Implementing PeopleSoft Order Management Options

This chapter discusses how to:

Click to jump to parent topicSetting Up Order Processing Options

To define channels, classifications, competitor codes, contact type codes, divisions, member quotas, order groups, order source codes, product brands, product categories, shipping priority codes, syndicated data, team members, and territories, use the Channel, Classification, Competitor Codes, Contact Type Code, Division, Member Quotas, Order Group, Order Source Code, Product Brand, Product Category, Shipping Priority, Syndicated Data Type Setup, Team Member, and PM Territory setup components, respectively.

Use the COMPETITOR_CD_CI, MEMBER_COMM_CI, MEMBER_TYPE_TBL_CI, PM_CLASSIFICATE_CI, PM_TERRITORY_CI, and PROD_CATEGORY_CI component interfaces to load data into the tables for these components.

Although pages in the Order Management Foundation menu are listed in alphabetical order, you should set them up in the order shown in the next section, because some tables use information that is defined on other pages. Many of the pages are discussed in other chapters.

Most of the order processing pages are straightforward. These options are discussed in more detail in this chapter:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Define Order Processing

Page Name

Definition Name



Competitor Codes


Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Product Related, Order Management Foundation, Competitor Codes

Set up competitor codes to cross-reference products with competitors and to track competition on buying agreements, orders, and quotes.



Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Product Related, Order Management Foundation, Division

Enter divisions for sales operations. Divisions are not used by any PeopleSoft standard processing at this time.

Product Brand


Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Product Related, Order Management Foundation, Brand, Product Brand

Establish brands for product sales. Product brands are not used by any PeopleSoft standard processing at this time.

Product Category


Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Product Related, Order Management Foundation, Product Category

Enter product categories. Product categories are not used by any PeopleSoft standard processing at this time.



Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Product Related, Order Management Foundation, Channel

Enter sales channels. Channels are not used by any PeopleSoft standard processing at this time.



Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Product Related, Order Management Foundation, Classification

Enter classifications for customers. Classifications are not used by any PeopleSoft standard processing at this time.



Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Product Related, Order Management Foundation, Syndicated Data Type

Enter syndicated data network types. Syndicated data types are not used by any PeopleSoft standard processing at this time.



Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Product Related, Order Management Foundation, Territory

Establish territories to divide your customer base into logical assignments. The territory designation is not currently used for pricing, reporting, calculations, or processing.

Buying Agreement Type


Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Product Related, Order Management Foundation, Buying Agreement Type

Define buying agreement types to categorize buying agreements for reporting purposes or to flag buying agreements with similar renewal characteristics, such as annual purchase agreements.

Contact Type Codes


Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Product Related, Order Management Foundation, Contact Type Codes

Establish different types of customer contacts to manage various aspects of the business. Multiple contacts may exist to manage areas such as shipping issues, accounting problems, and so on.

Image Location


Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Common Definitions, File Locations and Images, Image Location

Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Product Related, Order Management Foundation, Image Location

Enter the paths to the directories in which you store the image files.

Order Source Codes


Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Product Related, Order Management Foundation, Order Source Codes

Set up order source codes to indicate where orders and quotes originate, such as via internet, telephone, email, facsimile, electronic data interchange (EDI), mail, and so on. They can also be associated with users on the User Preferences - Orders - Sales page or with order groups. For PeopleSoft CRM and Contracts integration, the order source code determines the processing of the sales order in Order Management. In other cases, these codes are informational and can be used for reporting purposes.

Restock Fees


Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Product Related, Order Management Foundation, Restock Fees by Reason

Define restocking fees.

Hold Codes


Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Product Related, Receivables, Payments, Hold Codes

Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Product Related, Inventory, Hold Codes

Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Product Related, Order Management Foundation, Hold Codes

Establish hold codes to flag an order or to stop the further processing of an order. Each hold code must be unique.

Holds Setup


Setup Financials/Supply Chain, Product Related, Order Management Foundation, Holds Setup

Manage the metadata values that appear on the Hold Processing page for the Order Management Business Unit.

Mass Change Definition - Description


Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Product Related, Order Management Foundation, Mass Change Definition, Description

Enter a description for the mass change definition.

See Modifying Mass Change in PeopleSoft Order Management.

