora.OracleTablePartitions
removePartitionColumn(DBObjectID) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.ora.OracleTablePartitions
Remove a (sub)partitioning column.
removePatchListener(PatchListener) - Method in class oracle.javatools.patch.PatchEngine
Removes a listener from the engine for receiving PatchEvents.
removePopupItem(JMenuItem) - Method in class oracle.ide.controls.DropDownMenuButton
Removes the specified item from the drop-down menu.
removePopupItem(ToggleAction) - Method in class oracle.ide.controls.MenuToolButton
removePopupItem(String) - Method in class oracle.ide.controls.ToolButton
Deprecated. Replace a menu-ing ToolButton with MenuToolButton.
removePopupManager(ComparePopupManager) - Method in interface
Deprecated. Remove a popup manager from this view.
removePopupManager(ComparePopupManager) - Method in class
removePopupManager(ComparePopupManager) - Method in interface
Deprecated. replaced by BaseCompareView.removePopupManager(
removePopupManager(ComparePopupManager) - Method in class
removePopupManager(ComparePopupManager) - Method in class
removePopupManager(ComparePopupManager, BasicEditorPane) - Method in class
removePopupManager(PopupManager) - Method in class oracle.javatools.editor.BasicEditorPane
Deinstalls the given PopupManager that was previously installed for managing popup menus for the editor pane.
removePopupMenuListener(PopupMenuListener) - Method in class oracle.ide.controls.MenuToolButton
removePositionListener(ChangeListener) - Method in class
removePositionListener(ChangeListener) - Method in interface
Deprecated. Removes a listener for changes to the current navigable view position.
removePreActionInvoker(ActionPreInvoker, double) - Method in class oracle.javatools.editor.BasicEditorPane
Remove a pre-actionInvoker.
removePreferredLayoutListener(PreferredLayoutListener) - Method in class oracle.ide.editor.Editor
removePreferredLayoutListener(PreferredLayoutListener) - Method in interface oracle.ide.layout.LayoutSelector
Remvoe a PreferredLayoutListener.
removePrefix(String, String) - Static method in class oracle.jdevimpl.audit.util.Strings
Removes a prefix from a string, if present.
removePrePostDocumentListener(BasicDocument.PrePostDocumentListener) - Method in class oracle.javatools.editor.BasicDocument
Unregisters the given listener from receiving pre/post notifications.
removeProcessor(String, OfflineDBUpdateManager.Processor) - Static method in class oracle.jdeveloper.offlinedb.OfflineDBUpdateManager
removeProjectChangeListener(String, ProjectChangeListener) - Static method in class oracle.ide.model.Project
removeProjectChangeListener(ProjectChangeListener) - Static method in class oracle.ide.model.Project
removeProperty(String) - Method in class oracle.ide.Context
Removes a property set on this Context.
removeProperty(String) - Method in class oracle.ide.layout.IdeLayout
removeProperty(String) - Method in class oracle.ide.layout.SimpleLayout
removeProperty(String) - Method in class oracle.ide.model.UpdateMessage
Removes the property with the specified name from this message.
removeProperty(String) - Method in class oracle.ide.util.DefaultPropertyAccess
removeProperty(String) - Method in interface oracle.ide.util.PropertyAccess
Removes the property.
removeProperty(String) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.spi.VCSCommandState
removePropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener) - Method in class javax.ide.view.DefaultViewable
removePropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener) - Method in interface javax.ide.view.Viewable
Removes a PropertyChangeListener from the listener list.
removePropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener) - Method in class oracle.ide.db.controls.AbstractTreePicker
Remove a PropertyChangeListener from the ItemPicker.
removePropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener) - Method in class oracle.ide.editor.Editor
removePropertyChangeListener(String, PropertyChangeListener) - Method in interface oracle.ide.externaltools.ExternalToolOptionsPage
Remove a property change listener.
removePropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener) - Method in class
removePropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener) - Method in interface oracle.ide.inspector.Extension
Remove a PropertyChangeListener from this Extension.
removePropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener) - Method in class oracle.ide.resourcebundle.ResourceBundlePropertyEditor
removePropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener) - Method in class
Remove a property change listener.
removePropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener) - Method in class oracle.javatools.editor.BasicDocument
Remove a PropertyChangeListener from the listener list.
removePropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener) - Method in class oracle.javatools.editor.EditorProperties
Remove a PropertyChangeListener from the listener list.
removePropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener) - Method in class oracle.javatools.editor.highlight.HighlightRegistry
Removes a PropertyChangeListener from this registry.
removePropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener) - Method in class oracle.javatools.editor.language.StyleRegistry
Removes a PropertyChangeListener from this registry.
removePropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener) - Method in class oracle.javatools.editor.TextTabber
removePropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener) - Method in class oracle.javatools.editor.WeakPropertyChangeSupport
Removes a PropertyChangeListener so that it no longer receives property changes.
removePropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener) - Method in class oracle.javatools.ui.checklist.Step
Remove a PropertyChangeListener to this step.
removePropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener) - Method in class oracle.javatools.ui.checklist.TaskContentProvider
Removes a PropertyChangeListener from this content provider.
removePropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener) - Method in class oracle.javatools.ui.checktree.TriStateNode
removePropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener) - Method in class oracle.javatools.ui.tree.lazy.LazyProgressController
removePropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener) - Method in interface oracle.jdeveloper.audit.AuditPreferences
removePropertyChangeListener(String, PropertyChangeListener) - Method in interface oracle.jdeveloper.audit.AuditPreferences
removePropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.audit.extension.ExtensionBean
removePropertyChangeListener(String, PropertyChangeListener) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.audit.extension.ExtensionBean
removePropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener) - Method in interface oracle.jdeveloper.audit.service.ProfileTransaction
Removes a listener for changes to properties of beans of this transaction.
removePropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.webapp.designer.DeviceRegistry
removePropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener) - Method in class oracle.jdevimpl.audit.core.DefaultProfileTransaction
removePropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener) - Method in class oracle.jdevimpl.audit.preferences.AuditPreferences
removePropertyChangeListener(String, PropertyChangeListener) - Method in class oracle.jdevimpl.audit.preferences.AuditPreferences
removePropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener) - Method in class oracle.jdevimpl.audit.profile.ProfileModel
removePropertyResolver(PropertyResolver) - Method in class oracle.ide.controls.ToggleAction
Remove a resolver previously added to this action via ToggleAction.addPropertyResolver( PropertyResolver ).
removeProviderListener(DBObjectProviderListener) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.AbstractDBObjectProvider
removeProviderListener(DBObjectProviderListener) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.AbstractDBObjectProvider
Deprecated. use AbstractDBObjectProvider.removeProviderListener(DBObjectProviderListener)
removeProviderListener(DBObjectProviderListener) - Method in interface oracle.javatools.db.DBObjectProvider
Removes the given listener from the list of registered listener for events on this provider.
removeProviderListener(DBObjectProviderListener) - Method in interface oracle.javatools.db.DBObjectProvider
Deprecated. use DBObjectProvider.removeProviderListener(DBObjectProviderListener)
removeRange(int, int) - Method in class oracle.javatools.buffer.SafeArrayList
Removes from this list all of the elements between the given indexes.
removeRange(TextTabber.TabTextRange) - Method in class oracle.javatools.editor.TextTabber
Remove a previously added TabTextRange, This range no longer participates in the tabbing.
removeRecognizer(ElementRecognizer) - Static method in class oracle.ide.model.ElementFactory
Unregisters a ElementRecognizer.
removeRefAndQueryParts(URL[]) - Static method in class oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.util.VCSFileSystemUtils
Removes the reference and query parts of the given URLs.
removeReferenceDevice(Object, String) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.webapp.designer.DeviceRegistry
Removed reference device for the device category.
removeReferenceDeviceProperty(Object, String, Object) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.webapp.designer.DeviceRegistry
Device display name can not removed.
removeRegListener(OnDemandElementVisitorListener) - Method in class javax.ide.extension.OnDemandElementVisitor
removeResourceBundleListener(ResourceBundleListener) - Method in class oracle.ide.resourcebundle.NodeResourceBundle
Removes the specified ResourceBundleListener from this resource bundle
removeResourceBundleListener(ResourceBundleListener) - Method in interface oracle.javatools.resourcebundle.ResourceBundleWrapper
Removes a listenerthat received ResourceBundleEvents.
removeResourceBundleListener(ResourceBundleListener) - Method in class oracle.javatools.resourcebundle.ResourceBundleWrapperRT
removeRow(int) - Method in class oracle.ide.controls.DefaultListTableModel
Removes the row at row from the model.
removeRow(int) - Method in interface oracle.javatools.ui.table.EditableTableModel
Removes the row at row from the model.
removeRowActionListener(AuditTreeTable.RowActionListener) - Method in class oracle.jdevimpl.audit.log.AuditTreeTable
removeRowSelectionListener(TreeSelectionListener) - Method in class oracle.jdevimpl.audit.log.AuditTreeTable
removeScrollButtons() - Method in class oracle.ide.controls.ScrollableTabBar
Removes the scroll buttons
removeSearchListener(SearchListener) - Method in class
removeSearchListener(SearchListener) - Method in class
Deregisters a SearchListener from this SearchField.
removeSearchSupport() - Method in class
Remove the search ability for a text component
removeSection(PaletteSection) - Method in class oracle.ide.palette2.DefaultPaletteGroup
Remove Palette Section
removeSelectedDates(Date[]) - Method in class oracle.javatools.ui.calendar.CalendarPanel
remove the given dates from the current selection
removeSelectedExpressions() - Method in class oracle.ide.db.panels.sql.ExpressionPanel
removeSelectedItems() - Method in class oracle.ide.db.controls.AbstractTreePicker
removeSelectedItems() - Method in class oracle.ide.db.controls.DBObjectListPicker
removeSelectedItems() - Method in class oracle.ide.db.controls.DBObjectPicker
Removes the selected nodes from their parents - and removes their parents if they are empty.
removeSelectedItems() - Method in class oracle.ide.db.controls.SchemaObjectTargetPicker
removeSelectedItems() - Method in class oracle.ide.db.panels.sql.FromFromPicker
removeSelectedItems() - Method in class oracle.ide.db.panels.sql.FromJoinToPicker
Collects up all the selected from objects and joins (seperately).
removeSelectedItems() - Method in class oracle.ide.db.panels.sql.GroupByFromPicker
removeSelectedItems() - Method in class oracle.ide.db.panels.sql.QueryTargetPicker
removeSelectedItems() - Method in class oracle.ide.db.panels.sql.QuickPickSourcePicker
removeSelectedObjects(Transferable[]) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.panels.SelectDatabaseObjectsPanel
removeSelectedText() - Method in class oracle.javatools.editor.plugins.DragDropPlugin
Utility method to remove the selected text of editor.
removeSelectionChangedListener(ActionDescriptionPanel.OptionSelectionChangedListener) - Method in class oracle.ide.panels.ActionDescriptionPanel
Removes a OptionSelectionChangedListener from the list of listeners to be notified when selection has changed.
removeSelectionInterval(int, int) - Method in class oracle.javatools.ui.table.RowHeaderSelectionModel
removeSelectionListener(ListSelectionListener) - Method in class oracle.ide.controls.customtab.CustomTab
removeSelectionListener(ListSelectionListener) - Method in interface oracle.javatools.ui.Reorderable
Removed the selection listener attached from the reorderable selection model.
removeSelectionListener(ListSelectionListener) - Method in class oracle.javatools.ui.table.ReorderableTable
Removed the selection listener attached to the table selection model.
removeSelectionListener(ChangeListener) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.changelist.ChangeList
Remove a selection listener
removeSelectionListener(ChangeListener) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.changeset.ChangeSetChangeList
removeSelectionListener(ChangeListener) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.vop.BaseVersionOperationPanel
Remove a listener
removeSelectObject(SelectObject) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.sql.AbstractSQLQuery
removeSelectObject(SelectObject) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.sql.AbstractSQLQueryBuilder
removeSelectObject(SelectObject) - Method in interface oracle.javatools.db.sql.DeclarativeSQLQuery
Remove a select object from the list.
removeSelectObject(SelectObject) - Method in interface oracle.javatools.db.sql.SQLQueryBuilder
Removes the given SelectObject from the SQLQuery.
removeSelf() - Method in interface
Performs a remove of this element from its parent.
removeSelf() - Method in interface
Performs a remove of this element from its parent.
removeShortcutButtons() - Method in class
Removes all shortcut buttons from the button panel on the left side of the URLChooser, allowing the URLChooser instance to be reused in a different context without retaining the existing shortcut buttons.
removeShutdownHook(ShutdownHook) - Static method in class oracle.ide.cmd.ExitCommand
Remove a shutdown hook.
removeSmartDataProvider(SmartDataProvider) - Method in class oracle.ide.runner.Debugger
Removes a previously registered SmartDataProvider SmartDataProviders registered in a declarative way should not be removed
removeSourceFileListener(SourceFileListener) - Method in interface
Unregisters the given observer.
removeSourceFinder(SourceFinder) - Static method in class oracle.jdeveloper.runner.Source
Unregisters a SourceFinder
removeSourceFinderManager(SourceFinderManager) - Static method in class oracle.jdeveloper.runner.Source
Unregisters a SourceFinderManager
removeStateListener(TransferStateListener) - Method in class oracle.ide.db.transfer.TransferState
removeStatusListener(ChangeListener) - Method in class
removeStatusListener(ChangeListener) - Method in interface
Deprecated. Removes a listener for events which change editor pane status.
removeStep(Step) - Method in class oracle.javatools.ui.checklist.DefaultChecklistModel
Removes the specified step from the model.
removeStep(String) - Method in class oracle.javatools.ui.checklist.xml.XMLChecklistModel
Remove the step identified by the id from the model.
removeStepAt(int) - Method in class oracle.javatools.ui.checklist.DefaultChecklistModel
Removes the step at the specified index from the model.
removeStoreListener(StoreListener) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.db.DatabaseConnectionStores
Removes the given store listener.
removeStructureChangeListener(StructureChangeListener) - Method in class
Removes a listener from the hash structure this object is adapting.
removeStructureChangeListener(StructureChangeListener) - Method in class
Removes the specified StructureChangeListener from this Structure.
removeStructureSupportForClass(MetaClass) - Method in class oracle.ide.explorer.ExplorerManager
Removes a MetaClass that was added previously.
removeSubstep(Step, Step) - Method in class oracle.javatools.ui.checklist.DefaultChecklistModel
Removes a substep from the parent step.
removeSubstep(Step) - Method in class oracle.javatools.ui.checklist.Step
Remove the substep from this parent step.
removeSubstep(Step, String) - Method in class oracle.javatools.ui.checklist.xml.XMLChecklistModel
Remove the sub step identified by the id from the parent.
removeSubstepAt(Step, int) - Method in class oracle.javatools.ui.checklist.DefaultChecklistModel
Removes a substep from the parent step at the specified index.
removeSuffix(String, String) - Static method in class oracle.jdevimpl.audit.util.Strings
Removes a suffix from a string, if present.
removeTabAt(int) - Method in class oracle.ide.controls.SingleRowTabbedPane
removeTabbedWindowListener(TabbedWindowListener) - Method in class oracle.ide.controls.TabbedWindow
removeTableModelListener(TableModelListener) - Method in class oracle.javatools.ui.treetable.NodeTableModelAdapter
removeTagLibMap(WebAppNode, String) - Static method in class oracle.jdeveloper.jsp.utils.JSPTagUtils
Removes explicit tag-lib entry from the web.xml file.
removeTagLibrary(JspLibrary, Project) - Static method in class oracle.jdeveloper.jsp.libraries.JspLibraryUtils
Removing the tag library reference will not remove underlining resource.
removeTagLibraryListener(TagLibraryListener) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.webapp.libraries.TagLibraryManager
Remove a listener from the library manager.
removeTagLibraryURLClassesProvider(TagLibraryURLClassesProvider<T>) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.webapp.libraries.TagLibraryManager
removeTaskListener(TaskListener) - Method in class oracle.ide.task.Task
Remove a TaskListener from the this task.
removeTechnologyPropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.model.TechnologiesPanel
Removes a technology-scope-change listener.
removeTerminateMenu(RunProcess) - Method in class oracle.ide.runner.Runner
Removes the terminate menu item for the given RunProcess from the Run -> Terminate submenu.
removeTextBufferListener(TextBufferListener) - Method in class oracle.ide.model.TextNode
Removes a text buffer listener from the text buffer of this node.
removeTextBufferListener(TextBufferListener) - Method in class oracle.javatools.buffer.AbstractTextBuffer
Unregisters the given observer from the notification list so that it will no longer receive change updates.
removeTextBufferListener(TextBufferListener) - Method in class oracle.javatools.buffer.ForwardingTextBufferListener
removeTextBufferListener(TextBufferListener) - Method in interface oracle.javatools.buffer.TextBuffer
Unregisters the given observer from the notification list so that it will no longer receive change updates.
removeTextBufferListener(TextBufferListener) - Method in class oracle.javatools.buffer.TextBufferDecorator
Unregisters the given observer from the notification list so that it will no longer receive change updates.
removeThemeListener(ThemeListener) - Static method in class oracle.javatools.ui.themes.Themes
Removes a listener that was previously added using Themes.addThemeListener(ThemeListener).
