Setting Up Change Categories and Types

This chapter covers the following topics:

Overview of Change Categories and Types

Important: The seeded Change Management categories of Idea and Issue are available only to customers who have licensed Product Lifecycle Management, and they are not available to licensees of Product Information Management.

You must perform the following tasks to define Change categories and their associated types.

Task Required?
Defining Change Categories  
Defining Change Types Yes
Defining Line Types  
Defining Change Type Attribute Groups  
Defining Change Line Attribute Groups  
Setting Up Change Attribute Group Security  
Implementing User-Defined Functions for Change Type Attributes  
Associating Change Type Attributes  
Customizing Change Management Workflows  
Defining Approval Routing Templates Yes
Creating User-Defined Priority Codes Yes
Creating User-Defined Reason Codes  
Creating User-Defined Statuses  
Defining Change Category Criteria Templates  
Defining Change Category Results Formats  
Defining Change Reports  

Building and Optimizing the Change Management Text Index

To take advantage of the Oracle Text search features such as keyword search, stemming search, and fuzzy search— run the concurrent program Item Catalog Text Index Build. Any user with the Development Manager responsibility can submit this concurrent program from the Submit Request window. Select the concurrent request parameter Action=CREATE when submitting the request. 

As item data changes over time due to ongoing item insert, delete, or update operations, the query response time may gradually decrease. Optimizing the change Management Text index using the Optimize Item Catalog Text Index concurrent program removes old data and minimizes index fragmentation, and therefore can improve query response time.

The Change Management Text Index should be optimized:

Note: This program optimizes at most 16,000 items per single run. To continue optimizing more items, re-run the program.

To optimize the Change Management Text Index

  1. In the Applications tree menu, click the "View Concurrent Requests" forms link.

  2. In the Find Requests form, click Submit a New Request.

  3. In the Submit a New Request form, select Single Request and click OK.

  4. In the Submit Request form, select Optimize Change Management Text Index from the Name list of values.

  5. In the Parameters form, provide the Program parameter values: FAST

    This optimization method compacts fragmented rows. However, old data remaining from deleted rows is not removed. FULL This method both compacts rows and removes old data (for example, performs garbage collection).

    Maximum Optimization

    Time Specify the maximum optimization time, in minutes, for FULL optimize. If you do not enter a value, the program runs until the entire index is optimized. If you specify a maximum time, the program performs as much work as allowed by the imposed time limit. The optimization picks up and continues the next time the program is run. When you specify 0 for maximum time, Oracle performs minimal optimization.

  6. Click Submit.

Defining Change Categories

You can use change categories to define and manage changes required by your enterprise. In addition to the seeded change categories (ideas, issues, change requests, change notifications, change orders) you can create change categories specific to your business needs. For example, you can create the change category Enhancement Requests to track your customers' product enhancement requests. You cannot delete seeded change categories; however, you can disable them.

You can configure each change category to have revised items or request lines based on the business purpose of the category. For example, a Change Order can have revised items as they allow a change order to implement item related changes. Request lines enable you to request changes or specify tasks related to an item and assign it to a person or group. You can associate criteria templates and result formats to a change category for frequently executed search criteria.

Important: The seeded Change Management categories of Idea and Issue are available only to customers who have licensed Product Lifecycle Management, and they are not available to licensees of Product Information Management.

The system provides five base change categories that can be used to create other categories:

Other change categories provided by the system include:

You can create your own change categories to manage a variety of issue and change management business processes relevant to your company.

You can specify a form function to control who can view and create change category objects. The form function must be added to the change management security menu (EGO_CHGMGMT_USER_SECURITY), which in turn is referenced by a user responsibility (such as Development Manager or Development Engineer). You can also enable (in the Item Catalog workbench) a tab to show all instances of a change category for the item in context.

You can specify a form function to control who can view and create change category objects. The form function must be added to the change management security menu (EGO_CHGMGMT_USER_SECURITY), which in turn is referenced by a user responsibility (such as Development Manager or Development Engineer). You can also enable (in the Item Catalog workbench) a tab to show all instances of a change category for the item in context.

New change category Enhancement Requests enabled in the Item Catalog

the picture is described in the document text

Enabling Change Category Function Security and the Item Change Category Tab

To enable the change category function and the item change category tab:

  1. Create the Form Function for the Item Enhancement Request tab.

    Description Tab



    User Function Name

    EGO User Item Enh Request tab


    EGO User Item Enh Request tab

    Properties Tab



    Maintenance Mode Support


    Context Dependence


    Web HTML Tab

    HTML Call OA.jsp?page=/oracle/apps/ego/item/eu/webui/EGOITEMCHANGEMGMTLISTPGL&akRegionApplicationId=431&addBreadCrumb=RP&OAHP=EGO_USER_WORKBENCH_HOMEPAGE&OASF=EGO_ITEM_ENH_REQ&changeMgmtTypeCode=ENHANCEMENT_REQUEST

    Important: Boldfaced characters represent the form function and internal name of the change category, respectively.

  2. Create the Form Function for Enhancement Request security. The function name must be 'ENG_CREATE_' (for example, ENG_CREATE_ENHANCEMENT_REQUEST):

    Description Tab



    User Function Name

    Engineering Create Enhancement Request

    Properties Tab



    Maintenance Mode Support


    Context Dependence


    Web HTML Tab

    HTML Call

    OA.jsp?page=/oracle/apps/eng/changemgmt/webui/SelectChgTypePG& changeMgmtTypeCode=ENHANCEMENT_REQUEST

    Additional Information: Boldfaced characters represent the internal name of the change category.

    Create form functions for change category security and item change category tab

    the picture is described in the document text

  3. Add the Create Enhancement Request function to the change management navigation menu (see the menu EGO_CHANGE_MGMT_MENU).


    Create Enhancement Request


    Engineering Create Enhancement Request

    Add function to change management menu

    the picture is described in the document text

  4. Add the Enhancement Request security function to the change management security menu (see the menu EGO_CHGMGMT_USER_SECURITY).


