Appendix: Scenarios for Integration With PeopleSoft Supply Chain Management

This appendix discusses real-life scenarios for using PeopleSoft EIPs. We provide an overview discussion of EIP examples and discuss how to:

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding This Appendix

We are providing examples of the most commonly used SCM EIPs. EIP setup and processing is similar for EIPs of the same design pattern, so you can use this information and apply it to other EIPs. In this appendix, we discuss setting up and processing the following EIPs:

See Setting Up Service Operations.

See PeopleSoft SCM Inbound EIPs.

See PeopleSoft SCM Outbound EIPs.



Sales Order

Loads sales orders.

Sales Order Acknowledgement

Sends message acknowledging receipt of sales order.

Purchase Order Dispatch

Purchase order dispatched to a vendor using the Publish Outbound Message process

Advanced Shipping Notice

Notifies customers that their sales orders have been shipped using the Publish Outbound Message process.

Billing Invoice

Invoice sent out to a customer using the Publish Outbound Message process.

Note. The real-life scenarios described within this PeopleBook may not conform to the business rules and procedures within your organization. These scenarios should not be construed as consulting or implementation advise for your specific industry or your individual organization. The information here should be adapted or even disregarded based on the needs of your organization. PeopleSoft does not guarantee that the information included here will work as intended within your customized environment.

Click to jump to parent topicCommon Elements in this Appendix


Messages that do not require a response. These messages are sent to the destination system as one-way messages, and are used for publish and subscribe messages where there may be a lapse in time between the message being sent and received.

Batch Publish

Use this design pattern to publish messages from a batch application. The batch application can be a COBOL or Structured Query Report program that takes either a procedural or set-based approach, or it can be an Application Engine set-based program.

Batch Subscribe

This design pattern enables you to perform edits against messages in sets. This can be a useful technique for high volume data, including millions of inbound rows. This design pattern is useful when you know that a single message definition may contain multiple instances of a transaction, or when you must reuse an existing batch program.

Component Publish

In this design pattern, the transaction or setup data that you want to send out of PeopleSoft is being updated by using a PeopleSoft component. In this case, the data is already in the component buffer, and the Publish PeopleCode function is used to publish a message.

Full Table Publish

Use this design pattern to populate an entire copy of a table onto a remote database or legacy system. Generally, full data replication occurs with setup tables, or relatively static, low-volume tables that are keyed by setID. When a copy of a table exists on the remote system, incremental updates can be used.

Full Table Subscribe

Use this design pattern to subscribe to messages that contain an entire copy of a table that is published from a remote database or legacy system. Generally, full data replication occurs with setup tables, or relatively static, low-volume tables that are keyed by setID. When a copy of a table exists on the remote system, incremental updates can be used.


Occurring or existing at the same time. Used for messages that are sent out and receive an immediate response.

Click to jump to parent topicExample: Setting Up the Sales Order Load EIP

This section discusses the Sales Order Load EIP.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding the Sales Order Load EIP

The Sales Order Load EIP is an asynchronous inbound service operation used to load sales orders from a third-party into PeopleSoft Order Management. The Sales Order Load EIP meets EDI requirements of the X.12 850 transaction set.

Before you can receive sales orders using with the Sales Order Load EIP, you must:

Type of Setup


Complete application setup

None for this message.

Complete Integration Broker setup

  • Activate the SALES_ORDER_LOAD service operation.

  • Verify the queue is in run mode.

  • Activate the handler.

  • Activate the routing.

  • Confirm the parameters of the routing definition.

  • Verify the node is active.

  • Define rules to load EDI flat files.

Complete Enterprise Component setup

Define rules to load flat files not using an EDI format.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPage Used to Set Up the Sales Order Load EIP

Page Name

Definition Name



Service Operations-General


PeopleTools, Integration Broker, Integration Setup, Service Operations, General

Define and activate a service operation.

Service Operations-Handlers


PeopleTools, Integration Broker, Integration Setup, Service Operations, Handlers

Activate one or more service operation handlers.

Service Operations-Routings


PeopleTools, Integration Broker, Integration Setup, Service Operations, Routings

Define and activate routing definitions on the service operation.

Queue Definitions


  • PeopleTools, Integration Broker, Integration Setup, Service Operations, General. Select the Queue link attached to this service operation.

  • PeopleTools, Integration Broker, Integration Setup, Queues

Activate the queue used by the service operation.



  • PeopleTools, Integration Broker, Integration Setup, Service Operations, Routings. Select the link attached to the routing definition name, then select the Parameters tab.

  • PeopleTools, Integration Broker, Integration Setup, Routings, Parameters

Verify the external service alias name, nodes, and transform programs used by this routing.

Node Definitions


PeopleTools, Integration Broker, Integration Setup, Nodes, Node Definitions

Activate node used by the service operation.

Inbound File Loader Rules


PeopleTools, Integration Broker, File Utilities, Inbound File Loader Rules

Establish inbound file rules to load sales order data from a flat file using an EDI X.12 850 format.

File Inbound


Enterprise Components, Integration Definitions, Inbound File Rule

Establish inbound file rules to load sales order data from a flat file not using an EDI format.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicActivating the Sales Order Load Service Operations

Use the PeopleSoft Integration Broker to activate the SALES_ORDER_LOAD service operations.

Access the Service Operations-General page (PeopleTools, Integration Broker, Integration Setup, Service Operations, General).

For the SALES_ORDER_LOAD service operation, select the Active check box for the applicable service operation version. If the desired version is not the default version for the service operation, the default version must also be activated.

If the inbound sales order data is a flat file using the EDI format X.12 850, then you must activate the EDI_TXN_850 service operation in addition to the SALES_ORDER_LOAD service operation.

On the General tab of the Service Operations component, select the View Queue link at the bottom of the page to access the Queue Definitions page.

See Also

Enterprise PeopleTools PeopleBook: Integration Broker

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicVerifying the Queue is in Run Mode

Access the Queue Definitions page (PeopleTools, Integration Broker, Integration Setup, Queues).

For the SALES_ORDER_LOAD queue, verify the Queue Status field has a value of Run.

Click the Return button to go back to the Service Operations component.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicActivating the Handler

Access the Service Operations-Handlers page (PeopleTools, Integration Broker, Integration Setup, Service Operations, Handlers).

For the SALES_ORDER_LOAD service operation, click the Handlers tab of the Service Operations component. Select the value of Active in the Status field for the SalesOrderLoad handler.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicActivating the Routings

Access the Service Operations-Routings page (PeopleTools, Integration Broker, Integration Setup, Service Operations, Routings).

For the SALES_ORDER_LOAD service operation, click the Routings tab of the Service Operations component. Activate an inbound routing definition for each sender node and external alias name that will be permitted to send in sales order data. In this example, both delivered routings permit data to be sent from any valid node, but each routing has a unique external alias and purpose. To activate a routing, select the check box next to the routing definition and click the Activate Selected Routings button. There are two delivered routing definitions:

Select the link attached to the routing definition name to access the Routings component and confirm the routing definition parameters.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicConfirming the Parameters of the Routing Definition

Access the Routings-Parameters page (PeopleTools, Integration Broker, Integration Setup, Service Operations, Routings. Select the link attached to the routing definition name, then select the Parameters tab).

On the Routings tab of the Service Operations component, select the link attached to the routing definition name. This link accesses the Routing Definitions component. Select the Parameters tab and complete the following steps:

  1. Confirm the external alias name in the External Alias field for the routing is correct. When sending or receiving data, the Integration Broker determines which routing to use by referring to the external alias name, not the routing name.

