Award Distributions Setup

This chapter describes the award distributions setup.

This chapter covers the following topics:


Award distributions allows users to determine transaction charging instructions for expenditure items based on a predefined funding pattern for cost distribution.


This section includes the following topics:

Award Distributions

In Oracle Grants Accounting, sponsored projects can be funded from any number of awards, creating complex multifunding and cost-sharing scenarios. Replacing the manual entry method of cost distribution, award distributions enable users to predefine the distribution of costs charged to sponsored projects and to automatically distribute transactions to the awards.

Costs are distributed to the project, task, and award combination using an allocation basis. The distribution can be based on a proportion of funding, percentage of total project budget, or other factors. When a sponsored project-related transaction is charged, the program looks at the award distributions funding pattern to determine the award distribution.

Funding Patterns

The Funding Pattern window sets up cost distribution rules to automatically allocate charges to sponsored projects across funding awards. Funding patterns are used for transaction distribution when transactions, such as requisitions, purchase orders, supplier invoices, manual encumbrance batches, and imported transactions are entered for the project. Funding patterns are defined by Project, Top Task, or both.

Important: If you enter purchase orders for a project using Oracle Purchasing Buyer WorkCenter, you cannot use the Tools-Award Distribution option to distribute the transactions. You must manually distribute the cost among the awards that fund the project.

Users can create multiple funding patterns for a project. Funding patterns are used to determine the award distributions across applications supported by Grants Accounting, including Oracle Payables and Oracle Purchasing. Award Distributions selects the active funding pattern based on the following parameters:

If more than one active funding pattern exists, Grants Accounting selects the first active funding pattern of the sequence.

Only awards sharing the same allowed cost schedule can be in a funding pattern. If an award exists in a funding pattern, the allowed cost schedule for that award cannot be changed.

When a funding pattern has been deactivated, it cannot be reactivated.

Implementation Options for Award Distributions

If the Enable Automatic Award Distribution check box in the Grants Accounting Implementation Options window is selected, award distributions can be initiated from the Encumbrances window in Grants Accounting, from the Payables Invoice Workbench, from the Purchasing Requisition Distribution, Purchase Order Distribution, and Purchase Order Release Distribution windows, and from the Transaction Import process for actual expenditures.

Setting the GMS: Default Distribution Award in Transaction Entry profile option to Yes populates the default Distribution Award Number in the award field when transactions are being entered. Selecting Tools - Award Distribution from the menu initiates the award distributions feature.

Important: If the GMS: Default Distribution Award in Transaction Entry profile option is not enabled, the default award name does not appear in the award number field and the default award value must be selected from the list of values.

For information on implementation options for award distributions, see Implementation Options Setup, page 3-1.

Award Distributions with Transaction Import

You can use the Award Distribution feature for Transaction Import. This feature enables allow you to enter transactions for a specific project and task and use the defined funding patterns to distribute these transactions to the appropriate awards.

Note: You can use the award distributions feature when you import actual transactions, but not when you import encumbrance transactions.

For information about award distributions and Transaction Import, see: Using Award Distributions for Transaction Import.

Award Distributions Funds Checking

If the GMS: Check Funds for Award Distribution profile option is enabled, then distributions can be funds checked against applicable award budgets. Funds checking cycles through all available active funding patterns for a grants-related transaction and the process finds where the transaction fits, within the available balance, for an award budget in the distribution.

When a transaction is entered, the award distributions program performs the following:

If the first funding pattern fails the funds check, the program cycles to the next available pattern. If the transaction cannot fit in any funding pattern, then no distributions are generated.


Creating Funding Patterns Procedure

the picture is described in the document text

To create a funding pattern, perform the following steps.

  1. In Grants Accounting, navigate to the Funding Pattern window as follows:

    Setup - Funding Pattern

  2. In the Number field of the Funding Pattern window, enter or select the project number from the list of values.

  3. Optionally, in the Task Number field, enter or select the task number from the list of values.

  4. Enter data in the Funding Pattern region as described in the Funding Pattern Window Description.

    Note: The Funding Sequence Number field is automatically populated but can be modified.

  5. Select the Active check box to activate the funding pattern.

  6. In the Award Number field, enter an award number.

  7. In the Distribution Value field, enter the distribution percentage.

    Warning: The total percentage of distributions entered must equal 100%.

  8. Repeat steps 6 and 7 to enter additional distributions for a funding pattern.

  9. Save or save and continue as follows:

    File - Save or Save and Proceed

  10. Close the window.

Funding Pattern Window Description

Funding Pattern Window Description
Field Name Type Features Description
Number required list of values project number
Project Name display only   project name
Task Number optional list of values project task number
Task Name display only   project task name
Find   button searches for existing funding patterns for project
Funding Sequence required   funding sequence; automatically populated but can be modified
Funding Name required   funding sequence name
Start Date required list of values: pop-up calendar funding sequence start date
End Date optional list of values: pop-up calendar funding sequence end date
Active   check box if selected, activates a funding pattern
Award Number required list of values award number
Award Name display only   award name
Distribution Value required   award distribution percentage
Total display only   total percentage of award distributions