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Oracle GlassFish Server 3.1 Administration Guide
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Document Information


1.  Overview of GlassFish Server Administration

Default Settings and Locations

Configuration Tasks

Administration Tools

Instructions for Administering GlassFish Server

Part I Runtime Administration

2.  General Administration

3.  Administering Domains

4.  Administering the Virtual Machine for the Java Platform

5.  Administering Thread Pools

6.  Administering Web Applications

Invoking a Servlet by Alternate Means

Changing Log Output for a Servlet

Defining Global Features for Web Applications

To Use the default-web.xml File

Redirecting a URL

Administering mod_jk

To Enable mod_jk

To Load Balance Using mod_jk and GlassFish Server

To Enable SSL Between the mod_jk Load Balancer and the Browser

To Enable SSL Between the mod_jk Load Balancer and GlassFish Server

7.  Administering the Logging Service

8.  Administering the Monitoring Service

9.  Writing and Running JavaScript Clients to Monitor GlassFish Server

10.  Administering Life Cycle Modules

11.  Extending and Updating GlassFish Server

Part II Resources and Services Administration

12.  Administering Database Connectivity

13.  Administering EIS Connectivity

14.  Administering Internet Connectivity

15.  Administering the Object Request Broker (ORB)

16.  Administering the JavaMail Service

17.  Administering the Java Message Service (JMS)

18.  Administering the Java Naming and Directory Interface (JNDI) Service

19.  Administering Transactions

Part III Appendixes

A.  Subcommands for the asadmin Utility


Defining Global Features for Web Applications

You can use the default-web.xml file to define features such as filters and security constraints that apply to all web applications.

For example, directory listings are disabled by default for added security. To enable directory listings in your domain's default-web.xml file, search for the definition of the servlet whose servlet-name is equal to default, and set the value of the init-param named listings to true. Then restart the server.


If listings is set to true, you can also determine how directory listings are sorted. Set the value of the init-param named sortedBy to NAME, SIZE, or LAST_MODIFIED. Then restart the server.


The mime-mapping elements in default-web.xml are global and inherited by all web applications. You can override these mappings or define your own using mime-mapping elements in your web application's web.xml file. For more information about mime-mapping elements, see the Servlet specification.

You can use the Administration Console to edit the default-web.xml file, or edit the file directly using the following steps.

To Use the default-web.xml File

  1. Place the JAR file for the filter, security constraint, or other feature in the domain-dir/lib directory.
  2. Edit the domain-dir/config/default-web.xml file to refer to the JAR file.
  3. To apply your changes, restart GlassFish Server.

    See To Restart a Domain.