
A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  M  N  O  P  S  T  W 


08/CS, Case Status, 2.4.2
08H/IR, Injury/Illness Related, 2.4.2
54HS/AG, Age Group, 2.4.2
54HS/BJ, BLS Job Category, 2.4.2
54HS/BL, BLS Service Length, 2.4.2
54HS/BP, Part of Body, 2.4.3
54HS/BW, BLS Work Shift, 2.4.2
54HS/CF, Primary Casual Factor, 2.4.2
54HS/CS, Current Status of Injury, 2.4.3
54HS/CT, Type of Incident Cost, 2.4.1
54HS/DR, Drug and Alcohol Result, 2.4.1
54HS/EC, Environmental Classification, 2.4.5
54HS/ES, Environment Status, 2.4.5
54HS/EV, Event or Exposure, 2.4.3
54HS/FC, Incident Casual Factor, 2.4.1
54HS/FR, Incident Frequency, 2.4.1
54HS/IC, Injury Classification, 2.4.2
54HS/IR, Insurance Claim Reason, 2.4.2
54HS/IS, Insurance Claim Status, 2.4.1
54HS/MB, Safety Metric Basis, 2.4.1
54HS/MC, Equipment Classification, 2.4.4
54HS/MR, Road or Surface Conditions, 2.4.4
54HS/MV, Visibility Conditions, 2.4.4
54HS/NI, Nature of Injury or Illness, 2.4.3
54HS/O1, OIICS Code 1 - Nature of illness, 2.4.2
54HS/O2, OIICS Code 2 - Part of Body, 2.4.2
54HS/O3, OIICS Code 3 - Source of Inquiry, 2.4.2
54HS/O4, OIICS Code 4 - Event/Exposure, 2.4.2
54HS/OC, Other Classification, 2.4.1
54HS/OI, Occupational Injury/Illness, 2.4.2
54HS/OL, Occurrence Location, 2.4.2
54HS/PR, Potential Recurrence, 2.4.1
54HS/PS, Product or Substance, 2.4.5
54HS/QS, Equipment Status, 2.4.4
54HS/RL, Incident Role, 2.4.2
54HS/RS, Party Responsible Code, 2.4.1
54HS/SB, Side of Body, 2.4.3
54HS/SC, Security Classification, 2.4.1
54HS/SD, Severity of Equipment Damage, 2.4.4
54HS/SE, Environmental Severity, 2.4.5
54HS/SI, Severity of Injury, 2.4.3
54HS/SR, Sources of Injury/Illness, 2.4.3
54HS/ST, Incident Status, 2.4.1
54HS/SV, Incident Severity, 2.4.1
54HS/TT, Incident Task Type, 2.4.1


Address Book, 1.3
Address Book Records, 2.2


Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS)
Generating the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), 4.4


Capital Asset Management, 1.3
Companies, Business Units, and Projects, 2.2
Composite Application Framework, 2.2
Composite Application Framework (Cafe One), 2.8
Cost Category Codes, 2.5


Detailed Incident Report program (R54HS00), 2.1.5


Email Distribution Groups, 2.2
Entering Incidents, 3.2
Equipment, 3.2.1
Incident, 3.2.1
Incident Master Program (P54HS00), 3.2.4
People, 3.2.1
Report an Incident Program (P54HS30), 3.3
Entering, Safety Hours Entry Program (P54HS20), 3.5
Environment Category Codes, 2.5
Equipment Category Codes, 2.5
Equipment, Property, and Motor Vehicles, 2.2
Establishment Condition program (P096011), 2.11
Establishments, 2.2
External Safety Hours, 2.2


F0111, Address Book - Who’s Who table, 2.7
F54HS01, Incident Master table, 2.3
F54HS02, Incident People record table, 2.1.3
F54HS02, Incident People table, 2.3
F54HS021, Incident Injury or Illness Details, 2.3
F54HS021, Incident Injury or illness record, 2.1.3
F54HS03, Incident Equipment, 2.3
F54HS04, Incident Agencies table, 2.3
F54HS05, Incident Notification Members table, 2.3
F54HS05H, Incident Notifications Sent table, 2.3
F54HS06, Incident Tasks table, 2.3
F54HS07, Incident Costs table, 2.3
F54HS08, ncident Environmental Impact table, 2.3
Failure Analysis, 2.10
Form BLS-9300 N06, Bureau of Labor Statistics Survey of Occupational Injuries and Illnesses Form, 3.1


General Accounting, 1.3


Home Business Unit and Home Company, 2.2
Human Capital Management, 1.3
Human Resources, 1.3


Generating the Detailed Incident Report, 4.5
Incident Reporting, 4.1
Incident Tracking, 2.1.1
Incident Category Codes, 2.5
Incident Management Purge Program (R54HS410), 6.1
Injury/Illness Category Codes, 2.5
Inquiring on Cases
Case Inquiry Program (P54HS210), 3.4
Inventory Items, 2.2
Inventory Management, 1.3


JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Health and Safety Incident Management, 1.1
business process, 1.2
Job Cost, 1.3


Mobile Applications for Incident Management, 1.1.1
Mobility, 1.1.1


Next Numbers, Work With Next Number program (P0002), 2.9


Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), 2.1.7
Generating the OSHA 300 Log Report, 4.2
Generating the OSHA 301 Injury/Illness Report, 4.3
OIICS, Occupational Illness and Injury Classification System, 2.4.2
OSHA 300A Summary, 2.1.7
OSHA Form 300 - Log, 2.1.7
OSHA Report 301 - Illness Incident Report, 2.1.7
One View Reporting, 2.1.6
One View Environmental Incident Inquiry program, 2.1.6
One View Incident Equipment Inquiry program, 2.1.6
One View Incident People Inquiry program, 2.1.6
One View Incident Summary Inquiry program, 2.1.6
One View Safety Statistics Inquiry program, 2.1.6
Specialized Business Views, 5.2


P0006, Business Unit Master program, 2.2
P01012, Address Book Master program, 2.2
P0111, Email/Internet program, 2.7
P01111, Address Book Who’s Who Email/Internet information program, 2.1.4
P02150, Distribution Group Revisions program, 2.7
P096011, Establishment Condition program, 2.2
P1206, License Information program, 2.2
P1701, Work with Equipment Master program, 2.2
P4101, Inventory Item Master program, 2.2
P54HS20, Safety Hours Entry program, 2.2
P952336, Publication List program, 2.8
P98MOQUE, MO Queue program, 2.8
Payroll, 1.3
People Category Codes, 2.5


Setting Processing Options, Incident Management Purge Program (R54HS410), 6.3
Setting Processing Options, Incident Master Program (P54HS00), 3.2.3
Setting Up Composite Application Framework, 2.8


Task Category Codes, 2.5


Work Orders, 2.2