

account derivation rules
  source values link
account validation
  TAB link
accounted amounts
  calculation link
  overview link
accounting attributes guideline
  distribution identifier link
  document sequencing link
  line accounting reversal link
  reconciliation reference link
  transaction rounding reference link
accounting events analysis
  business restrictions link
  life cycle example link
accounting options guideline link
Accounting Program API
  document mode link
accounting representations
  valuation method link
accounting reversals guideline link
accounting attributes
  assign link link
accounting attributes guideline
  Accrual Reversal GL Date link
accounting attributes guideline link
  allocation link
  budgetary control link
  business flows link
  entered currency link
  gain/loss link
  GL Date link
  ledger currency link
  multiperiod link
  statistical amount link
  tax references link
  third party link
  transaction accounting reversal link
  transfer to GL link
accounting event class options
  Accounting Event Class Options window link
  setup link
accounting events analysis
  Accounting Events Life Cycle diagram link
  attributes link
    event date link
    event status link
    event type link
    security context values link
    transaction context values link
    transaction identifiers link
  audit trail link
  creating subledger journal entries from accounting events link
  Creating Subledger Journal Entries from Accounting Events diagram link
  draft and final accounting link
  event order link
  financial significance link
  identifying accounting events link
  identifying the life cycle of the transaction and business events that change the state of the transaction link
  record full accounting implications link
  requirements for valid accounting events link
  transactions with multiple events link
  valuation methods link
Accounting Events Life Cycle diagram link
Accounting Flexfield derivation mechanisms guideline link
Accounting Program API
  budgetary control mode link
Accounting Program API
  batch mode link
accounting representations link
accounting reversals
  accrual reversal
    example link
accounting reversals guideline
  accrual reversal link
  examples link
  line accounting reversals link
  transaction accounting reversals link
accrual reversal link
Accrual Reversal GL Date link
allocation accounting attributes link
  Accounting Program API
    batch mode link
    budgetary control mode link
    document mode link
  Create Events link
  Delete Events link
  drill-down details link
  Get Event Information link
  manual subledger journal entries link
  Period Close Exceptions Report API link
  published journal entries APIs link
  Update Events link
  Update Transaction Information link
application accounting definitions loader
  Development by a Single Implementer at a Customer Site Example diagram link
application accounting definitions loader
  Concurrent Development at a Customer Site Example diagram link
application accounting definitions loader
  Concurrent Development Example diagram link
  Development by a Single Implementer Example diagram link
  installation, patching, and migration link
    concurrent development link
    data delivery link
    export link
    import AADs link
    migration link
  overview link
  version control link
  accounting event link


balanced debits and credits guideline link
  transaction objects lines and default Accounting Flexfields link


calculated amounts
  override link
  reporting currencies link
calculation of accounted amounts link
  source values link
consistency guideline link
corrections for rounding guideline link
  journal rounding errors link
  transaction rounding difference link
Create Accounting Process Life Cycle and Workflow Business Event diagram link
Create Accounting program
  Accounting Program API
    document mode link
  Create Accounting Program Submission diagram link
Create Accounting program
  Accounting Program API
    batch mode link
    budgetary control mode link
  API specifications link
  program submission link
create and assign sources
  defining accounting event class options link
  introduction link
  program link
Create and Complete Manual Journal Entry diagram link
Create Events APIs link
  details link
Creating Subledger Journal Entries from Accounting Events diagram link
custom sources link


data access set security link
defining accounting event class options link
Delete Events APIs link
  details link
  Accounting Events Life Cycle link
  Concurrent Development at a Customer Site Example link
  Concurrent Development Example link
  Create Accounting Program Submission link
  Create and Complete Manual Journal Entry link
  Create Accounting Process Life Cycle and Workflow Business Event link
  Creating Subledger Journal Entries from Accounting Events link
  Development by a Single Implementer Example link
  Development by a Single Implementer at a Customer Site Example link
  Event Setup Overview link
  Events Data Model link
  Financial Services Accounting Hub and Transaction Objects link
  Financial Services Accounting Hub Process Overview link
  Summary Listing of Uptake Steps link
  Transaction Account Builder Components link
distribution identifiers guideline link
  distribution link example link
  distribution identifiers link
  distribution link type link
draft accounting link
drilldown and inquiries
  drilldown from General Ledger link
drilldown and inquiries
  drill-down API link
  from GL to subledger journal entry lines link
  from transaction workbench to accounting events link
  view accounting link
drilldown API details link
  event entities link
drilldown from GL link
dynamic insertion
  TAB link