removeThisAsParent(ChildDBObject) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.AbstractDBObject
If the given child object has this object as a parent, this method will remove the parent setting.
removeThrows(SourceMethod, String) - Static method in class
Removes a class (type) from the throws clause of the method declaration.
removeTitleChangeListener(TitleChangeListener) - Method in interface oracle.ide.docking.Dockable
Removes the specified title change listener from the dockable.
removeTitleChangeListener(TitleChangeListener) - Method in class oracle.ide.docking.DockableWindow
Removes the specified title change listener from the dockable.
removeToEnd(int) - Method in class oracle.javatools.buffer.AbstractTextBuffer
Removes data from the text buffer starting at the given offset to the end of the buffer.
removeToEnd(int) - Method in interface oracle.javatools.buffer.TextBuffer
Removes data from the text buffer starting at the given offset to the end of the buffer.
removeToEnd(int) - Method in class oracle.javatools.buffer.TextBufferDecorator
Removes data from the text buffer starting at the given offset to the end of the buffer.
removeToolbarFilter(ActionFilter) - Static method in class oracle.ide.controls.Toolbar
removeToolbarFromPanel(JPanel, Toolbar) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.changelist.ChangeListWindow
removeToolTipExpressionProvider(ToolTipExpressionProvider) - Method in class oracle.ide.runner.Debugger
Removes a previously registered ToolTipExpressionProvider ToolTipExpressionProviders registered in a declarative way should not be removed
removeToolTipProvider(ToolTipProvider) - Method in class oracle.javatools.editor.BasicEditorPane
Deinstalls the given ToolTipProvider that was previously installed for getting tooltip info for the editor pane.
removeTransferTarget(Class<T>) - Method in class oracle.ide.db.transfer.TransferDescriptor
removeTreeCellCheckedListener(TreeCellCheckedListener) - Method in class oracle.ide.controls.tree.CustomJTree
removeTreeCellCheckedListener(TreeCellRadioSelectedListener) - Method in class oracle.ide.controls.tree.CustomJTree
removeTreeModelListener(TreeModelListener) - Method in class oracle.ide.controls.AbstractTreeTableModel
removeTreeModelListener(TreeModelListener) - Method in class oracle.javatools.ui.treetable.AbstractTreeTableModel
removeTreeModelListener(TreeModelListener) - Method in class oracle.jdevimpl.audit.swing.AbstractTreeModel
Removes a listener previously added with addTreeModelListener().
removeUndoableEditListener(UndoableEditListener) - Method in class oracle.javatools.editor.BasicDocument
Unregisters the given listener from the notification list so it will no longer receive updates.
removeUpdate(TextBuffer, int, int, char[]) - Method in class oracle.ide.ceditor.NodeUpdater
Provides notification about a removal from the TextBuffer.
removeUpdate(DocumentEvent) - Method in class oracle.ide.db.controls.SchemaObjectTargetPicker
removeUpdate(DocumentEvent) - Method in class oracle.ide.db.panels.SelectDBObjectsPanel
removeUpdate(DocumentEvent) - Method in class oracle.ide.db.panels.sql.FromJoinToPicker
removeUpdate(DocumentEvent) - Method in class oracle.ide.db.panels.sql.GroupByPanel
removeUpdate(DocumentEvent) - Method in class oracle.ide.db.panels.sql.JoinObjectEditDialog
removeUpdate(DocumentEvent) - Method in class oracle.ide.db.panels.sql.OrderByPanel
removeUpdate(DocumentEvent) - Method in class oracle.ide.db.panels.sql.QueryPanel
removeUpdate(DocumentEvent) - Method in class oracle.ide.db.panels.sql.SelectObjectsPanel
removeUpdate(DocumentEvent) - Method in class oracle.ide.dialogs.SimpleInputDialog
removeUpdate(DocumentEvent) - Method in class oracle.ide.expressionbuilder.ExpressionBuilderPanel
removeUpdate(TextBuffer, int, int, char[]) - Method in class oracle.ide.model.TextBufferTracker
removeUpdate(TextBuffer, int, int, char[]) - Method in class oracle.ide.resourcebundle.NodeResourceBundle
removeUpdate(DocumentEvent) - Method in class oracle.ide.resourcebundle.SelectTextPanel
removeUpdate(TextBuffer, int, int, char[]) - Method in class oracle.javatools.buffer.ForwardingTextBufferListener
removeUpdate(TextBuffer, int, int, char[]) - Method in interface oracle.javatools.buffer.TextBufferListener
Provides notification about a removal from the TextBuffer.
removeUpdate(TextBuffer, int, int, char[]) - Method in class oracle.javatools.editor.BasicDocument
Provides notification about a removal from the text buffer.
removeUpdate(DocumentEvent, Shape, ViewFactory) - Method in class oracle.javatools.editor.BasicView
Gives notification from the document that attributes were removed in a location that this view is responsible for.
removeUpdate(CodeFoldingModel, int, int) - Method in interface oracle.javatools.editor.folding.CodeFoldingProvider
Executes an immediate update of the model due to a deletion in the document.
removeUpdate(int, int) - Method in class oracle.javatools.editor.folding.DefaultCodeFoldingModel
removeUpdate(DocumentEvent) - Method in class oracle.javatools.editor.gutter.LineGutterPlugin.Column
Gives notification that a portion of the document has been removed.
removeUpdate(DocumentEvent) - Method in class oracle.javatools.editor.gutter.LineGutterPlugin
Gives notification that a portion of the document has been removed.
removeUpdate(TextBuffer, int, int, char[]) - Method in class oracle.javatools.editor.gutter.LineGutterPlugin
Provides notification about a removal from the text buffer.
removeUpdate(DocumentEvent) - Method in class oracle.javatools.editor.plugins.BraceMatchingPlugin
Gives notification that a portion of the document has been removed.
removeUpdate(DocumentEvent) - Method in class oracle.javatools.editor.plugins.FindHighlightPlugin
Gives notification that a portion of the document has been removed.
removeUpdate(DocumentEvent) - Method in class oracle.javatools.editor.plugins.LineHighlightPlugin
Gives notification that a portion of the document has been removed.
removeUpdate(DocumentEvent) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.audit.bean.AbstractTextField
removeUpdate(DocumentEvent) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.panels.SelectDatabaseObjectsPanel
removeUpdateChildren(DefaultFoldingBlock, int, int) - Method in class oracle.javatools.editor.folding.DefaultCodeFoldingModel
removeURLChooserListener(URLChooserListener) - Method in class
Remove a URLChooserListener from this URLChooser
removeURLChooserShortcutProvider(URLChooserShortcutProvider) - Static method in class oracle.ide.dialogs.DialogUtil
Uninstalls a provider of shorcuts in the URL chooser.
removeURLFileSystemListener(URL, URLFileSystemListener) - Method in class
removeURLFileSystemListener(URL, URLFileSystemListener) - Static method in class
Removes an URLFileSystemListener instance from the given tracked root URL.
removeURLFileSystemListener(URL, URLFileSystemListener) - Method in class
removeURLFileSystemListener(URL, URLFileSystemListener) - Method in class
removeUserDefinedValueFromList(int) - Method in class oracle.ide.dialogs.filter.FileTypeIncludeFilter
removeUserExtension(String) - Method in class oracle.ide.config.DocumentExtensions.DocRecord
Deprecated. Disassociate the specified extension from the document type encapsulated in this DocRecord.
removeValue(Object) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.ora.TablePartition
Remove a value from the ordered list of values that define a range partition or list (sub)partition.
removeValue(Key) - Method in interface oracle.javatools.xml.esax.ElementContext
Clear a value from this context.
removeValue(Key) - Method in class oracle.javatools.xml.esax.spi.DefaultElementContext
Clear a value from this context.
removeVCSListener(VCSListener) - Method in class oracle.ide.vcs.VCSManager
Removes a VCSListener from the VCSManager.
removeVersion(String, VersionNumber) - Method in class oracle.ide.model.ProjectVersion
Removes the specified version from the version history for the specified component.
removeVersionOperationListener(VersionOperationModelListener) - Method in interface oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.vop.VersionOperationModel
Remove a listener previously added in the addVersionOperationModelListener() method.
removeView(View) - Method in class oracle.ide.layout.AbstractLayoutListener
removeView(View) - Method in interface oracle.ide.layout.LayoutListener
removeViewEditListener(ViewEditListener) - Method in class
removeViewEditListener(ViewEditListener) - Method in interface
removeViewEditListener(ViewEditListener) - Method in class
removeViewListener(ViewListener) - Method in class oracle.ide.view.View
removeViewSelectionListener(ViewSelectionListener) - Method in class oracle.ide.view.View
removeViewStateListener(ViewStateListener) - Method in class oracle.ide.view.View
Unregisters the specified ViewStateListener from this View instance.
removeWhereObject(SQLFragment) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.sql.AbstractSQLQueryBuilder
Removes a top level WhereObject from the WHERE clause.
removeWriteLockRequestListener(WriteLockRequestListener) - Method in class oracle.javatools.buffer.AbstractTextBuffer
removeWriteLockRequestListener(WriteLockRequestListener) - Method in class oracle.javatools.buffer.ReadWriteLock
Removes a WriteLockRequestListener on behalf of the current thread.
removeWriteLockRequestListener(WriteLockRequestListener) - Method in interface oracle.javatools.buffer.TextBuffer
Remove a write lock request listener from this text buffer.
removeWriteLockRequestListener(WriteLockRequestListener) - Method in class oracle.javatools.buffer.TextBufferDecorator
rename(URL) - Method in class oracle.ide.model.Node
This method renames the current node and recaches this Node under its new URL in the NodeFactory.
rename(URL, URL) - Method in class
rename(URL, URL) - Method in class
rename(URL, URL) - Method in class
If both of the specified URL objects refer to just a jar file and not a particular entry within it, then the jar file itself is renamed.
rename(URL, URL) - Method in class
rename(URL, URL) - Method in class
Renames the resource indicated by the first URL to the name indicated by the second URL.
rename(URL, URL) - Method in class
rename(URL, URL) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.spi.VCSURLFileSystemHelper
rename(URL, URL) - Method in class
RENAME_CMD - Static variable in class oracle.ide.IdeConstants
Rename a document command.
RENAME_CMD_ID - Static variable in class oracle.ide.IdeConstants
Rename a document command id.
RENAME_EVENT - Static variable in class oracle.javatools.db.plsql.Trigger
RENAME_EVENT - Static variable in class oracle.javatools.db.Trigger
RENAMEABLE - Static variable in class oracle.ide.model.ElementAttributes
RENAMEABLE is an immutable attribute that controls the File | Save As, and File | Rename menu items.
RenameCommand - Class in oracle.ide.cmd
The RenameCommand class implements the Rename command.
RenameCommand() - Constructor for class oracle.ide.cmd.RenameCommand
RENAMED - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.spi.VCSNodeUpdate
renameDatabase(String, String) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.DatabaseFactory.ConnectionCreator
renameEx(URL, URL) - Static method in class
renameImpl(URL, URL) - Method in class oracle.ide.model.Node
Subclasses should override this method to customize the rename() behavior.
RenameMessage - Class in oracle.ide.cmd
There are 5 cases to be considered when the OBJECT_RENAMED message is sent.
renameTo(URI, URI) - Method in class
Renames the resource indicated by the first URI to the name indicated by the second URI.
renameTo(URI, URI) - Method in class
Renames the resource indicated by the first URI to the name indicated by the second URI.
renameTo(URL, URL) - Static method in class
Renames the resource indicated by the first URL to the name indicated by the second URL.
renameToImpl(URL, URL) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.spi.VCSURLFileSystemHelper
Renames the given URL through the version system.
renavigate() - Method in class oracle.ide.ceditor.CodeNavigationPoint
Reset focus to existing open Editor, else open new Editor instance if no longer available, and set the cursor at the last location remembered from our #refresh method.
render(Orientation) - Method in class oracle.ide.inspector.AbstractAdditionalPage
render(SinglePropertyInfo, ActionContext, List<ActionGroup>, String) - Method in class oracle.ide.inspector.ContextActionPanel
render(PropertyModel) - Method in class oracle.ide.inspector.PropertyDisplayPanel
Renders the properties in the given property model that were specified in the layout of this panel.
render(Runnable) - Method in class oracle.javatools.editor.BasicDocument
This allows the model to be safely rendered in the presence of currency, if the model supports being updated asynchronously.
RENDER_CALLBACK_ATTRIBUTE_NAME - Static variable in interface oracle.jdeveloper.webapp.designer.RenderCallback
Attribute name for storing a RenderCallback implementation in the EditorContext
RenderAsIncludeProvider - Interface in
The VE Design Time Engine invokes RenderAsIncludeProvider so that an Include URL can be supplied in place of Tag execution.
renderBlock(StyledFragmentsList, int, int, int, int) - Method in interface oracle.javatools.editor.language.BlockRenderer
Renders the region of text bounded by the given offsets.
renderBlock(StyledFragmentsList, int, int, int, int) - Method in class oracle.javatools.editor.language.LexerBlockRenderer
Renders the region of text bounded by the given offsets.
RenderCallback - Interface in oracle.jdeveloper.webapp.designer
The VE Design Time Engine invokes RenderCallback before rendering of a page request begins, and after the response is delivered.
renderer - Variable in class oracle.javatools.ui.completion.StringCompletionProvider
renderHighlights(HighlightFragmentsList, int, int) - Method in class oracle.javatools.editor.highlight.HighlightLayer
This routine is used by the editor view to obtain all of the highlights in this highlight layer in the given offset range.
renderHighlights(HighlightFragmentsList, int, int, int) - Method in class oracle.javatools.editor.highlight.HighlightLayer
This routine is used by the editor view to obtain all of the highlights in this highlight layer in the given offset range.
renderLines(int, int) - Method in class oracle.javatools.editor.language.AbstractDocumentRenderer
Renders a region of text based on the line information provided.
renderLines(int, int) - Method in interface oracle.javatools.editor.language.DocumentRenderer
Renders a region of text based on the line information provided.
renderOffets(int, int) - Method in class oracle.javatools.editor.language.AbstractDocumentRenderer
renderOffets(int, int) - Method in interface oracle.javatools.editor.language.DocumentRenderer2
Renders a region of text based on the offset information provided.
renderRegion(StyledFragmentsList, int, int) - Method in class oracle.javatools.editor.language.AbstractDocumentRenderer
Renders the region of text bounded by the given offsets.
renderRegion(StyledFragmentsList, int, int) - Method in class oracle.javatools.editor.language.LexerDocumentRenderer
Renders the region of text bounded by the given offsets.
renderText(JComponent, Graphics, StyledTextModel, int, int) - Static method in class oracle.javatools.ui.simplestyle.StyledTextRenderer
renderToken(StyledFragmentsList, int, int, int, int, int) - Method in class oracle.javatools.editor.language.LexerBlockRenderer
Renders the token by mapping the given token to a specific style, and adds it to the styled fragments list.
RENTAB - Static variable in class oracle.javatools.db.Ddl
DDL type rename table
reopen() - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.merge.BaseMergeEditor
Reopens the node for merging, from a restart (if complete) or revert.
REOPEN_CMD - Static variable in class oracle.ide.IdeConstants
Re-open a document command.
REOPEN_CMD_ID - Static variable in class oracle.ide.IdeConstants
Re-open a document command id.
reopenMergeEditor(Node, Class) - Static method in class oracle.jdeveloper.merge.MergeUtil
Deprecated. replaced by MergeUtil.reopenMergeEditor(Node,Node,Class)
reopenMergeEditor(Node, Node, Class) - Static method in class oracle.jdeveloper.merge.MergeUtil
Reopens the merge editor for the given node and editor class, restarting the merge task if the editor is in 'complete state'.
Reorderable - Interface in oracle.javatools.ui
An interface to abstract the reordering communication between a reorderable Component and the controller (ReorderableBar) that reorders it.
ReorderableBar - Class in oracle.javatools.ui
Reorderable bar is a re-usable component with up, down, bottom and top buttons that supports the Reorderable interface.
ReorderableBar(Reorderable, boolean) - Constructor for class oracle.javatools.ui.ReorderableBar
ReorderableTable - Class in oracle.javatools.ui.table
ReorderableTable abstracts the reordering communication between a reorderable table and the controller that reorders it.
ReorderableTable(JTable) - Constructor for class oracle.javatools.ui.table.ReorderableTable
Create a Reorderable support for the specified table.
ReorderableTableModel - Interface in oracle.javatools.ui.table
TableModel that supports reordering of rows should implement this interface.
ReorderableTableWithTitleBar - Class in oracle.javatools.ui.table
ReorderableTableWithTitleBar is a container for a table with a TableToolbar at top and a Reorderablebar at the right side.
ReorderableTableWithTitleBar() - Constructor for class oracle.javatools.ui.table.ReorderableTableWithTitleBar
Create an instance of ReorderableTableWithTitleBar.
ReorderableTableWithTitleBar(JTable) - Constructor for class oracle.javatools.ui.table.ReorderableTableWithTitleBar
ReorderableTableWithTitleBar for the table.
ReorderableTableWithTitleBar(JTable, JComponent) - Constructor for class oracle.javatools.ui.table.ReorderableTableWithTitleBar
ReorderableTableWithTitleBar for the table.
ReorderableTableWithTitleBar(JTable, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class oracle.javatools.ui.table.ReorderableTableWithTitleBar
ReorderableTableWithTitleBar for the table.
