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Oracle GlassFish Server 3.1 Administration Guide
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Document Information


1.  Overview of GlassFish Server Administration

Default Settings and Locations

Configuration Tasks

Administration Tools

Instructions for Administering GlassFish Server

Part I Runtime Administration

2.  General Administration

3.  Administering Domains

4.  Administering the Virtual Machine for the Java Platform

5.  Administering Thread Pools

6.  Administering Web Applications

7.  Administering the Logging Service

About Logging

Log Files

Log File Names and Locations

Log Records

Log Rotation

Logger Namespaces

Logging Targets

Logging Properties

Configuring the Logging Service

Changing the Name and Location of Logging Service Files

To Change the Name and Location of the Log File

To Change the Name and Location of the Logging Properties File

Setting Log Levels

To List Log Levels

To Set the Global Log Level

To Set Module Log Levels

Setting Log File Rotation

To Change the Rotation File Size

To Change the File Rotation Interval

To Change the Limit Number of Retained Files

To Rotate Log Files Manually

Adding a Custom Logging Handler

To Add a Custom Log Handler

Viewing Log Records

To Collect Log Files into a ZIP Archive

8.  Administering the Monitoring Service

9.  Writing and Running JavaScript Clients to Monitor GlassFish Server

10.  Administering Life Cycle Modules

11.  Extending and Updating GlassFish Server

Part II Resources and Services Administration

12.  Administering Database Connectivity

13.  Administering EIS Connectivity

14.  Administering Internet Connectivity

15.  Administering the Object Request Broker (ORB)

16.  Administering the JavaMail Service

17.  Administering the Java Message Service (JMS)

18.  Administering the Java Naming and Directory Interface (JNDI) Service

19.  Administering Transactions

Part III Appendixes

A.  Subcommands for the asadmin Utility


Viewing Log Records

The recommended means for general viewing of logging information is to use the Log Viewer in the Administration Console. The Log Viewer simplifies reading, searching, and filtering log file contents. For instructions, see the Administration Console online help.

Oracle GlassFish Server also allows you to collect log files into a ZIP archive, which provides the means to obtain and view log files for an instance or cluster even when it is not currently running. The following section explains how to collect all available log files for an instance or cluster and compile them into a single ZIP archive, which is done by using the collect-log-files subcommand.

To Collect Log Files into a ZIP Archive

Use the collect-log-files subcommand in remote mode to collect log files into a ZIP archive. The default target of this subcommand is the DAS. Optionally you can target a configuration, server, instance, or cluster.

  1. Ensure that the target server or cluster is running.

    Remote subcommands require a running server.

  2. Use the collect-log-files(1) subcommand to create the ZIP archive.

    The default location in which the ZIP archive is created is the domain-dir/collected-logs directory. The collect-log-files subcommand allows you to specify a nondefault directory in which the ZIP archive is to be created by using the --retrieve option set to true, followed by the directory name.

    The name of the ZIP file contains the timestamp, as follows:

Example 7-13 Creating a ZIP Archive

This example shows collecting the log files for the cluster MyCluster and compiling them into a ZIP archive in the /space/output directory.

asadmin> collect-log-files --target MyCluster
--retrieve true /space/output
Log files are downloaded for ClusterServer1.
Log files are downloaded for ClusterServer2.
 Created Zip file under /space/output/
Command collect-log-files executed successfully.

When the ZIP file created by the preceding command is uncompressed, the following directory structure is created:


See Also

You can view the full syntax and options of the subcommand by typing asadmin help collect-log-files at the command line.