    Engineering Create Enhancement Request

    Add function to change management security menu

    the picture is described in the document text

  5. Add the Item Enhancement Request function to the item change management tab menu (query the menu EGO_USER_CHANGE_MANAGEMENT_TAB)


    Enhancement Requests


    EGO User Item Enh Request tab

    Important: You must enter a prompt when adding a function to a change management menu such as EGO_USER_CHANGE_MANAGEMENT_TAB.

  6. Add the new change category for Enhancement Requests by duplicating an existing Change Category. In example shown in the new Enhancement Request Change Category is being defined by duplicating the Issue category:

    Internal Name



    Enhancement Request


    Enhancement Request

    Plural Name

    Enhancement Requests

    Sort Seq


    Start Date

    defaults to sysdate

    Number Generation

    Sequence Generated



    Next Available Number


    Add new change category by duplicating an existing change category

    the picture is described in the document text

Additional Information: Oracle recommends that you stop and then start the Jserv and Apache listener middle tier ports after completing these setup tasks.

To create a new change category

  1. On the Categories page in the Setup Workbench, select any change category and click Duplicate.

    Note: Creating new categories by duplicating existing categories enables your enterprise to better control the general change categories in use. It also makes it easier to introduce new categories that are similar to the basic issue, change request and change order categories. Note, however, that duplication is not allowed for the following change categories:

    • File Review

    • File Approval

    • New Item Request (NIR)

  2. On the Duplicate Category page, change the data in the fields as necessary to create your new category.

    Important: When duplicating a change category, all information from the Basic Information section is copied. For new change categories based on existing change order categories, the following seeded line types are copied:

    • Item AML changes

    • Item attachment changes

    • Item attribute changes

    Note the following fields:

    • Plural Name

      Enter alphanumeric text to specify the plural of the name that appears in the user interface.

    • Sort Sequence

      Enter a number to specify the tab sequence in which the categories will appear in the user interface.

    • Autonumbering

      If you select the Number Generation method Override at Type Level, then autonumbering must be specified at the Type level, and therefore does not inherit the numbering schema used for the parent change category.

  3. Click Apply to complete creation of the new change category.

    If, after creating a new change category you wish for the new category to be displayed as a tab in the item workbench, you must create a form function passing the change category name as a parameter, then assign the form function to the appropriate Menu in the user interface, and finally assign the Menu to a Responsibility, which in turn is granted to a user. For more information, see the Oracle Product Information Management Implementation Guide. For more information on Menus and Responsibilities, see the Oracle E-Business Suite Developer's Guide.

    All new change categories created will be available to the user for search and reporting under the general Change Management Menu.

    If you wish to have this category be available separately to the user, you must create separate form functions for simple search, advanced search, create, and reports, assign the form functions to a menu, and finally assign the menu to a responsibility.

After creating a new change category, you can configure the Header Types, Line Types and Reports. For more details see:

Creating Priority Codes

Change priorities enable you to define the degree of urgency of change requests, change orders, and issues in a way that accommodates your business processes. You can create priority codes to capture different priorities (such as High, Medium or Low).

Priority codes are applicable to all change categories and their types.

You cannot delete seeded priority codes; however, you can disable the seeded priority codes and define new ones specific to your use. You can disable a priority on a given date by specifying a date in the Inactive On field.

To create a change priority

  1. On the Search: Item Catalog Categories page in the Setup Workbench, click the Change Management tab.

  2. On the Categories page, click the Codes tab.

  3. On the Priorities page, click Add Another Row.

  4. In the new row, enter the following:


    Enter alphanumeric text to specify the name of the priority.

    Priority Sequence

    Enter a number between 0 and 9. Use 0 to denote the highest priority and 9 the lowest. Priority sequence is used to determine the sort sequence.


    Enter a description for the priority.

    Note: You can delete a change priority as long as it has not yet been used--once in use, a priority cannot be deleted.

Creating Reason Codes

Use change reasons to categorize and identify causes for changes. The system uses reasons for reference only.

Reason codes enable you to track the reason for which the issue/change has been created. Create reason codes to capture reasons for the issue/change (such as Quality Improvement, Design Improvement, Cost Reduction, Test Failure and Non Conformance).

Reason codes are applicable to all change categories and their types.

You cannot delete seeded reason codes; however, you can disable the seeded reason codes and define new ones specific to your use. You can disable a reason on a given date by specifying a date in the Inactive On field.

To create a change reason

  1. On the Search: Item Catalog Categories page in the Setup Workbench, click the Change Management tab.

  2. On the Categories page, click the Codes tab.

  3. On the Priorities page, click the Reasons link.

  4. On the Reasons page, click Add Another Row. In the new row, enter the following:


    Enter alphanumeric text to describe a unique reason for initiating a change. For example, you could define a reason named OBSOLETE to indicate an obsolete part, or WAIVER to indicate a component change on a bill of material.


    Enter a description of the reason.

    Note: You can delete a change reason as long as it has not yet been used--once in use, a reason cannot be deleted.

Creating Classification Codes

Classifications provide a mechanism for companies to automate the categorization of change orders, and to also indicate to users exactly how the change order will impact their production. Oracle provides two types of classifications:


Derived classification codes are derived from a user-defined function. For example, a division of a company, Vision Operations, needs to automate the process whereby a change order is assigned a particular classification code. To create an automated classification process, Vision has created a set of attributes that, when filled in by users, classifies change orders into a particular classification or workflow routing. The user-supplied attributes are mapped to user-defined functions. The function takes the data supplied in the attributes and derives a valid classification code. Derived classification codes appear to users as read-only data. For details about user-defined attributes and functions see Defining Header/Line Type Attributes and Attribute Groups, and Defining User-Defined Functions. For details about setting up user-defined functions for change type attributes, see the example: Implement User-Defined Functions for Change Type Attributes.


Valid classification codes are selected by the user from a list of values. Valid values are specified in the change header type. Note: Classifications are available only to change categories whose base category is Change Order.