Rebate Penalty Definition - Definition


Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Product Related, Order Management Foundation, Rebate and Penalty Definition

Define comparison basis and the parameters that the system uses to calculate rebates and penalties. Define whether the calculation should compare sales amounts, percentage of amounts, sales quantity in units, or consider only the terms of a buying agreement or independent sales rebate or penalty definition. Define whether the rebate or penalty should be calculated as an amount or as a percentage of an amount.

Rebate Penalty Definition - Definition Step


Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Product Related, Order Management Foundation, Rebate and Penalty Definition

Define the points at which the penalty or rebate amount or percentage changes.

Rebate Penalty Table


Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Product Related, Order Management Foundation, Rebate and Penalty Table

Define the qualified orders to be considered in the rebate or penalty calculation and define the basis used to calculate the rebate or penalty.

Sales Rebate - Definition


Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Product Related, Order Management Foundation, Sales Rebate Setup

Define independent sales rebates or penalties.

Sales Rebate - Customer/Product


Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Product Related, Order Management Foundation, Sales Rebate Setup

Define which customers or customer groups and products or product groups to consider for the sales rebate or penalty.

Options & Defaults


Setup Financials/Supply Chain, Product Related, Order Management Foundation, Claimback SetID Options

Set up default values and contacts for claimback contracts, claimback contract and claim prefixes, and claimback claim over and under tolerances.

See Working with Claimbacks.

OM Business Unit Groups


Setup Financials/Supply Chain, Product Related, Order Management Foundation, Claimback OMBU Groups

Define which Order Management Business Units belong to each user-defined group. These groups will provide the default list of Order Management Business Units to the claimback contract line.

Shipping Priority Codes


Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Product Related, Order Management Foundation, Shipping Priority Codes

Define shipping priority codes that can be used as the final sort option for fulfilling orders on the Fulfillment Setup - Fulfillment Setup page in PeopleSoft Inventory.



Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Product Related, Receivables, Options, Messages

Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Product Related, Order Management Foundation, Messages

Define message codes and optional related actions.

Order Groups


Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Product Related, Order Management Foundation, Order Groups

Define order groups.

Order Group Shipping Terms


Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Product Related, Order Management Foundation, Order Groups

Define additional attributes for the order group, such as shipping defaults. If necessary, include online credit checking as a default value.

Return Type Codes


Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Product Related, Order Management Foundation, Return Type Codes

Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Product Related, Inventory, Return Type Codes

Define default shipping options and the actions that returned goods initiate.

Member's Commission Schedule


Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Product Related, Order Management Foundation, Team Mbr Commission Schedules

Define a commission schedule for team members. Indicate amount ranges for either bookings or shipments, depending on the basis that is selected on the Team Member Personal Data - Member Commissions page, and define a commission percentage for each range.

Team Member Sales Quotas


Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Product Related, Order Management Foundation, Team Member Sales Quotas

Establish sales quotas for team members that are used for analysis purposes only. They are not part of structuring commissions. Base quotas on individual products, product groups, or all sales for the member.

Sales Calendar


Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Product Related, Order Management Foundation, PTD Pricing Calendar, Sales Calendar

Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Product Related, Promotions Management, Sales Calendar

Establish a calendar to be used with period-to-date pricing.

Template Role


Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Product Related, Order Management Foundation, Template Role

Assign a role able to access additional short-term customer templates, as well as the template specified on the PeopleSoft Order Management Business Unit, when entering sales orders, quotes, or return material authorizations (RMAs).

See Also

Establishing Return Type Codes and Restocking Fees

Creating Independent Sales Rebates and Penalties

Using Buying Agreement Rebates and Penalties

Modifying Mass Change in PeopleSoft Order Management

Establishing Hold Processing

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEstablishing Hold Processing Options

Access the Holds Setup page (Setup Financials/Supply Chain, Product Related, Order Management Foundation, Holds Setup).

Hold Field

Enter the name of an individual hold field that requires hold processing configuration.

Note. If you add a field to the Holds Setup page, you must also add the same field to the Order Management Business Unit table (BUS_UNIT_TBL_OM).


Enter a sequence for the newly added field. The sequence number affects the order in which the hold fields appear on the Hold Processing page.

Display Fields

Select this option if you want to enter a Hold Code on the Hold Processing page.

