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Oracle GlassFish Server 3.1 Administration Guide
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Document Information


1.  Overview of GlassFish Server Administration

Default Settings and Locations

Configuration Tasks

Administration Tools

Instructions for Administering GlassFish Server

Part I Runtime Administration

2.  General Administration

3.  Administering Domains

4.  Administering the Virtual Machine for the Java Platform

5.  Administering Thread Pools

6.  Administering Web Applications

7.  Administering the Logging Service

8.  Administering the Monitoring Service

9.  Writing and Running JavaScript Clients to Monitor GlassFish Server

10.  Administering Life Cycle Modules

11.  Extending and Updating GlassFish Server

About Add-On Components

Preconfigured Repositories for GlassFish Server

Oracle GlassFish Server Repositories

Enabling the Oracle GlassFish Server Support Repository

GlassFish Server Open Source Edition Repositories

Tools for Extending and Updating GlassFish Server

Update Tool

The pkg Command

Administration Console

Adding Components

To Install an Add-on Component

Updating Installed Components

To Update an Installed Component

To Update All Installed Components in an Image

Removing Installed Components

To Uninstall an Installed Component

To Uninstall and Revert to an Older Version of a Component

Upgrading to Oracle GlassFish Server From GlassFish Server Open Source Edition

To Upgrade to Oracle GlassFish Server by Using Update Tool

To Upgrade to Oracle GlassFish Server by Using the pkg Command

Extending and Updating GlassFish Server Inside a Closed Network

To Install the Pre-Installed Toolkit Image Inside a Closed Network

To Configure a Local Repository Server Inside a Closed Network

To Configure a GlassFish Server Installation to Use a Local Repository Server Inside a Closed Network

To Install Updates From a Local Repository

Part II Resources and Services Administration

12.  Administering Database Connectivity

13.  Administering EIS Connectivity

14.  Administering Internet Connectivity

15.  Administering the Object Request Broker (ORB)

16.  Administering the JavaMail Service

17.  Administering the Java Message Service (JMS)

18.  Administering the Java Naming and Directory Interface (JNDI) Service

19.  Administering Transactions

Part III Appendixes

A.  Subcommands for the asadmin Utility


Adding Components

This section provides instructions for using the pkg command to install GlassFish Server add-on components on your deployed GlassFish Server.

To Install an Add-on Component

The pkg command enables you to install an add-on component on your system. If multiple versions of a package are available, the latest one is applied unless you specify otherwise. The pkg command, located in the as-install-parent/bin directory,

Note - If the pkg component, the updatetool component, or any other valid component that you try to invoke from the command line is not yet installed on your deployed GlassFish Server, you will receive a query asking if you want to install the component. Answer Y to install the component.

Before You Begin

GlassFish Server 3.1 must be fully deployed before you can install additional components. If you need installation instructions, see Oracle GlassFish Server 3.1 Installation Guide.

  1. To ensure that the pkg command can locate the application image, change to the base installation directory for GlassFish Server.
    cd as-install

    The base installation directory for GlassFish Server.

  2. List your installed components:
    pkg list

    Information similar to the following is displayed:

    NAME (PUBLISHER)                              VERSION         STATE      UFIX
    felix                                         2.0.2-0         installed  u---
    glassfish-appclient                           3.0.1-14        installed  u---
    glassfish-cmp                                 3.0.1-14        installed  u---
    glassfish-common                              3.0.1-14        installed  u---
    glassfish-common-full                         3.0.1-14        installed  u---
    glassfish-corba                               3.0.0-41        installed  u---
    glassfish-corba-base                          3.0.0-41        installed  u---
    glassfish-ejb                                 3.0.1-14        installed  u---
    glassfish-ejb-lite                            3.0.1-14        installed  u---
    glassfish-full-incorporation                  3.0.1-14        installed  u---
    glassfish-full-profile                        3.0.1-14        installed  u---
    glassfish-grizzly                             1.9.18-9        installed  u---
    glassfish-grizzly-full                        1.9.18-9        installed  u---
    glassfish-gui                                 3.0.1-14        installed  u---
    glassfish-hk2                                 3.0.1-14        installed  u---
    glassfish-javahelp                            2.0.2-0         installed  u---
    glassfish-jca                                 3.0.1-14        installed  u---
    glassfish-jcdi                                3.0.1-14        installed  u---
    glassfish-jdbc                                3.0.1-14        installed  u---
    glassfish-jms                                 3.0.1-14        installed  u---
    glassfish-jpa                                 3.0.1-14        installed  u---
    glassfish-jsf                                 2.0.2-10        installed  u---
    glassfish-jta                                 3.0.1-14        installed  u---
    glassfish-jts                                 3.0.1-14        installed  u---
    glassfish-management                          3.0.1-14        installed  u---
    glassfish-nucleus                             3.0.1-14        installed  u---
    glassfish-registration                        3.0.1-14        installed  u---
    glassfish-scripting                           3.0.1-14        installed  u---
    glassfish-upgrade                             3.0.1-14        installed  u---
    glassfish-web                                 3.0.1-14        installed  u---
    glassfish-web-incorporation                   3.0.1-14        installed  u---
    glassfish-web-profile                         3.0.1-14        installed  u---
    javadb-client                             installed  ----
    javadb-common                             installed  ----
    javadb-core                               installed  ----
    jersey                                        1.1.5-1.0       installed  u---
    metro                                         2.0-29          installed  u---
    mq-bin-exe                                    4.4.2-2.7       installed  ----
    mq-bin-sh                                     4.4.2-2.7       installed  ----
    mq-config-gf                                  4.4.2-2.7       installed  ----
    mq-core                                       4.4.2-2.7       installed  ----
    mq-server                                     4.4.2-2.7       installed  ----
    pkg                                           1.122.2-38.2493 installed  ----
    pkg-java                                      1.122-38.2493   installed  ----
    pkg-toolkit-incorporation                     2.3.0-38.2493   installed  ----
    python2.4-minimal                    installed  ----
  3. List all packages that are available:
    pkg list -a