ReorderableTableWithTitleBar(JTable, JComponent, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class oracle.javatools.ui.table.ReorderableTableWithTitleBar
ReorderableTableWithTitleBar for the table.
repaginate() - Method in class oracle.javatools.editor.print.EditorPageable
Force a repagination to occur.
repaginateIfNeeded() - Method in class oracle.javatools.editor.print.EditorPageable
Performs a repagination if we don't have any page info currently.
repaint() - Method in class oracle.ide.controls.ToolButton
repaint() - Method in class oracle.javatools.ui.AnimatedCellIcon
repaint() - Method in class oracle.javatools.ui.ghost.GhostPointingPalette
repaint(Rectangle) - Method in class oracle.javatools.ui.ghost.GhostPointingPalette
repaint() - Method in class oracle.javatools.ui.list.DefaultCheckListCellRenderer
Overridden for performance reasons.
repaint(long, int, int, int, int) - Method in class oracle.javatools.ui.list.DefaultCheckListCellRenderer
Overridden for performance reasons.
repaint(Rectangle) - Method in class oracle.javatools.ui.list.DefaultCheckListCellRenderer
Overridden for performance reasons.
repaint(long, int, int, int, int) - Method in class oracle.jdevimpl.audit.swing.CheckBoxTreeCellRenderer
Overridden for performance reasons.
repaint(Rectangle) - Method in class oracle.jdevimpl.audit.swing.CheckBoxTreeCellRenderer
Overridden for performance reasons.
repaint(long, int, int, int, int) - Method in class oracle.jdevimpl.audit.swing.HtmlTreeCellRenderer
Overridden for performance reasons.
repaint(Rectangle) - Method in class oracle.jdevimpl.audit.swing.HtmlTreeCellRenderer
Overridden for performance reasons.
repaint() - Method in class oracle.jdevimpl.audit.swing.HtmlTreeCellRenderer
Overridden for performance reasons.
repaintComponent() - Method in class oracle.javatools.editor.plugins.AbstractFoldingMargin
Requests a repaint on this component.
repaintDiffGutters() - Method in class
repaintLine(int, int) - Method in class oracle.javatools.editor.gutter.LineGutterPlugin
Utility routine to invalidate a line for repainting plus several extra pixels above and below the line.
repaintLine(int) - Method in class oracle.javatools.editor.gutter.LineGutterPlugin
Utility routine to invalidate a single line for repainting.
repaintOverlays() - Method in class oracle.ide.explorer.IconOverlayTracker
Repaints all visible consumer nodes after state changes.
repaintTab(int) - Method in class oracle.ide.controls.SingleRowTabbedPaneUI
repaintVisible() - Method in class oracle.javatools.ui.ghost.GhostPalette
repaintVisible() - Method in class oracle.javatools.ui.ghost.GhostPointingPalette
Will repaint only the visible (i.e.
repeat() - Method in class oracle.javatools.util.LineIterator
Repeatd the last iterated line.
replace(Object) - Method in class oracle.javatools.xml.esax.spi.Stack
Replaces the top of the stack with the specified object.
replace(Collection) - Method in interface oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.vop.MutableVersionOperationModel
replace(String, String, String) - Static method in class oracle.jdevimpl.audit.util.Strings
Replaces the first occurrence of a substring.
REPLACE_CMD - Static variable in class oracle.ide.IdeConstants
Replace command.
REPLACE_CMD_ID - Static variable in class oracle.ide.IdeConstants
Replace command id.
REPLACE_CONFIRM_TEXT - Static variable in class oracle.ide.db.UIArb
REPLACE_CONFIRM_TITLE - Static variable in class oracle.ide.db.UIArb
REPLACE_CONFIRM_WARNING - Static variable in class oracle.ide.db.UIArb
REPLACE_ERROR_TEXT - Static variable in class oracle.ide.db.UIArb
REPLACE_SOURCE_PATH_CMD - Static variable in class oracle.ide.IdeConstants
Replace source path command.
REPLACE_SOURCE_PATH_CMD_ID - Static variable in class oracle.ide.IdeConstants
Replace source path command id.
replaceAll(String, String, String) - Static method in class oracle.jdevimpl.audit.util.Strings
Replaces all occurrences of a substring.
replaceAllIDs(DBObject, Map<DBObjectID, DBObjectID>) - Static method in class oracle.javatools.db.DBUtil
Replaces the all IDs in the given object and all child objects with the given key/value mapping.
replaceBlock(BaseCompareDifference, ContributorKind, ContributorKind) - Method in class
Take a copy of the block from the specified contributor and replace the text of the adjacent contributor with the text.
replaceBlock(BaseCompareDifference, ContributorKind, ContributorKind) - Method in class
replaceBlock(BaseCompareDifference, ContributorKind, ContributorKind) - Method in class
Take a copy of the block from the specified contributor and replace the text of the adjacent contributor with the text.
replaceCharAt(int, char) - Method in class oracle.ide.util.FastStringBuffer
replaceEditors(Context, Context) - Method in class oracle.ide.editor.EditorManager
replaceEscaped(boolean) - Method in class oracle.javatools.parser.css.Tokenizer
replaceEscapedCharacters - Variable in class oracle.javatools.parser.css.Tokenizer
Whether escaped characters should be replaced.
replaceEscapeSequance(int, int) - Method in class oracle.javatools.parser.css.Tokenizer
current is positioned after first character
replaceExistingIDs(DBObject, DBObject, Map<DBObjectID, DBObjectID>) - Static method in class oracle.ide.db.transfer.TransferHelper
Replaces the IDs in the given object and all child objects with the existing object ids.
replaceFragmentPart(URI, String) - Static method in class
Returns a new URI that is identical to the specified URI except that the fragment part of the URI has been replaced with the specified newRef.
replaceFromObject(FromObject, FromObject) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.sql.AbstractSQLQueryBuilder
replaceFromObject(FromObject, FromObject) - Method in interface oracle.javatools.db.sql.SQLQueryBuilder
Replaces the existing from object with a new one.
replaceHostPart(URI, String) - Static method in class
Returns a new URI that is identical to the specified URI except that the host part of the URI has been replaced with the specified newHost.
replaceHostPart(URL, String) - Static method in class
Returns a new URL that is identical to the specified URL except that the host part of the URL has been replaced with the specified newHost.
replaceHTMLReservedCharacters(String) - Static method in class oracle.ide.util.IdeUtil
Replaces the HTML reserved characters with the appropriate entity.
replaceInputMapUIResources() - Static method in class oracle.ide.keyboard.IdeInputMapUIResource
Called by the MainWindowImpl to intercept the real UI InputMaps.
ReplaceMenuManager - Class in oracle.ide.replace
ReplaceMenuManager is the public interface onto the 'Replace With' menus present in the IDE.
ReplaceMenuManager() - Constructor for class oracle.ide.replace.ReplaceMenuManager
ReplaceMenuProvider - Interface in oracle.ide.replace
replaceNewLines(String) - Static method in class oracle.ide.resourcebundle.ResourceBundleUtils
Replaces new lines in the string with an escape of the new line
replaceOrderByObject(OrderByObject, OrderByObject) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.sql.AbstractSQLQueryBuilder
replaceOrderByObject(OrderByObject, OrderByObject) - Method in interface oracle.javatools.db.sql.SQLQueryBuilder
Replaces the existing from object with a new one.
replacePathPart(URI, String) - Static method in class
Returns a new URI that is identical to the specified URI except that the path part of URI has been replaced with the specified newPath.
replacePathPart(URL, String) - Static method in class
Returns a new URL that is identical to the specified URL except that the path part of URL has been replaced with the specified newPath.
replacePortPart(URI, int) - Static method in class
Returns a new URI that is identical to the specified URI except that the port part of the URI has been replaced with the specified newPort.
replacePortPart(URL, int) - Static method in class
Returns a new URL that is identical to the specified URL except that the port part of the URL has been replaced with the specified newPort.
replaceProtocolPart(URL, String) - Static method in class
Returns a new URL that is identical to the specified URL except that the protocol part of the URL has been replaced with the specified newProtocol.
replaceQueryPart(URI, String) - Static method in class
Returns a new URI that is identical to the specified URI except that the query part of the URI has been replaced with the specified newQuery.
replaceQueryPart(URL, String) - Static method in class
Returns a new URL that is identical to the specified URL except that the query part of the URL has been replaced with the specified newQuery.
replaceReferenceIDs(Map<DBObjectID, DBObjectID>) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.AbstractDBObject
Override in subclasses to replace reference IDs as appropriate.
replaceReferenceIDs(Map<DBObjectID, DBObjectID>) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.datatypes.ComplexType
replaceReferenceIDs(Map<DBObjectID, DBObjectID>) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.datatypes.DataTypeUsage
replaceReferenceIDs(Map<DBObjectID, DBObjectID>) - Method in interface oracle.javatools.db.DBObject
Replaces any reference ids (e.g.
replaceReferenceIDs(DBObject, Map<DBObjectID, DBObjectID>) - Static method in class oracle.javatools.db.DBUtil
Replaces the referencing IDs in the given object and all child objects with the given key/value mapping.
replaceReferenceIDs(Map<DBObjectID, DBObjectID>) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.PlSqlAttribute
replaceRefPart(URL, String) - Static method in class
Returns a new URL that is identical to the specified URL except that the reference part of the URL has been replaced with the specified newRef.
replaceSchemePart(URI, String) - Static method in class
Returns a new URI that is identical to the specified URI except that the scheme part of the URI has been replaced with the specified newscheme.
replaceSelection(String) - Method in class oracle.ide.ceditor.CodeEditor
Replaces the currently selected content with the new content represented by the given String.
replaceSelection(String) - Method in class oracle.javatools.editor.BasicEditorPane
Replaces the currently selected content with the new content represented by the given String.
replaceSelectObject(SelectObject, SelectObject) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.sql.AbstractSQLQueryBuilder
replaceSelectObject(SelectObject, SelectObject) - Method in interface oracle.javatools.db.sql.SQLQueryBuilder
Replaces the existing select object with a new one.
replaceSelf(Tree) - Method in interface
Performs a set of this element with the newElement.
replaceSelf(SourceElement) - Method in interface
Performs a set of this element with the newElement.
replaceStarColumns(SQLQuery) - Static method in class oracle.javatools.db.sql.SQLFragmentUtils
Alters the given SQLQuery so that any asterisk columns are expanded into multiple select objects.
replaceText(TextBuffer, char[], char[], int) - Method in class oracle.ide.model.TextBufferTracker
replaceText(TextBuffer, int, int, char[]) - Static method in class
Replaces text in the target TextBuffer with the input data with the smallest changes possible.
replaceTextComponentDocument() - Method in class oracle.ide.log.MessagePage
Replaces the document of the text component
replaceWhitespace(String) - Static method in class oracle.ide.resourcebundle.ResourceBundleUtils
Replaces whitespace in the string with an underline character
replaceWithAliases(FromObject[]) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.sql.AbstractSQLQueryBuilder
replace any From Objects in the list that are aliases for a subquery_factoring_clause
REPLICATIONCONFIG - Static variable in class oracle.javatools.icons.OracleIcons
report(UsageData) - Method in class oracle.ide.usages.UsagesTracker
Logs the usage data.
REPORT - Static variable in class oracle.javatools.icons.OracleIcons
report(Rule) - Method in interface oracle.jdeveloper.audit.analyzer.AuditContext
Reports a rule violation for the current construct.
report(Rule, Object) - Method in interface oracle.jdeveloper.audit.analyzer.AuditContext
Reports a rule violation for a construct in the current node.
report(Rule, ModelAdapter, Object) - Method in interface oracle.jdeveloper.audit.analyzer.AuditContext
Reports a rule violation for a construct.
report(Rule, Location) - Method in interface oracle.jdeveloper.audit.analyzer.AuditContext
Reports a rule violation for a construct.
report(Metric, Object) - Method in interface oracle.jdeveloper.audit.analyzer.AuditContext
Reports a measurement for the current construct.
report(Metric, int) - Method in interface oracle.jdeveloper.audit.analyzer.AuditContext
Reports an int-valued measurement for the current construct.
report(Metric, float) - Method in interface oracle.jdeveloper.audit.analyzer.AuditContext
Reports a float-valued measurement for the current construct.
report(Rule, ModelAdapter, Object) - Method in interface oracle.jdeveloper.audit.analyzer.AuditTaskContext
Reports a rule violation for a construct.
report(Rule, Location) - Method in interface oracle.jdeveloper.audit.analyzer.AuditTaskContext
Reports a rule violation for a construct.
report(Rule) - Method in class oracle.jdevimpl.audit.core.DefaultAuditContext
report(Rule, Object) - Method in class oracle.jdevimpl.audit.core.DefaultAuditContext
report(Rule, ModelAdapter, Object) - Method in class oracle.jdevimpl.audit.core.DefaultAuditContext
report(Rule, Location) - Method in class oracle.jdevimpl.audit.core.DefaultAuditContext
report(Metric, Object) - Method in class oracle.jdevimpl.audit.core.DefaultAuditContext
report(Metric, int) - Method in class oracle.jdevimpl.audit.core.DefaultAuditContext
report(Metric, float) - Method in class oracle.jdevimpl.audit.core.DefaultAuditContext
report(AuditContext, Rule, Location, Object) - Method in class oracle.jdevimpl.audit.core.DefaultAuditor
report(Metric, Location, Object) - Method in class oracle.jdevimpl.audit.core.DefaultAuditor
report(Rule, Location) - Method in class oracle.jdevimpl.audit.core.DefaultAuditTaskContext
report(Rule, ModelAdapter, Object) - Method in class oracle.jdevimpl.audit.core.DefaultAuditTaskContext
report(AuditModel) - Method in interface
Creates a report from a model.
report(Profile) - Method in interface
Creates a report from a model.
report(Profile) - Method in class
This method does nothing
report(AuditModel) - Method in class
report(Profile) - Method in class
report(Profile) - Method in class
report(AuditModel) - Method in class
report(Profile) - Method in class
REPORT_DATA_CONSTRAINT_ERRORS - Static variable in class oracle.ide.marshal.xml.Object2Dom
REPORT_NO_ERRORS - Static variable in class oracle.ide.marshal.xml.Object2Dom
REPORT_VALIDATION_ERRORS - Static variable in class oracle.ide.marshal.xml.Object2Dom
REPORT_WELL_FORMED_ERRORS - Static variable in class oracle.ide.marshal.xml.Object2Dom
reportAPIException(String, Throwable, String) - Static method in class
reportAPIException(String, Throwable, int) - Static method in class
reportApiExceptionImpl(String, Throwable, String, boolean) - Method in class
reportErrors - Variable in class oracle.javatools.parser.plsql.old.PlsqlParser.ParsingOptions
reportException(String, String, Throwable) - Static method in class
reportException(String, Throwable) - Static method in class
reportException(Throwable) - Static method in class
reportExceptionImpl(String, Throwable, boolean) - Method in class
reportExceptionImpl(String, Throwable, int, boolean) - Method in class
reportExceptionImpl(String, Throwable, int, boolean, String) - Method in class
reportKeyword(DataCollector, ReadTextBuffer, int, int, char[], int, int, Segment) - Method in class oracle.ide.index.keyword.KeywordIndexer
reportMissingData() - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.jsp.libraries.JspLibrary
reportMissingData() - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.webapp.libraries.TagLibrary
reportOpenException(Exception) - Method in class oracle.ide.model.Node
This routine is given a chance to handle or report an Exception that occurred during open().
reportOpenException(Exception) - Method in class oracle.ide.model.TextNode
This routine is given a chance to handle or report an Exception that occurred during open().
reportSyntaxError(String) - Method in class oracle.javatools.parser.AbstractSyntaxRecognizer
Used by the grammar engine to report a syntax error.
reportSyntaxError(String, boolean) - Method in class oracle.javatools.parser.AbstractSyntaxRecognizer
Used by the grammar engine to report a syntax error.
reportSyntaxError(String, int, boolean) - Method in class oracle.javatools.parser.AbstractSyntaxRecognizer
Used by the grammar engine to report a syntax error.
requestCancel() - Method in class oracle.javatools.parser.util.AsyncTask
Request to cancel the task.
requestCancelImpl() - Method in class oracle.javatools.parser.util.AsyncTask
Request to cancel the task in-progress, to be implemented by the implementation.
requestCancellation() - Method in class oracle.ide.task.CancellableTask
Request this task to Cancel itself.
requestFocus() - Method in class oracle.ide.component.NewFilePanel
requestFocus() - Method in class oracle.ide.controls.AbstractPicker
requestFocus() - Method in class
requestFocusInChangeList() - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.changelist.ChangeListWindow
requestFocusInComments() - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.changelist.ChangeListWindow
requestNewComponentData() - Method in interface oracle.jdeveloper.webapp.metadata.ComponentEditorContext
Requests new value of the component data from the component editor context.
requestShow(boolean) - Method in class oracle.ide.log.AbstractLogPage
Requests the show of the log window and log tab.
requestShow() - Method in class oracle.ide.log.AbstractLogPage
Show the log window only if it has not been closed by the user.
REQUIRE_EXACT_TYPE - Static variable in class
Requires a static type reference.
REQUIRE_INSTANCE - Static variable in class
Requires either a value or a variable.
REQUIRE_none - Static variable in class
No special requirement.
REQUIRE_TYPE - Static variable in class
Requires a static type reference.
requireConfirm() - Method in class oracle.ide.navigator.DeleteActionHandler
Whether or not to ask for confirmation.
