Deployment and Installation
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Deployment and Installation

This chapter outlines the deployment and installation of Netscape Calendar Server. Prior planning is an integral part of a successful implementation of Calendar Server in your organization. It is highly recommended that you read this chapter before installing the server, to ensure an installation that is customized to the needs of your particular situation.

The following sections cover the information that you need to get your Calendar Server up and running:


To plan the optimal Calendar Server configuration for your organization, you need to determine the following:

Number of users

The first step in planning a successful deployment or "roll-out" of Calendar Server is to determine the number of potential Calendar users in your organization. If growth in the organization is anticipated, factor this into your calculations. The final tally forms the basis for the value you supply for configured users in later calculations.

The categories of users are:

Configured users:

those with user accounts on a Calendar Server node which they access using a Netscape Calendar client.

Logged-on users:

users who are connected to a node, but are not actively making queries of the database (node). This figure is derived from the number of configured users, and is generally estimated to be anywhere from 33-50% of this number. Try to forecast how your users will use the calendaring application. For example, if everyone starts work at the same time, you might anticipate a period of peak usage in the morning where up to 75% of all users will be logged-on at once. Also, a number of users may choose to stay logged-on all day, keeping the calendaring application in the background to permit quick and frequent access.

Active users:

logged-on users who are making an access request to the database. To estimate the number of active users at any point in time, take 10-25% of the total number of configured users. As with logged-on users, base this number on your highest estimate of peak usage.

Acme Co. example

To illustrate the planning process for your Calendar Server implementation, we will use a fictitious company called Acme Corporation. The Calendar administrator at this company has chosen to make her estimates of logged-on and active users high, to ensure that she has adequate resources and that the users can expect uniformly good performance.
Table 1.1  Acme Corporation: User Base 
User category  Estimates 

Configured users


Logged-on users

6,000 (50% of configured users)

Active users

3,000 (25% of configured users)

Logical divisions of users

Once you have enumerated your user base, the next step is to group these users according to location and function. Here it is important to identify not only geographic divisions, but also functional or other administrative divisions within your organization. Both geographic and administrative divisions are used in the next step, where the users are grouped to create nodes.

Acme Co. example

Thus, in our Acme Co. example, the total user population of 12,000 is distributed in the following manner:
Table 1.2  Acme Corporation: Geographic and Administrative User Divisions 
Location  Number of Users  Divisions 

Los Angeles


5,000 Engineering / 3,000 Administration

New York


600 Marketing / 400 Administration



500 Marketing



1,500 Engineering / 500 Marketing



500 Marketing

Grouping users to create nodes

With the logical divisions among your user base clearly delineated, you are now ready to group your users into nodes. Before making these decisions, however, a number of factors must be considered:

A node is a Calendar database containing all user and resource information and agendas

The hypothetical maximum size of a Calendar node is 9,990 users; however, for performance reasons, this limit is not recommended except under exceptional circumstances of infrequent user connections. The recommended capacity, per node and per server, is a limit of 5,000 users. Further to this limitation, the Calendar server can be configured to restrict the number of concurrent connections (i.e. the number of logged-on users), up to a maximum of 5,000 for UNIX servers and 3,800 for Windows NT servers.

See Appendix B, "Sizing Guidelines" for any additional node size restrictions related to a particular hardware or operating system.
Although server-to-server calendar communication requires low network bandwidth, in order to obtain acceptable performance for users accessing a remote server, a network bandwidth of 64Kbps or higher is suggested. If this is not possible, it may be wise to consider implementing a local server.
It is much easier to migrate an entire node of users than to move individual users from node to node. Also, agenda data involving remote nodes is lost when individual users are moved. Thus, you want to eliminate, or at best restrict, the need to move individual users as a result of either reaching maximum node capacity, or the need to split a node according to logical divisions.
While the bulk of the Calendar Server administration can be done remotely, there are the obvious tasks related to system maintenance that might require an on-site administrator. If you do not have personnel to manage back-up media and system problems at a branch office, then it is probably not a good idea to locate a server there.
A further consideration in terms of the investment of time required to administer your Calendar Server network is the repetition of some tasks, such as adding holidays, which must be done on each node.
Acme Co. example

Our Calendar server administrator has attempted to integrate all of the above variables with her user base calculations to arrive at the following configuration. In achieving this balance, she has considered a number of factors specific to her situation:

The final configuration:
Table 1.3  Acme Corporation: Node Distribution 
Node  Server Location  Server Number  User Base 

Node 1

Los Angeles


LA: 5,000 Engineering Division

Node 2

Los Angeles


LA: 3,000 Administration Division

Node 3

New York


NY: 600 Marketing and 400 Administration Divisions 

Chicago: 500 Marketing Division

Node 4



Seattle: 1,500 Engineering and 500 Marketing Divisions

Node 5



Vancouver: 500 Marketing Division


See Appendix B, "Sizing Guidelines" for information concerning memory and disk requirements for your installation.

Product administration

As a final task in this deployment exercise, determine who will be responsible for the different tasks which are part of setting up and maintaining a Calendar calendaring system. The major tasks are:

Pre-installation checklist

To enable a quick deployment and minimize later tuning, a number of configuration issues should be considered in advance of your installation. The following behavior is controlled by parameters set under Server Preferences | Manage Calendar Server. For more information on setting and modifying parameters, see Chapter 7, "Server Configuration."

Table 1.4  Installation Information Checklist 
Parameter etc.  Accepted Values  Mandatory or Optional  Default Value 


Any number between 10000 and 20000 (NOTE: this number must be unique across all connected nodes)

Mandatory (on 1st install) 

Optional (on upgrade)


Node Alias

A descriptive word (no spaces)



Node Password

Up to 15 alphanumeric characters in length



Time Zone

See Appended Time Zone Table (Appendix E)


from system set-up

Number of Concurrent Users

Any number between 15 and 3800(NT) or 5000(UNIX)



Mail Notification

Enabled (Yes) or Disabled (No)



Mail Server Host

Any host

Mandatory if mail notification enabled.

local host

Directory Server Host Name; LDAP Service Port; your Base DN

A URL in this format: ldap://<dir. svr. host>:<ldap port>/<Base DN>


ldap://<local host>:389/o=Ace Industry, c=US

Directory Server Root

Full path to the root directory of the Directory Server



Administration Port for Calendar Server

Any available port


A randomly chosen available port


Configuration of search parameters

To allow for thorough and efficient searches using the Calendar Server with Netscape Directory Server, the following parameters in both servers must be tuned for each installation. The dependencies between the parameters should be understood in order to configure the search behavior appropriate for your organization.

Calendar Server search parameters

Netscape Directory Server search parameters

Tuning for speed vs flexibility

Two different approaches or options are summarized below:

Netscape Server

Configuration file


Default Value

Option 1

Option 2

Calendar Server unison.ini maxsearchresult 100 >= configured users dependent on value set for mincharsearch and total number of configured Calendar users
       "           " mincharsearch 0 0 >1
Directory Server slapd.conf sizelimit 500 >= maxsearchresult or "-1" (no limit) >= maxsearchresult or "-1" (no limit)
       "           " lookthroughlimit 5000 >= number of Dir Svr entries >= number of Dir Svr entries

Option 1

Option 2


For full installation instructions, please see the Readme file supplied on the distribution media.

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