  2. Add or change the transform programs on this routing definition. A routing definition defines the sending and receiving nodes for a transaction and specifies any inbound and outbound transformations to invoke. A transform program is a type of PeopleSoft Application Engine program that can convert data from one format to another; for example, from XML to a flat file. Use a transform program when one node sends a request or response message with a data structure different from the structure required by the other node. You must decide, based on your environment, to change, remove, or add transform programs. The SALES_ORDER_LOAD_EDI_850 routing definition is delivered with the transform program, EDI_850_I, to convert incoming data from the EDI X.12 850 transaction format to the standard PeopleSoft format for sales orders. If you are not using EDI then you will want to use the SALES_ORDER_LOAD routing definition instead.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicVerifying the Node is Active

Access the Node Definitions page (PeopleTools, Integration Broker, Integration Setup, Nodes, Node Definitions).

Verify the Active Node check box has been selected for any nodes used in the routings that you activated on the Service Operations-Routings page for SALES_ORDER_LOAD service operation. If the routings are from "ANY" node, verify each node you plan to integrate from is active.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting the Inbound File Rule for EDI Flat File Data

Access the Inbound File Loader Rules page (PeopleTools, Integration Broker, File Utilities, Inbound File Loader Rules).

For inbound flat file data using the EDI X.12 850 format, configure and activate the inbound file loader rule within PeopleSoft Integration Broker.

See Also

Enterprise PeopleTools PeopleBook: Integration Broker, "Using the Inbound File Loader Utility"

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting the Inbound File Rule for Non-EDI Flat File Data

Access the File Inbound page (Enterprise Components, Integration Definitions, Inbound File Rule).

For inbound flat files that are not using the EDI X.12 850 format, configure and activate the inbound file rule within the PeopleSoft Enterprise Components menu.

  1. Adding the Definition Name of SALES_ORDER, and Message Name of SALES_ORDER_LOAD.

  2. Confirming that the Status field is set to Active.

Note. If the file identified in the Inbound File field is an index file, as shown in the page shot above, then the index file lists the names of a set of data files to be processed. Each line of the index file must reference a plain text file using a file name with full directory path information. The wildcards * and ? may be used only in the file name and not in the directory path.

See Also

PeopleSoft Enterprise Components for PeopleSoft Enterprise Financial Management Solutions, Enterprise Service Automation, Asset Lifecycle Management, and Supply Chain Management 9.1 PeopleBook

Click to jump to parent topicExample: Processing the Sales Order Load EIP

This section discusses how you process inbound sales orders.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Process Sales Orders Load EIP

Page Name

Definition Name



Inbound File Processing


PeopleTools, Integration Broker, File Utilities, Inbound File Processing

Launch this process to load sales order data from a flat file using an EDI X.12 850 format. The data is loaded into PeopleSoft's staging tables.

Inbound File


Enterprise Components, Integration Definitions, Initiate Processes, Inbound File Publish

Launch this process to bring sales order data in a non-EDI flat file (EDI X.12 850 format) into PeopleSoft's inbound staging tables.

Electronic Commerce


Order Management, Electronic Commerce, Process Staged Orders/RFQs

Launch this process to load inbound sales order data from the inbound staging tables to the PeopleSoft production tables.

Data Def Maint (Data Definition Maintenance)


SCM Integrations, Transaction Error Handling, Maintain Data Definitions

View data detail or correct errors for inbound sales order transactions.

Error Summary


Click the Detail button on the Data Definition Maintenance page.

View the error queue for inbound sales order data that failed to load into the PeopleSoft production tables.

Order Completion


Order Management, Quotes and Orders, Process Orders, Order Completion

Run the Order Completion process to complete processing for the request for all inbound sales order data.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicLoading EDI Flat File Data

Access the Inbound File Processing page (PeopleTools, Integration Broker, File Utilities, Inbound File Processing).

For inbound flat file data using the EDI X.12 850 format, use the Inbound File Processing run control page to launch the Application Engine process PTIB_INFILE that initiates the file-to-message processing. The file-to-message processing function reads the file and publishes it as a message.

File Identifier

Select or enter the name of the file identifier that you set up in the Inbound File Loader Rules page. The file identifier is tied to the publish rules.

Index Flag

A read-only field that indicates if the file being processed is an index file or a data file. When checked, the Inbound File Loader utility is processing an index file.

File Layout ID

A read-only field that displays the file layout ID associated with the file in the Inbound File Loader Rules page.

Inbound File

A read-only field that displays the name of the file being processed.

See Also

Enterprise PeopleTools PeopleBook: Integration Broker, "Using the Inbound File Loader Utility"

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicLoading Non-EDI Flat File Data

Access the Inbound File process page (Enterprise Components, Integration Definitions, Initiate Processes, Inbound File Publish).

For inbound flat file data not using the EDI format, use the Inbound File run control page to launch an Application Engine process that initiates the file-to-message processing. The file-to-message processing function reads the file and publishes it as a message.

See Also

PeopleSoft Enterprise Components for PeopleSoft Enterprise Financial Management Solutions, Enterprise Service Automation, Asset Lifecycle Management, and Supply Chain Management 9.1 PeopleBook

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicRunning Electronic Commerce

Access the Run Electronic Commerce page (Order Management, Electronic Commerce, Process Staged Orders/RFQs).

The Electronic Commerce process (OM_EC) is part of the overall inbound electronic commerce flow and is the process that takes sales orders that are loaded in the staging tables and validates the fields that are on the record to insure that the values are correct. The process performs these steps:

See Also

Running Electronic Commerce for Inbound Sales Orders and Quote EIPs

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCorrecting Errors

Access the Data Definition Maintenance page (SCM Integrations, Transaction Error Handling, Maintain Data Definitions).

Use the Data Definition Maintenance page to view the status of the transaction. Select a Transaction Type of PO. Enter a business Unit. Click the Search button.

Click the Details icon to access the Error Summary page where you can view and correct errors.

Navigate to the Header, Line, Schedule, Addresses, Notes, or User Defined References to fix errors.

See Also

Using Sales Order and Quotation Enterprise Integration Points

Using Data Definition Maintenance

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCompleting the Orders

Access the Order Completion page (Order Management, Quotes and Orders, Process Orders, Order Completion).

The Order Completion/Repricing process (OM_BACKGRND) completes processing for sales orders that are entered into PeopleSoft Order Management by several methods, including flat file and XML messages. Completing this process enables you to access the orders from the Order Entry Form component.

Enter the selection criteria, and click Run.

See Also

Running Order Completion/Repricing

Click to jump to parent topicExample: Setting Up the Sales Order Acknowledgement EIP

This section discusses the Sales Order Acknowledgement EIP.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding the Sales Order Acknowledgment EIP

The Sales Order Acknowledgement EIP is an asynchronous outbound service operation to send an acknowledgement to your customers that a sales order has been received. The data from this service operation is passed to a third-party system or to PeopleSoft CRM. The Sales Order Acknowledgement EIP meets EDI requirements of the X.12 855 transaction set.

Before you can send order acknowledgements with the Sales Order Acknowledgement EIP, you must:

Type of Setup


Complete application setup

Associate customers receiving sales order acknowledgements with an ACKN document code and a preferred communication value of XML Only or XML and Print. If PeopleSoft Order Management is installed, you set up these values on the Contact Additional Info page in the Maintain Contact component.

Complete Integration Broker setup

  • Activate the SALES_ORDER_ACKNOWLEDGEMENT service operation.

  • Verify the queue is in run mode.

  • Activate the handler.

  • Activate the routing.

  • Confirm the parameters of the routing definition.

  • Verify the node is active.

Complete Enterprise Component setup

  • Activate the associated batch publish rule and specify the appropriate output for the message (an XML-based message or a flat file). If you are using message chunking, select a chunking rule ID.

  • If you are using message chunking, set up the chunking rule mapping definitions.