Display Checkbox

Select this option if you want the hold processing check boxes to be active on the Hold Processing page. If the Display Checkbox option is deselected, all of the hold processing options on the Hold Processing page for the selected hold field will be unavailable for editing.

Hold Code Level

Specify the hold code level for the selected hold field. The options are: Customer Hold, Header Hold, Line Hold, Product Hold, Schedule Hold, Systems Hold.

Hold Type

Specify the Hold Type for the selected hold field. The hold type is used to group holds together for reporting purposes.

Select from these options: Automatic Holds, Configurator Holds, Credit Card Holds, Credit Holds, and Other Holds.

See Also

Placing Sales Orders on Hold

Establishing Hold Processing Options

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEstablishing Shipping Priority Codes

Access the Shipping Priority Codes page (Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Product Related, Order Management Foundation, Shipping Priority Codes).


The highest priority is 1. The larger the number, the lower the priority.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEstablishing Messages

Access the Messages page (Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Product Related, Order Management Foundation, Messages).

You may find messages useful for identifying customers with chronic credit problems or for flagging new or discontinued products. Define message codes and link them to customers on the General Information - Messages page and with products on the Messages page.

Messages enable you to:

Message Definition

Message Type

The message type categorizes messages into a group type. This field is informational only. Select from these options: Credit Related Message, Internal Warning Message, Product Related Message, Promotion Related Message.


Select options for the message.


Indicates no action. The message is informational only.


Prevents the customer or product from being entered on a sales order or quotation.


Puts the sales order or order line on hold if it references a customer or product with this attached message. Select the option next to the Hold field to search for available hold codes. When you select an option, the system returns you to the main page.

Note. Message codes with an action of Reject apply to the sold-to customer only.

Note. The hold codes that can be added are controlled by role security from the Hold Code Security by Role page. You will not be able to add or delete a hold code if it is not specified at the role security level.

Sanction Match

Select to identify messages associated with Financial Sanctions Screening. If you select this option, set the Message Type to Internal Warning Message and the Action to None.

Note. Only one message can be selected with the Sanction Match value.

Pass to Unfulfilled, Pass to Releasable, Pass to Released, Pass to Picked/Confirmed, Pass to Shipped

Select the fulfillment status in PeopleSoft Inventory to pass demand data from order schedules referencing the customer or product with the message, even though the order is on hold.

Pass to Planning

Enables PeopleSoft Supply Planning to see order demand when considering the planning algorithms.

Pass to Purchasing

Select to enable holds placed on direct ship order schedules not to affect processing of the order in PeopleSoft Purchasing.

Pass to Billing

Define which holds should prevent nonstocked and direct-shipped order lines from being billed in PeopleSoft Billing.

See Also

Validating Financial Sanctions

Defining Hold Code Security by Role

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEstablishing Order Groups

Access the Order Group page (Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Product Related, Order Management Foundation, Order Groups).

Order groups enable you to move order terms, such as standard discounts (discount percentage), into sales orders and quotes by default when you select an order group code. If you enter an order without using a customer ID, the system uses the order group values to populate the header fields that normally appear by default from the customer or buying agreement. If you enter a customer ID and select an order group code on an order or quote, the system uses order group values to populate any fields that are missing from the customer or buying agreement information.

You can assign a default order group code on the User Preferences - Orders - Sales page. This default code appears on all sales orders and quotations that the user enters.

Bill Type Identifier

Select from the available options to categorize grouped activities on a particular bill.

Exclusive Pricing ID

Use to tie pricing to a sales order. The exclusive pricing ID is a special pricing arbitration plan with specific price rules associated with it. If the system prices the sales order by using an exclusive pricing ID, only its related price rules are considered. The value can be changed on the Line Pricing Data page or the Schedule Pricing Data page.

Note. If no price adjustments are found using the exclusive pricing ID, then the system performs pricing again using the standard arbitration plan that is assigned to the sales order header.

Freight Charge Method

Select an option to determine how freight charges are allocated to the sales order from the delivery level.

See Applying Freight Charges to the Order Level.

Terms and Payment Method

Select the default terms and payment method for the sales order.

Discount Percentage

Define a standard discount for the order. The system applies the discount percentage to the net price for products on order lines that reference the order group. Because the standard discount is in addition to other adjustments to the price of the product, it is applied after all other price adjustments. You can change the order group at the line level to enable different standard discounts for each line of the order.