Required - Annotation Type in oracle.jdeveloper.audit.extension
Annotate a JavaBeans property (in particular its setter method) as required.
requirementsSatisfied(VCSProfile) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.generic.ActionCommand
requirementsSatisfied(Context) - Method in interface oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.generic.VCSActionInfo
Evaluates whether or not the ActionRequirements referenced by the action are satisfied for the given context.
requirementsUnsatisfied(Set, String[]) - Method in class oracle.javatools.util.CommandParser
RERAISE_SHUTTER_DELAY - Static variable in class oracle.ide.IdePropertyConstants
Delay in ms to wait before raising a minimized dockable when the mouse pauses over the button, if another minimized dockable is already raised.
res(String) - Static method in class oracle.ide.index.res.ExtensionBundle
res(String) - Static method in class oracle.ide.quickdiff.res.Bundle
res(String) - Static method in class oracle.ide.resourcebundle.res.ResourceBundleExtension
res(String) - Static method in class oracle.javatools.ui.UIBundle
RES_ID_AUTO_ADDFILE_MNEMONIC - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.spi.VCSPreferencesCustomizer
RES_ID_AUTO_ADDFILE_TEXT - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.spi.VCSPreferencesCustomizer
RES_ID_AUTO_CHECKOUTS_CHECKBOX_MNEMONIC - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.spi.VCSPreferencesCustomizer
RES_ID_AUTO_CHECKOUTS_CHECKBOX_TEXT - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.spi.VCSPreferencesCustomizer
RES_ID_AUTO_CHECKOUTS_COMMENT_MNEMONIC - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.spi.VCSPreferencesCustomizer
RES_ID_AUTO_CHECKOUTS_COMMENT_TEXT - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.spi.VCSPreferencesCustomizer
RES_ID_AUTO_LOG_MESSAGE_MNEMONIC - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.spi.VCSPreferencesCustomizer
RES_ID_AUTO_LOG_MESSAGE_TEXT - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.spi.VCSPreferencesCustomizer
RES_ID_AUTO_PROGRESS_ON_CHECKOUT_MNEMONIC - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.spi.VCSPreferencesCustomizer
RES_ID_AUTO_PROGRESS_ON_CHECKOUT_TEXT - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.spi.VCSPreferencesCustomizer
RES_ID_SILENTLY_SAVE_CHECKBOX_MNEMONIC - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.spi.VCSPreferencesCustomizer
RES_ID_SILENTLY_SAVE_CHECKBOX_TEXT - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.spi.VCSPreferencesCustomizer
RES_ID_USE_LABEL_DECORATIONS_MNEMONIC - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.spi.VCSPreferencesCustomizer
RES_ID_USE_LABEL_DECORATIONS_TEXT - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.spi.VCSPreferencesCustomizer
RES_ID_USE_OVERLAYS_CHECKBOX_MNEMONIC - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.spi.VCSPreferencesCustomizer
RES_ID_USE_OVERLAYS_CHECKBOX_TEXT - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.spi.VCSPreferencesCustomizer
resButton(AbstractButton, String) - Static method in class oracle.ide.util.ResourceUtils
Sets the resources on a subclass of AbstractButton.
reservedColumnWidth(GutterColumn) - Method in class oracle.javatools.editor.gutter.LineGutterPlugin
Gets the width to be reserved for a column, or 0 if none.
reset() - Method in class oracle.ide.palette.PaletteWindow
Reset is called after item has been placed onto choosen editor.
reset() - Static method in class oracle.ide.runner.RunnableItem
reset() - Method in class oracle.ide.util.InflaterInputStreamPatch
reset() - Method in class oracle.ide.wizard.FSMWizard
Resets the wizard.
reset() - Method in class oracle.javatools.dialogs.progress.ProgressChecklist
Resets the state of the check list in order that it may be re-used.
reset() - Method in class oracle.javatools.parser.css.Tokenizer
Puts Tokenizer in the same state as it was after creation.
reset() - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.spi.VCSBatchInvokableState
reset() - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.spi.VCSDirectoryInvokableState
Resets the internal state in order that URLs are re-processed.
reset() - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.spi.VCSInvokableState
resetAllServices() - Static method in class javax.ide.Service
Resets all services, causing them to be recreated from scratch next time the Service.getService( Class ) API is used.
resetCaches() - Method in class oracle.ide.db.controls.DBObjectChooser
resetConnections() - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.db.controls.ConnectionPickerButton
resetConnections() - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.db.panels.ConnectionPanelUI
Resets the list of connections ( using ConnectionPanelUI.listConnections() ) and returns the total number of connections in the newly populated list.
resetConnections() - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.db.panels.GlobalConnectionPanelUI
resetExtensions() - Static method in class oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.spi.VCSControlCache
resetGUI() - Method in class
resetObject(SystemObject, SystemObject, Long) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.AbstractDBObjectProvider
If it has been noticed that the timestamp has changed on an object, or we have updated it in the database, we want to turn it back into an object that needs building again.
resetObject(SystemObject, SystemObject, Long, boolean) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.AbstractDBObjectProvider
If it has been noticed that the timestamp has changed on an object, or we have updated it in the database, we want to turn it back into an object that needs building again.
resetPalette() - Method in class oracle.ide.palette.PaletteManager
Reset the palette.
resetSkippedMessages() - Static method in class oracle.javatools.dialogs.MessageDialog
Reset all skipped (optional) messages so that they will be displayed again.
resetState() - Method in class oracle.javatools.util.deferred.Thunk
Reset the state of the thunk to initialized
resetStatistics() - Method in class oracle.ide.performance.PerformanceTracker
resetStatus() - Method in class oracle.ide.controls.StatusBarControl
Remove all externally added status objects leaving only the default status message area.
resetSubDirtyableOwners(List) - Method in class oracle.ide.model.DataContainer
Resets the owner of each element listed.
resetTimer() - Method in class
resetTokenizer() - Method in class oracle.javatools.parser.css.CSSDeclarationsLexer
resetTokenizer() - Method in class oracle.javatools.parser.css.CSSLexer
resetTokenizer() - Method in class oracle.javatools.parser.css.CSSPseudoRuleSetLexer
resetURLCache() - Method in class oracle.ide.component.NewFilePanel
Resets internal URL cache.
resize - Variable in class
ResizeComponent - Class in oracle.javatools.ui
A component to wrap another to give the user dynamic sizing ability for that component.
A resize affordance will be drawn over the component, the user can drag this area and change the preferred size of the component.
Revalidate is called as the component is dragged causing this components container to be relaid out.
ResizeComponent(JComponent) - Constructor for class oracle.javatools.ui.ResizeComponent
ResizeScrollPaneLayout - Class in oracle.javatools.ui
Extension of ScrollPaneLayout to ensure that the bottom right corner of the component is not used by the scrollbars.
ResizeScrollPaneLayout() - Constructor for class oracle.javatools.ui.ResizeScrollPaneLayout
resLabel(JLabel, Component, String) - Static method in class oracle.ide.util.ResourceUtils
Sets the resources on a JLabel.
RESNAME - Static variable in class oracle.javatools.resourcebundle.XliffResourceBundleUtils
resolve(Context) - Method in class oracle.ide.dependency.IdReference
resolve(Context) - Method in interface oracle.ide.dependency.Reference
Resolve this reference to the corresponding declaration, if it exists.
resolve() - Method in interface
Performs name and type resolution on this element.
resolveAmbiguousName(String) - Method in class
Looks up the given AmbiguousName in the given scope.
resolveAmbiguousName(JavaHasType, String) - Method in class
Looks up the given AmbiguousName with a lhs value in the given scope.
resolveBrowseSymbol(Context, String) - Method in class
Resolves the specified symbol to the URL that provides documentation for it
resolveConstructor(JavaType, JavaType[]) - Method in class
Looks up a constructor on the target class.
RESOLVED_STYLE - Static variable in class
resolveExpressionName(String) - Method in class
Looks up the given ExpressionName in the given scope.
resolveExpressionName(JavaHasType, String) - Method in class
Looks up the given ExpressionName with a lhs value in the given scope.
resolveFromObject() - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.sql.AbstractFromObjectUsage
Convenience method for resolving the stored FROM object id.
resolveFromObject(DBObjectID) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.sql.AbstractFromObjectUsage
resolveFromObject() - Method in interface oracle.javatools.db.sql.FromObjectUsage
Returns the FromObject that this object is dependent on.
resolveFromParent() - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.AbstractDBObjectID
If the id's parent is non-null this tries to resolve the parent ID and then search the parent's children for an object with this ID.
resolveID() - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.BaseObjectID
resolveID() - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.datatypes.DataTypeID
resolveID() - Method in interface oracle.javatools.db.DBObjectID
Resolves the id into the object referenced.
resolveID() - Method in interface oracle.javatools.db.DBReferenceID
Deprecated. This ID is used to reference an object in the database.
resolveID() - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.ReferenceID
resolveID() - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.TemporaryObjectID
resolveIDWithoutType() - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.BaseObjectID
resolveIDWithoutType(String) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.BaseObjectID
resolveInOtherProvider(BaseObjectID, DBObjectProvider) - Static method in class oracle.javatools.db.DBUtil
Attempts to resolve the given ID in a provider that is not the id's own.
resolveInParentObject(DBObject) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.AbstractDBObjectID
Used by resolvefromParent to find the object corresponding to this ID in the given parent object.
resolveInParentObject(DBObject) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.IdentifierBasedID
resolveInParentObject(DBObject) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.NameBasedID
resolveInParentObject(DBObject) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.ReferenceID
resolveJDK(Object) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.model.JProjectLibraries
Resolve a JDK ID to the associated JDK.
resolveLeftFromObject() - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.sql.FKUsage
Resolves the ID for the left From Object of this usage and writes any DBExceptions to the console -- do not use unless you are happy to ignore any DBExceptions.
resolveLibrary(Object) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.model.JProjectLibraries
Resolve a JLibrary ID to the associated JLibrary.
resolveMergeStatus(URL) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.merge.BaseMergeEditor
resolveMethod(JavaHasType, String, JavaType[]) - Method in class
Looks up a method.
resolveMethod(JavaHasType, String, JavaType[], JavaType[]) - Method in class
Looks up a method.
resolveMnemonicsForMenuItemsInSection(JMenu, float) - Method in class oracle.ide.controller.MenuManager
Ensures that the mnemonics for the menu items in the specified section are resolved before the menu is shown.
resolveOriginalID() - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.TemporaryObjectID
Get the original object which this temporary one was copied from.
resolvePath(ElementContext, String) - Method in class javax.ide.extension.ExtensionHook
Resolves a path in the manifest.
resolvePropertyValue(String, String, URL) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.generic.PendingChangesAdapter
resolveReference(Database) - Method in interface oracle.javatools.db.DBReferenceID
Deprecated. Use DBUtil.resolveInOtherProvider(oracle.javatools.db.BaseObjectID, oracle.javatools.db.DBObjectProvider)
resolveReference(Database) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.ReferenceID
resolveRightFromObject() - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.sql.FKUsage
Resolves the ID for the left From Object of this usage and writes any DBExceptions to the console -- do not use unless you are happy to ignore any DBExceptions.
resolveSelectObject() - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.sql.SelectObjectUsage
resolvesUnresolvedReference(DBObjectID, DBObjectID) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.SchemaObjectManager
Returns true if the given id resolves the given id that is unresolved.
resolveTopicId(String) - Method in class
Resolved the specified topic id to the URL that it represents.
resolveType(ElementName) - Method in interface javax.ide.extension.DynamicHook.ElementTypeResolver
Resolves a fully-qualified element name to a runtime type which is capable of consuming information in child elements as laid out by the rules defined by DynamicHook.
resolveType(String, String) - Method in interface oracle.javatools.xml.esax.ElementTypeResolver
Resolves a fully-qualified element name to a runtime type which is capable of consuming information in child elements as laid out by the rules defined by DynamicElementHandler.
resolveTypeName(String) - Method in class
Looks up the given TypeName in the given scope.
resolveTypeName(JavaHasType, String) - Method in class
Looks up the given TypeName with a lhs value in the given scope.
resolveUnresolvedReferences(SystemObject) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.CascadeManager
If this manager supports unresolved references and the given object could potentially fix those references then this method finds any objects that have an unresolved reference and looks to resolve it.
resolveUnresolvedReferences(SystemObject) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.SchemaObjectManager
resolveURL() - Method in class javax.ide.util.IconDescription
Resolve the URL for this instance of IconDescription.
resolveUrl(PageContext, XmlContext, Node, ClassLoader) - Method in interface
Deprecated. Executes an include tag with the resolved url instead of exercising the node.
reSort() - Method in class oracle.javatools.ui.table.GenericTable
Convenience method that reapplies the current sort.
RESOURCE_BUNDLE_CACHE_NODE - Static variable in class oracle.javatools.resourcebundle.ResourceBundleUtils
RESOURCE_BUNDLE_COMBOBOX_LABEL - Static variable in class oracle.ide.resourcebundle.res.ResourceBundleUIArb
Identifies keys to access localizable object
RESOURCE_BUNDLE_COMBOBOX_LABEL - Static variable in class oracle.ide.resourcebundle.res.ResourceBundleUIArb_en
Identifies keys to access localizable object
RESOURCE_BUNDLE_COMBOBOX_LABEL - Static variable in class oracle.ide.resourcebundle.res.ResourceBundleUIArb_ja
Identifies keys to access localizable object
RESOURCE_BUNDLE_FILE_CHOOSER_TITLE - Static variable in class oracle.ide.resourcebundle.res.ResourceBundleUIArb
RESOURCE_BUNDLE_FILE_CHOOSER_TITLE - Static variable in class oracle.ide.resourcebundle.res.ResourceBundleUIArb_en
RESOURCE_BUNDLE_FILE_CHOOSER_TITLE - Static variable in class oracle.ide.resourcebundle.res.ResourceBundleUIArb_ja
RESOURCE_BUNDLE_OPTIONS - Static variable in class oracle.ide.resourcebundle.res.ResourceBundleExtension
RESOURCE_BUNDLE_OPTIONS - Static variable in class oracle.ide.resourcebundle.res.ResourceBundleExtension_ja
RESOURCE_BUNDLES_FILTER_NAME - Static variable in class oracle.ide.resourcebundle.res.ResourceBundleUIArb
RESOURCE_BUNDLES_FILTER_NAME - Static variable in class oracle.ide.resourcebundle.res.ResourceBundleUIArb_en
RESOURCE_BUNDLES_FILTER_NAME - Static variable in class oracle.ide.resourcebundle.res.ResourceBundleUIArb_ja
RESOURCE_KEY_PROPERTY - Static variable in class
resourceAttrQName - Variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.webapp.datatransfer.faces.JsfResourceToNodeTransformer
RESOURCEBUNDLE_ALIAS_PROJECT_PROPERTY - Static variable in interface oracle.ide.resourcebundle.ResourceBundleConstants
RESOURCEBUNDLE_DESCRIPTION - Static variable in class oracle.ide.resourcebundle.res.ResourceBundleExtension
RESOURCEBUNDLE_DESCRIPTION - Static variable in class oracle.ide.resourcebundle.res.ResourceBundleExtension_ja
RESOURCEBUNDLE_LABEL - Static variable in class oracle.ide.resourcebundle.res.ResourceBundleExtension
RESOURCEBUNDLE_LABEL - Static variable in class oracle.ide.resourcebundle.res.ResourceBundleExtension_ja
ResourceBundleAdapter - Class in oracle.javatools.resourcebundle
The ResourceBundleAdapter provides a run-time implementation of a ResourceBundleWrapper for java resource bundle.
ResourceBundleAdapter(ResourceBundle) - Constructor for class oracle.javatools.resourcebundle.ResourceBundleAdapter
ResourceBundleCacheConfig - Class in oracle.javatools.resourcebundle
ResourceBundleCacheConfig(int, int, int, float) - Constructor for class oracle.javatools.resourcebundle.ResourceBundleCacheConfig
ResourceBundleCallback - Interface in oracle.ide.resourcebundle
ResourceBundleCallback defines an object that can be called when the ResourceBundleManagerDT finds a bundle via the call getBundle(PropertyStorage project, String bundleId, boolean createBundle, ResourceBundleCallback callback)
ResourceBundleConstants - Interface in oracle.ide.resourcebundle
ResourceBundleConstants contain constants used in various parts of the design-time resource bundle support.
ResourceBundleConstants.BundleTypes - Enum in oracle.ide.resourcebundle
Basic bundle types that may be used as storage for resource bundles
ResourceBundleConstants.QueryTypes - Enum in oracle.ide.resourcebundle
Query types that are supported in the SelectTextPanel ui
ResourceBundleConstants.SearchMode - Enum in oracle.ide.resourcebundle
Search modes that are supported in the SelectTextPanel ui
ResourceBundleEvent - Class in oracle.javatools.resourcebundle
A ResourceBundleEvent is fired when the contents of a ResourceBundleWrapper changes.
ResourceBundleEvent(ResourceBundleWrapper, String, String, Map<String, String>, ResourceBundleEvent.EventType) - Constructor for class oracle.javatools.resourcebundle.ResourceBundleEvent
Constructs a new ResourceBundleEvent with the specified source, key, text, and metadata of the specified type.
ResourceBundleEvent(ResourceBundleWrapper) - Constructor for class oracle.javatools.resourcebundle.ResourceBundleEvent
Constructor for creating an UNKNOWN event
ResourceBundleEvent.EventType - Enum in oracle.javatools.resourcebundle
Type (ADDED, REMOVED, or MODIFIED) represented by this EventObject.