Note: Classifications are available only to change categories whose base category is Change Order.

To create classifications

  1. On the Search: Item Catalog Categories page in the Setup Workbench, click the Change Management tab.

  2. On the Categories page, click the Codes tab.

  3. On the Priorities page, click the Classifications link.

  4. On the Classifications page, click Add Another Row.

  5. In the new row, provide the name of the Classification Code and a Description.

    Note: You can delete a classification code as long as it has not yet been used. Once in use, a classification code cannot be deleted.

Creating Statuses

Statuses enable you to manage an issue/change through its lifecycle. You define statuses to indicate various states of an issue/change (for example, Open, On Hold, Complete and Cancelled).

Statuses are applicable to all change categories and their types

You cannot delete or disable seeded statuses; however, you can define new statuses specific to your business processes. You can disable user-defined statuses on a given date by specifying a date in the Inactive On field.

Change categories are managed through their statuses and an approval workflow. Each status can have one workflow associated with it, and that workflow is automatically launched when changes enter into the status.

Note: You can change the name of any status, even those provided by the system. If a status is already in use you cannot delete it. Also, you cannot delete any of the system provided status.

To create a status

  1. On the Search: Item Catalog Categories page in the Setup Workbench, click the Change Management tab.

  2. On the Categories page, click the Workflow tab.

  3. On the Statuses page, click Add Another Row.

  4. In the new row, enter the following:

    • Status

      Provide a name for the new status.

    • Status Type

      Select the type that applies to the status:

      • Open

        When a change order has a status of Open, users can update it. However, when the workflow is running and Update Allowed is not selected, users cannot update it. Note that Update Allowed specifies that even if a workflow is running, the change object can still be updated. Otherwise, if a workflow is running, it cannot be updated , except for the posting of comments.

      • Scheduled

        Once in use, the change cannot be updated. Scheduled change orders are picked up and implemented by auto-implement manager (when auto-implement is set up).

      • Released

        Cannot be updated.

      • Approval

        A workflow is mandatory for this status. Once the Approval is granted, the status cannot be updated. You can associate a workflow template containing an approval request step for Approval status types only.

      • Implemented

        For each change header type, only one status can use Implemented. Implemented change orders cannot be reopened and canceled. Implemented must always be the final status.

      Note: Once in use, you cannot delete or update Status Types (except for the Display Name).

    • Description

      Enter a description of the status.

    • Inactive On

      Optionally, enter a date on which the status becomes inactive. As of this date, you can no longer assign the status.

Defining Workflow Templates

Workflow templates enable you to predefine a business approval process. Change categories such as issues, change requests and change orders can only be approved via the successful completion of an approval routing. Workflows are supported at change header and line levels. You can create and maintain header and line workflow templates for each change type using workflow templates listed in the Setup Workbench under the Change Management Workflow tab.

Creation of a new Workflow Template

the picture is described in the document text

Workflow templates enable you to define a workflow for a change object; you can use workflows for a variety of purposes, some of which include informational messages (FYI), request for comment, or approval requests. Create workflow templates for change header and line level usage separately and associate them at the change header and change line level, respectively.

Workflow templates are made up of steps--each step describes a workflow process and specifies the assignees. For example, you can create steps to request approval, request comment, or send an FYI notification.

While creating a workflow template its Type needs to be specified.

Important: Once a workflow template is created of a particular type, its type cannot be changed.

Currently the following workflow template types are supported:


The Approval workflow template type is valid only for workflows with status type Approval.


The Definition workflow template type is used primarily for workflows in New Item Requests with status type Open.

Definition and Approval

The Definition and Approval workflow template type is used primarily for New Item Requests of status type Approval.


The Generic workflow template type is used for all other status types.

Certain workflow types can be associated with specific statuses. Following are the associations between status type and workflow types:

Valid Workflow Types for Change Categories (except New Item Request)
Status Type Valid Workflow Type
Approval/Review Approval
Others Generic
Valid Workflow Types for New Item Requests
Status Type Valid Workflow Type
Open Definition
Approval/Review, Definition and Approval, or Approval Approval
Others Generic

Workflow templates are basically made up of approval steps; each approval step describes a workflow process and specifies the assignees. For example, you can create steps to request approval, request comment, or send an FYI notification.

You can use any of the following seeded workflow processes in a workflow template:

Request Approval

The Request Approval workflow enables you to request approvals from a person or group.


The FYI workflow enables you to send an FYI notification to a person or group.

Request Comment

The Request Comment workflow enables you to request comments from a person or group.


The Definition workflow is primarily used in the New Item Request Process and allows for the association of item attribute groups in the New Item Request process so that they can be defined by the step assignee.

Definition and Approval

The Definition and Approval workflow is similar to the Definition workflow but also requires an approval by the step assignee. For more details, see: Defining New Item Request Workflows.

You should plan and document the approval processes needed for specific types of changes in your enterprise. Pre-planning of these processes enable you to define workflow templates that adhere to your business processes.

You can manage parallel and serial approvals by assigning multiple people or groups to a routing step, or by assigning individual people or a group to each routing step. You can assign a specific role, person, or group to a routing step. Item roles need to be mapped to the change roles assigned on an approval routing step to ensure a person or group is assigned when the change is created (see Implementing Change Management Role Based Security for details on mapping item roles to change roles).

To create a header workflow template

  1. In the Applications tree menu, click the Setup Workbench link.

  2. On the Search: Item Catalog Categories page, click the Change Management tab.

  3. On the Categories page, click the Workflow tab.

  4. On the Workflow Templates page, select Header Templates and click Create.

  5. 5a)

    On the Create Header Workflow Template page, note the following fields:

    Start Date

    Defaults to the current date. Start date is the date from which the workflow template is available.

    End Date

    The date upon which this workflow template is no longer unavailable.


    Identifies the type of workflow template that you are creating. Available workflow template types are:

    • Approval

      The Approval workflow template type is valid only for workflows with status type Approval.