Source Code

Select the source for the order from the available options.

Credit Check

Select YES if you want the system to check credit online for orders referencing this order group. The system uses the online credit checking default you defined on the Credit Processing page.

Important! If you select NO for this option, the system does not perform credit checking for orders referencing this order group.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEstablishing Order Group Shipping Terms

Access the Order Group Shipping Terms page (Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Product Related, Order Management Foundation, Order Groups).

Carrier ID

Identifies the preferred carrier for this order group. These values are defined on the Carrier Table page.

Partial Order

Select Yes to enable shipment of an order when all the lines are not filled. PeopleSoft Inventory automatically creates a backorder for the schedules that cannot be shipped. If you do not select Yes, the order is not picked until all order schedules can be shipped complete.

Partial Schedules

Enable shipment of partial schedule quantities.

Ship Prior

Select Yes to enable shipments before the customer's scheduled shipment or arrival date. In the General Information - Ship To options, specify how many days early the customer accepts shipments.

Cancel Backorder

If you want to create a backorder for any goods not available for shipment, select No. When you select Yes, no backorder processing is done in PeopleSoft Inventory, and the order line is considered complete after the first shipment, even if the shipment quantity is less than the order quantity.

Single Ship Flag

If you want the order to be shipped in one shipment, select Yes. The entire order is shipped together when quantity is available for all of the order lines. The system will restrict data entry at the order schedule level. All schedule shipping information is kept in sync.

Use Preferred Freight Carrier

Select Yes to indicate that the customer prefers a particular carrier. The delivery management feature uses this preferred carrier ID for freight calculations.

See Basic Setup Steps for Freight Charges.

Deliveries Restricted to Order

Use this yes/no field to determine whether all of the demand lines assigned to a delivery must be from the same sales order.

See Understanding the Delivery Management Setup Steps.

See Also

Placing Sales Orders on Hold

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEstablishing Team Member Commission Schedules

Access the Team Mbr Commission Schedules page (Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Product Related, Order Management Foundation, Team Mbr Commission Schedules).


Bookings or Shipments appear on the page, depending on the selection you made on the Team Member Personal Data - Member Commissions page for this person.

Currency Code

Appears from the Team Member Personal Data page.

Commission % (commission percent)

Applies to each date range and amount range. The Update Order Commission Data process uses these criteria to determine the appropriate commission percent to assign to each team member who is associated with sales order headers or schedules.

Note. The date range and amount combinations cannot overlap.

See Also

Understanding Commissions

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCreating a Period-to-Date Pricing Calendar

Access the Sales Calendar page (Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Product Related, Promotions Management, Sales Calendar).

Monthly Allocation Type

If you use a monthly calendar period, select a monthly allocation type:

12 period Calendar: Monthly.

13 period Calendar: 13 periods of 4 weeks each.

445 Calendar: 12 non-monthly periods divided into four sets of three periods each, with the three periods in each set made up, respectively, of 4, 4, and 5 weeks.

454 Calendar: 12 non-monthly periods divided into four sets of three periods each, with the three periods in each set made up, respectively, of 4, 5, and 4 weeks.

544 Calendar: 12 non-monthly periods divided into four sets of three periods each, with the three periods in each set made up, respectively, of 5, 4, and 4 weeks.


Click this button to generate the periods in the sales calendar. Verify the sales periods and make changes to period names as required. The system displays a row for each period that is in the range that you indicate, with the appropriate information automatically inserted in the Sales Period, Begin Date, End Date, and Period Name fields. You can then change the Period Name for each period.

Begin Date and End Date

The system uses these dates to create a range of periods for the calendar that you generate.

Click to jump to parent topicDefining Hold Code Security by Role

This section discusses how to establish hold codes by role.

To define hold code security, use the Hold Security by Role component.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPage Used to Establish Hold Code Security by Role

Page Name

Definition Name



Hold Code Security by Role


Setup Financials/Supply Chain, Security, Hold Security by Role, Hold Code Security by Role

Control the hold codes that each role can manage. For instance, your credit manager may be responsible for credit-related hold codes, and your product manager for any product-related hold codes. Specify whether the role can add, release authority, or delete the hold code for Order Management.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicControlling Hold Codes by Roles

Access the Hold Code Security by Role page (Setup Financials/Supply Chain, Security, Hold Security by Role, Hold Code Security by Role).