ResourceBundleExtension - Class in oracle.ide.resourcebundle.res
ResourceBundleExtension() - Constructor for class oracle.ide.resourcebundle.res.ResourceBundleExtension
ResourceBundleExtension_en - Class in oracle.ide.resourcebundle.res
ResourceBundleExtension_en() - Constructor for class oracle.ide.resourcebundle.res.ResourceBundleExtension_en
ResourceBundleExtension_ja - Class in oracle.ide.resourcebundle.res
ResourceBundleExtension_ja() - Constructor for class oracle.ide.resourcebundle.res.ResourceBundleExtension_ja
ResourceBundleHook - Class in oracle.ide.resourcebundle
The ResourceBundleHook is used to pull the resource bundle data from the extension manifests of extensions.
ResourceBundleHook() - Constructor for class oracle.ide.resourcebundle.ResourceBundleHook
ResourceBundleKey - Class in oracle.ide.resourcebundle
ResourceBundleKey encapsulates an entry in a resource bundle.
ResourceBundleKey() - Constructor for class oracle.ide.resourcebundle.ResourceBundleKey
ResourceBundleKey(NodeResourceBundle, String, String, Map<String, String>) - Constructor for class oracle.ide.resourcebundle.ResourceBundleKey
ResourceBundleKey(String, String, String, Map<String, String>, ResourceBundleConstants.BundleTypes, String) - Constructor for class oracle.ide.resourcebundle.ResourceBundleKey
ResourceBundleKeyChooser - Class in oracle.ide.resourcebundle
ResourceBundleKeyChooser() - Constructor for class oracle.ide.resourcebundle.ResourceBundleKeyChooser
ResourceBundleKeyGenerator - Interface in oracle.javatools.resourcebundle
Stragegy for generating default key names for the given text.
ResourceBundleListener - Interface in oracle.javatools.resourcebundle
An event gets fired whenever a change is made to the contents of a ResourceBundleWrapper.
ResourceBundleManager - Class in oracle.javatools.resourcebundle
Manager class for resource bundle support in the Oracle Fusion Platform.
ResourceBundleManager() - Constructor for class oracle.javatools.resourcebundle.ResourceBundleManager
This should only be called by subclasses
ResourceBundleManager(ResourceBundleCacheConfig) - Constructor for class oracle.javatools.resourcebundle.ResourceBundleManager
ResourceBundleManagerDT - Class in oracle.ide.resourcebundle
ResourceBundleManagerDT provides a base for a ResourceBundleManager implementation for design-time.
ResourceBundleManagerDT() - Constructor for class oracle.ide.resourcebundle.ResourceBundleManagerDT
ResourceBundleManagerRT - Class in oracle.javatools.resourcebundle
The ResourceBundleManagerRT provides some of the base implementation of a ResourceBundleManager for run time.
ResourceBundleManagerRT() - Constructor for class oracle.javatools.resourcebundle.ResourceBundleManagerRT
ResourceBundleOperationResult - Class in oracle.javatools.resourcebundle
Provides the result of a ResourceBundle operation that is more complicated than a simple boolean.
ResourceBundleOperationResult(boolean, String) - Constructor for class oracle.javatools.resourcebundle.ResourceBundleOperationResult
Package-private because noone else should create this
ResourceBundleOptions - Class in oracle.ide.resourcebundle
ResourceBundleOptions provides a persistable set of options used to drive how the resource bundle manager works.
ResourceBundleOptionsPanel - Class in oracle.ide.resourcebundle
The ResourceBundleOptionsPanel provides the UI for the ResourceBundleOptions page on the IDE preferences dialog.
ResourceBundleOptionsPanel() - Constructor for class oracle.ide.resourcebundle.ResourceBundleOptionsPanel
ResourceBundlePreferences - Class in oracle.ide.resourcebundle
ResourceBundlePreferences represent the resource bundle preferences that have been registered via role files
ResourceBundlePropertyEditor - Class in oracle.ide.resourcebundle
The ResourceBundlePropertyEditor provides a PropertyEditor for handling properties which are translateable strings when the project has resource bundle support turned on.
ResourceBundlePropertyEditor() - Constructor for class oracle.ide.resourcebundle.ResourceBundlePropertyEditor
ResourceBundleRT - Class in oracle.javatools.resourcebundle
ResourceBundleRT(Map<String, String>) - Constructor for class oracle.javatools.resourcebundle.ResourceBundleRT
ResourceBundleRT(ResourceBundleWrapper) - Constructor for class oracle.javatools.resourcebundle.ResourceBundleRT
ResourceBundleSelectionValidators - Class in oracle.ide.resourcebundle
ResourceBundleSelectionValidators represent the list of resource bundle selection validators that have been registered via the extension manifest of extensions.
ResourceBundleShapingPreferencesHook - Class in oracle.ide.resourcebundle
The ResourceBundleShapingPreferencesHook is used to pull the resource bundle preferences from the custom role files.
ResourceBundleShapingPreferencesHook() - Constructor for class oracle.ide.resourcebundle.ResourceBundleShapingPreferencesHook
ResourceBundleType - Class in oracle.javatools.resourcebundle
A ResourceBundleType represents an implementation of an ResourceBundleWrapper.
ResourceBundleType() - Constructor for class oracle.javatools.resourcebundle.ResourceBundleType
ResourceBundleTypeDT - Class in oracle.ide.resourcebundle
A ResourceBundleTypeDT represents a design-time implementation of a ResourceBundleWrapper.
ResourceBundleTypeDT(String, String, String, MetaClass, MetaClass) - Constructor for class oracle.ide.resourcebundle.ResourceBundleTypeDT
ResourceBundleUIArb - Class in oracle.ide.resourcebundle.res
ResourceBundleUIArb() - Constructor for class oracle.ide.resourcebundle.res.ResourceBundleUIArb
ResourceBundleUIArb_en - Class in oracle.ide.resourcebundle.res
ResourceBundleUIArb_en() - Constructor for class oracle.ide.resourcebundle.res.ResourceBundleUIArb_en
ResourceBundleUIArb_ja - Class in oracle.ide.resourcebundle.res
ResourceBundleUIArb_ja() - Constructor for class oracle.ide.resourcebundle.res.ResourceBundleUIArb_ja
ResourceBundleUtils - Class in oracle.ide.resourcebundle
ResourceBundleUtils provides utility routines needed by the ResourceBundleManager and ResourceBundleKeyChooser.
ResourceBundleUtils - Class in oracle.javatools.resourcebundle
ResourceBundleUtils() - Constructor for class oracle.javatools.resourcebundle.ResourceBundleUtils
ResourceBundleWrapper - Interface in oracle.javatools.resourcebundle
Run-time and Design-time interface which abstracts the resource bundle storage.
ResourceBundleWrapper.KeyInfo - Class in oracle.javatools.resourcebundle
ResourceBundleWrapper.KeyInfo(String, Map<String, String>) - Constructor for class oracle.javatools.resourcebundle.ResourceBundleWrapper.KeyInfo
ResourceBundleWrapperRT - Class in oracle.javatools.resourcebundle
The ResourceBundleWrapperRT provides some of the base implementation of a ResourceBundleWrapper for run-time.
ResourceBundleWrapperRT() - Constructor for class oracle.javatools.resourcebundle.ResourceBundleWrapperRT
ResourceBundleWrapperRT.SearchType - Enum in oracle.javatools.resourcebundle
ResourceLock - Class in oracle.ide.task.locking
The lowest level lock for any resource, such as a source file.
ResourceLock(Workspace, Project, Node) - Constructor for class oracle.ide.task.locking.ResourceLock
Note that the Workspace and Project in which the resource resides are required, although only the resource itself will be locked.
RESOURCEPALETTE - Static variable in class oracle.javatools.icons.OracleIcons
RESOURCEPALETTE_HEADER - Static variable in class oracle.javatools.icons.OracleIcons
ResourcePaths - Class in oracle.ide.model
This class holds the Resources content set data.
ResourcePathsMigrator - Class in oracle.ide.model
ResourcePicker - Class in oracle.javatools.util
This package does some very cunning things in order to traverse a given object and find all the objects inside it that are of type JComponent.
ResourcePicker(ResourceBundle, ResourceBundle) - Constructor for class oracle.javatools.util.ResourcePicker
Allow the specification of the default resource rather than
ResourcePicker(ResourceBundle) - Constructor for class oracle.javatools.util.ResourcePicker
This constructor uses the resource passed and the default resource
ResourcePicker(Class) - Constructor for class oracle.javatools.util.ResourcePicker
This constructor looks for a .res.Resource relative to the class provided.
ResourcePicker(Class, String) - Constructor for class oracle.javatools.util.ResourcePicker
This constructor looks for a .res.Resource relative to the class provided.
ResourcePicker.ResourceBase - Interface in oracle.javatools.util
A label interface that says to restart the lable tree from here.
ResourcePicker.ResourceFree - Interface in oracle.javatools.util
A label interface that implies that whilst the panel is named it doesn't have any interesting properties to be set so it can be ignored.
resourceQName - Variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.webapp.datatransfer.faces.JsfResourceToNodeTransformer
resources - Static variable in class oracle.javatools.parser.AbstractSyntaxRecognizer
RESOURCES_CONTENT_SET_KEY - Static variable in class oracle.ide.model.ResourcePaths
The key used to identify the Resources HashStructure.
RESOURCES_CONTENT_SET_LOCAL_KEY - Static variable in class oracle.ide.model.ResourcePaths
ResourcesContentSetProvider - Class in oracle.jdeveloper.model
ResourcesContentSetProvider() - Constructor for class oracle.jdeveloper.model.ResourcesContentSetProvider
ResourcesPanel - Class in oracle.jdeveloper.resources
ResourcesPanel() - Constructor for class oracle.jdeveloper.resources.ResourcesPanel
ResourceUtils - Class in oracle.ide.util
Utility class to make using resources easier.
ResourceUtils - Class in oracle.javatools.util
Resource string utilities.
ResourceUtils() - Constructor for class oracle.javatools.util.ResourceUtils
resourceXmlKey - Variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.webapp.datatransfer.faces.JsfResourceToNodeTransformer
resSpinner(JLabel, JSpinner, String) - Static method in class oracle.ide.util.ResourceUtils
Sets the resources on a JSpinner.
REST_WEB_SERVICES_KEY - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.model.J2eeTechnologies
Technology key for REST Web Services.
restart() - Static method in class oracle.ide.Ide
Restarts the product with the exact same arguments as this instance of the product was started with.
RESTART_MERGE_CMD - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.merge.RestartMergeCommand
RESTART_MERGE_CMD_ID - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.merge.RestartMergeCommand
RestartableProgressBar - Class in oracle.ide.db.controls
An extension of ProgressBar that allows the user to wait on the original progress thread completing
RestartableProgressBar(Component, String, Runnable, boolean) - Constructor for class oracle.ide.db.controls.RestartableProgressBar
restartMerge() - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.merge.BaseMergeEditor
Restarts the merge task, subject to user confirmation.
RestartMergeCommand - Class in oracle.jdeveloper.merge
Command class for restarting an editor merge task (losing changes).
RestartMergeCommand() - Constructor for class oracle.jdeveloper.merge.RestartMergeCommand
restartMergeImpl() - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.merge.BaseMergeEditor
Restarts the merge task, without user confirmation.
restartMergeImpl(Context) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.merge.BaseMergeEditor
Restarts the merge task, without user confirmation (implementor).
restartMergeImpl(Context) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.merge.BaseTextMergeEditor
Restarts the merge task, without user confirmation (implementor).
restartPopupTimer() - Method in class oracle.javatools.editor.insight.AbstractInsight
Starts (or restarts) the auto-popup delay timer for this Insight feature.
restartPopupTimer() - Method in interface oracle.javatools.editor.insight.Insight
Starts (or restarts) the auto-popup delay timer for this Insight feature.
restartWebApp(Project) - Method in class
Restart the webapp in JSP VE design time(fake servlet container)
restore(Preferences) - Method in class javax.ide.editor.Editor
Restore the last known state of the editor.
restore(DockableWindow) - Method in class oracle.ide.docking.DrawerDockableWindow
restore(DrawerEntry, boolean) - Method in class oracle.ide.docking.DrawerPanel
restore(View) - Method in class oracle.ide.docking.DrawerWindow
restore(LocalState[], Context) - Method in class oracle.ide.history.HistoryManager
Restore the given states.
restore(JTree) - Method in class oracle.ide.panels.SavedTreeState
restore(Context) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.history.BaseHistoryEntry
RESTORE_ACTION_ID - Static variable in class oracle.ide.docking.DrawerDockableWindow
RESTORE_ACTION_ID - Static variable in class oracle.ide.docking.DrawerWindow
RESTORE_SAVE_POINT - Static variable in class oracle.javatools.icons.OracleIcons
restoreApplicationContent(URL, ApplicationContent) - Method in class oracle.ide.model.ContentSetHelper
Restores a URL which has been excluded from the project.
restoreAtStartup() - Method in class oracle.ide.editor.EditorAddin
Determines if the document must be reloaded at startup.
restoreAtStartup() - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.merge.BaseMergeAddin
Determines if the document must be reloaded at startup.
restoreBorder(JComponent) - Static method in class oracle.javatools.ui.Borders
Restores the original border of a component.
restoreContent(URL, ProjectContent) - Method in class oracle.ide.model.ContentSetHelper
Restores a URL which has been excluded from the project.
restoreContentImpl(URL, ContentSet) - Method in class oracle.ide.model.ContentSetHelper
Restores a URL which has been excluded from a content set.
restoreDefaults() - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.runner.RunConfiguration
Restore default values.
restoreDefaults() - Method in class oracle.jdevimpl.audit.profile.ProfileModel
restoreExpansionState(HashMap, ElementTreeNode) - Method in class oracle.ide.controls.elementtree.ElementTree
restoreExpansionState(TNode, TreeExplorer, List) - Static method in class oracle.ide.explorer.ExplorerContext
RESTOREFROMREVISION - Static variable in class oracle.javatools.icons.OracleIcons
RestoreHistoryCommand - Class in oracle.ide.cmd
RestoreHistoryCommand() - Constructor for class oracle.ide.cmd.RestoreHistoryCommand
restorePinTarget() - Method in class oracle.ide.view.AbstractPinnable
Restore the representation of a previously persisted object reference.
restoreReaders(int) - Method in interface oracle.javatools.buffer.ReadWriteLockImplementation
restoreSavedPanelLayout() - Method in class oracle.ide.docking.DrawerDockableWindow
restoreSelectionState(TreeExplorer, List) - Static method in class oracle.ide.explorer.ExplorerContext
Attempts to restore the tree node selections represented by a list of TreePaths previously obtained by calling storeSelectionState.
restoreState(HashStructure) - Method in interface oracle.ide.appstate.ApplicationStateProvider
Requests that the provider restore state from data in the data hash structure.
restoreState() - Method in class oracle.jdevimpl.audit.log.AuditTreeTableModel
result(E) - Method in interface oracle.ide.index.ResultCallback
A new result has been found.
ResultCallback<E> - Interface in oracle.ide.index
Callback used to notify indexing clients of query results.
ResultSet - Class in oracle.javatools.db.diff
ResultSet(ResultSet, Object, Object, int, int, String, String) - Constructor for class oracle.javatools.db.diff.ResultSet
create a LIST result node attached to its parent
ResultSet(ResultSet, Object, Object, String, String) - Constructor for class oracle.javatools.db.diff.ResultSet
create a result node attached to its parent
ResultSet(ResultSet, boolean, Object, Object, String) - Constructor for class oracle.javatools.db.diff.ResultSet
Create a fully populated leaf node in the result set
ResultSetFilter - Interface in oracle.javatools.db.diff
Deprecated. use DifferenceFilter
resumeTimestampChecking(DBObjectProvider, String) - Static method in class oracle.javatools.db.DBUtil
Indicates to the given provider that the timestamp suspension for the given key has finished.
resumeTimestampQueries(String) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.AbstractDBObjectProvider
Resumes the calls to get the external timestamp for a given object.
resumeXmlContextCreation() - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.webapp.WebDocumentNode
retainAll(Collection<?>) - Method in class oracle.ide.file.Path
retainAll(Collection) - Method in class oracle.javatools.buffer.SafeArrayList
This operation is not supported by this list implementation.
retainAll(Collection) - Method in class
Removes all items from this ListStructure except for the ones in the specified Collection.
retainAll(Collection) - Method in class oracle.javatools.util.ImmutableList
retainAll(Collection) - Method in class oracle.javatools.util.WeightedList
retention - Static variable in class
Property constant for the "retention" property.
returnAllRows - Static variable in class
Property constant for the "returnAllRows" property.
returnAs - Static variable in class
Property constant for the "returnAs" property.
returnCompleteToken() - Method in class oracle.javatools.parser.css.Tokenizer
returnErrorToken - Variable in class oracle.javatools.parser.css.Tokenizer
Whether to return an error tokwn insted of throwing a ParserException.
returnErrorToken(boolean) - Method in class oracle.javatools.parser.css.Tokenizer
returnErrorToken() - Method in class oracle.javatools.parser.css.Tokenizer
ReturnResultStorage<V> - Class in oracle.ide.util
ReturnResultStorage() - Constructor for class oracle.ide.util.ReturnResultStorage
ReturnStatementT - Interface in
A return statement.
returnTypeReference - Static variable in class
Property constant for the "returnTypeReference" property.
returnUpdatedRows - Static variable in class
Property constant for the "returnUpdatedRows" property.
reuse - Static variable in class
Property constant for the "reuse" property.
reuseLogPage(RunLogPage) - Method in class oracle.ide.runner.RunProcess
Returns true if the specified RunLogPage should be reused for this RunProcess.
reuseLogPage(RunLogPage) - Method in class oracle.ide.runner.Starter
This method gives the starter a chance to control the behavior of reusing a RunLogPage.
revalidate() - Method in class oracle.javatools.editor.gutter.LineGutterPlugin
revalidate() - Method in class oracle.javatools.ui.list.DefaultCheckListCellRenderer
Overridden for performance reasons.
revalidate() - Method in class oracle.jdevimpl.audit.swing.CheckBoxTreeCellRenderer
Overridden for performance reasons.
revalidate() - Method in class oracle.jdevimpl.audit.swing.HtmlTreeCellRenderer
Overridden for performance reasons.