See Also

Setting Up Service Operations

Integrating With a Third-Party Point-of-Use Supplier System

Integrating With a Third-Party Surgical Resource Software Application

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Set Up the Sales Order Acknowledgement EIP

Page Name

Definition Name





Customers, Contact Information

Maintain information about each contact.

Contact Customer


Click the Contact Customer Information link on the Contact page.

Indicate the primary ship to contact.

Contact Additional Info


Click the Additional Info link for a contact on the Contact Customer page.

Enter the preferred communication method for the selected document.

Service Operations-General


PeopleTools, Integration Broker, Integration Setup, Service Operations, General

Define and activate a service operation.

Service Operations-Handlers


PeopleTools, Integration Broker, Integration Setup, Service Operations, Handlers

Activate one or more service operation handlers.

Service Operations-Routings


PeopleTools, Integration Broker, Integration Setup, Service Operations, Routings

Define and activate routing definitions on the service operation.



  • PeopleTools, Integration Broker, Integration Setup, Service Operations, Routings. Select the link attached to the routing definition name, then select the Parameters tab.

  • PeopleTools, Integration Broker, Integration Setup, Routings, Parameters

Verify the external service alias name, nodes, and transform programs used by this routing.

Queue Definitions


  • PeopleTools, Integration Broker, Integration Setup, Service Operations, General. Select the Queue link attached to this service operation.

  • PeopleTools, Integration Broker, Integration Setup, Queues

Activate the queue used by the service operation.

Node Definitions


PeopleTools, Integration Broker, Integration Setup, Nodes, Node Definitions

Activate node used by the service operation.



PeopleTools, Integration Broker, Integration Setup, Nodes, Connectors

For an outbound service operation, verify the node is connected to the correct network.

Batch Publish Rules


Enterprise Components, Integration Definitions, Batch Publish Rules

Set up publication rules. You must activate a publish rule for the publication messages you create to follow. This rule includes instructions on message chunking, if necessary.

Customer ID Chunk


SCM Integrations, Chunking Rule, CustID to Node Mapping

Set up chunking by customer for the batch publish rule.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicVerifying Contacts

Access the Contact page (Customers, Contact Information) using the Customer ID in the correct history mode.

You must ensure that the customer you are interacting with has a contact set up to accept EDI transmissions, and that the contact is a ship to contact.

Access the Contact Customer page using the Contact Customer Information link on the Contact page.

Select the Primary Ship To check box to receive the proper shipping notifications.

Under the Documentation link, make sure the Document Code is ACKN (order acknowledgement), and Preferred Communication is XML & Print or XML Only.

See Also

Maintaining Contacts

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicActivating the Sales Order Acknowledgement Service Operation

Use the PeopleSoft Integration Broker to activate the Sales Order Acknowledgement service operation.

Access the Service Operations-General page (PeopleTools, Integration Broker, Integration Setup, Service Operations, General).

For the SALES_ORDER_ACKNOWLEDGEMENT service operation, select the Active check box for the applicable service operation version. If the desired version is not the default version for the service operation, the default version must also be activated.

On the General tab of the Service Operations component, select the View Queue link at the bottom of the page to access the Queue Definitions page.

Service Operation Versions

The Default Service Operation Version group box displays the most current version of this service operation. If there have been changes to the PeopleSoft application that have required the service operation to change, for example new fields or tables, then the Non-Default Versions group box displays any older versions of the service operation based on the older release of the PeopleSoft application. The default version is always the current version, however you can use a non-default version to communicate with third-party systems that want to receive the data based on an old version. Select the link in the Non-Default Versions box to access the Service Operation Version page. This page contains information about the non-default version, including message and queue. In addition, the Logical Transforms group box contains transforms to convert the data to or from the default version. A transform program is a type of PeopleSoft Application Engine program that can convert data from one format to another. Based on your environment, you will review and possibly change these transforms.

See Also

Enterprise PeopleTools PeopleBook: Integration Broker

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicVerifying the Queue is in Run Mode

Access the Queue Definitions page (PeopleTools, Integration Broker, Integration Setup, Service Operations, General. Select the Queue link attached to this service operation).

For the SALES_ORDER_ACKNOWLEDGEMENT queue, verify the Queue Status field has a value of Run.

Click the Return button to go back to the Service Operations component.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicActivating the Handler

Access the Service Operations-Handlers page (PeopleTools, Integration Broker, Integration Setup, Service Operations, Handlers).

For the SALES_ORDER_ACKNOWLEDGEMENT service operation, click the Handlers tab of the Service Operations component. If you want to use chunking, select the value of Active in the Status field for the OnRoute handler.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicActivating the Routings

Access the Service Operations-Routings page (PeopleTools, Integration Broker, Integration Setup, Service Operations, Routings).

For the SALES_ORDER_ACKNOWLEDGEMENT service operation, click the Routings tab of the Service Operations component. Activate an outbound routing definition for each receiver node and external alias name that data will be sent to. To activate a routing, select the check box next to the routing definition and click the Activate Selected Routings button. The following routing definitions are predefined:

Note. You do not need to select a routing definition if the batch publish rule is set up to post to a flat file only.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicConfirming the Parameters of the Routing Definition

Access the Routings-Parameters page (PeopleTools, Integration Broker, Integration Setup, Routings, Parameters).

On the Routings tab of the Service Operations component, select the link attached to the routing definition name. This link accesses the Routing Definitions component. Select the Parameters tab and complete the following steps:

  1. Confirm the external alias name in the External Alias field for the routing is correct. When sending or receiving data, the Integration Broker determines which routing to use by referring to the external alias name, not the routing name.

  2. Verify or change the transform programs on this routing definition. A routing definition defines the sending and receiving nodes for a transaction and specifies any inbound and outbound transformations to invoke. A transform program is a type of PeopleSoft Application Engine program that can convert data from one format to another; for example, from XML to a flat file. Use a transform program when one node sends a request or response message with a data structure different from the structure required by the other node. You must decide, based on your environment, to change, remove, or add transform programs. The SALES_ORDER_ACKNOWLEDG_EDI_855 routing definition is delivered with two transform programs. The EDI_855_O transform program converts outbound sales order acknowledgements from the standard PeopleSoft XML format to the EDI X.12 855 transaction format (still in XML). The XML_TO_FILE transform program converts the EDI X.12 855 formatted data from XML to a flat file format. You can remove the XML_TO_FILE transform program to send your data in the XML EDI X.12 855 format. If you are not using EDI then you will want to use the SALES_ORDER_ACKNOWLEDGEMENT_V2 routing definition instead.

    The transform program, to convert data from the current version of a service operation to an older version, is located on the Service Operation Version page of the non-default version. Select the non-default version on the Service Operations-General page to access the Service Operation Version page.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicVerifying the Node is Active

Access the Node Definitions page (PeopleTools, Integration Broker, Integration Setup, Nodes, Node Definitions).

Verify the Active Node check box has been selected for any nodes used in the routings that you activated on the Service Operations-Routings page for SALES_ORDER_ACKNOWLEDGEMENT service operation.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicVerifying the Node is Connected to the Network

Access the Nodes-Connectors page (PeopleTools, Integration Broker, Integration Setup, Nodes, Connectors).

For an outbound service operation, verify the node or routing is connected to the correct network using the Gateway ID and Connector ID fields. Depending on the file output location, you may need a password. If a password is needed, you should use the password encryption utility on this page.

Note. Your database administrator will need to assist you with this setup.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicActivate the Batch Publish Rule

Access the Batch Publish Rules page (Enterprise Components, Integration Definitions, Batch Publish Rules).

For the SALES_ORDER_ACKNOWLEDGEMENT message name (service operation):

  1. Select Active Status to activate this publish rule definition.

  2. Select the appropriate Output Format. The PeopleSoft Application Engine program can create either an Extensible Markup Language (XML) message that flows through PeopleSoft Integration Broker architecture or a flat file generated on the PeopleSoft Process Scheduler server and not published elsewhere.