Note. If a user has multiple roles assigned, the role with the specific authority to change a hold will take precedence in determining a user's security for that hold.

Hold Code

Add the hold codes that you want each role to manage. You initially establish hold codes on the Hold Code page.

Note. If a hold code in the system does not appear on the Hold Code Security by Role page, its effect is the same as if the user's role did not have any authority to act upon that hold code. As a result, not all user roles must be assigned hold security.

Add Authority

Select to enable the role to add a hold code.

Release Authority

Select to enable the role to release a hold code.

Delete OM Hold (delete order management hold)

Select to enable the role to delete a hold code from the ORD_HOLD table.

See Also

Placing Sales Orders on Hold

Attaching Messages to Customers

Establishing Product Messages

Click to jump to parent topicEstablishing FTP Servers for Attachments

To set up attachments to use with customers, products, buying agreements, sales orders, quotes, and RMAs, use the File att. admin (file attachments administration) component.

This section discusses how to set up file attachment servers.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPage Used to Set Up Attachments for Transactions

Page Name

Definition Name



Administer File Attachments


Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Common Definitions, File Attachments, Administer File Attachments

Identify servers on which to store attachments and define component names and paths where the attachments are stored.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Up File Attachments

Access the Administer File Attachments page (Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Common Definitions, File Attachments, Administer File Attachments).

Attachments to PeopleSoft Order Management transactions are stored and retrieved from the locations defined here. System administrators can configure one or more servers to store attachments. These servers can be FTP servers or database servers, but Order Management uses only FTP servers.

Using this page, system administrators can set up new servers and identify the active server. Administrators can add or modify the FTP root folder and the component specific subfolder for FTP servers.

File Attachment Servers

Pick Active Server

Select the server ID of the active (or default) server where all newly created attachments are stored. You can switch the active server at any time. All previously created attachments are still retrieved from the server where they were originally stored. The attachments keep a reference to the original server. This field is required.

Add FTP Server (add file transfer protocol server)

Click to insert a new row in the grid to define a new FTP server for attachments.

Add Database Server

Click to insert a new row in the grid to define a new database server for attachments.


Displays the system-assigned ID number for each server on this page. When an attachment is stored to the server, the server ID is inserted into the attachment record. When you give a request to download (view) this attachment, the system retrieves it from the original server based on this server ID.

Attachment Server Type

Identifies the type of server based on whether you click the Add FTP Server button or the Add Database Server button. Once you save the row and exit the component, you cannot change the server type. Values are:

  • FTP: (file transfer protocol server)

  • DB: (database server)


Enter or change the login name. This value is required for FTP servers only.


Enter or change the password corresponding to the Login Name. The password is required for FTP servers only.

Server Name/Record Name

Enter the machine name for the FTP server.

Once you save the information, change the machine name only if the same FTP server is renamed. To add a different FTP server, click the Add FTP Server button to insert a new row into the grid and define the new server. You cannot delete servers because attachments could already be stored on them.


Enter the subdirectory path under the root of the server FTP, where all attachments are to be stored. This value is required for FTP servers only.

Note. You cannot delete a server after you save the row and exit the component. After you exit the component, the system assumes that attachments can be stored at this server location.

Component Subdirectories

System administrators use this page to specify a subdirectory under the FTP root for any component. When uploading files, the system looks to this record and uses any subdirectory defined. The component subdirectory can be modified at any time. Define the component (in the installed applications) with a subdirectory under the FTP root (FTP servers only).


Enter the component for the installed application.


Enter the subdirectory path.

Click to jump to parent topicSetting Up the URL Location for Notifications

This section discusses how to set up URL locations.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPage Used to Set Up URL Location

Page Name

Definition Name



URL Maintenance


PeopleTools, Utilities, Administration, URLs

Enter the URL, a pertinent description, and comments.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Up URL Location

Access the URL Maintenance page (PeopleTools, Utilities, Administration, URLs).

Set up these processes:

URL Identifier



Enter the URL for your application server. Here is an example: http://ple-dscantla/psp/ps/EMPLOYEE/

See Also

Enterprise PeopleTools PeopleBook: PeopleCode Developer's Guide