    • Definition

      The Definition workflow template type is used primarily for workflows in New Item Requests with status type Open.

    • Definition and Approval

      The Definition and Approval workflow template type is used primarily for New Item Requests of status type Approval.

    • Generic

      The Generic workflow template type is used for all other status types.

    Certain workflow types can be associated with specific statuses. The following table shows the association between the header status type and the workflow type for all change categories:

    Following are the associations between status types and workflow types for the change category New Item Request:

    Header Workflow Types and their Usage in Change Categories and Statuses
    Change Category/ Workflow Type Definition Definition and Approval Approval Generic Notification
    NIR Available for Open Status Available for Approval Status Available for Approval Status Available for all Statuses -
    Idea - - Available for Approval Status Available for all Statuses -
    Issue - - Available for Approval Status Available for all Statuses -
    Change Request - - Available for Approval Status Available for all Statuses -
    Change Notification - - Available for Approval Status Available for all Statuses -
    Change Order - -- Available for Approval Status Available for all Statuses -
    File Review - - - Use in All Statuses -
    File Approval - - Available for Approval Status Available for all Statuses -
  6. Click Add Step.

  7. On the Add Step page, provide the following information:


    Enter the number of the step. This determines the order in which the steps are executed.

    Workflow Process

    Select the workflow process that describes this step. After selecting a workflow process, click Go. Selecting FYI changes the fields that follow; only the Instructions field appears. You can create custom workflow processes using Oracle Workflow Builder.

    Important: Users receive a role based on the workflow process that is chosen here. If Request Comment is selected, the person from whom you are requesting the comment receives the Change Reviewer role. If Request Approval is selected, the person from whom you are requesting the approval receives the Change Approver role. If FYI is selected, the person to whom you are sending the FYI receives the Change Reviewer role. These roles are assigned in addition to any other roles these users may already have on the change object. The administrator can edit the privileges for these roles.


    Following are the choices for Assignee:

    • User Entered

      You must select a particular user who is restricted to the Roles or Groups specified in the Assignees list.

    • Derived

      The assignee is derived based on user's roles. Hence, the list of available assignees (in the Assignees section) will all have the same role.

    Response Required

    Following are the rule choices for responses:

    • All Assignees

      All assignees must respond (or approve).

    • One Assignee

      Only one of the assignees must respond (or approve).

    • Mandatory Assignees

      When you add assignees, you specify that they are Optional or Mandatory. You must always have at least one Mandatory responder/approver.

    Days to Respond

    Enter the number of days--from the time this step is executed--in which you will need a response. Note that this is not the amount of time that transpires from the time the approval routing is submitted, but that it is the number of days from the time this particular step begins.


    Optionally, enter instructions for the assignees to follow in their responses.


    You can add assignees based on roles, membership in groups, or by selecting a specific person.

    Note: When you select role, you are selecting either a change management or item role. If you assign someone by item role, then all users with this role on the item become Reviewers. If you assign someone by change management role, then all users with this role on the change become Approvers.

  8. Click Apply to save this step.

  9. On the Update Workflow Template page, verify that all steps required for the template have been added, and then click Apply.

To create a line workflow template

Create line workflow templates using the same steps described in To create a header workflow template.

The following workflow types are supported at the line level:

The following table shows the associations between change lines and workflow types for all change categories:

Change Category/ Workflow Type Definition Definition and Approval Approval Generic Notification
NIR - - - - -
Idea - - - Available Available
Issue - - - Available Available
  - - - Available Available
  - - - Available Available
  - - - - -
  - - - - -
  - - - - -

Customizing Change Management Workflows

Oracle supports the extension of workflows. Extensions include using existing seeded processes to build new workflow processes and modifying parameters of an activity without changing process logic (for example, adding custom logic in an Abort Approval Routing subprocess).

If the Change Management seeded workflows do not meet your business processing needs, you can customize or extend the seeded Change Management Workflow processes by creating your own processes, modifying the seeded ones, adding a new activity to a seeded process, and/or modifying custom hook PL/SQL procedures.

Suggestions for Customizing Workflows

Important: Oracle provides support only for its seeded activities, processes, and the types of extensions described in this guide. Oracle does not provide support for your custom activities and processes.

Creating Task Templates

Task templates define the various tasks that must be completed for a change order. You can create task templates only for categories whose base change category is Change Order. After creating task templates, you can use them to define the organization policies for change order header types.

Creation of a Task Template

the picture is described in the document text

The task templates are created for specific Organizations. Hence multiple task templates could be associated with a change order type. Depending on the organization in which the change order is created, the task templates defined for that organization associated with the change order become applicable.

If a task is specified as Mandatory it means that the task must be completed before the change order can proceed to the next status. After creating task templates, you can use them to define the organization policies for change order header types. This has been detailed in the section Defining Header Types.

To create a task template

  1. On the Categories page in the Setup Workbench, click the Task Templates tab.

  2. On the Task Templates page, click Create.

  3. On the Create Task Template page, provide data in the required fields and click Add Another Row in the Change Tasks table to specify the tasks associated with the change order header type. Note the following fields:

    • Sequence

      Determines the order in which the tasks will appear on the page.

    • Task

      The name of the task.

    • Assignee Type

      Specify whether you wish to assign the task to a person or group.

    • Assignee

      The person (or group) to whom the task is assigned.

    • Mandatory

      Specifies that the task must be completed before the change order can proceed to the next status.

Defining Header/Line Type Attributes and Attribute Groups

Defining attributes and attributes groups enables you to capture additional information related to issues, change requests, and change orders. You can create user-defined attributes with validation logic and associate them to change types as a collection of attributes within an attribute group.

Attributes are defined by their names and values, and are saved within attribute groups. You can associate attribute groups to a change header type or change line type. You must define separate attribute groups for header types and line types. You can reuse the same attribute group across different change categories and their change types. Users enter the values for the attributes on the pages that you create for each change type. You can also define how attributes are displayed for your change objects to improve usability.

