ChorusOS man pages section 2K: Kernel System Calls
 padGet -- return actor-specific values associated with keys ( Index Term Link )
 padKeyCreate -- create a private key for an actor ( Index Term Link )
 padKeyDelete -- delete an actor private key ( Index Term Link )
 padSet -- set the actor's key to a specific value ( Index Term Link )
 pdump -- dump a core image of a process ( Index Term Link )
 portCreate -- create a port; declare a port ( Index Term Link )
 portDeclare -- create a port; declare a port ( Index Term Link )
 portDelete -- delete a port ( Index Term Link )
 portEnable -- Enable a port portDisable; Disable a port ( Index Term Link )
 portGetSeqNum -- Migrate a port; Get a port sequence number ( Index Term Link )
 portLi -- Get the unique identifier of a port, given its local identifier; Get the local identifier of a port, given its unique identifier ( Index Term Link )
 portMigrate -- Migrate a port; Get a port sequence number ( Index Term Link )
 portPi -- get and/or set the protection identifier of a port ( Index Term Link )
 portUi -- Get the unique identifier of a port, given its local identifier; Get the local identifier of a port, given its unique identifier ( Index Term Link )
 ptdErrnoAddr -- return a thread-specific errno address ( Index Term Link )
 ptdGet -- return thread-specific value associated with key ( Index Term Link )
 ptdKeyCreate -- create a thread-specific data key ( Index Term Link )
 ptdKeyDelete -- delete a thread-specific data key ( Index Term Link )
 ptdRemoteGet -- return a thread-specific data value for another thread ( Index Term Link )
 ptdRemoteSet -- set a thread-specific data value for another thread ( Index Term Link )
 ptdSet -- set a thread-specific value ( Index Term Link )
 ptdThreadDelete -- delete all thread-specific values and call destructors ( Index Term Link )
 ptdThreadId -- return the thread ID ( Index Term Link )
 ptrace -- process tracing and debugging ( Index Term Link )