  3. If you want to use message chunking, configure a chunking rule and then enter it in the Chunking Rule ID field.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Up Chunking for the Batch Publish Rule

Access the Customer ID Chunk page (SCM Integrations, Chunking Rule, CustID to Node Mapping).

If using chunking for the batch publish rule, set up the chunking rule mapping definitions. You can use a delivered chunking rule or create a new chunking rule.

If using the CUSTOMER_ID chunking rule ID, access the Customer ID Chunk page.

Select the node for each customer that receives electronic data.

Chunking is only needed if you have requirements to break up the outbound data and send them to different destinations based on attributes in the message such as business unit or customer ID. For example, use chunking to send a single customer's messages to a specific node setup for that trading partner. If you are using a middleware product to actually determine trading partner destinations then a single transaction with all trading partner transactions can usually be sent directly to the middleware product. You would not need to activate message chunking in this situation.

See Also

Setting Up Chunking

Click to jump to parent topicExample: Processing the Sales Order Acknowledgement EIP

This section discusses processing the Sales Order Acknowledgement EIP.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Process the Sales Order Acknowledgement EIPs

Page Name

Definition Name



Publish Outbound Message


SCM Integrations, Publish Outbound Message

Initiate the outbound message publish process for outbound SCM messages that use the batch publish design pattern.

Order Acknowledgement Message Selection Criteria


Select the Sales Order Acknowledgement check box on the page to enable its link. Click the link to launch the PO Sales Order Acknowledgement page.

Enter processing options for the Sales Order Acknowledgement outbound messages. You can select processing options for only one message at a time.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPublishing Outbound Sales Order Acknowledgement Messages

Access the Publish Outbound Message page (SCM Integrations, Publish Outbound Message).

Click the Sales Order Acknowledgement check box, and click the Sales Order Acknowledgement link to access the Order Acknowledgement Message Selection Criteria page.

For technical details about individual EIPs, use the Interactive Services Repository (ISR) in the My Oracle Support website located at

Click to jump to parent topicExample: Setting Up the Purchase Order Dispatch EIP

This section discusses setting up the Purchase Order Dispatch EIP.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding the Purchase Order Dispatch EIP

The Purchase Order Dispatch EIP is an outbound asynchronous service operation to send purchase orders and purchase order change requests (change orders) to vendors. If enabled, the system generates a Purchase Order Dispatch EIP transaction when you run the Publish Outbound Message process. This message also supports flat-file processing. You can specify whether to send purchase orders based on business unit or vendor.

Before you can publish messages with the Purchase Order Dispatch EIP, you must:

Types of Setup


Complete application setup

On the purchase order, specify EDX as the PO dispatch method.

Complete Integration Broker setup

  • Activate the PURCHASE_ORDER_DISPATCH service operation.

  • Verify the queue is in run mode.

  • Activate the handler.

  • Activate the routing.

  • Confirm the parameters of the routing definition.

  • Verify the node is active.

Complete Enterprise Component setup

  • Activate the associated batch publish rule and specify the appropriate output for the message (an XML-based message or a flat file). If you are using message chunking, select a chunking rule ID.

  • If you are using message chunking, set up the chunking rule mapping definitions.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Set Up the Purchase Order Dispatch EIP

Page Name

Definition Name



PO Header Details


Purchasing, Purchase Orders, Add/Update POs.

Click the Header Details link on the Purchase Order page.

Enter or change PO header information online.

Service Operations-General


PeopleTools, Integration Broker, Integration Setup, Service Operations, General

Define and activate a service operation.

Service Operations-Handlers


PeopleTools, Integration Broker, Integration Setup, Service Operations, Handlers

Activate one or more service operation handlers.

Service Operations-Routings


PeopleTools, Integration Broker, Integration Setup, Service Operations, Routings

Define and activate routing definitions on the service operation.



  • PeopleTools, Integration Broker, Integration Setup, Service Operations, Routings. Select the link attached to the routing definition name, then select the Parameters tab.

  • PeopleTools, Integration Broker, Integration Setup, Routings, Parameters

Verify the external service alias name, nodes, and transform programs used by this routing.

Queue Definitions


  • PeopleTools, Integration Broker, Integration Setup, Service Operations, General. Select the Queue link attached to this service operation.

  • PeopleTools, Integration Broker, Integration Setup, Queues

Activate the queue used by the service operation.

Node Definitions


PeopleTools, Integration Broker, Integration Setup, Nodes, Node Definitions

Activate node used by the service operation.



PeopleTools, Integration Broker, Integration Setup, Nodes, Connectors

For an outbound service operation, verify the node is connected to the correct network.

Batch Publish Rules


Enterprise Components, Integration Definitions, Batch Publish Rules

Set up publication rules. You must activate a publish rule for the publication messages you create to follow. This rule includes instructions on message chunking, if necessary.

Setup Vendor to Node


SCM Integrations, Chunking Rule, Manage ChunkRule Vendor ID Map

Set up chunking for the batch publish rule.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting the Purchase Order Dispatch Method

Access the PO Header Details page (Purchasing, Purchase Orders, Add/Update POs).

Select the Dispatch check box to ensure that the system dispatches the PO. Also, select a dispatch Method of EDX.

See Also

Creating Purchase Orders Online

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicActivating the Purchase Order Dispatch Service Operation

Use the PeopleSoft Integration Broker to activate the Purchase Order Dispatch service operation.

Access the Service Operations-General page (PeopleTools, Integration Broker, Integration Setup, Service Operations, General).

For the PURCHASE_ORDER_DISPATCH service operation, select the Active check box for the applicable service operation version. If the desired version is not the default version for the service operation, the default version must also be activated.

On the General tab of the Service Operations component, select the View Queue link at the bottom of the page to access the Queue Definitions page.

Service Operation Versions

The Default Service Operation Version group box displays the most current version of this service operation. If there have been changes to the PeopleSoft application that have required the service operation to change, for example new fields or tables, then the Non-Default Versions group box displays any older versions of the service operation based on the older release of the PeopleSoft application. The default version is always the current version, however you can use a non-default version to communicate with third-party systems that want to receive the data based on an old version. Select the link in the Non-Default Versions box to access the Service Operation Version page. This page contains information about the non-default version, including message and queue. In addition, the Logical Transforms group box contains transforms to convert the data to or from the default version. A transform program is a type of PeopleSoft Application Engine program that can convert data from one format to another. Based on your environment, you will review and possibly change these transforms.

See Also

Enterprise PeopleTools PeopleBook: Integration Broker

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicVerifying the Queue is in Run Mode

Access the Queue Definitions page (PeopleTools, Integration Broker, Integration Setup, Service Operations, General. Select the Queue link attached to this service operation).

For the PURCHASE_ORDER queue, verify the Queue Status field has a value of Run.

Click the Return button to go back to the Service Operations component.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicActivating the Handler

Access the Service Operations-Handlers page (PeopleTools, Integration Broker, Integration Setup, Service Operations, Handlers).

For the PURCHASE_ORDER_DISPATCH service operation, click the Handlers tab of the Service Operations component. If you are using chunking, select the value of Active in the Status field for the OnRoute handler.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicActivating the Routings

Access the Service Operations-Routings page (PeopleTools, Integration Broker, Integration Setup, Service Operations, Routings).

For the PURCHASE_ORDER_DISPATCH service operation, click the Routings tab of the Service Operations component. Activate an outbound routing definition for each receiver node and external alias name that data will be sent to. To activate a routing, select the check box next to the routing definition and click the Activate Selected Routings button. The following routing definitions are predefined:

Note. You do not need to select a routing definition if the batch publish rule is set up to post to a flat file only.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicConfirming the Parameters of the Routing Definition

Access the Routings-Parameters page (PeopleTools, Integration Broker, Integration Setup, Routings, Parameters).

