JavaFX: Bringing Rich Experiences To All the Screens Of Your Life

Profile: desktop, common


Encapsulates behavior interaction logic for a Skin. A Behavior implementation will usually contain logic for handling key events based on the host platform, as well as view-specific functions for handling mouse and key and other input events.

Variable Summary

accessnametypeCan ReadCan InitCan WriteDefault Valuedescription
public-read packageskinSkin

The Skin associated with this Behavior.

The Skin associated with this Behavior. Each Behavior is associated with one and only one Skin.


Inherited Variables

Function Summary

public callActionForEvent(e: KeyEvent) : Void

Invokes the proper action based on a KeyEvent.

Invokes the proper action based on a KeyEvent. Typically this interface is invoked by the Control which received the KeyEvent.


Inherited Functions