JavaFX: Bringing Rich Experiences To All the Screens Of Your Life

Profile: desktop, common


Task provides a way of starting, stopping and tracking code that does not run on the JavaFX event dispatch thread.

Task does not define how to specifiy the code to run but only provides callback function, state variable and progress variable definitions and behavior.

Tasks are expected to be executed one time (one call to start() per instance of a Task).

Profile: common

Variable Summary

accessnametypeCan ReadCan InitCan WriteDefault Valuedescription
public-read protectedcauseOfFailureObjectsubclasssubclassnull

Indicates the cause of failure of this task.

Indicates the cause of failure of this task. If this variable's value is null, there is no known cause of failure, even if the failed variable is set to true. If this variable's value is not null, it will most likely contain an exception that describes the cause of failure.


See Also:

Profile: common

public-read protecteddoneBooleansubclasssubclassfalse

Indicates if this task has completed.

Indicates if this task has completed. This is the last of the variables started, stopped, failed, succeeded and causeOfFailure to be modified. This variable is to be set to true upon completion of this task, without respect to success or failure of the task..


Profile: common

public-read protectedfailedBooleansubclasssubclassfalse

Indicates if this task has failed.

Indicates if this task has failed. This variable is set to true as a result of the task executing and failing by means of an exception. This exception could be the result of the task being stopped by the stop() function being called. causeOfFailure will contian the failure cause if the failure was caused by an exception during execution.


See Also:
stop(), causeOfFailure

Profile: common

public-read protectedmaxProgressLongsubclasssubclass-1

Indicates a maximum value for the progress variable.

Indicates a maximum value for the progress variable. If set to zero or a negative value, there is no known maximum and the percentDone variable will not change during the course of execution of this task.


See Also:
progress, percentDone

Profile: common


Callback that is invoked once to indicate that the task execution has completed (successfully, or unsuccessfully).

Callback that is invoked once to indicate that the task execution has completed (successfully, or unsuccessfully). This task's implemenation will not modify this task's variables during or after a call to this function. Once the start() function has been called, this function will eventually be called, if it is non-null.


See Also:
done, start(), stop()

Profile: common


Callback that is invoked once to indicate that the task is about to start execution.

Callback that is invoked once to indicate that the task is about to start execution. This function is not called as a result of the queueing of this task for execution.


See Also:
started, start()

Profile: common


Indicates the current progress of this task in terms of percent complete.

Indicates the current progress of this task in terms of percent complete. Zero or a positive value indicate progress toward completion. This variable's value may or may not change from its default value depending on the specific Task implementation.


See Also:
maxProgress, progress

Profile: common

public-read protectedprogressLongsubclasssubclass-1

Indicates the current progress toward completion of this task.

Indicates the current progress toward completion of this task. Zero or a positive value indicate progress toward completion. This variable's value may or may not change from its default value depending on the specific Task implementation.


See Also:
maxProgress, percentDone

Profile: common

public-read protectedstartedBooleansubclasssubclassfalse

Indicates if this task has started.

Indicates if this task has started. Once this task's start() function has been called, the task may or may not be queued before it executes. This variable is set to true just before the task starts executing.


See Also:

Profile: common

public-read protectedstoppedBooleansubclasssubclassfalse

Indicates if this task has been stopped.

Indicates if this task has been stopped. This variable is set to true as a result of the stop() function being called. A value of true means that the task did not execute to completion, and possibly not at all if the task was queued for execution by stop() and stopped by stop() before execution.


See Also:

Profile: common

public-read protectedsucceededBooleansubclasssubclassfalse

Indicates if this task has successfully completed.

Indicates if this task has successfully completed. This variable is to be set to true upon successful completion of this task, but before the done variable is set to to true.


See Also:

Profile: common


Inherited Variables

Function Summary

public impl_setCauseOfFailure(cause: java.lang.Throwable) : Void
public impl_setDone() : Void
public impl_setStarted() : Void
public impl_setStopped() : Void
public abstract start() : Void

Initiates execution of this task.

Initiates execution of this task. Calling this function will either queue this task for future execution or start execution. The execution of the task happens on a thread other than the JavaFX event dispatch thread. The onStart function may not be called before this function returns. This function is expected to be called a maximum of once per instance of Task.

See Also:

Profile: common

public abstract stop() : Void

Terminates execution of this task.

Terminates execution of this task. Calling this function will either remove this task from the execution queue or stop execution. Subsequent calls to this function have no effect. The onDone function will be called as a result of calling this function, if it is non-null. The onDone function may not be called before this function returns. This function is expected to be called a maximum of once per instance of Task.

See Also:
stopped, onDone

Profile: common


Inherited Functions