REVERSE_TAB - Static variable in class oracle.javatools.editor.ActionNames
reverseConstraint(Integer) - Static method in class oracle.ide.controls.PentaLayout
REVERSEDIRECTION - Static variable in class oracle.javatools.icons.OracleIcons
reverseIterator() - Method in class oracle.javatools.xml.esax.spi.Stack
Gets an iterator for elements on the stack.
reverseModel(PatchModel, String) - Method in class oracle.javatools.patch.PatchEngine
Reverses the information contained in the given PatchModel.
revert() - Method in class oracle.ide.model.Node
revert() - Method in interface oracle.jdeveloper.audit.service.ProfileTransaction
Reverts changed bean properties to their initial values.
revert() - Method in class oracle.jdevimpl.audit.core.DefaultProfileTransaction
REVERT_ACTION_NAME - Static variable in class oracle.ide.quickdiff.res.QuickDiffArb
REVERT_ACTION_NAME - Static variable in class oracle.ide.quickdiff.res.QuickDiffArb_de
REVERT_ACTION_NAME - Static variable in class oracle.ide.quickdiff.res.QuickDiffArb_en
REVERT_ACTION_NAME - Static variable in class oracle.ide.quickdiff.res.QuickDiffArb_es
REVERT_ACTION_NAME - Static variable in class oracle.ide.quickdiff.res.QuickDiffArb_fr
REVERT_ACTION_NAME - Static variable in class oracle.ide.quickdiff.res.QuickDiffArb_it
REVERT_ACTION_NAME - Static variable in class oracle.ide.quickdiff.res.QuickDiffArb_ja
REVERT_ACTION_NAME - Static variable in class oracle.ide.quickdiff.res.QuickDiffArb_ko
REVERT_ACTION_NAME - Static variable in class oracle.ide.quickdiff.res.QuickDiffArb_pt_BR
REVERT_ACTION_NAME - Static variable in class oracle.ide.quickdiff.res.QuickDiffArb_zh_CN
REVERT_ACTION_NAME - Static variable in class oracle.ide.quickdiff.res.QuickDiffArb_zh_TW
REVERT_CMD - Static variable in class oracle.ide.IdeConstants
Revert the contents of a Node back to its persistent store command.
REVERT_CMD_ID - Static variable in class oracle.ide.IdeConstants
Revert the contents of a Node back to its persistent store command id.
revertImpl() - Method in class oracle.ide.model.DataContainer
revertImpl() - Method in class oracle.ide.model.Node
Subclasses should override this method to customize the revert() behavior.
revertImpl() - Method in class oracle.ide.model.TextNode
REVERTING_IIOP_PORTS_TO - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.runner.RunMgrArb
REVERTING_IIOP_PORTS_TO - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.runner.RunMgrArb_de
REVERTING_IIOP_PORTS_TO - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.runner.RunMgrArb_en
REVERTING_IIOP_PORTS_TO - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.runner.RunMgrArb_es
REVERTING_IIOP_PORTS_TO - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.runner.RunMgrArb_fr
REVERTING_IIOP_PORTS_TO - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.runner.RunMgrArb_it
REVERTING_IIOP_PORTS_TO - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.runner.RunMgrArb_ja
REVERTING_IIOP_PORTS_TO - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.runner.RunMgrArb_ko
REVERTING_IIOP_PORTS_TO - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.runner.RunMgrArb_pt_BR
REVERTING_IIOP_PORTS_TO - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.runner.RunMgrArb_zh_CN
REVERTING_IIOP_PORTS_TO - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.runner.RunMgrArb_zh_TW
REVERTING_PORTS_TO - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.runner.RunMgrArb
REVERTING_PORTS_TO - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.runner.RunMgrArb_de
REVERTING_PORTS_TO - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.runner.RunMgrArb_en
REVERTING_PORTS_TO - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.runner.RunMgrArb_es
REVERTING_PORTS_TO - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.runner.RunMgrArb_fr
REVERTING_PORTS_TO - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.runner.RunMgrArb_it
REVERTING_PORTS_TO - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.runner.RunMgrArb_ja
REVERTING_PORTS_TO - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.runner.RunMgrArb_ko
REVERTING_PORTS_TO - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.runner.RunMgrArb_pt_BR
REVERTING_PORTS_TO - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.runner.RunMgrArb_zh_CN
REVERTING_PORTS_TO - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.runner.RunMgrArb_zh_TW
RevertNodeCommand - Class in oracle.ide.cmd
The RevertNodeCommand is used to revert the contents of a node to its persistent storage, and to send the appropriate notification.
RevertNodeCommand() - Constructor for class oracle.ide.cmd.RevertNodeCommand
Constructs a new RevertNodeCommand to run without confirmation.
RevertNodeCommand(boolean) - Constructor for class oracle.ide.cmd.RevertNodeCommand
Constructs a new RevertNodeCommand to run with optional confirmation.
REVIEW_RESOURCE_BUNDLES - Static variable in class oracle.ide.resourcebundle.res.ResourceBundleUIArb
REVIEW_RESOURCE_BUNDLES - Static variable in class oracle.ide.resourcebundle.res.ResourceBundleUIArb_en
REVIEW_RESOURCE_BUNDLES - Static variable in class oracle.ide.resourcebundle.res.ResourceBundleUIArb_ja
RevisionIdentifier - Class in oracle.jdeveloper.history
Class of objects returned from HistoryEntry.getValue() for the SharedProperties.REVISION property.
RevisionIdentifier(Icon, String) - Constructor for class oracle.jdeveloper.history.RevisionIdentifier
Construct the identifier.
REVOKE_EVENT - Static variable in class oracle.javatools.db.plsql.Trigger
REVOKE_EVENT - Static variable in class oracle.javatools.db.Trigger
rewrite - Static variable in class
Property constant for the "rewrite" property.
rewriteType - Static variable in class
Property constant for the "rewriteType" property.
RichHintLabel - Class in oracle.javatools.ui
A component that can display rich (HTML-based) hint text, including hyperlinks which perform user actions.
RichHintLabel() - Constructor for class oracle.javatools.ui.RichHintLabel
RIGHT - Static variable in class oracle.javatools.db.sql.JoinObject
Outer join type: RIGHT Usage: table_reference [NATURAL] RIGHT [OUTER] JOIN table_reference [ON|USING...]
right() - Method in interface oracle.javatools.editor.insight.InsightView
Command to move the selection of the view to the right item in the data set.
right() - Method in class oracle.javatools.editor.insight.ListInsightView
Command to move the selection of the view to the right item in the data set.
right() - Method in class oracle.javatools.editor.insight.TooltipInsightView
Command to move the selection of the view to the right item in the data set.
RIGHT - Static variable in class oracle.jdevimpl.audit.swing.CommandButtonLayout
right() - Method in class oracle.jdevimpl.audit.util.SortedCollections.ComparisonIterator
RIGHT_ASSOC - Static variable in interface oracle.javatools.parser.util.ExpressionObject
This operator is right associative.
RIGHT_BRACE - Static variable in interface oracle.javatools.parser.css.LexicalUnits
Represents the ')' lexical unit.
RIGHT_BRACKET - Static variable in interface oracle.javatools.parser.css.LexicalUnits
Represents the ']' lexical unit.
RIGHT_CURLY_BRACE - Static variable in interface oracle.javatools.parser.css.LexicalUnits
Represents the '}' lexical unit.
RIGHT_EDITOR - Static variable in class
RIGHT_GUTTER - Static variable in class
RIGHT_OUTER_JOIN - Static variable in class oracle.javatools.parser.plsql.symtab.SqlAjndef
RIGHT_OVERVIEW - Static variable in class
RIGHT_PAREN - Static variable in class oracle.javatools.db.sql.FromObject
RIGHT_SCROLLBAR - Static variable in class
RIGHT_TITLE - Static variable in class
rightExpression - Static variable in class
Property constant for the "rightExpression" property.
rightFromObject - Static variable in class
Property constant for the "rightFromObject" property.
rightFromObjectID - Static variable in class
Property constant for the "rightFromObjectID" property.
rightPartitionBy - Static variable in class
Property constant for the "rightPartitionBy" property.
RMI_PORT_CONFLICT_DETECTED - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.runner.RunMgrArb
RMI_PORT_CONFLICT_DETECTED - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.runner.RunMgrArb_de
RMI_PORT_CONFLICT_DETECTED - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.runner.RunMgrArb_en
RMI_PORT_CONFLICT_DETECTED - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.runner.RunMgrArb_es
RMI_PORT_CONFLICT_DETECTED - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.runner.RunMgrArb_fr
RMI_PORT_CONFLICT_DETECTED - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.runner.RunMgrArb_it
RMI_PORT_CONFLICT_DETECTED - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.runner.RunMgrArb_ja
RMI_PORT_CONFLICT_DETECTED - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.runner.RunMgrArb_ko
RMI_PORT_CONFLICT_DETECTED - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.runner.RunMgrArb_pt_BR
RMI_PORT_CONFLICT_DETECTED - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.runner.RunMgrArb_zh_CN
RMI_PORT_CONFLICT_DETECTED - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.runner.RunMgrArb_zh_TW
RMI_SSL_PORT_CONFLICT_DETECTED - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.runner.RunMgrArb
RMI_SSL_PORT_CONFLICT_DETECTED - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.runner.RunMgrArb_de
RMI_SSL_PORT_CONFLICT_DETECTED - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.runner.RunMgrArb_en
RMI_SSL_PORT_CONFLICT_DETECTED - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.runner.RunMgrArb_es
RMI_SSL_PORT_CONFLICT_DETECTED - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.runner.RunMgrArb_fr
RMI_SSL_PORT_CONFLICT_DETECTED - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.runner.RunMgrArb_it
RMI_SSL_PORT_CONFLICT_DETECTED - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.runner.RunMgrArb_ja
RMI_SSL_PORT_CONFLICT_DETECTED - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.runner.RunMgrArb_ko
RMI_SSL_PORT_CONFLICT_DETECTED - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.runner.RunMgrArb_pt_BR
RMI_SSL_PORT_CONFLICT_DETECTED - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.runner.RunMgrArb_zh_CN
RMI_SSL_PORT_CONFLICT_DETECTED - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.runner.RunMgrArb_zh_TW
Role - Class in oracle.ide.extension
Represents information about a role, which is a set of customizations of the product.
Role(String, String, String) - Constructor for class oracle.ide.extension.Role
Creates an instance of a Role.
ROLE_CLASS_REFTYPE - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.db.adapter.DatabaseProvider
The database roles to associated with the connection session.
RoleManager - Class in oracle.ide.extension
The role manager is responsible for co-ordinating the selection of the current role.
RoleManager() - Constructor for class oracle.ide.extension.RoleManager
rollback(ApplyEvent) - Method in class oracle.ide.db.transfer.generate.GenerateController
rollback(ApplyEvent) - Method in interface oracle.ide.panels.CommitListener
Called to have the listener rollback the commit.
rollback(TaskContext) - Method in class oracle.ideimpl.webupdate.task.AtomicTask
Roll this task back.
rollback(TaskContext) - Method in class oracle.ideimpl.webupdate.task.CreateFile
rollback(TaskContext) - Method in class oracle.ideimpl.webupdate.task.DeinstallExtensionTask
rollback(TaskContext) - Method in class oracle.ideimpl.webupdate.task.DeleteFile
Roll this task back.
rollback(TaskContext) - Method in class oracle.ideimpl.webupdate.task.InstallExtensionTask
rollback(TaskContext) - Method in class oracle.ideimpl.webupdate.task.ReadPropertiesFile
rollback(TaskContext) - Method in class oracle.ideimpl.webupdate.task.ScheduleHookTask
rollback(TaskContext) - Method in class oracle.ideimpl.webupdate.task.WritePropertiesFile
ROLLBACK - Static variable in class oracle.javatools.icons.OracleIcons
rollback(SourceSavepoint) - Method in interface
Rolls back changes up to the given savepoint.
rollback() - Method in interface
Rolls back all changes made in this transaction, but keeps the transaction open.
ROLLBACK_BUTTON - Static variable in class oracle.ide.db.DBIcons
rollbackEdit() - Method in interface javax.ide.model.Transaction
Used to indicate to the text buffer to end an in progress compound edit without commiting the changes.
rollbackSegmentName - Static variable in class
Property constant for the "rollbackSegmentName" property.
rollbackSegmentType - Static variable in class
Property constant for the "rollbackSegmentType" property.
RolloverAnimator - Class in oracle.javatools.ui
RolloverAnimator is a MouseListener you can attach to components to provide rollover animation effects.
RolloverAnimator() - Constructor for class oracle.javatools.ui.RolloverAnimator
RolloverRenderer - Class in oracle.javatools.ui.list
A decorating renderer for JLists that adds a rollover highlight for mouse movement.
This renderer optionally wraps another custom renderer.
RolloverRenderer(JList) - Constructor for class oracle.javatools.ui.list.RolloverRenderer
Create a default rollover renderer
RolloverRenderer(JList, ListCellRenderer) - Constructor for class oracle.javatools.ui.list.RolloverRenderer
Wrap another renderer to add rollover highlighting to it.
RolloverTableRenderer - Class in oracle.javatools.ui.table
A TableCellRenderer decorator to add rollover highlighting to table cell renderers
RolloverTableRenderer(TableCellRenderer) - Constructor for class oracle.javatools.ui.table.RolloverTableRenderer
Construct a renderer that adds rollover support to an existing table cell renderer component.
root - Variable in class oracle.ide.controls.AbstractTreeTableModel
root - Variable in class oracle.javatools.editor.folding.DefaultCodeFoldingModel
root - Variable in class oracle.javatools.ui.treetable.AbstractTreeTableModel
root - Variable in class oracle.jdevimpl.audit.model.UnauditableFileModelAdapter
ROOT_ELEMENT - Static variable in interface oracle.ide.index.xml.XMLCriteria
Queries all XML files that have a root element with the given local name.
ROOT_NAMESPACE - Static variable in interface oracle.ide.index.xml.XMLCriteria
Queries all XML files that have a root element with the given namespace.
ROOT_QNAME - Static variable in class oracle.ide.model.Project
ROOT_TAG - Static variable in class oracle.ide.config.ClientSetting
ROOT_TAG - Static variable in class oracle.ide.config.IdeSettings
The root xml element for ide settings.
ROOT_TAG - Static variable in class oracle.ide.migration.ExtensionMigrator
ROOT_TAG - Static variable in class oracle.ide.model.IdeSystem
ROOT_TAG - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.library.JDKNode
ROOT_TAG - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.library.JLibraryNode
ROOT_TAG - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.library.LegacyLibraryList
ROOT_VIEW_PORT - Static variable in class oracle.javatools.icons.OracleIcons
rootElementMappings() - Method in class oracle.ide.model.RecognizersHook
RootModelAdapter - Class in oracle.jdevimpl.audit.model
A ModelAdapter which adapts the Audit framework to the (vestigial) model of the singleton Workspaces node.
RootModelAdapter(ModelFactory, ModelType) - Constructor for class oracle.jdevimpl.audit.model.RootModelAdapter
Creates a root document adapter.
RootModelType - Class in oracle.jdevimpl.audit.model
The model type of the vestigial model corresponding to the singleton Workspaces object.
RootModelType() - Constructor for class oracle.jdevimpl.audit.model.RootModelType
RootSymbol - Class in oracle.javatools.parser.plsql.old.symbol
RotatingIcon - Class in oracle.ide.controls
The rotated image of an icon.
RotatingIcon(Icon) - Constructor for class oracle.ide.controls.RotatingIcon
Row - Class in oracle.ide.inspector.layout
One of the Elements comprising a DisplayGroup.
Row() - Constructor for class oracle.ide.inspector.layout.Row
ROW - Static variable in class oracle.ide.inspector.layout.Row
rowActionPerformed(AuditTreeTable, int) - Method in class oracle.jdevimpl.audit.log.AuditLogPanel
rowActionPerformed(AuditTreeTable, int) - Method in interface oracle.jdevimpl.audit.log.AuditTreeTable.RowActionListener
rowDataChanged(int) - Method in class oracle.javatools.ui.table.SimpleTableModel
The contents of a row have changed, update the ui to reflect the new values.
rowDataChanged(T) - Method in class oracle.javatools.ui.table.SimpleTableModel
The contents of a row have changed, update the ui to reflect the new values.
RowHeader - Class in oracle.javatools.ui.table
A component to appear in a JTable's scrollpane at the head of each row.
