C H A P T E R  2

Connecting to the ELOM

This chapter details the ways to connect to and communicate with your Sun Blade X6450 server module ELOM.

Note - You must have already installed your server and determined the IP address of the service processor. See the Sun Blade X6450 Server Module Installation Guide.

Connection Methods

These are the ways to connect to the server module’s SP ELOM:

Connecting to the Server Module’s SP ELOM Using Ethernet

Ethernet connectivity provides full access to both the ELOM command-line interface (CLI) and the ELOM web GUI. Both options allow you to manage, maintain, and configure the server. This section contains the following Ethernet connection procedures:

Note - You will need the IP address of your ELOM, which you obtained during the setup and installation of your server module (see the Sun Blade X6450 Server Module Installation Guide).

procedure icon  To Connect to the Server Module’s SP CLI ELOM Using Ethernet and SSH

Be sure that you have connected a LAN to the NET MGT 0 port on the chassis.

1. Start your SSH client, and access a system prompt.

If this is the first time that you have logged in to the ELOM, you must use the preconfigured account called, root (see About the Preconfigured Administrator Account).

2. To log in to the ELOM CLI, enter the following command at the system prompt:

$ ssh username@ipaddress

username An ELOM user name

ipaddress The IP address of the ELOM

If you are using the preconfigured account, use the following infromation:

The default user name and password are in lowercase characters.

3. Enter your password when prompted.

When you are logged in, the CLI prompt appears:


For example:

  $ ssh root@
root@’s password:
Sun Microsystems Embedded Lights Out Manager
Copyright 2008 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.
Firmware Version: 4.0.16
SMASH Version: v1.0.0
Hostname: SUNSP001B24DFE56B
IP address:
MAC address: 00:1B:24:DF:E5:6B

For information about managing the server using the CLI, see Chapter 7.

To Log out of the CLI:

single-step bullet  Enter the following command:

-> exit

procedure icon  To Connect to the Server Module’s SP Web GUI ELOM Using Ethernet and a Browser

1. Connect an Ethernet cable to the CMM Net 0 port on the back of the chassis.

Your chassis may already be configured with an Ethernet cable.

2. Enter the IP address of the ELOM in the address bar on your web browser.

The login screen appears.

3. Enter your user name and password.

If this is the first time that you have logged in to the ELOM, you must use the preconfigured account called, root (see About the Preconfigured Administrator Account).

If you are using the preconfigured account, use the following information:

The default user name and password are in lowercase characters.

4. Click Log In.

Chapter 3 shows how to use the web GUI.

To Log Out of the Web GUI:

single-step bullet  Click Log Out at the top right of the web GUI screen.

The login screen appears.

Connecting to Server Module’s SP CLI ELOM Using the Serial Port

This section describes how to log-in to the service processor from the serial port using a terminal device. You will need the multi-port dongle cable and a terminal device.

procedure icon  To Connect to the Server Module’s SP CLI ELOM Using the Serial Port

1. Configure your terminal device or the terminal emulation software running on a laptop or PC to the following settings:

2. Connect the single end of the the multi-port dongle cable to the UCP connector to the front of the server module.

3. Connect your terminal device to the multi-port dongle cable using either the DB9 (4-port cable only) or the RJ45 (3-port cable only) serial connector.

Note - Do not use the RJ45 connector on the 4-port cable.

An RJ45-to-DB9 cable is included with your chassis.

4. Press the Enter key on the terminal device to establish a connection to the SP.

An SP prompt appears. For example:

SP ->SUNSP0016364A9934 login:

Note - If you do not see output on your serial device, check to see if the console output has been redirected to the video port.

5. Log in to the SP and enter the user name and password.

If this is the first time that you have logged in to the ELOM, you must use the preconfigured account called, root (see About the Preconfigured Administrator Account).

If you are using the preconfigured account, use the following information:

The default user name and password are in lowercase characters.

When you are logged in to the ELOM CLI the command prompt appears:


Connecting to the Server Module’s SP ELOM Through the CMM

You can connect to the server module’s SP through the chassis’ Chassis Monitoring Module (CMM) using Ethernet or a serial terminal. When you connect to the CMM ILOM, you must navigate to the server module’s SP ELOM to start the SP, before you can view server-specific information, and manage the server module.

The CMM uses an integrated lights out manager (ILOM) that has both a CLI and a web GUI. The CMM ILOM web GUI and CLI are similar to the server module’s ELOM web GUI and CLI. However, use the relevant Integrated Lights Out Manager User’s Guide for your chassis as a reference when using the CMM’s ILOM web GUI or CLI.

This section contains the following CMM connection procedures:

For more information about the CMM ILOM, see the relevant Integrated Lights Out Manager User’s Guide for your chassis.

procedure icon  To Connect to the Server Module’s SP CLI ELOM Through the CMM Using Ethernet and SSH

Note - To use this procedure you must know the position number of the server module in the chassis.

1. Connect an Ethernet cable to the CMM Net 0 port on the back of the chassis.

Your chassis may already be configured with an Ethernet cable.

2. From a computer on the same network, start an SSH application, open a terminal window, and enter the following command:

ssh username@cmm-ip-address

username The user name of a CMM ILOM account with administrator privileges.

cmm-ip-address The IP address of the CMM ILOM.

