JavaFX: Bringing Rich Experiences To All the Screens Of Your Life

Profile: desktop, common


DateTime represents a specific instant in time, with millisecond precision. Unlike java.util.Date, DateTime supports the "proleptic Gregorian calendar" (the pure Gregorian calendar with no Julian-Gregorian transition).

Profile: common

Variable Summary

accessnametypeCan ReadCan InitCan WriteDefault Valuedescription
public-initinstantLongthe instant at which this DateTime was instantiated

The instant value represented by the number of milliseconds since the Epoch (1970-01-01T00:00:00Z).

Inherited Variables

Script Function Summary

public impl_parseRFC822DateTime(input: java.lang.String) : DateTime

Parses the given input in the RFC 822 date-time format and returns a DateTime object.

Parses the given input in the RFC 822 date-time format and returns a DateTime object.

Any military single letter zone is converted to its corresponding custom time zone name, such as "A" converted to "GMT-01:00".

See Also:

the string in the RFC 822 date-time format to be parsed
public impl_parseXMLDateTime(input: java.lang.String) : DateTime

Parses the given input in an ISO 8601 format and returns a DateTime object.

Parses the given input in an ISO 8601 format and returns a DateTime object.


Function Summary

public impl_toRFC822String() : java.lang.String

Converts this DateTime object to a String of the form defined by RFC 822:

Converts this DateTime object to a String of the form defined by RFC 822:

  EEE ', ' dd ' ' MMM ' ' yyyy ' ' HH ':' mm ':' ss ' ' Z
  • EEE is a day of week abbreviation, such as "Sun".
  • dd is a two-digit number representing day of month (01 - 31).
  • MMM is a month abbreviation, such as "Jan".
  • yyyy is a number representing the year.
  • HH is a two-digit number representing the hour in the 24-hour clock (00 - 23).
  • mm is a two-digit number representing the minute (00 - 59).
  • ss is a two-digit number representing the second (00 - 59).
  • Z is either a zone name defined by RFC 822 or sign followed by 4-digit time zone offset, such as "-0800". No military single letter zone representation is supported for formatting.
  • ', ', ' ', ':' are separaters between fields.

public impl_toString() : java.lang.String

Converts this DateTime object to a String of the form:

Converts this DateTime object to a String of the form:

   ['-']yyyy '-' MM '-' dd 'T' hh ':' mm ':' ss['.' f] [zzzzzz]
  • [ '-' ] is an optional negative sign indicating the year is before 1. (The year before 1 is represented as "-0001".)
  • yyyy is a four-or-more digit number representing the year.
  • '-' is a date field separater.
  • MM is a two-digit number representing the month (01 - 12).
  • dd is a two-digit number representing the day of month (01 - 31).
  • 'T' is a separater between the date fields and time fields.
  • hh is a two-digit number representing the hour in the 24-hour clock (00 - 23).
  • ':' is a time field separater.
  • mm is a two-digit number representing the minute [00-59].
  • ss is a two-digit number representing the second (00 - 59).
  • ['.' f] is an optional number representing the fractional seconds. For example, if the fractional seconds value is 120 milliseconds, it is represented as ".12". If the value is 0, this part is empty.
  • [zzzzzz] represents optional time zone information as 'Z' | sign hh ':' mm, where:
    • 'Z' represents UTC.
    • sign is character '+' representing a positive time zone offset, or character '-' representing a negative time zone offset.
    • hh is a two-digit number representing hours (00 - 14).
    • ':' is a separater between hours and minutes.
    • mm is a two-digit number representing minutes (00 - 59).
    If this DateTime object has no time zone, this part is empty.


Inherited Functions