RowHeader(JTable) - Constructor for class oracle.javatools.ui.table.RowHeader
Create a RowHeader for the specified table.
RowHeaderSelectionModel - Class in oracle.javatools.ui.table
A selection model for the RowHeader component to adapt to the table selection
RowHeaderSelectionModel() - Constructor for class oracle.javatools.ui.table.RowHeaderSelectionModel
Create a RowHeaderSelectionModel.
RowHeaderSelectionModel(JTable) - Constructor for class oracle.javatools.ui.table.RowHeaderSelectionModel
Create a RowHeaderSelectionModel for the specified table.
rowidLogged - Static variable in class
Property constant for the "rowidLogged" property.
RowMap - Interface in oracle.javatools.editor
A RowMap is an interface for accessing the row structure information of a BasicEditorPane.
rowsHidden(AuditModel, List<?>, Object, int) - Method in interface oracle.jdeveloper.audit.service.AuditModelListener
Reports that rows were shown in a model.
rowsHidden(AuditModel, List<?>, Object, int) - Method in class oracle.jdevimpl.audit.core.CountColumn
rowsHidden(AuditModel, List<?>, Object, int) - Method in class oracle.jdevimpl.audit.core.SeverityColumn
rowsHidden(AuditModel, List<?>, Object, int) - Method in class oracle.jdevimpl.audit.log.AuditLogPage
rowsHidden(AuditModel, List<?>, Object, int) - Method in class oracle.jdevimpl.audit.log.AuditTreeTableModel
rowsInserted(AuditModel, List<?>, Object, int) - Method in interface oracle.jdeveloper.audit.service.AuditModelListener
Reports that rows were inserted into a model.
rowsInserted(AuditModel, List<?>, Object, int) - Method in class oracle.jdevimpl.audit.core.CountColumn
rowsInserted(AuditModel, List<?>, Object, int) - Method in class oracle.jdevimpl.audit.core.SeverityColumn
rowsInserted(AuditModel, List<?>, Object, int) - Method in class oracle.jdevimpl.audit.log.AuditLogPage
rowsInserted(AuditModel, List<?>, Object, int) - Method in class oracle.jdevimpl.audit.log.AuditTreeTableModel
rowsRemoved(TableModelEvent) - Method in class oracle.ide.controls.DefaultListTableModel
Equivalent to fireTableChanged.
rowsRemoved(AuditModel, List<?>, Object, int) - Method in interface oracle.jdeveloper.audit.service.AuditModelListener
Reports that rows were removed from a model.
rowsRemoved(AuditModel, List<?>, Object, int) - Method in class oracle.jdevimpl.audit.core.CountColumn
rowsRemoved(AuditModel, List<?>, Object, int) - Method in class oracle.jdevimpl.audit.core.SeverityColumn
rowsRemoved(AuditModel, List<?>, Object, int) - Method in class oracle.jdevimpl.audit.log.AuditLogPage
rowsRemoved(AuditModel, List<?>, Object, int) - Method in class oracle.jdevimpl.audit.log.AuditTreeTableModel
rowsRestructureBegin(AuditModel, Object, Object) - Method in interface oracle.jdeveloper.audit.service.AuditModelListener
Reports that a restructure of the descendants of a row has begun.
rowsRestructureBegin(AuditModel, Object, Object) - Method in class oracle.jdevimpl.audit.core.CountColumn
rowsRestructureBegin(AuditModel, Object, Object) - Method in class oracle.jdevimpl.audit.core.SeverityColumn
rowsRestructureBegin(AuditModel, Object, Object) - Method in class oracle.jdevimpl.audit.log.AuditLogPage
rowsRestructureBegin(AuditModel, Object, Object) - Method in class oracle.jdevimpl.audit.log.AuditTreeTableModel
rowsRestructureEnd(AuditModel, Object, Object) - Method in interface oracle.jdeveloper.audit.service.AuditModelListener
Reports that a restructure of the descendants of a row has ended.
rowsRestructureEnd(AuditModel, Object, Object) - Method in class oracle.jdevimpl.audit.core.CountColumn
rowsRestructureEnd(AuditModel, Object, Object) - Method in class oracle.jdevimpl.audit.core.SeverityColumn
rowsRestructureEnd(AuditModel, Object, Object) - Method in class oracle.jdevimpl.audit.log.AuditLogPage
rowsRestructureEnd(AuditModel, Object, Object) - Method in class oracle.jdevimpl.audit.log.AuditTreeTableModel
rowsShown(AuditModel, List<?>, Object, int) - Method in interface oracle.jdeveloper.audit.service.AuditModelListener
Reports that rows were shown in a model.
rowsShown(AuditModel, List<?>, Object, int) - Method in class oracle.jdevimpl.audit.core.CountColumn
rowsShown(AuditModel, List<?>, Object, int) - Method in class oracle.jdevimpl.audit.core.SeverityColumn
rowsShown(AuditModel, List<?>, Object, int) - Method in class oracle.jdevimpl.audit.log.AuditLogPage
rowsShown(AuditModel, List<?>, Object, int) - Method in class oracle.jdevimpl.audit.log.AuditTreeTableModel
RowTableTransferHandler - Class in oracle.jdevimpl.audit.swing
A TransferHandler for a JTable that ignores column selection when creating the transferable.
RowTableTransferHandler() - Constructor for class oracle.jdevimpl.audit.swing.RowTableTransferHandler
Rule - Class in oracle.ide.extension.rules
Rule(String, Extension) - Constructor for class oracle.ide.extension.rules.Rule
Rule - Class in oracle.jdeveloper.audit.analyzer
An Audit rule.
Rule() - Constructor for class oracle.jdeveloper.audit.analyzer.Rule
Creates a rule.
Rule.Parameter - Interface in oracle.jdeveloper.audit.analyzer
RuleCustomizer - Class in oracle.jdevimpl.audit.core
RuleCustomizer() - Constructor for class oracle.jdevimpl.audit.core.RuleCustomizer
RuleDefinition - Class in oracle.jdeveloper.audit.extension
RuleDefinition(String, CategoryDefinition, ExtensionBundle, DefinitionContext) - Constructor for class oracle.jdeveloper.audit.extension.RuleDefinition
RuleEngine - Class in oracle.ide.extension.rules
RuleEvaluationContext - Class in oracle.ide.extension.rules
RuleEvaluationContext(Context) - Constructor for class oracle.ide.extension.rules.RuleEvaluationContext
RuleEvaluationException - Exception in oracle.ide.extension.rules
Checked exception thrown if a rule cannot be evaluated due to an exceptional condition
RuleEvaluationException(String) - Constructor for exception oracle.ide.extension.rules.RuleEvaluationException
RuleEvaluationException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception oracle.ide.extension.rules.RuleEvaluationException
RuleFilter - Class in oracle.jdevimpl.audit.log
A rule filter which filters violations by rule and passes all other constructs.
RuleFilter() - Constructor for class oracle.jdevimpl.audit.log.RuleFilter
RuleFilter(String) - Constructor for class oracle.jdevimpl.audit.log.RuleFilter
RuleFunction - Class in oracle.ide.extension.rules
Abstract base class for all rule function classes.
RuleFunction() - Constructor for class oracle.ide.extension.rules.RuleFunction
RuleFunctionParameter - Class in oracle.ide.extension.rules
RuleFunctionParameter(String, String) - Constructor for class oracle.ide.extension.rules.RuleFunctionParameter
RuleReference - Class in oracle.ide.extension.rules.composite
RuleReference(String) - Constructor for class oracle.ide.extension.rules.composite.RuleReference
rulesAll - Static variable in class
Property constant for the "rulesAll" property.
rulesPresent - Static variable in class
Property constant for the "rulesPresent" property.
rulesUpdate - Static variable in class
Property constant for the "rulesUpdate" property.
rulesUpsert - Static variable in class
Property constant for the "rulesUpsert" property.
RuleType - Class in oracle.ide.extension.rules
A RuleType instance represents a kind of rule.
RuleType(String, MetaClass<RuleFunction>, Extension) - Constructor for class oracle.ide.extension.rules.RuleType
Constructs a RuleType.
RuleTypeParameter - Class in oracle.ide.extension.rules
RuleTypeParameter represents a parameter that is supported by a RuleType.
RuleTypeParameter(String, boolean) - Constructor for class oracle.ide.extension.rules.RuleTypeParameter
run() - Method in class oracle.ide.db.controls.DBObjectSourcePicker
run() - Method in class oracle.ide.db.controls.RestartableProgressBar
The entrypoint for the thread that executes the long-running process.
run() - Method in class oracle.ide.dialogs.filter.DirectoryOptionsPanel
run() - Method in class oracle.ide.dialogs.ProgressBar
Deprecated. since 11.1.1 this method should not have been exposed as a public API.
run() - Method in class oracle.ide.dialogs.ProgressRunnable
run(ExternalToolManager, Context) - Method in class oracle.ide.externaltools.ExternalTool
Invoke the external tool instance on the specified context.
run(ExternalToolManager, Context) - Method in class oracle.ide.externaltools.LazyExternalTool
run() - Method in class oracle.ide.inspector.task.BackgroundTask
run() - Method in class oracle.ide.task.TaskRunnable
run() - Method in class oracle.ideimpl.webupdate.CheckMasterListRunnable
run() - Method in class oracle.ideimpl.webupdate.CheckUpdatesRunnable
run() - Method in class oracle.ideimpl.webupdate.DownloadUpdatesRunnable
run(ConnectionWrapper.SQLRunnable) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.execute.ConnectionWrapper
Runs the given SQLRunnable.
run() - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.execute.ConnectionWrapper.SQLRunnable
Implementations should: Exclusively use ConnectionWrapper.SQLCallable.getConnection() to get the Connection to use Not explictly close the Connection
run() - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.execute.StatementWrapper.ExecutionRunnable
RUN - Static variable in class oracle.javatools.icons.OracleIcons
run() - Method in class oracle.javatools.parser.util.AsyncTask
Performs the task.
run() - Method in class oracle.javatools.util.SwingClosure
This implementation ensures that the code in the runImpl(..) method is executed on the Swing/AWT event thread.
run() - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.audit.service.Auditor
Audits the locations of this auditor in the current thread.
run() - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.changelist.AsynchronousStatusTask
run() - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.spi.VCSWaitRunnable
run() - Method in class oracle.jdevimpl.audit.core.DefaultAuditor
run() - Method in class oracle.jdevimpl.audit.util.SwingExecutor
Runs the execution thread.
RUN_ACTIVE_FILE - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.runner.RunConfiguration
RUN_ANT_BEFORE_RUN - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.runner.RunConfiguration
RUN_CONFIGURATION_ACTIVE_NAME - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.runner.RunConfigurations
RUN_CONFIGURATION_CUSTOM_NAME - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.runner.RunMgrArb
RUN_CONFIGURATION_CUSTOM_NAME - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.runner.RunMgrArb_de
RUN_CONFIGURATION_CUSTOM_NAME - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.runner.RunMgrArb_en
RUN_CONFIGURATION_CUSTOM_NAME - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.runner.RunMgrArb_es
RUN_CONFIGURATION_CUSTOM_NAME - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.runner.RunMgrArb_fr
RUN_CONFIGURATION_CUSTOM_NAME - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.runner.RunMgrArb_it
RUN_CONFIGURATION_CUSTOM_NAME - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.runner.RunMgrArb_ja
RUN_CONFIGURATION_CUSTOM_NAME - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.runner.RunMgrArb_ko
RUN_CONFIGURATION_CUSTOM_NAME - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.runner.RunMgrArb_pt_BR
RUN_CONFIGURATION_CUSTOM_NAME - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.runner.RunMgrArb_zh_CN
RUN_CONFIGURATION_CUSTOM_NAME - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.runner.RunMgrArb_zh_TW
RUN_CONFIGURATION_DEFAULT_NAME - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.runner.RunMgrArb
Identifies keys to access localizable object
RUN_CONFIGURATION_DEFAULT_NAME - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.runner.RunMgrArb_de
Identifies keys to access localizable object
RUN_CONFIGURATION_DEFAULT_NAME - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.runner.RunMgrArb_en
Identifies keys to access localizable object
RUN_CONFIGURATION_DEFAULT_NAME - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.runner.RunMgrArb_es
Identifies keys to access localizable object
RUN_CONFIGURATION_DEFAULT_NAME - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.runner.RunMgrArb_fr
Identifies keys to access localizable object
RUN_CONFIGURATION_DEFAULT_NAME - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.runner.RunMgrArb_it
Identifies keys to access localizable object
RUN_CONFIGURATION_DEFAULT_NAME - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.runner.RunMgrArb_ja
Identifies keys to access localizable object
RUN_CONFIGURATION_DEFAULT_NAME - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.runner.RunMgrArb_ko
Identifies keys to access localizable object
RUN_CONFIGURATION_DEFAULT_NAME - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.runner.RunMgrArb_pt_BR
Identifies keys to access localizable object
RUN_CONFIGURATION_DEFAULT_NAME - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.runner.RunMgrArb_zh_CN
Identifies keys to access localizable object
RUN_CONFIGURATION_DEFAULT_NAME - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.runner.RunMgrArb_zh_TW
Identifies keys to access localizable object
RUN_CONFIGURATION_DEFINITIONS - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.runner.RunConfigurations
RUN_CONFIGURATION_LIST - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.runner.RunConfigurations
RUN_CONFIGURATION_NAME - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.runner.RunConfiguration
RUN_CONFIGURATION_NAME - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.runner.RunConfigurations
RUN_COOKIE_JAVA_EMBEDDED_SERVER - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.runner.JRunProcess
Constant for use as cookie argument of canRun() and getValue() methods.
RUN_DIRECTORY_URL - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.runner.RunConfiguration
Key used to return RunConfiguration working directory from property storage
RUN_FAILURES_FIRST - Static variable in class oracle.javatools.icons.OracleIcons
RUN_PROCESS_DO_NOT_CONSIDER_DEFAULT - Static variable in class oracle.ide.runner.RunProcess
RUN_PROCESS_USE_NODE_FROM_CONTEXT - Static variable in class oracle.ide.runner.RunProcess
This option can be set in the Context of the RunProcess.
RUN_TAGS_IN_EDITOR_BY_DEFAULT - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.webapp.libraries.TagLibrary
RUN_TYPE_DATABASE - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.runner.JRunProcess
Constant for use as runType argument of canRun() and getValue() methods.
RUN_TYPE_JAVA - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.runner.JRunProcess
Constant for use as runType argument of canRun() and getValue() methods.
RUN_TYPE_JS_MOZILLA_FIREFOX - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.runner.JRunProcess
Constant for use as runType argument of canRun() and getValue() methods.
RUN_TYPE_XQUERY - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.runner.JRunProcess
Constant for use as runType argument of canRun() and getValue() methods.
RUN_TYPE_XSLT - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.runner.JRunProcess
Constant for use as runType argument of canRun() and getValue() methods.
runActualDialog() - Method in class oracle.javatools.dialogs.BaseMessageDialog
RUNAPPLICATION - Static variable in class oracle.javatools.icons.OracleIcons
runAsynchronously() - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.audit.service.Auditor
Audits the locations of this auditor in a background thread.
runAsynchronously(Thread.UncaughtExceptionHandler) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.audit.service.Auditor
Audits the locations of this auditor in a background thread.
runAsynchronously() - Method in class oracle.jdevimpl.audit.core.DefaultAuditor
runAsynchronously(Thread.UncaughtExceptionHandler) - Method in class oracle.jdevimpl.audit.core.DefaultAuditor
runBrowserOnURL(URL, File, PrintWriter) - Method in class oracle.ide.webbrowser.BrowserRunner
Invokes the web browser on url.
runBrowserOnURLV2(URL, File, PrintWriter) - Method in class oracle.ide.webbrowser.BrowserRunner
Invokes the web browser on url.
runCommand(IdeStarter) - Method in class oracle.ide.IdeRunner
Runs an IDE command after the IDE is initialized.
runConfiguration - Variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.runner.JRunProcess
The RunConfiguration part of the project.
runConfiguration - Variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.runner.JStarter
The RunConfiguration part of the project.
RunConfiguration - Class in oracle.jdeveloper.runner
The RunConfiguration class specifies details about how a Java process should be started.