You can index attributes to speed up search performance. For numeric or date data types, a B-tree index enables users to search on a range of values or use relational operators such as “less than” and “greater than,” among others. For text attributes, Oracle Text index allows flexible key word searching.

Prior to creating user-defined attributes, do the following:

Attribute Group Attributes Data Type
Customer Priorities Customer Char
  Priority Char
  Date Standard Date
  Review Char
Implementation Cost Manufacturing Number
  Engineering Number
  Supplier Charges etc Number

The figure below shows how the display options are set for the different attributes. The figure on Defining Change Attribute Types shows the results of these display option settings. For example, you can see that the attribute Customer is set to display as a text field, and indeed it does. Note that the attribute Customer uses the value set Customer, which is really a table that is displayed as a list of values (LOV) text field. Also notice that the attribute Customer is maintained as part of a unique key. You can add to/edit the unique key as long as doing so does not destroy the uniqueness (creating duplicates) of existing records.

Also note in the figure below that Enabled parameter is set to No for the Company Name attribute, indicating that this attribute will not be displayed on the change page. You can always disable attributes; however, you cannot delete attributes if the attribute group has already been associated with a change type.

Defining change attributes and attribute groups

the picture is described in the document text

Defining change type attributes (setting attribute values)

the picture is described in the document text

Related Topics

Defining Item Attributes and Attribute Group, Oracle Product Lifecycle Management User's Guide or Oracle Product Information Management Distribution Librarian User's Guide

Defining Header Types

Change types provide enterprises a way to accommodate business processes and classify types of changes within a change category. For example, you can define different issue types such as Quality Issue, Product Issue, and Performance Issue to capture the various types of issues in your enterprise.

You can configure a change type to have the following:

Associating Task Templates per organization

the picture is described in the document text

Defining Propagation Rules

the picture is described in the document text

To create a change header type

  1. On the Categories page in the Setup workbench, select a change category and then click the Header Types tab.

  2. If you already know of a similar header type, select it and click Duplicate. Otherwise, click Create.

  3. On the Create <Change Category Name>Type page, note the following fields:

    • Number Generation

      Select a number generation method.

      Note: To enable autonumbering, you must enter both a prefix and next available number.

      • Sequence Generated

        If the change header type numbering method is sequence generated, then all change headers will be automatically generated based on the sequence generation rules specified here. You can specify a prefix, starting number, and increment.

      • User Entered

        If you specify user entered, then the user is required to manually enter a number for new headers of this change header type.

        Note: The User Entered number generation method is not supported for the New Item Request change category.

      • Function Generated

        Enables you to associate user-defined functions based on change type attributes. These functions will automatically create change numbers in the sequenced defined in the function.

        See: Creating User-defined Functions.

      • Inherit From Parent

        If the change header type numbering method is inherited from parent, then the change header type number generation method will be the same as that defined for the parent change category.

        Note: Inherit From Parent only appears as a Number Generation selection choice for the change header type when the associated change category's (the parent) Number Generation is set to Override at Type Level.

      Note: When importing new item requests using a spreadsheet, the associated change header type must have Sequence Generated or Function Generated autonumbering. User Entered autonumbering results in an import error.

    • Subject

      You can specify that the subject of the change header type is an item, item revision, item and component, or document revision. The subject may then be restricted by item catalog category, item status, or item type. For example, you can set up an issue header type named Production Motherboard Issue where the subject of the issue is restricted to items in the Motherboard item catalog category with a status of Production.

      Similarly, you can restrict the subject document revision by document category, document status, document lifecycle phase.

      Note: Unlike other change categories, the Change Order category does not support document revision as a subject.

    • Assignee Type

      You can set up the change header type to assign change objects by Person, Group, or Item Role. A user may have more than one role for an because you can assign item roles at the organization, item catalog category, and item level. If you choose to assign change objects by item role, then you need to choose an Assignee Type that specifies the level in which to look up the assignee by item role:

      • Group

        The change header is assigned to members of the group that is specified.

      • Item Role at Catalog Category Level

        The change header is assigned to users who have a role on the subject item that is inherited from the item catalog category.

      • Item Role at Item Level

        The change header is assigned to users who have a role on the subject item.

      • Item Role at Organization Level

        The change header is assigned to users who have a role on the subject item that is inherited within the organization.

      • Person

        The change header is assigned to the person specified.

After creating and saving the basic information for the change header type, you can complete the configuration setup as described in the following tasks.

To associate attribute groups with a change header type

  1. On the Basic Information page of the header type to which you wish to associate attributes groups, click Attribute Groups.

  2. Click Add Attribute Groups.

  3. Search for and select the attribute groups you wish to associate and click Apply.

To associate pages with a change header type

Use the Pages link to add attribute groups specified for a type to pages within the user interface. For example, you may have created and associated the attribute groups Cost Information and Inventory Impact for a particular change header type. Now you wish to make them available via the user interface. Using Pages, you can set up a new page, for example, Related Information, on which to view and update the interface for the attributes Cost Information and Inventory Impact.

  1. On the Basic Information page of the header type to which you wish to associate attributes groups, click Pages.

  2. On the Pages page, click Create Page.

  3. Enter the basic information in the required fields. Note that the number entered in Sequence determines the order in which the page links appear on the change object's detail page.

  4. Click Add Another Row in the Attribute Groups section. Enter the Sequence number to specify the order in which the attribute groups will appear on the page.

To associate codes with a change header type

You can specify valid priority and reason codes applicable to a change header type.

  1. On the Basic Information page of the header type to which you wish to associate attributes groups, click Codes.

  2. On the Codes page, select the valid priorities and reasons code for the header type.

To configure a change header type

You can configure the change header type to specify what sections and primary attributes are enabled for the type.

  1. On the Basic Information page of the header type click Configuration.

  2. On the Configuration page, select the sections and primary attributes to enable for the change header type.

To associate workflows with a change header type

You can associate multiple workflows to each status and set one of them as default. The system automatically uses the default workflow when you creates a change of that type. However, you can choose to select any of the associated workflows when creating the change.