On the Routings tab of the Service Operations component, select the link attached to the routing definition name. This link accesses the Routing Definitions component. Select the Parameters tab and complete the following steps:

  1. Confirm the external alias name in the External Alias field for the routing is correct. When sending or receiving data, the Integration Broker determines which routing to use by referring to the external alias name, not the routing name.

  2. Verify or change the transform programs on this routing definition. A routing definition defines the sending and receiving nodes for a transaction and specifies any inbound and outbound transformations to invoke. A transform program is a type of PeopleSoft Application Engine program that can convert data from one format to another; for example, from XML to a flat file. Use a transform program when one node sends a request or response message with a data structure different from the structure required by the other node. You must decide, based on your environment, to change, remove, or add transform programs.

    The transform program, to convert data from the current version of a service operation to an older version, is located on the Service Operation Version page of the non-default version. Select the non-default version on the Service Operations-General page to access the Service Operation Version page.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicVerifying the Node is Active

Access the Node Definitions page (PeopleTools, Integration Broker, Integration Setup, Nodes, Node Definitions).

Verify the Active Node check box has been selected for any nodes used in the routings that you activated on the Service Operations-Routings page for PURCHASE_ORDER_DISPATCH service operation.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicVerifying the Node is Connected to the Network

Access the Nodes-Connectors page (PeopleTools, Integration Broker, Integration Setup, Nodes, Connectors).

For an outbound service operation, verify the node or routing is connected to the correct network using the Gateway ID and Connector ID fields. Depending on the file output location, you may need a password. If a password is needed, you should use the password encryption utility on this page.

Note. Your database administrator will need to assist you with this setup.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicActivate the Batch Publish Rule

Access the Batch Publish Rules page (Enterprise Components, Integration Definitions, Batch Publish Rules).

For the PURCHASE_ORDER_DISPATCH message name (service operation):

  1. Select Active Status to activate this publish rule definition.

  2. Select the appropriate Output Format. The PeopleSoft Application Engine program can create either an Extensible Markup Language (XML) message that flows through PeopleSoft Integration Broker architecture or a flat file generated on the PeopleSoft Process Scheduler server and not published elsewhere.

  3. If you want to use message chunking, configure the chunking rule and then enter it in the Chunking Rule ID field.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Up Chunking for the Batch Publish Rule

Access the Setup Vendor to Node page (SCM Integrations, Chunking Rule, Manage ChunkRule Vendor ID Map).

If using chunking for the batch publish rule, set up the chunking rule mapping definitions. You can use a delivered chunking rule or create a new chunking rule.

If using the VENDOR_ID chunking rule ID, access the Setup Vendor to Node page. If using the BUSINESS_UNIT chunking rule ID, access the BusUnit Mapping page.

Select the node for each vendor that receives electronic data.

Chunking is only needed if you have requirements to break up the outbound data and send them to different destinations based on attributes in the message such as business unit or vendor ID. For example, use chunking to send a single vendor's messages to a specific node setup for that trading partner. If you are using a middleware product to actually determine trading partner destinations then a single transaction with all trading partner transactions can usually be sent directly to the middleware product. You would not need to activate message chunking in this situation.

See Also

Setting Up Chunking

Click to jump to parent topicExample: Processing the Purchase Order Dispatch EIP

This section discusses processing the purchase order dispatch EIP.

See Also

Creating Purchase Orders Online

Dispatching and Printing Purchase Orders

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Process the Purchase Order EIP

Page Name

Definition Name



Dispatch Purchase Orders


Purchasing, Purchase Orders, Dispatch POs

Run the PO Dispatch/Print process and dispatch POs, run the Email process, or run the PO Dispatch & Email multiprocess job.

Publish Outbound Message


SCM Integrations, Publish Outbound Message

Initiate the outbound message publish process for outbound SCM messages that use the batch publish design pattern.

PO Dispatch Message Selection Criteria


Select Purchase Order Dispatch on the Publish Outbound Message page to enable the Purchase Order Dispatch link. Click the Purchase Order Dispatch link to launch the PO Dispatch Message Selection Criteria page.

Launch the Purchase Order Dispatch outbound transaction.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDispatching Purchase Orders

Access the Dispatch Purchase Orders process page (Purchasing, Purchase Orders, Dispatch POs).

Ensure that the PO to be dispatched is included in your selection criteria. Click Run to stage POs for dispatch.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPublishing Outbound Purchase Order Messages

Access the Publish Outbound Message page (SCM Integrations, Publish Outbound Message).

Click the Purchase Order Dispatch check box, and click the Purchase Order Dispatch link to access the Purchase Order Dispatch page.

  1. Select BU or Vendor as a Selection Type.

  2. If you select BU, the BU Sel Type fields are enabled, and you can select All BUs or a 1 Bus Unit. If you select Vendor, the Vendor Selection Type fields are enabled, and you can select 1 Vendor or All Vendor.

For technical details about individual EIPs, use the Interactive Services Repository (ISR) in the My Oracle Support website located at

Click to jump to parent topicExample: Setting Up the Advanced Shipping Notice EIP

This section discusses the Advanced Shipping Notice EIP.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding the Advanced Shipping Notice EIP

The Advanced Shipping Notice (ASN) EIP is an asynchronous outbound service operation to notify your customers that a sales order has been shipped. The data from this service operation is passed to an external system or to the PeopleSoft CRM Field Service and CRM Order Capture applications. The Advanced Shipping Notice EIP meets EDI requirements of the X.12 856−Shipping Notice/Manifest transaction set, and is also used with warehouse management systems. An ASN transaction is generated when a sales order entered from PeopleSoft Order Management has been depleted in PeopleSoft Inventory. You can specify whether to generate the ASN for all sales order shipments in the business unit, sales orders belonging to a specific shipping ID, sales orders for a specific sold to customer, or sales orders for a specific ship to customer.

Before you can publish messages with the Advanced Shipment Notice EIP, you must:

Type of Setup


Complete application setup

  • Select the Use Advanced Shipment Notice option for the business unit on the Inventory Definition - Business Unit Options page.

  • Associate customers receiving Advanced Shipment Notice EIP data with an ASN document code and a preferred communication value of XML Only or XML and Print. If PeopleSoft Order Management is installed, you set up these values on the Contact Additional Info page in the Contact Information component.

Complete Integration Broker setup

  • Activate the ADVANCED_SHIPPING_NOTICE service operation.

  • Verify the queue is in run mode.

  • Activate the handler.

  • Activate the routing.

  • Confirm the parameters of the routing definition.

  • Verify the node is active and connected to the correct network.

Complete Enterprise Component setup

  • Activate the associated batch publish rule and specify the appropriate output for the message (an XML-based message or a flat file). If you are using message chunking, select a chunking rule ID.

  • If you are using message chunking, set up the chunking rule mapping definitions.

See Also

Creating Advanced Shipping Notices

Integrating With a Third-Party Point-of-Use Supplier System

Integrating With a Third-Party Surgical Resource Software Application

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Set Up the Advanced Shipping Notice EIP

Page Name

Definition Name



Business Unit Definition - Inventory Options page


Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Business Unit Related, Inventory, Inventory Definition, Inventory Options

Define external interfaces.



Customers, Contact Information

Maintain information about each contact.

Contact Customer


Click the Contact Customer Information link on the Contact page.

Indicate the primary ship to contact.

Contact Additional Info


Click the Additional Info link for a contact on the Contact Customer page.

Enter the preferred communication method for the selected document.

Service Operations-General


PeopleTools, Integration Broker, Integration Setup, Service Operations, General

Define and activate a service operation.

Service Operations-Handlers


PeopleTools, Integration Broker, Integration Setup, Service Operations, Handlers

Activate one or more service operation handlers.