    Information similar to the following is displayed from the repository. For clarity, some items are omitted from this example.

    NAME (PUBLISHER)                              VERSION         STATE      UFIX
    ant (                   1.7.1-0.6       known      ----
    felix (                     2.0.2-0         known      ----
    felix                                         2.0.2-0         installed  u---
    felix (             2.0.2-0         known      u---
    glassfish-appclient (       3.0.1-15        known      ----
    glassfish-appclient                           3.0.1-14        installed  u---
    glassfish-appclient ( 3.0-74.2        known      u---
    glassfish-branding ( 3.0-74.2        known      ----
    glassfish-branding-gui ( 3.0-74.2        known      ----
    glassfish-cluster-util ( 1.0-0.0         known      ----
    glassfish-cmp (             3.0.1-15        known      ----
    glassfish-cmp                                 3.0.1-14        installed  u---
    glassfish-cmp (     3.0-74.2        known      u---
    metro (                     2.0.1-3         known      ----
    metro                                         2.0-29          installed  u---
    metro (             2.0-29          known      u---
    mq-bin-exe                                    4.4.2-2.7       installed  ----
    mq-bin-exe (                4.4.2-2.7       known      ----
    mq-bin-exe (        4.4.1-7.2       known      u---
    mq-bin-sh                                     4.4.2-2.7       installed  ----
    mq-bin-sh (                 4.4.2-2.7       known      ----
    mq-bin-sh (         4.4.1-7.2       known      u---
    mq-branding (       4.4.1-7.2       known      ----
    mq-config-gf                                  4.4.2-2.7       installed  ----
    mq-config-gf (              4.4.2-2.7       known      ----
    mq-config-gf (      4.4.1-7.2       known      u---
    mq-core                                       4.4.2-2.7       installed  ----
    mq-core (                   4.4.2-2.7       known      ----
    mq-core (           4.4.1-7.2       known      u---
    mq-docs (                   4.4.2-2.7       known      ----
    mq-docs                                       4.4.1-7.2       known      u---
    mq-docs (           4.4.1-7.2       known      u---
    mq-locale (                 4.4.2-2.7       known      ----
    mq-locale                                     4.4.1-7.2       known      u---
    mq-locale (         4.4.1-7.2       known      u---
    mq-server                                     4.4.2-2.7       installed  ----
    mq-server (                 4.4.2-2.7       known      ----
    mq-server (         4.4.1-7.2       known      u---
    sdk-branding-full ( 3.0-74.2        known      ----
    sdk-branding-web (  3.0-74.2        known      ----
    sun-javaee-engine (         3.0.1-15        known      ----
    sun-javaee-engine                             3.0-74.2        known      u---
    updatetool                                    2.3.0-38.2493   known      ----
    updatetool (                2.3.0-38.2493   known      ----
    updatetool (        2.3.0-38.2493   known      ----
    wxpython2.8-minimal                  known      ----
    wxpython2.8-minimal ( known      ----
    wxpython2.8-minimal ( known      ----
    wxpython2.8-minimal                    known      ----
  4. Install a package from the available packages list.
    pkg install package-name

    For example:

    pkg install javadb

    The most recent version of the component is installed and information similar to the following is displayed:

    DOWNLOAD                                     PKGS       FILES     XFER (MB)
    javadb                                       0/1      61/200     2.10/7.26 
    PHASE                                        ACTIONS
    Install Phase                                222/222 
  5. To apply your changes, restart GlassFish Server.

    See To Restart a Domain.

See Also

For the full syntax and options of the pkg command, see the pkg(1) man page. This man page is installed only after the pkg utilities have been fully installed.

To view this man page on UNIX and Linux systems, type the following command in a terminal window:

man -M as-install-parent/pkg/man/ pkg

To view this man page on Windows systems, use the type command to view the file as-install-parent\pkg\man\cat1\pkg.1.