Note: If a mandatory workflow step is unassigned in an approval workflow, the workflow does not launch until all mandatory steps have valid assignees. If a workflow is associated to the first status (Open) on a change and a mandatory step in the workflow is unassigned, the change can only be saved as a draft. The change can move to the Open status after the step is assigned.

When you create a status you specify a status type. These status types determine some of the operational characteristics of the change header during its workflow:

Certain workflow types can be associated with the statuses defined here. Following are the associations between status type and workflow type for non-new item requests:

Status Type Valid Workflow Type
Approval Approval
Others Generic

Following are the associations between status types and workflow types for new item requests:

Status Type Valid Workflow Type
Open Definition
Approval Definition & Approval, or Approval
Others Generic
  1. On the Basic Information page of the header type, click Workflow to define the workflow for the change header type.

  2. On the Workflow page, click Add Another Row in the Statuses section.

  3. Specify a number that indicates the order in which the statuses are executed, and select a status. Click Apply.

  4. After creating a workflow for a change header type, you can click the Update Properties icon to specify for each status the valid promotion and demotion statuses and assign one or more workflows. For workflows that contain an Approval status, you must assign a workflow template that contains at least one Request Approval step. You can also select the following for each Appproval workflow:

    • Allow Updates

      Selecting this option enables the user to cancel a change line during the Approval status.

    • Auto Promote

      Selecting this option and specifying a valid promotion status enables the system to automatically promote the change to this status after successful completion of the Approval status.

    • Auto Demote

      Selecting this option and specifying a valid demotion status enables the system to automatically demote the change to this status after failing the Approval process.

To specify organization policies for change headers

You can specify organization policies for change orders only.

You can specify organization policies for change header types such that task templates and propagation rules are applied to every change order created in a specific organization. The changes specified in a change order may need to be propagated to several other organizations in your company. A business may therefore be comprised of hierarchically related organizations for which you need to propagate these change orders. For example, you may have an organization, Vision Operations, which has two manufacturing organizations in the VisionMfg hierarchy named Seattle Manufacturing and Chicago Manufacturing. You initially create change orders in the Vision Operations organization. Once the change orders reach a certain status in the workflow (for example, Scheduled), the change orders can be propagated (for example, copied to the destination organization with the Status initially set to Open) to the two manufacturing organizations in the hierarchy. You can set up the organization policy such that a change order is automatically propagated downward to the other organizations in the hierarchy whenever the change order reaches a particular status. However, the changes only propagate to the organizations within the hierarchy to which the user entering the change order has access. For example, if another user who only has security access to the Vision Operations and Seattle Manufacturing organizations enters change orders under this organization policy, the change orders only propagate to Vision Operations and Seattle Manufacturing and not to Chicago Manufacturing.

Task templates identify the specific tasks that must be performed before a status is considered complete. For details, see Creating Task Templates.

  1. On the Basic Information page of the change order header type to which you wish to create organization policies, click Organization Policies.

  2. On the Organization Policies page, select the organization to which the organization policy will be applied.

  3. Click the Task Template tab, and then click Add Another Row to specify the task template you wish to use. Note that you can assign more than one task template. You can specify the status in which to start the task and the status in which to complete the task.

  4. Click the Propagation Rules tab. Before specifying the organization hierarchy for propagation, you have the option of selecting a particular status that, when entered, will automatically propagate the change order to a default organization hierarchy. To do so, select Auto Propagate and specify the Status for Propagation. If you wish to manually propagate change orders, do not select Auto Propagate.

  5. In the Organization Hierarchy for Propagation table, click Add Another Row, then select the Organization Hierarchy to which the change order will be propagated. While you can add more than one organization hierarchy to the propagation rules, the change order can only be propagated to one. Also, you can select one organization hierarchy as the default to which all change orders are propagated.

Note: Both an organization and the task templates/propagation rules must be specified before you click Apply. If you select an organization only and click Apply no organization policy has been defined, thus nothing is saved.

Defining Line Types

Change orders employ tasks and revised items to capture their various elements or "to do's." Change orders do not support ad-hoc line types. Issues, Change Notifications, Ideas, and Change Requests, however, use change lines, which serve a similar role. NIR and File Approval and File Review do not support line types. Change lines capture all the details required for a change.

Change line types enable you to capture specific changes to an item or tasks related to a change. For example, you can define different line types to capture item related changes (such as Item Attribute changes, Component redesign changes, Attachment changes and Part Obsolescence).

Change Line Types

the picture is described in the document text

Creation of a Line type is similar to that of the Change Header type. Each Line type could have a default assignee as well as an associated Subject.

Defining a Change Line Type

the picture is described in the document text

You can associate workflows at the line level. Generic and Notification workflow types are supported for lines—approval workflows are not supported for lines. You have the option to associate multiple workflows to a line type, with one of the workflows set as the default.

Defining a change line type

  1. On the Categories page in the Setup Workbench, select any change category that supports line types, and click the Line Types tab.

  2. If you already know of a similar line type, select it and click Duplicate. Otherwise, click Create.

  3. On the Create <Change Category Name> Line Type page, note the following fields:

    • Subject

      You can specify an item, item revision, or document revision upon which the line type shall be based. You can restrict the subject item further by item catalog category, lifecycle phase, or item type. For example, you can create an issue line type to restrict the subject to all items in a particular catalog category whose value you specify. So when users file issues, they will select from a list of values. If you do not restrict the subject, then all items will be available for the line type.

      Similarly, you can restrict the subject document revision by document category, document status, and document lifecycle phase.

      Note: Unlike other change categories, the Change Order category does not support document revision as a subject.

    • Assignee Type

      Typically users have different roles at different levels within an enterprise. To ensure users are assigned the correct role on line types, you can choose from the following Assignee Types:

      • Group

        The change line type is assigned to members of the group that is specified.

      • Item Role at Catalog Category Level

        The change line type is assigned to users who have a role on the subject item that is inherited from the item catalog category.