Entities window link
event APIs link
event types
  define link
event APIs
  Create Events API link
  Delete Events API link
  details link
  Get Event Information link
  Update Events link
  Update Transaction Information link
event class predecessors link
  define link
Event Class Predecessors window link
event classes
  characteristics link
  define link link
  purpose link
Event Classes and Types window link
event date link
event entities
  drilldown API details link
event information link
event order link
  example link
event setup steps link
Event Setup Overview diagram link
event status link
  accounting event life cycle link
event types link link
  characteristics link
  purpose link
  introduction link
Events Data Model diagram link
export AADs link


final accounting link
Financial Services Accounting Hub
  Financial Services Accounting Hub Process Overview diagram link
Financial Services Accounting Hub and Transaction Objects diagram link
Financial Services Accounting Hub
  overview link
  Summary Listing of Uptake Steps diagram link
  uptake process link
  uptake roles link
Financial Services Accounting Hub and Transaction Objects link
Financial Services Accounting Hub Process Overview diagram link
Financial Services Accounting Hub solutions link
flexfield security rules link
flexfields guideline link
  Accounting Flexfield link
  key flexfield segments link
flexfields guideline
  descriptive flexfield attributes link
  global descriptive flexfield attributes link
foreign currency amounts guideline link


gain or loss amounts
  calculation link
  overview link
gains and losses guideline link
gapless accounting
  event updates and deletes link
  overview link
  process steps link
Get Event Information APIs link
Get Information APIs
  details link
GL reconciliation
  source values link
granularity of transaction objects lines guideline
  identifying distribution or allocation in the transaction object detail link
  transaction object detail: exceptions to providing detailed allocations link
granularity of transaction objects lines guideline
  transaction objects detail vs application-specific allocation options link
granularity of transaction objects lines guidelines link
  transaction objects link


header sources link


import AADs link
  merge analysis link
  overwrite link
independence from accounting method guideline link
  Period Close Exceptions Report API link
  workflow business events link
internal identifiers guideline link


journal entry descriptions
  source values link


line sources link


manual subledger journal entries API
    published journal entries APIs link
manual subledger journal entries API
  Create and Complete Manual Journal Entry diagram link
  technical overview link
    global constants link
mapping sets
  source values link
monetary amounts guideline link
multiperiod accounting guideline link
multiple representations link


  accounting event class link
  Financial Services Accounting Hub Options Setup program link


Period Close Exceptions Report API link
PL/SQL data types link
  assign accounting attributes link
  assign sources in the AMB link
  define accounting process categories link
  define a link between an accounting event and its associated transaction link
  define accounting event entities link
  define event class predecessors link
  define event classes and types link
  manually define/revise sources in the AMB link
  register subledger applications link
  set up accounting event class options link
process categories link
process categories
  define link
  example link
  Process Categories window link


reference objects link
register subledger applications link
related transactions, lines, and distributions guideline link
reporting currency guideline link
reporting currencies link
  Export Application Accounting Definitions link
  Import Application Accounting Definitions link
  Merge Application Accounting Definitions link
  Overwrite Application Accounting Definitions link
repository specification
  accessing link
  data model link
  retrieve journal entries for a ledger link
  retrieve journal entries for a transaction link
  retrieve journal entries for an event link
  retrieve journal entries using distribution links link


