

#., system console escape sequence, 1


AC power cable, 1

AC power, system controller, 1

adapters for serial cables, 1

adjusting length of slide rails, 1

admin command for firmware update, 1

admin password, setting, 1

admin user account, 1


60 second timeout if not logged in, 1

log in procedures, 1

passwords, 1

serial and network management ports, 1

alternate command for Telnet session, 1


baud rate for terminal, 1

bit setting for terminal, 1

boot command, 1

boot device setting, 1

boot order, 1

booting the Solaris OS, 1

brackets, cable management, 1


cabinet, 1, 2

cable management bracket, description, 1


adapters for serial data cables, 1

cable management bracket, 1

connections list, 1

component, internal, 1, 2, 3

configuration information, software setup, 1

connecting to system console, 1

console command, 1, 2


default boot device, 1

deinstallation of server, 1

diagnostics, when run, 1

documentation web site, 1


Ethernet port transfer rates, 1

example of full disk path, 1

extension brackets for slide rails, 1



components of, 1

updating, 1

flash image, components, 1

flashupdate command, 1, 2


gateway IP address needed, 1

gateway setting, netsc_ipgateway, 1, 2


handshaking setting for terminal, 1

hardware options, installing, 1

host firmware update, 1


initiating system power on, 1


hardware options, 1

mounting brackets, 1

internal component installation by qualified service technician, 1, 2

IP address

gateway, 1

setting, netsc_ipaddr, 1, 2

system controller, 1


length of slide rails, adjusting, 1


SPARC Enterprise T1000 server documentation, 1

locating pins for mounting brackets, 1

locks, mounting bracket, 1

logging in

SC network management port, 1

SC serial management port, 1

login prompt, 1


modem not for use with the sc serial management port, 1

mounting bracket

front lock, 1

locating pins on chassis, 1

locks, 1

part of slide rail assembly, 1

preparation for installation, 1

removing from slide rail, 1

side release button, 1

unlocking, 1



from system administrator, 1

setting, netsc_ipnetmask, 1, 2

network management port does not support Gigabit network, 1

network management port, system controller, 1

network setting, if_network, 1, 2


order of installation procedures, 1


parallel management port, 1

parity setting for terminal, 1

password command, 1

password for admin account, setting, 1

passwords, ALOM CMT, 1

pins, mounting bracket locating, 1

port locations illustrated, 1

power cycling the system, 1

powering on for the first time, 1

poweroff command for power cycling, 1

poweron command, 1, 2

preinstalled software, 1


rack, 1, 2

removing server from rack, 1

resetsc command, 1, 2


system controller, 1, 2

system with power cycle, 1


selecting a boot device, 1

sequential order of installation procedures, 1

serial management port, system controller, 1

serial terminal

required before powering on, 1

setenv boot-device command options, 1

setsc command, 1, 2

setting admin password, 1

showdevs command displays full path names, 1

showsc command, 1, 2, 3, 4

slide rails

adjusting length, 1

spacing tool, 1

Solaris OS, 1, 2

spacing tool for slide rails, 1

SPARC Enterprise T1000 server documentation, 1

Standby mode, 1

standby voltage, 1, 2

stop bit setting for terminal, 1

support and training web site, 1

switching to the SC console, #. escape sequence, 1

system console, reconnecting to, 1

system controller

configuring settings, 1, 2

connecting to system console, 1

firmware update, 1

IP address needed, 1

logging in

network management port, 1

serial management port, 1

login prompt, 1

management ports described, 1

parallel management port, 1

powering on, 1

powering on for the first time, 1

poweron command, 1

resetting, 1, 2

serial management port, 1

setsc command, 1, 2

showsc command, 1, 2

system messages require terminal or emulator, 1


technician, qualified, 1, 2, 3

Telnet session, 1

terminal configuration settings, 1

terminal or emulator, for installation, 1


list, 1

slide rail spacing tool, 1

TTYA serial port, 1


uadmin command for power cycling, 1

unlocking mounting bracket, 1

updating firmware, SC network management port, 1