      • Item Role at Item Level

        The change line type is assigned to users who have a role on the subject item.

      • Item Role at Organization Level

        The change line type is assigned to users who have a role on the subject item that is inherited within the organization.

      • Person

        The change line type is assigned to the person specified.

After the change line type is created, you can associate attribute groups and pages with it.

To associate pages with a change line type

Use the Pages link to add attribute groups specified for a change line type to pages within the user interface. For example, you may have created and specified the attribute groups Cost Information and Inventory Impact for a particular change line type. Now you wish to make them available via the user interface. Using Pages, you can set up a new page, for example, Related Information, on which to make available the interface for the attributes Cost Information and Inventory Impact.

  1. On the Basic Information page of the change line to which you wish to associate attributes groups, click Pages.

  2. On the Pages page, click Create Page.

  3. Enter the basic information in the required fields. Note that the number entered in Sequence determines the order in which the page links appear on the change line's detail page.

  4. Click Add Another Row in the Attribute Groups section. Enter the Sequence number to specify the order in which the attribute groups will appear on the page.

    Note: You cannot associate pages with the following change order line types:

    • AML changes

    • Attribute changes

    • Attachment changes

To associate workflows with a change line type

You can associate multiple workflow templates to a change line type, setting one of them as the default workflow.

Note: Only Generic and Notification workflow types are supported for change line types. The Approval workflow type is not supported.

  1. On the Basic Information page of the change line to which you wish to associate workflows, click Update.

  2. On the Update Change Request Line Type page, find the Workflows section of the page. Click Add Another Row.

  3. Search for and select a workflow template.

  4. Optionally, with the workflow template selected, click Set as Default to select this template as the default workflow for the change line type.

  5. Click Apply.

Associating Change Type Attributes

After creating the attributes, values, value sets, and attribute groups, associate the attribute group to a change type or a line type. You can define pages to display the associated attribute groups.

Note: You can reuse the same attribute group across change types belonging to different change categories.

To associate attribute groups with a change type

  1. Add the attribute group to the Attribute Groups list for that change type (change order or issue).

    For example, the change category Change Order has the change type ECO. The following figure shows that the attribute groups Implementation Cost and Unit Cost are associated with the header type ECO.

    Associate change type attribute

    the picture is described in the document text

  2. Define change pages for the associated attribute groups. You can locate one or more attribute groups on a page, or create separate pages for each attribute group. The following figure shows the change order type ECO has two pages: Classification and Impact Analysis. The figure "Create pages for attributes" shows an example of how two attribute groups are rendered on a single page for a change order.

    Create pages for attributes

    the picture is described in the document text

    Change page for attributes on change order overview page

    the picture is described in the document text

Associating Change Line Type Attributes

You can configure a line type to have Attribute Groups/Pages. You can associate attribute groups that have been defined for lines to a change type. These attribute groups enable you to capture additional information regarding the type of change being created, or business process-specific attributes that are required to process the change. You can create pages for a line type, and then organize the attribute groups associated with the line type in a logical manner.

Attribute Groups for a Change Line Type

the picture is described in the document text

To associate attribute groups with a change line type

  1. On the Basic Information page of the change line to which you wish to associate attributes groups, click Attribute Groups.

  2. Click Add Attribute Groups.

  3. Search for and select the attribute groups you wish to associate and click Apply.

    Note: You cannot associate attribute groups with the following change order line types:

    • AML changes

    • Attribute changes

    • Attachment changes

Implementing User Defined Functions for Change Type Attribute

You can define your own custom logic by adding user-defined functions and actions to existing change pages. In such cases you do not need to customize the entire page.

You can register user-defined functions for executing customer-specific business rules and calculations. These functions can be written in Java or PL/SQL. URL functions can also pass the values of certain parameters to the URL string and redirect users to a secure page. For each function, you need to register the list of parameters, their data types, and how they get their values by specifying parameter types.

Actions are trigger points for functions and can be displayed as buttons or links. You can determine the conditional visibility of the button/links and also prompt the user based on his or her input.

Example: Implement User-Defined Functions for Change Type Attributes

The following example shows how you would calculate Total Cost by using the attribute group Implementation Cost.

Sequence Attribute Group: Implement
Attribute Group: Implement
Attribute Group: Implement Cost PL/SQL Function: Calculate Cost PL/SQL Function: Calculate Cost PL/SQL Function: Calculate Cost
Sequence Attribute Name Data Type Mapping Attribute & Parameters Parameter Name Data Type Parameter Type
1 Suppliers Charges Number --a` ---a` ---a` Cost 1 Number Input
2 Manufacturing Number --a` ---a` ---a` Cost 2 Number Input
3 Engineering Number --a` ---a` ---a` Cost 3 Number Input
4 Field/Repair Number --a` ---a` ---a` Cost 4 Number Input
5 Total Implement Cost Number --a` ---a` ---a` Cost Result Number Return Value

First, register the PL/SQL function “Calculate Cost” (based on the PL/SQL procedure that resides in the PL/SQL package) with all required parameters.

Then navigate to the “ECO” change order type and add the action to the attribute group “Implement Cost” by clicking Update Action. The action executes the function on the change pages. After creating the action, map the function parameters to the corresponding attributes.

The mapping section on the Action Detail page provides the mapping information for function parameters. You can also map parameters of functions to the object's primary key value (for example, CHANGE_ID for change objects).

When setting up an action

  1. Specify a role-based privilege to secure the action.

    See: Creating Custom Privileges

  2. Add the Dynamic Visibility Function (written in Java only) to your action if there is a certain condition that needs to be satisfied before users can view the action button or link. For example, if one or all of the fields are empty, then the user cannot see the button/link to execute the action.

  3. Add the Dynamic Prompt Function (written in Java only) to your action if the label for the button/link needs to be changed depending on a certain condition. For example, it the Total Implement Cost attribute is empty, then the button label is Apply, otherwise the button label is Apply Changes.