The preconfigured CMM ILOM account is root.

When connected, the ILOM prompts you for the password for the login account.

The preconfigured password for root is changeme.

3. Enter the password.

The CMM ILOM prompt appears.

Note - The password for the preconfigured CMM ILOM root account might have been changed. Contact your system administrator for account login information.

4. At the CMM ILOM prompt, navigate to and display the namespace for the server module by entering the following commands:

-> cd /CH/BLn/SP/cli

n The position number within the chassis of the Sun Blade X6450 server module.

-> show

The Targets, Properties, and Commands for the cli namespace appears followed by the CLI prompt.

5. Enter the command:

-> start

A confirmation prompt appears.

6. Type Y and press Enter.

The start command executes, and a password prompt appears.

7. Enter the password for the user name that you used in Step 2 to log in to the CMM.

The CLI prompt appears.

For information about the ILOM CLI command set and command syntax, see the relevant Integrated Lights Out Manager User’s Guide for your chassis.

The following example shows a sample CMM session that includes the commands to navigate to the server module’s CLI, display targets, properties, and commands, and execute the start command:

->  cd /CH/BL9/SP/cli
->  show
   type = Blade CLI
   user = root
->  start
Are you sure you want to start /CH/BL9/SP.cli (y/n)? y
start:  Connecting to /CH/BL9/SP/cli as user root
start:  Change the “user” property to connect as a different user
root@’s password:

8. To end the session, exit the ELOM CLI by entering:

-> exit

The SP ELOM exits and the chassis ILOM prompt appears.

9. To exit the chassis ILOM CLI, enter the following command:

-> exit

The chassis ILOM session ends.

procedure icon  To Connect to the Server Module’s SP Web GUI ELOM Through the CMM Using Ethernet and a Browser

Note - To use this procedure you must know the position number of the server module in the chassis.

1. Connect an Ethernet cable to the CMM Net 0 port on the back of the chassis.

Your chassis may already be configured with an Ethernet cable.

2. From a computer on the same network, open a web browser, and enter the CMM ILOM IP address in the browser’s address bar:

The CMM ILOM login screen appears.

3. Type in a user name and password for an account with administrator privileges, and click Login.

You can use the preconfigured account, root to log in:

user name: root
password: changeme

Note - The password for the preconfigured CMM ILOM root account might have been changed. Contact your system administrator for account login information.

The ILOM main screen appears.For information about the ILOM we GUI, see the relevant Integrated Lights Out Manager User’s Guide for your chassis.

procedure icon  To Connect to the Server Module’s SP CLI ELOM Through the CMM Using the Chassis Serial Connector

1. Verify that your terminal, laptop, or terminal server is operational.

2. Configure the terminal device or the terminal emulation software to use the following settings:

3. Connect a serial cable from the serial port on the CMM to the terminal device.

Refer to the chassis documentation for the location of the chassis serial port.

4. Press Enter on the terminal device.

This action establishes the connection between the terminal device and the CMM ILOM.

The CMM ILOM displays its login prompt:

SUNCMMnnnnnnnnnn login:

The first string in the prompt is the default host name. It consists of the prefix SUNCMM and the CMM ILOM’s MAC address. The MAC address for each service processor is unique.

5. Log in to the CLI using a user name with administrator privileges:

You can use the preconfigured account, root to log in:

user name: root
password: changeme

Note - The password for the preconfigured CMM ILOM root account might have been changed. Contact your system administrator for account login information.

Once you have successfully logged in, the CMM ILOM displays the command prompt:


You are now connected to the CMM ILOM CLI. For information about the ILOM CLI command set and command syntax, see the relevant Integrated Lights Out Manager User’s Guide for your chassis.

6. To navigate to the server module ELOM enter the command:

-> cd /CH/BLn/SP/cli

n The position number of the server module in the chassis.

Use FIGURE 2-1 to assist you in determining the server module number, and to understand the relationship between the CMM and different server module service processors.

FIGURE 2-1 Chassis and Server Module ELOM Address Identifiers

 [ D ]


7. To start the SP, enter the command:

-> start

The following confirmation prompt appears:

  Enter Y to continue or N to cancel.

8. Enter Y to continue.

If you enter N, the server module will return you to the CMM CLI prompt.

9. Enter the password when prompted.

The default is changeme.

The server module ELOM prompt appears. For information about managing and maintaining the server module, see Chapter 7.

To log out of the SP CLI:

single-step bullet  Enter the command:

-> exit

The CMM CLI prompt appears.

The following example shows a sample CMM session that includes the commands to navigate to the server module’s CLI, display targets, properties, and commands, execute the start command, and exit the CMM ILOM:

->  cd /CH/BL9/SP/cli
->  show
   type = Blade CLI
   user = root
->  start
Are you sure you want to start /CH/BL9/SP.cli (y/n)? y
start:  Connecting to /CH/BL9/SP/cli as user root
start:  Change the “user” property to connect as a different user
root@’s password: 
Sun(TM) Integrated Lights Out Manager
Version N.N
Copyright 2008 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.
Use is subject to license terms.
Warning: password is set to factory default.
-> exit           Enter this command to exit the CMM ILOM.
Connection to closed.