Service Operations-Routings


PeopleTools, Integration Broker, Integration Setup, Service Operations, Routings

Define and activate routing definitions on the service operation.



  • PeopleTools, Integration Broker, Integration Setup, Service Operations, Routings. Select the link attached to the routing definition name, then select the Parameters tab.

  • PeopleTools, Integration Broker, Integration Setup, Routings, Parameters

Verify the external service alias name, nodes, and transform programs used by this routing.

Queue Definitions


  • PeopleTools, Integration Broker, Integration Setup, Service Operations, General. Select the Queue link attached to this service operation.

  • PeopleTools, Integration Broker, Integration Setup, Queues

Activate the queue used by the service operation.

Node Definitions


PeopleTools, Integration Broker, Integration Setup, Nodes, Node Definitions

Activate node used by the service operation.



PeopleTools, Integration Broker, Integration Setup, Nodes, Connectors

For an outbound service operation, verify the node is connected to the correct network.

Batch Publish Rules


Enterprise Components, Integration Definitions, Batch Publish Rules

Set up publication rules. You must activate a publish rule for the publication messages you create to follow. This rule includes instructions on message chunking, if necessary.

Customer ID Chunk


SCM Integrations, Chunking Rule, CustID to Node Mapping

Set up chunking for the batch publish rule.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEnabling the Inventory Business Unit

You must enable ASN generation in the business unit shipping the items.

Access the Inventory Definition - Business Unit Options page (Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Business Unit Related, Inventory, Inventory Definition, Inventory Options).

Select the Use Advanced Shipment Notice check box in the External Interfaces group box.

See Also

Defining PeopleSoft Inventory Business Unit Attributes

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicVerifying Contacts

You must ensure that the customer you are interacting with has a contact set up to accept EDI transmissions, and that the contact is a ship to contact.

Access the Contact page (Customers, Contact Information) using the Customer ID in the correct history mode.

Access the Contact Customer page using the Contact Customer Information link on the Contact page.

Select the Primary Ship To check box to receive the proper shipping notifications.

Click the Documentation link corresponding to the appropriate customer to access the Contact Additional Info page.

Under the Documentation group box, make sure the Document Code is ASN (advanced shipping notification), and Preferred Communication is XML & Print or XML Only.

See Also

Entering Contact Credit Card Information

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicActivating the ASN Service Operation

Use the PeopleSoft Integration Broker to activate the Advanced Shipping Notice service operation.

Access the Service Operations-General page (PeopleTools, Integration Broker, Integration Setup, Service Operations, General).

For the ADVANCED_SHIPPING_NOTICE service operation, select the Active check box for the applicable service operation version. If the desired version is not the default version for the service operation, the default version must also be activated.

On the General tab of the Service Operations component, select the View Queue link at the bottom of the page to access the Queue Definitions page.

Service Operation Versions

The Default Service Operation Version group box displays the most current version of this service operation. If there have been changes to the PeopleSoft application that have required the service operation to change, for example new fields or tables, then the Non-Default Versions group box displays any older versions of the service operation based on the older release of the PeopleSoft application. The default version is always the current version, however you can use a non-default version to communicate with third-party systems that want to receive the data based on an old version. Select the link in the Non-Default Versions box to access the Service Operation Version page. This page contains information about the non-default version, including message and queue. In addition, the Logical Transforms group box contains transforms to convert the data to or from the default version. A transform program is a type of PeopleSoft Application Engine program that can convert data from one format to another. Based on your environment, you will review and possibly change these transforms.

See Also

PeopleTools 8.50 PeopleBook: PeopleSoft Integration Broker

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicVerifying the Queue is in Run Mode

Access the Queue Definitions page (PeopleTools, Integration Broker, Integration Setup, Service Operations, General. Select the Queue link attached to this service operation).

For the ADVANCED_SHIPPING_NOTICE queue, verify the Queue Status field has a value of Run.

Click the Return button to go back to the Service Operations component.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicActivating the Handler

Access the Service Operations-Handlers page (PeopleTools, Integration Broker, Integration Setup, Service Operations, Handlers).

For the ADVANCED_SHIPPING_NOTICE service operation, click the Handlers tab of the Service Operations component. If you are using chunking, select the value of Active in the Status field for the OnRoute handler.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicActivating the Routings

Access the Service Operations-Routings page (PeopleTools, Integration Broker, Integration Setup, Service Operations, Routings).

For the ADVANCED_SHIPPING_NOTICE service operation, click the Routings tab of the Service Operations component. Activate an outbound routing definition for each receiver node and external alias name that data will be sent to. To activate a routing, select the check box next to the routing definition and click the Activate Selected Routings button. The following routing definitions are predefined:

Note. You do not need to select a routing definition if the batch publish rule is set up to post to a flat file only.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicConfirming the Parameters of the Routing Definition

Access the Routings-Parameters page (PeopleTools, Integration Broker, Integration Setup, Routings, Parameters).

On the Routings tab of the Service Operations component, select the link attached to the routing definition name. This link accesses the Routing Definitions component. Select the Parameters tab and complete the following steps:

  1. Confirm the external alias name in the External Alias field for the routing is correct. When sending or receiving data, the Integration Broker determines which routing to use by referring to the external alias name, not the routing name.

  2. Verify or change the transform programs on this routing definition. A routing definition defines the sending and receiving nodes for a transaction and specifies any inbound and outbound transformations to invoke. A transform program is a type of PeopleSoft Application Engine program that can convert data from one format to another; for example, from XML to a flat file. Use a transform program when one node sends a request or response message with a data structure different from the structure required by the other node. You must decide, based on your environment, to change, remove, or add transform programs. The ADVANCED_SHIPPING_NOTI_EDI_856 routing definition is delivered with two transform programs. The EDI_856_O transform program converts outbound shipping notices from the standard PeopleSoft XML format to the EDI X.12 856 transaction format (still in XML). The XML_TO_FILE transform program converts the EDI X.12 856 formatted data from XML to a flat file format. You can remove the XML_TO_FILE transform program to send your data in the XML EDI X.12 856 format. If you are not using EDI then you will want to use the ADVANCED_SHIPPING_NOTICE routing definition instead.

    The transform program, to convert data from the current version of a service operation to an older version, is located on the Service Operation Version page of the non-default version. Select the non-default version on the Service Operations-General page to access the Service Operation Version page.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicVerifying the Node is Active

Access the Node Definitions page (PeopleTools, Integration Broker, Integration Setup, Nodes, Node Definitions).

Verify the Active Node check box has been selected for any nodes used in the routings that you activated on the Service Operations-Routings page for ADVANCED_SHIPPING_NOTICE service operation.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicVerifying the Node is Connected to the Network

Access the Nodes-Connectors page (PeopleTools, Integration Broker, Integration Setup, Nodes, Connectors).

For an outbound service operation, verify the node or routing is connected to the correct network using the Gateway ID and Connector ID fields. Depending on the file output location, you may need a password. If a password is needed, you should use the password encryption utility on this page.

Note. Your database administrator will need to assist you with this setup.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicActivate the Batch Publish Rule

Access the Batch Publish Rules page (Enterprise Components, Integration Definitions, Batch Publish Rules).

For the ADVANCED_SHIPPING_NOTICE message name (service operation):

  1. Select Active Status to activate this publish rule definition.

  2. Select the appropriate Output Format. The PeopleSoft Application Engine program can create either an Extensible Markup Language (XML) message that flows through PeopleSoft Integration Broker architecture or a flat file generated on the PeopleSoft Process Scheduler server and not published elsewhere. If you are sending data to a PeopleSoft system, select Message as your format.

