Server Administration
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Server Administration

This chapter describes how to manage the Netscape Calendar Server. As one of the Netscape servers supporting general administration, all standard administrative tasks can be performed through the Calendar Server section of the Administration Server. Alternatively, many of these procedures can also be executed using command line utilities or operating system tools.

This chapter first describes the Calendar Server Manager, then documents the following administrative procedures:

Calendar Server Manager

The Calendar Server Manager is a collection of forms used to perform the various administrative tasks required to configure and operate the server. This management tool can be accessed by selecting the server button underneath the title Netscape Calendar Server 3.0 on the Server Administration Page.

All management forms for the Calendar Server are grouped in categories accessed by clicking one of the following five buttons:

Server Preferences

Options in this category allow the administrator to start and stop the server, and to view and modify the system configuration.

Server Status

Various monitoring tools are found in this section. Administrators can view the current server status, the connected users, and the output of any log files.

Resource Management

From the options in this category, the administrator can create new resources, add resources to a node, manage existing resources, and alter the default profile assigned to all resources upon creation.

User Management

The options in this category allow administrators to add users to a node and to alter the default profile assigned upon the creation of new users. Calendar users are created and managed using the forms found in the Users and Groups category under General Administration.

Node Management

Tasks related to the administration of a Calendar node are grouped in this section. From the forms in this area, the administrator can create a new Calendar node, increase the user capacity of an existing node, and connect two or more nodes to form a node network.

Public groups are created and managed in the Users and Groups category under General Administration.

Starting and stopping Calendar Server

Calendar Server can be started or stopped by executing one of the following procedures:

Directory Server must be running before starting Calendar Server. Also, if you have enabled mail notifications, Messaging Server should be running.

  • On the Server Administration Page, to the left of the server's name, is an icon that can be toggled between OFF/ON. If the server is running, ON is illuminated by a green light.

  • Using the Calendar Server Manager form:
    1. Click the server button on the Server Administration Page to open the Calendar Server Manager.

    2. Select Server Preferences | Server On/Off to open the "Server On/Off" form.
    3. Click Start Server or Stop Server as appropriate.

    4. Once the start-up or shutdown has been initiated, you can follow the progress of the invoked script at the bottom of the form. The working status and any problems encountered in starting or stopping the Calendar Server daemons/services is displayed during the execution of the scripts.
    5. Click the hyperlink "Return to process control" to return to the "Server On/Off" form.
    As a result of the number of user connections, the number of processes running, and the volume of network traffic, Calendar Server may take over a minute to stop.

    Calendar Server status

    To view the current status of the Calendar Server daemons/services and servers:

    1. Select Server Status | Show Server Status from the Calendar Server Manager menu.

    2. Select the option(s) you wish to invoke by clicking the appropriate check box(es).

    3. If you wish to return to the default settings, click Reset.

    4. Click OK to run the script.

    Viewing current user activity

    To view the current status of connected Calendar users:

    1. Select Server Status | Show Connected Users from the Calendar Server Manager menu.

    2. Select the option(s) you wish to invoke by clicking the appropriate check box(es).

    3. If you wish to return to the default settings, click Reset.

    4. Click OK to run the script.

    5. This script can also be run from the command line. See uniwho in Appendix G for complete instructions and syntax.

    Other administrative tasks

    A number of less common Calendar Server administrative tasks can be performed from the command line using scripts. For full instructions on the use and syntax of these scripts, see Appendix G.

    Some of the scripts that an administrator may want to be familiar with once the Calendar Server is up and running are:

    See the table at the front of Appendix G for a short description of the function of all scripts included with Netscape Calendar Server 3.0.

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