RunConfiguration(HashStructure) - Constructor for class oracle.jdeveloper.runner.RunConfiguration
RunConfiguration() - Constructor for class oracle.jdeveloper.runner.RunConfiguration
RunConfiguration(RunConfiguration, String, boolean) - Constructor for class oracle.jdeveloper.runner.RunConfiguration
Creates a new RunConfiguration which is a copy of another one IMPORTANT: Do NOT use '/' characters in the RunConfiguration name
RunConfigurationEditorUtil - Class in oracle.jdeveloper.runner
Utility used by various configuration panels to get access to RunConfiguration
RunConfigurationEditorUtil() - Constructor for class oracle.jdeveloper.runner.RunConfigurationEditorUtil
RunConfigurations - Class in oracle.jdeveloper.runner
Manages the set of RunConfiguration objects for the workspace
RunConfigurations(HashStructure) - Constructor for class oracle.jdeveloper.runner.RunConfigurations
runConfirmDialog(Component, String, String) - Method in class oracle.ide.db.dialogs.SQLErrorDialog
runConnect(Context) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.nav.BaseConnectionProvider
runConnectionDialog(String) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.db.panels.AppConnectionPanelUI
runConnectionDialog(String) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.db.panels.ConnectionPanelUI
This method is called as a result of the New or Edit button being pressed.
runCreateDialog(Component) - Static method in class oracle.ideimpl.webupdate.wizard.UpdateCenterPanel
runDialog(String) - Method in class oracle.ide.component.NewFilePanel
Creates and displays a dialog containing this NewFilePanel.
runDialog(String, Runnable) - Method in class oracle.ide.component.NewFilePanel
Creates and displays a dialog containing this NewFilePanel which will call the supplied Runnable as the last vetoable change listener.
runDialog(Component, String) - Static method in class oracle.ide.dialogs.OnePageWizardDialogFactory
Creates a WizardDialog with one page of the content, with the given title and invokes the dialog.
runDialog(Component, Component, String) - Static method in class oracle.ide.dialogs.OnePageWizardDialogFactory
Creates a WizardDialog with one page of the content, with the given title and invokes the dialog.
runDialog(Component, Component, Component, String) - Static method in class oracle.ide.dialogs.OnePageWizardDialogFactory
Creates a WizardDialog with one page of the content, with the given title and invokes the dialog.
runDialog(Component, Component, String, int) - Static method in class oracle.ide.dialogs.OnePageWizardDialogFactory
Creates a WizardDialog with one page of the content, with the given title and invokes the dialog.
runDialog(Component, Component, String, int, VetoableChangeListener) - Static method in class oracle.ide.dialogs.OnePageWizardDialogFactory
Creates a WizardDialog with one page of the content, with the given title and invokes the dialog.
runDialog(Component, Component, Component, String, int, VetoableChangeListener) - Static method in class oracle.ide.dialogs.OnePageWizardDialogFactory
Creates a WizardDialog with one page of the content, with the given title and invokes the dialog.
runDialog(JDialog) - Static method in class oracle.ide.dialogs.WizardLauncher
Use this instead of WizardDialog.runDialog() or JEWTDialog.runDialog.
runDialog(Component) - Method in interface oracle.ide.externaltools.macro.MacroPicker
Utility to run the macro picker in a dialog.
runDialog() - Method in class oracle.ide.navigator.DeleteActionHandler
runDialog() - Method in class oracle.ide.panels.NewWorkspacePanel
runDialog(String) - Method in class oracle.ide.panels.NewWorkspacePanel
runDialog(Component, String) - Method in class oracle.ide.webbrowser.OTNAuthPanel
Runs the panel in a dialog with the specified parent.
runDialog() - Method in class oracle.ide.wizard.TitledWizardDialog
runDialog() - Method in class oracle.javatools.clipboard.ClipboardStackDialog
runDialog() - Method in class oracle.javatools.dialogs.BaseMessageDialog
Run the dialog
runDialog(Component, String, String) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.controls.ConnectionImportExportPanel
Run the panel in a dialog.
runDialog(JDialog) - Static method in class oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.util.VCSDialogRunner
Runs the given dialog on the AWT event dispatch thread.
runEditDialog(Component, UpdateCenter) - Static method in class oracle.ideimpl.webupdate.wizard.UpdateCenterPanel
runErrorDialog(Component, String, String) - Method in class oracle.ide.db.dialogs.SQLErrorDialog
runGenericWizard() - Method in class oracle.ide.wizard.GenericWizardLauncher
Runs the Generic Wizard based on the pages provided.
runIdeConnectionDialog() - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.db.panels.AppConnectionPanelUI
runImpl() - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.execute.StatementWrapper.ExecutionRunnable
runImpl() - Method in class oracle.javatools.parser.util.AsyncTask
Implementation of the task.
runImpl() - Method in class oracle.javatools.util.SwingClosure
Subclasses should override this method to provide the closure implementation.
runImpl() - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.spi.VCSWaitRunnable
Performs the runnable task.
runInvokable() - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.spi.VCSDirectoryInvokable
Runs the invokable commands.
RunLogPage - Class in oracle.ide.runner
The RunLogPage class is the LogPage used for a running process.
RUNMANAGER - Static variable in class oracle.javatools.icons.OracleIcons
RunMgrArb - Class in oracle.jdeveloper.runner
RunMgrArb() - Constructor for class oracle.jdeveloper.runner.RunMgrArb
RunMgrArb_de - Class in oracle.jdeveloper.runner
RunMgrArb_de() - Constructor for class oracle.jdeveloper.runner.RunMgrArb_de
RunMgrArb_en - Class in oracle.jdeveloper.runner
RunMgrArb_en() - Constructor for class oracle.jdeveloper.runner.RunMgrArb_en
RunMgrArb_es - Class in oracle.jdeveloper.runner
RunMgrArb_es() - Constructor for class oracle.jdeveloper.runner.RunMgrArb_es
RunMgrArb_fr - Class in oracle.jdeveloper.runner
RunMgrArb_fr() - Constructor for class oracle.jdeveloper.runner.RunMgrArb_fr
RunMgrArb_it - Class in oracle.jdeveloper.runner
RunMgrArb_it() - Constructor for class oracle.jdeveloper.runner.RunMgrArb_it
RunMgrArb_ja - Class in oracle.jdeveloper.runner
RunMgrArb_ja() - Constructor for class oracle.jdeveloper.runner.RunMgrArb_ja
RunMgrArb_ko - Class in oracle.jdeveloper.runner
RunMgrArb_ko() - Constructor for class oracle.jdeveloper.runner.RunMgrArb_ko
RunMgrArb_pt_BR - Class in oracle.jdeveloper.runner
RunMgrArb_pt_BR() - Constructor for class oracle.jdeveloper.runner.RunMgrArb_pt_BR
RunMgrArb_zh_CN - Class in oracle.jdeveloper.runner
RunMgrArb_zh_CN() - Constructor for class oracle.jdeveloper.runner.RunMgrArb_zh_CN
RunMgrArb_zh_TW - Class in oracle.jdeveloper.runner
RunMgrArb_zh_TW() - Constructor for class oracle.jdeveloper.runner.RunMgrArb_zh_TW
RunnableItem - Class in oracle.ide.runner
Runner - Class in oracle.ide.runner
The Runner class provides methods that interact with the runner.
Runner() - Constructor for class oracle.ide.runner.Runner
RunnerOptions - Class in oracle.ide.runner
Runtime Service settings.
RunningProcess - Class in oracle.jdeveloper.runner
Represents an actively running process (JRunProcess)
RunningProcess(Context) - Constructor for class oracle.jdeveloper.runner.RunningProcess
runNow(Runnable) - Static method in class oracle.ide.util.IdeUtil
runPostOperationAWT() - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.spi.VCSDialogCommitter
runPostOperationAWT() - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.spi.VCSWaitRunnable
Performs post-operations on the AWT event thread.
RunProcess - Class in oracle.ide.runner
An abstract class that represents a process that can be run in some way.
RunProcess(Context) - Constructor for class oracle.ide.runner.RunProcess
The constructor simply initializes the fields of this RunProcess.
runProcess - Variable in class oracle.ide.runner.Starter
The RunProcess that will be or has been started by this Starter.
RunProcessLifecycleEvent - Class in oracle.ide.runner
RunProcessLifecycleEvent(RunProcess, Context) - Constructor for class oracle.ide.runner.RunProcessLifecycleEvent
RunProcessLifecycleListener - Interface in oracle.ide.runner
The listener interface for receiving notification RunProcess lifecycle events.
runProcessListener - Variable in class oracle.ide.runner.RunProcess
The RunProcessListener for this process.
RunProcessListener - Interface in oracle.ide.runner
The RunProcessListener interface allows code to be notification when a SimpleProcess has finished.
runRunnable(Runnable) - Static method in class oracle.ide.util.AddinPolicyUtils
A utility method to run code that is to be used only if the AddinPolicyUtils is in "effect"
runShow(Context, Auditor, String, Thread.UncaughtExceptionHandler) - Static method in class oracle.jdevimpl.audit.log.AuditLogPage
Creates the log page for an auditor.
runShowLogPage(Context, Auditor, String, Thread.UncaughtExceptionHandler) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.audit.AuditManager
Creates and shows an Audit log page for an Auditor, and runs the audit.
runShowLogPage(Context, Auditor, String, Thread.UncaughtExceptionHandler) - Method in class oracle.jdevimpl.audit.core.DefaultAuditManager
runTerminateHook() - Static method in class oracle.ide.cmd.ExitCommand
Runs the terminate handling hook.
runToCursor(Context, DebuggerBreakpoint) - Method in interface oracle.ide.runner.DebuggerExtender
Called when the debugger will execute a RunToCursor command.
runUnderReadLock(Runnable) - Method in class oracle.ide.model.Node
Executes a Runnable while holding the node read lock.
runUnderReadLock(Collection<? extends Node>, Runnable) - Static method in class oracle.ide.model.NodeUtil
Executes a Runnable while holding the read lock on the given nodes.
runUnderWriteLock(Runnable) - Method in class oracle.ide.model.Node
Executes a Runnable while holding the node write lock.
runUnderWriteLock(Collection<? extends Node>, Runnable) - Static method in class oracle.ide.model.NodeUtil
Executes a Runnable while holding the write lock on the given nodes.
runUnderWriteLock(Runnable) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.spi.VCSURLBasedCache
runWhileClosed(Runnable) - Static method in class
Run a task while the JAR indexes corresponding to user JARs are locked closed.
runWhileClosed(Runnable) - Method in interface oracle.ide.persistence.Storage
Run a task while the storage is closed.
runWhileClosed(Callable<T>) - Method in interface oracle.ide.persistence.Storage
Run a task while the storage is closed.
runWhileOpen(Runnable) - Method in interface oracle.ide.persistence.Storage
Runs a task while the storage is open.
runWhileOpen(Callable<T>) - Method in interface oracle.ide.persistence.Storage
Runs a task while the storage is open.
runWizard(String, String, String, TraversableContext, List<Step>) - Static method in class oracle.ide.migration.MigrationWizard
Runs the MigrationWizard where users can choose what migration options they want and then migrate their files.
runWizard(Component, Context) - Method in class oracle.ideimpl.webupdate.wizard.UpdateWizard
RUNWORKINGSET - Static variable in class oracle.javatools.icons.OracleIcons
RW_ALL - Static variable in interface oracle.javatools.parser.plsql.SqlKeywords
RW_ALTER - Static variable in interface oracle.javatools.parser.plsql.SqlKeywords
RW_AND - Static variable in interface oracle.javatools.parser.plsql.SqlKeywords
RW_ANY - Static variable in interface oracle.javatools.parser.plsql.SqlKeywords
RW_AS - Static variable in interface oracle.javatools.parser.plsql.SqlKeywords
RW_ASC - Static variable in interface oracle.javatools.parser.plsql.SqlKeywords
RW_BETWEEN - Static variable in interface oracle.javatools.parser.plsql.SqlKeywords
RW_BY - Static variable in interface oracle.javatools.parser.plsql.SqlKeywords
RW_CHECK - Static variable in interface oracle.javatools.parser.plsql.SqlKeywords
RW_CLUSTER - Static variable in interface oracle.javatools.parser.plsql.SqlKeywords
RW_COMPRESS - Static variable in interface oracle.javatools.parser.plsql.SqlKeywords
RW_CONNECT - Static variable in interface oracle.javatools.parser.plsql.SqlKeywords
RW_CREATE - Static variable in interface oracle.javatools.parser.plsql.SqlKeywords
RW_DATE - Static variable in interface oracle.javatools.parser.plsql.SqlKeywords
RW_DEFAULT - Static variable in interface oracle.javatools.parser.plsql.SqlKeywords
RW_DELETE - Static variable in interface oracle.javatools.parser.plsql.SqlKeywords
RW_DESC - Static variable in interface oracle.javatools.parser.plsql.SqlKeywords
RW_DISTINCT - Static variable in interface oracle.javatools.parser.plsql.SqlKeywords
RW_DROP - Static variable in interface oracle.javatools.parser.plsql.SqlKeywords
RW_ELSE - Static variable in interface oracle.javatools.parser.plsql.SqlKeywords
RW_EXCLUSIVE - Static variable in interface oracle.javatools.parser.plsql.SqlKeywords
RW_EXISTS - Static variable in interface oracle.javatools.parser.plsql.SqlKeywords
RW_first - Static variable in interface oracle.javatools.parser.plsql.SqlKeywords
The first RW.
RW_FLOAT - Static variable in interface oracle.javatools.parser.plsql.SqlKeywords
RW_FOR - Static variable in interface oracle.javatools.parser.plsql.SqlKeywords
RW_FROM - Static variable in interface oracle.javatools.parser.plsql.SqlKeywords
RW_GRANT - Static variable in interface oracle.javatools.parser.plsql.SqlKeywords
RW_GROUP - Static variable in interface oracle.javatools.parser.plsql.SqlKeywords
RW_HAVING - Static variable in interface oracle.javatools.parser.plsql.SqlKeywords
RW_IDENTIFIED - Static variable in interface oracle.javatools.parser.plsql.SqlKeywords
RW_IN - Static variable in interface oracle.javatools.parser.plsql.SqlKeywords
RW_INDEX - Static variable in interface oracle.javatools.parser.plsql.SqlKeywords
RW_INSERT - Static variable in interface oracle.javatools.parser.plsql.SqlKeywords
RW_INTERSECT - Static variable in interface oracle.javatools.parser.plsql.SqlKeywords
RW_INTO - Static variable in interface oracle.javatools.parser.plsql.SqlKeywords
RW_IS - Static variable in interface oracle.javatools.parser.plsql.SqlKeywords
RW_last - Static variable in interface oracle.javatools.parser.plsql.SqlKeywords
The last RW.
RW_LIKE - Static variable in interface oracle.javatools.parser.plsql.SqlKeywords
RW_LOCK - Static variable in interface oracle.javatools.parser.plsql.SqlKeywords
RW_LONG - Static variable in interface oracle.javatools.parser.plsql.SqlKeywords
RW_MINUS - Static variable in interface oracle.javatools.parser.plsql.SqlKeywords
RW_MODE - Static variable in interface oracle.javatools.parser.plsql.SqlKeywords
RW_NOCOMPRESS - Static variable in interface oracle.javatools.parser.plsql.SqlKeywords
RW_NOT - Static variable in interface oracle.javatools.parser.plsql.SqlKeywords
RW_NOWAIT - Static variable in interface oracle.javatools.parser.plsql.SqlKeywords
RW_NULL - Static variable in interface oracle.javatools.parser.plsql.SqlKeywords
RW_NUMBER - Static variable in interface oracle.javatools.parser.plsql.SqlKeywords
RW_OF - Static variable in interface oracle.javatools.parser.plsql.SqlKeywords
RW_ON - Static variable in interface oracle.javatools.parser.plsql.SqlKeywords
RW_OPTION - Static variable in interface oracle.javatools.parser.plsql.SqlKeywords
RW_OR - Static variable in interface oracle.javatools.parser.plsql.SqlKeywords
RW_ORDER - Static variable in interface oracle.javatools.parser.plsql.SqlKeywords
RW_PCTFREE - Static variable in interface oracle.javatools.parser.plsql.SqlKeywords
RW_PRIOR - Static variable in interface oracle.javatools.parser.plsql.SqlKeywords
RW_PUBLIC - Static variable in interface oracle.javatools.parser.plsql.SqlKeywords
RW_RAW - Static variable in interface oracle.javatools.parser.plsql.SqlKeywords
RW_RENAME - Static variable in interface oracle.javatools.parser.plsql.SqlKeywords
RW_RESOURCE - Static variable in interface oracle.javatools.parser.plsql.SqlKeywords
RW_REVOKE - Static variable in interface oracle.javatools.parser.plsql.SqlKeywords
RW_SELECT - Static variable in interface oracle.javatools.parser.plsql.SqlKeywords
RW_SET - Static variable in interface oracle.javatools.parser.plsql.SqlKeywords
RW_SHARE - Static variable in interface oracle.javatools.parser.plsql.SqlKeywords
RW_SIZE - Static variable in interface oracle.javatools.parser.plsql.SqlKeywords
RW_START - Static variable in interface oracle.javatools.parser.plsql.SqlKeywords
RW_SYNONYM - Static variable in interface oracle.javatools.parser.plsql.SqlKeywords
RW_TABLE - Static variable in interface oracle.javatools.parser.plsql.SqlKeywords
RW_THEN - Static variable in interface oracle.javatools.parser.plsql.SqlKeywords
RW_TO - Static variable in interface oracle.javatools.parser.plsql.SqlKeywords
RW_TRIGGER - Static variable in interface oracle.javatools.parser.plsql.SqlKeywords
RW_UNION - Static variable in interface oracle.javatools.parser.plsql.SqlKeywords
RW_UNIQUE - Static variable in interface oracle.javatools.parser.plsql.SqlKeywords
RW_UPDATE - Static variable in interface oracle.javatools.parser.plsql.SqlKeywords
RW_VALUES - Static variable in interface oracle.javatools.parser.plsql.SqlKeywords
RW_VARCHAR - Static variable in interface oracle.javatools.parser.plsql.SqlKeywords
RW_VARCHAR2 - Static variable in interface oracle.javatools.parser.plsql.SqlKeywords
RW_VIEW - Static variable in interface oracle.javatools.parser.plsql.SqlKeywords
RW_WHERE - Static variable in interface oracle.javatools.parser.plsql.SqlKeywords
RW_WITH - Static variable in interface oracle.javatools.parser.plsql.SqlKeywords

Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle Extension SDK
11g Release 2 (

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