    Important: Dynamic Prompt and Dynamic Visibility function parameters must be mapped to the corresponding attributes as well.

    Associate action with attribute group to execute a function

    the picture is described in the document text

    Change type attribute page displays action button

    the picture is described in the document text

Related Topics

Implementing User-Defined Functions for Items, Oracle Product Lifecycle Management User's Guide or Oracle Product Information Management Distribution Librarian User's Guide

Defining Change Category Search Criteria

Criteria templates offer you a way to save frequently used search criteria—essentially, acting as a saved list of specific attributes and attribute values. Criteria templates that you—the administrator—create are available to all users, and serve to expedite searches for issues, ideas, change requests and change orders, thereby saving users the time it would take to specify search criteria and execute frequent change management searches.

Of course, users also have the option of creating criteria templates for their own private use. In fact, when both a user and administrator define a default criteria template for a particular change category, the user-defined criteria template takes precedence.

Because criteria templates contain user-defined attributes, you must always define them in the context of a change category. You can define as many criteria templates as you wish, and you can also denote the most commonly used as the default criteria template. For example, you may define criteria templates to quickly find Open Change Requests, My Issues, or Scheduled Change Orders.

For instructions on how to create and maintain search criteria for change objects, see: Managing Search Criteria.

Accessing Administrative Level Search Criteria and Display Formats

the picture is described in the document text

Related Topics

Searching for Ideas, Issues, and Changes, Oracle Product Information Management User's Guide

Managing Search Criteria

Defining Change Category Display Formats

Display formats enable you to predefine search results views for each change category. You can use these views to look at different sets of attributes of the change objects (for example, issues, change requests, change orders) that are returned by a search. Both administrators and users can create display formats. Administrator-created display formats are available to all users. User-created display formats are available only to the users who created them. You can define as many display formats as you wish, and you can also denote the most commonly used as the default display format.

You can include any primary, operational, or user-defined attributes in your display format definitions. You can include display sections in your display formats that provide links directly to the section from your search results. This enables you to display links in your search results to any user-defined change type page (such as Cost Information) or any of the standard display sections: Lines, Attachments, Action Log, Approval, Approval History, Dependencies, Revisions, and People.

For more information on how to create and maintain a change category display format, see: Managing Display Formats.

Change request search results using a user-created display format

the picture is described in the document text

Related Topics

Searching for Ideas, Issues, and Changes, Oracle Product Information Management User's Guide

Defining Change Category Search Criteria

Managing Display Formats

Defining Change Category Reports

Change management reports are basically search criteria and display formats that you can save, browse, email, or print. You can create reports for any change management category. You can also browse a report sequentially or using a summary view. Browsing a report sequentially enables you to step through each change object in a report. A summary view displays the report in tabular column format. You can send a report to other users including registered suppliers and customers.

An Admin can create a report for the most common or frequent searches that users of the system would be performing. This would be based on the business process being implemented. These Admin defined reports would save an ordinary user the time of selecting a change category, search criteria and display format, and repeating the same search over and over again. You can give reports meaningful names as well. For example, a search for all open high priority issues may yield dozens of issues, each identified by issue name and number. You can name the report for these search results " High Priority Open Issues Report" as shown in the figure below.

Report security is consistent with search security: you can only access change object on which you have the required role. Also, administrator-created reports are available to all users, although only the administrator can edit these reports.

High Priority Issue Report

the picture is described in the document text

To create a report

  1. In the Setup Workbench, on the Categories page, click the Reports tab. When the page refreshes, click Create Report.

  2. When the Create Report page refreshes, provide the following:


    Provide a name for the Report.


    Optionally, provide a description of the Report.


    Select the criteria to be used in the search. You can use an existing search criteria template (if one exists for the change category selected), or add criteria here by clicking Add Criteria.


    Select a format for the report. You can use an existing display format by selecting it from the Display Format pulldown and clicking Go.

  3. In the Export Format section, you can optionally select an export template and output format, such as .pdf , .rtf, .html, .xls, and .xml, in which you want to generate the report.

  4. Click Apply.

Subscribing to a Change Management Business Event

Change management business events represent an activity or task that can be extended or customized. For example, creation of items and engineering change orders (ECO's) are examples of business events.

Change Management business events enable you to extend and customize your environment. You subscribe to Change Management business events to:

Business events are represented within workflow processes by event activities. Business events can be synchronous or asynchronous. That is, when a local event occurs, the subscribing event can be executed during the same time as the transaction (synchronous), or the subscribing event can be deferred (asynchronous).

You use Oracle Workflow to set up business events.

You can subscribe to the following business events:

Business Event Event Type Description CM Approval Status Change Business event for change object approval status change CM Priority Change Business event for change object priority changes CM Status Change Business event for change object status changes CM Workflow Status Change Business event for change object Workflow Status changes CM Create Business event for the creation of a change object CM Post Comment Business event for a posted comment on a change object CM Reassign Business event for the reassignment of a change object CM Request Comment Business event for a comment request of a change object CM Submit Business event for the submission of a change object CM Update Business event for the update of a change object CM Schedule Date Change Business event for change order schedule date change CM Import Complete Change Management Import is completed CM Revised Item Schedule Date Change Business event for revised item schedule date change CM Revised Item Status Change Business event for revised item status changes

To enable Change Management business events

  1. Log into Oracle Applications as Workflow Administrator.

  2. Select the Business Events tab.

    the picture is described in the document text

  3. Search for the business event to which you want to subscribe.

    Note: If you do not know the name of the event that you want to search for, use the following search string:

    the picture is described in the document text

    The search results include a list of change management business events. By default, all business events are disabled.

    the picture is described in the document text

  4. To enable a business event, click the Update icon, which opens a page for the selected event where you can enable the event.

  5. Click the Subscription icon to define the subscription code (also known as the Event trigger).

    the picture is described in the document text

    the picture is described in the document text

To review more detailed business events set up steps See: Setting Up the Business Event System, in the Oracle Workflow Administrator's Guide.