JavaFX: Bringing Rich Experiences To All the Screens Of Your Life

Profile: desktop, common


A class which loads JavaFX content files - FXD (plain text) or FXZ (a compreseed archive with embedded binary assets). Usage:

var group:Group .... // a graphics group defined elsewhere 
var fxdContent = FXDLoader.load(URL}; // loads the content
insert fxdContent into group.content; // inserts the fxd content into the group

Profile: common

Inherited Variables

Function Summary

public load(url: java.lang.String) : Node

Loads a JavaFX content file from a given URL and returns the top root node.

Loads a JavaFX content file from a given URL and returns the top root node.

Please note, since the loading is a blocking operation, only local files should be loaded to prevent the application is not responsive.

The URL from which the file should be loaded
Node The top root node of the loaded content
public loadContent(url: java.lang.String) : FXDContent

Loads a JavaFX content file from a given URL and returns a javafx.fxd.FXDContent object, which can be used to easily access named elements (elements with the id variable specified).

Loads a JavaFX content file from a given URL and returns a javafx.fxd.FXDContent object, which can be used to easily access named elements (elements with the id variable specified).

Please note, since the loading is a blocking operation, only local files should be loaded to prevent the application is not responsive.

The URL from which the file should be loaded

Inherited Functions