scalability link
  data access set link
  flexfield security rules link
  transaction security link
    define a policy function link
    implementation link
    register policy functions link
security context values link
seed data
  overview link
  subledger applications setups link
seed event capture routines
  common parameters link
    contextual information link
    transaction identifiers link
    transaction security identifiers link
  constants link
  event APIs overview link
  introduction link
  PL/SQL data types link
  procedures link
seeding event information
  event classes link
  System Transaction Identifiers window link
seeding event information
  define accounting event entities link
  drilldown API details link
  Entities window link
  event class predecessors link
  Event Class Predecessors window link
  event classes link
  Event Classes and Types window link
  event entities link
  Event Setup Overview diagram link
  event types link link
  Events Data Model diagram link
  events data models link
  process categories link
  register subledger applications link
  seeding event information link
  setup steps link
  Subledger Applications window link
  Update the Financial Services Accounting Hub Options Setup program link
  subledger applications link
source definitions
  manually define/revise link
  source names descriptions link
source data link
source definitions
  assign link
  assign accounting attributes link
  introduction link
  revise link
  source names standards link
  Sources window link
source values
  account derivation rules link
  conditions link
  GL reconciliation link
  journal entry descriptions link
  mapping sets link
  third party control accounts link
  transaction objects link
  assign link
  Create and Assign Sources program link
  introduction link
  source data link
standard sources link
subledger application setups link
subledger applications
  register link
Subledger Applications window link
subledger journal entry
  creating from accounting events link
Summary Listing of Uptake Steps diagram link
supporting references link
system sources guideline link
system transaction identifiers link
system sources link
System Transaction Identifiers window link


  account validation link
  components link
  dynamic insertion link
  introduction link
  setup link
  Transaction Account Builder Components diagram link
tax references guideline link
third party control accounts guideline
  transactions associated with third parties link
third party control accounts
  applied to transactions associated with third parties link
  source values link
third party control accounts guideline
  subledger journal entry creation link
third party control accounts guideline link
third party merge link
transaction objects
  source types
    custom link
    line link
    standard link
    system link
    untranslated link
transaction objects types
  header link
  line link
transaction account builder link
transaction account builderTAB Transaction Account Builder Components diagram link
transaction context values link
transaction identifiers
  system link
  user link
transaction object columns
  primary key link
  standard source link
transaction objects
  account derivation rules link
  conditions link
  event classes link
  Financial Services Accounting Hub and Transaction Objects diagram link
  GL reconciliation functionality link
  guidelines link
  introduction link
  journal entry descriptions link
  mapping sets link
  multiple transaction objects of the same type link
  Payables example link
  populating link
  reference objects link
  source types
    transaction objects link
  source values link
  source types
    header link
    translated link
  supporting references link
  third party control accounts link
  transaction object columns link
  transaction objects types link
transaction objects guidelines
  accounting attributes link
  Accounting Flexfield derivation mechanisms link
  accounting options link
  accounting reversals link
  balanced debits and credits link
  consistency link
  corrections for rounding link
  distribution identifiers link
  flexfields link
  foreign currency amounts link
  gains and losses link
  granularity of transaction objects link
  independence from accounting method link
  internal identifiers link
  monetary amounts link
  multiperiod accounting link
  related transactions, lines, and distributions link
  reporting currency link
  system sources link
  tax references link
  third party control accounts link
  translated sources, lookup types, and value sets link
transaction objects types
  header MLS link
  line MLS link
transactions objects
  data model link
translated sources link
translated sources, lookup types, and values sets guideline
  SQL query link
translated sources, lookup types, and value sets guideline link
translated sources, lookup types, and values sets guideline
  displayed name of sources link


untranslated sources link
Update Event APIs
  details link
Update Events APIs link
Update the Financial Services Accounting Hub Options Setup program link
Update Transaction Information APIs link
uptake process link
uptake steps link
  analysis link
  definition and build link
  implement and test link
  program integration link
  security link
user transaction identifiers link


valuation methods link
valuation methods
  accounting representations link
view accounting link


  Accounting Event Class Options link
  Entities link
  Event Class Predecessors link
  Event Classes and Types link
  Process Categories link
  Sources link
  Subledger Applications link
  System Transaction Identifiers link
workflow business events link
workflow business events
  application subscription link
  Create Accounting Process Life Cycle and Workflow Business Event diagram link
  default subscription to postaccounting link
  exception handling link
  locking link
  parameter specifications link
  timing and position link
  transaction control statements link