  3. If you want to use message chunking, configure a chunking rule and then enter it in the Chunking Rule ID field.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Up Chunking for the Batch Publish Rule

Access the Customer ID Chunk page (SCM Integrations, Chunking Rule, CustID to Node Mapping).

If using chunking for the batch publish rule, set up the chunking rule mapping definitions. You can use a delivered chunking rule or create a new chunking rule.

If using the CUSTOMER_ID chunking rule ID, access the Customer ID Chunk page.

Select the node for each customer that receives electronic data.

Chunking is only needed if you have requirements to break up the outbound data and send them to different destinations based on attributes in the message such as business unit or customer ID. The most common use of chunking with the ASN message is to send a single customer's messages to a specific node setup for that trading partner. If you are using a middleware product to actually determine trading partner destinations then a single transaction with all trading partner transactions can usually be sent directly to the middleware product. You would not need to activate message chunking in this situation.

See Also

Setting Up Chunking

Click to jump to parent topicExample: Processing the Advanced Shipping Notice EIP

This sections discusses processing the Advanced Shipping Notice EIP.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Process the Advanced Shipping Notice EIP

Page Name

Definition Name



Publish Outbound Message


SCM Integrations, Publish Outbound Message

Initiate the outbound message publish process for outbound SCM messages that use the batch publish design pattern.

Advanced Shipping Notices Selection Criteria


Select Advanced Shipping Notices on the Publish Outbound Message page to enable the Advanced Shipping Notices link. Click the Advanced Shipping Notices link to access the Advanced Shipping Notices Selection Criteria page.

Launch the Advanced Shipping Notices outbound transaction for sales orders that have been depleted.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPublishing Advanced Shipping Notices

Access the Publish Outbound Message page (SCM Integrations, Publish Outbound Message).

Click the Advanced Shipping Notices check box, and click the Advanced Shipping Notices link to access the Advanced Shipping Notices Selection Criteria page.

All Shipments

Select to generate this transaction for all sales order shipments that have been through the Depletion process (INPDDEPL), but have not previously generated an ASN.

Sold To Customer

Select to generate this transaction for a sales order with a specific sold to customer.

Ship To Customer

Select to generate this transaction for a sales order with a specific ship to customer.

Specific Shipping ID

Select to generate this transaction for sales orders with a specific shipping ID.

Source Bus Unit

Select a valid source business unit. A source business unit is the PeopleSoft Order Management business unit that created the sales order. This field is required if you elect in the Selection Options group box to generate this transaction for a specific sold to or ship to customer. This field is not available for entry if you elect in the Selection Options group box to generate this transaction for all shipments, or for a specific shipping ID.

Sold To Customer

Select a valid sold to customer. This field is only available for entry and is required if you elect in the Selection Options group box to generate this transaction for a specific sold to customer.

Ship To Customer

Select a valid ship to customer. This field is only available for entry and is required if you elect in the Selection Options group box to generate this transaction for a specific ship to customer.

Shipping ID

Select a valid shipping ID. This field is only available for entry and is required if you elect in the Selection Options group box to generate this transaction for a specific shipping ID.

Re-Generate Message

Select this option to regenerate a message for data that have already been sent out.

Note. When you navigate to the process monitor and wait till the process completes successfully, you can click the Details link and then the View Log/Trace link. This shows the output file as a link. The system generates the flat file to reflect the ASN information for the corresponding shipping ID.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicData Separation

PeopleSoft Inventory creates a single occurrence of an ASN transaction for each combination of business unit, source business unit, sold to customer, ship to customer, shipping ID, carrier ID, and ship via. The transaction also lists the ASN creation date and time, the source business unit's address, the vehicle ID, the quantity ordered, the shipping weight, and, if defined, the shipping container ID and container type.

PeopleSoft sends the generated transaction to the ship to customer, the sold to customer, or both.

Click to jump to parent topicExample: Setting Up the Billing Invoice EIP

This section discusses the Billing Invoice EIP.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding the Billing Invoice EIP

The Billing Invoice Notice EIP is an asynchronous outbound service operation to send invoices to your customers. The data from this service operation is passed to an external system. The Billing Invoice Notice EIP meets EDI requirements of the X.12 810 transaction set. The transaction is generated when you run the Finalize Bills process (BIIVC000); this populates the BI_HDR_EC table with the outbound invoice data. Once the data is in BI_HDR_EC, the outbound publish process can create the outbound message or flat file.

Before you can send invoices with the Billing Invoice EIP, you must:

Types of Setup


Complete application setup

Associate customers receiving Billing Invoice Notice EIP messages with a preferred communication value of XML Only or XML and Print, and a document code of Invoice. The system provides these values as a default to the Standard Billing - Address Info page when you create a bill for this customer.

Complete Integration Broker setup

  • Activate the BILLING_INVOICE_NOTICE service operation.

  • Verify the queue is in run mode.

  • Activate the handler.

  • Activate the routing.

  • Confirm the parameters of the routing definition.

  • Verify the node is active and connected to the correct network.

Complete Enterprise Component setup

  • Activate the associated batch publish rule and specify the appropriate output for the message (an XML-based message or a flat file). If you are using message chunking, select a chunking rule ID.

  • If you are using message chunking, set up the chunking rule mapping definitions.

See Also

Entering Contact Credit Card Information

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Process Billing Invoices

Page Name

Definition Name





Customers, Contact Information

Maintain information about each contact.

Contact Customer


Click the Contact Customer Information link on the Contact page.

Build the relationship between the contact and the different customer IDs the contact serves or is associated with. If the contact is only associated with one customer, enter that customer on this page. If the contact is a broker, for example, use this page to establish the relationships with the multiple customers that the broker serves. Set up security options on the Self Service Security tab.

Contact Additional Info


Click the Additional Info link for a contact on the Contact Customer page.

Enter the preferred communication method for the selected document.

Service Operations-General


PeopleTools, Integration Broker, Integration Setup, Service Operations, General

Define and activate a service operation.

Service Operations-Handlers


PeopleTools, Integration Broker, Integration Setup, Service Operations, Handlers

Activate one or more service operation handlers.

Service Operations-Routings


PeopleTools, Integration Broker, Integration Setup, Service Operations, Routings

Define and activate routing definitions on the service operation.



  • PeopleTools, Integration Broker, Integration Setup, Service Operations, Routings. Select the link attached to the routing definition name, then select the Parameters tab.

  • PeopleTools, Integration Broker, Integration Setup, Routings, Parameters

Verify the external service alias name, nodes, and transform programs used by this routing.

Queue Definitions


  • PeopleTools, Integration Broker, Integration Setup, Service Operations, General. Select the View Queue link attached to this service operation.

  • PeopleTools, Integration Broker, Integration Setup, Queues

Activate the queue used by the service operation.

Node Definitions


PeopleTools, Integration Broker, Integration Setup, Nodes, Node Definitions

Activate node used by the service operation.



PeopleTools, Integration Broker, Integration Setup, Nodes, Connectors

For an outbound service operation, verify the node is connected to the correct network.

Batch Publish Rules


Enterprise Components, Integration Definitions, Batch Publish Rules

Activate the batch publish rule for the publication messages you create. This rule includes instructions on message chunking, if necessary.

Customer ID Chunk


SCM Integrations, Chunking Rule, CustID to Node Mapping

Set up chunking for the batch publish rule.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicVerifying Contacts

You must ensure that the customer you are interacting with has a contact set up to accept EDI transmissions, and that the contact is a ship to contact.

Access the Contact page (Customers, Contact Information) using the Customer ID in the correct history mode.

Access the Contact Customer page using the Contact Customer Information link on the Contact page.

Click the Primary Bill To check box to receive the proper invoice notifications.

Click the Documentation link corresponding to the appropriate customer to access the Documentation page.

Under the Documentation group box, make sure the Document Code is INVC (invoice), and Preferred Communication is XML & Print or XML only.

See Also

Entering Contact Credit Card Information

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicActivating the Billing Invoice Notice Service Operation

Use the PeopleSoft Integration Broker to activate the Billing Invoice Notice service operation.

Access the Service Operations-General page (PeopleTools, Integration Broker, Integration Setup, Service Operations, General).

For the BILLING_INVOICE_NOTICE service operation, select the Active check box for the applicable service operation version. If the desired version is not the default version for the service operation, the default version must also be activated.

On the General tab of the Service Operations component, select the View Queue link at the bottom of the page to access the Queue Definitions page.

Service Operation Versions

The Default Service Operation Version group box displays the most current version of this service operation. If there have been changes to the PeopleSoft application that have required the service operation to change, for example new fields or tables, then the Non-Default Versions group box displays any older versions of the service operation based on the older release of the PeopleSoft application. The default version is always the current version, however you can use a non-default version to communicate with third-party systems that want to receive the data based on an old version. Select the link in the Non-Default Versions box to access the Service Operation Version page. This page contains information about the non-default version, including message and queue. In addition, the Logical Transforms group box contains transforms to convert the data to or from the default version. A transform program is a type of PeopleSoft Application Engine program that can convert data from one format to another. Based on your environment, you will review and possibly change these transforms.

See Also

Enterprise PeopleTools PeopleBook: Integration Broker

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicVerifying the Queue is in Run Mode

Access the Queue Definitions page (PeopleTools, Integration Broker, Integration Setup, Service Operations, General. Select the Queue link attached to this service operation).

For the BILLING_INVOICE queue, verify the Queue Status field has a value of Run.

Click the Return button to go back to the Service Operations component.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicActivating the Handler

Access the Service Operations-Handlers page (PeopleTools, Integration Broker, Integration Setup, Service Operations, Handlers).

For the BILLING_INVOICE_NOTICE service operation, click the Handlers tab of the Service Operations component. If you want to use chunking, select the value of Active in the Status field for the OnRoute handler.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicActivating the Routings

Access the Service Operations-Routings page (PeopleTools, Integration Broker, Integration Setup, Service Operations, Routings).

For the BILLING_INVOICE_NOTICE service operation, click the Routings tab of the Service Operations component. Activate an outbound routing definition for each receiver node and external alias name that data will be sent to. To activate a routing, select the check box next to the routing definition and click the Activate Selected Routings button. The following routing definitions are predefined:

Note. You do not need to select a routing definition if the batch publish rule is set up to post to a flat file only.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicConfirming the Parameters of the Routing Definition

Access the Routings-Parameters page (PeopleTools, Integration Broker, Integration Setup, Routings, Parameters).

On the Routings tab of the Service Operations component, select the link attached to the routing definition name. This link accesses the Routing Definitions component. Select the Parameters tab and complete the following steps:

  1. Confirm the external alias name in the External Alias field for the routing is correct. When sending or receiving data, the Integration Broker determines which routing to use by referring to the external alias name, not the routing name.

  2. Verify or change the transform programs on this routing definition. A routing definition defines the sending and receiving nodes for a transaction and specifies any inbound and outbound transformations to invoke. A transform program is a type of PeopleSoft Application Engine program that can convert data from one format to another; for example, from XML to a flat file. Use a transform program when one node sends a request or response message with a data structure different from the structure required by the other node. You must decide, based on your environment, to change, remove, or add transform programs. The BILLING_INVOICE_NOTICE_EDI_810 routing definition is delivered with two transform programs. The EDI_810_O transform program converts outbound invoice data from the standard PeopleSoft XML format to the EDI X.12 810 transaction format (still in XML). The XML_TO_FILE transform program converts the EDI X.12 810 formatted data from XML to a flat file format. You can remove the XML_TO_FILE transform program to send your data in the XML EDI X.12 810 format. If you are not using EDI then you will want to use the BILLING_INVOICE_NOTICE_V4 routing definition instead.

    The transform program to convert data from the current version of a service operation to an older version is located on the Service Operation Version page of the non-default version. Select the non-default version on the Service Operations-General page to access the Service Operation Version page.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicVerifying the Node is Active

Access the Node Definitions page (PeopleTools, Integration Broker, Integration Setup, Nodes, Node Definitions).

Verify the Active Node check box has been selected for any nodes used in the routings that you activated on the Service Operations-Routings page for BILLING_INVOICE_NOTICE service operation.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicVerifying the Node is Connected to the Network

Access the Nodes-Connectors page (PeopleTools, Integration Broker, Integration Setup, Nodes, Connectors).

For an outbound service operation, verify the node or routing is connected to the correct network using the Gateway ID and Connector ID fields. Depending on the file output location, you may need a password. If a password is needed, you should use the password encryption utility on this page.

Note. Your database administrator will need to assist you with this setup.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicActivating the Batch Publish Rule

Access the Batch Publish Rules page (Enterprise Components, Integration Definitions, Batch Publish Rules).

For the BILLING_INVOICE_NOTICE message name (service operation):

  1. Select Active Status to activate this publish rule definition for this message.

  2. Select the appropriate Output Format.

    The PeopleSoft Application Engine program can create either an Extensible Markup Language (XML) message that flows through PeopleSoft Integration Broker or a flat file generated on the PeopleSoft Process Scheduler server and not published elsewhere.

  3. If you want to use message chunking, configure a chunking rule and then enter it in the Chunking Rule ID field.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Up Chunking for the Batch Publish Rule

Access the Customer ID Chunk page (SCM Integrations, Chunking Rule, CustID to Node Mapping).

If using chunking for the batch publish rule, set up the chunking rule mapping definitions. You can use a delivered chunking rule or create a new chunking rule.

The BI_CUSTOMER_ID chunking rule ID is delivered as an optional chunking rule for the Billing Invoice Notice batch publish rule. To use this chunking rule, access the Customer ID Chunk page.

Select the node for each customer that receives electronic invoice notifications.

Chunking is only needed if you have requirements to break up the outbound data and send them to different destinations based on attributes in the message such as business unit or customer ID. For example, use chunking to send a single customer's messages to a specific node setup for that trading partner. If you are using a middleware product to actually determine trading partner destinations then a single transaction with all trading partner transactions can usually be sent directly to the middleware product. You would not need to activate message chunking in this situation.

See Also

Setting Up Chunking

Click to jump to parent topicPublishing Billing Invoices

This section discusses how to publish billing invoices.

See Also

Processing EDI Transactions in PeopleSoft Billing

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Process the Billing Invoice EIP

Page Name

Definition Name



Publish Outbound Message


SCM Integrations, Publish Outbound Message

Initiate the outbound message publish process for outbound SCM messages that use the batch publish design pattern.

Billing Invoice Notice Message Selection Criteria


Select Billing Invoice Notice on the Publish Outbound Message page to enable the Billing Invoice Notice link. Click the Billing Invoice Notice link to launch the Billing Invoice Notice Message Selection Criteria page.

Launch the Billing Invoice Notice outbound transaction.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPublishing Billing Invoices

Access the Publish Outbound Message page (SCM Integrations, Publish Outbound Message).

Select the Billing Invoice Notice check box, and click the Billing Invoice Notice link to access the Billing Invoice Notice Message Selection Criteria page.

Enter a Request ID, Description, and Business Unit.


Select to indicate that you want to re-transmit selected invoices.

When the Publish Outbound Message process completes, it clears the BI_HDR_EC table. If you need to re-transmit invoices, the Re-transmission check box is available on this page. When you select this check box, additional selection fields appear on the page. The system rewrites the specified invoices to the BI_HDR_EC table, which is processed and transmitted again.

For technical details about individual EIPs, use the Interactive Services Repository (ISR) in the My Oracle Support website located at

See Also

Processing EDI Transactions in PeopleSoft Billing