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Sun Javatrademark System Content Delivery Server Integration and Configuration Guide





Code Examples


Part I Infrastructure Set Up

1. Deployment Configuration

1.1 Configuring the Monitoring Service

1.2 Configuring the Event Service

1.3 Configuring Synchronization

1.4 Configuring Marketing Campaigns

1.5 Setting Up Custom Reports

1.5.1 Enabling Custom Reports

1.5.2 Data Stored for Reports

1.6 Configuring Externally Hosted Content

1.7 Setting Up Automatic Publishing

1.8 Setting Up Custom Fields

1.8.1 Defining Your Fields

1.8.2 Assigning Labels and Hints

1.9 Defining Popularity

1.9.1 Default Definition

1.9.2 Customizing the Popularity Definition

1.9.3 Scheduling the Recalculation of Popularity

1.10 Enabling Cleanup of Expired Items

1.11 Configuring Device Client Web Services

1.12 Configuring the Fulfillment Service

2. Billing Integration

2.1 Billing Adapters Provided

2.2 Working with the Postpaid Service

2.2.1 Configure the Postpaid Service

2.2.2 Billing Event Parameters

2.3 Configuring External Content and Group IDs

3. Subscriber Integration

3.1 Subscriber Adapter Provided

3.2 Using a Subscriber Adapter

3.3 Working With LDAP

3.3.1 Creating the Mapping File for LDAP Subscriber Data for Content Delivery Server Sample Mapping File

3.3.2 Configuring Access for Sun Java System Application Server

3.3.3 Tuning LDAP

3.4 Subscriber Account Management

3.5 Automatic Provisioning of Subscribers

4. DRM Server Integration

4.1 Setting Up DRM Fusion Toolkit

4.2 Configuring Content Delivery Server to Use DRM Fusion Toolkit

4.2.1 Setting the Configuration Properties

4.2.2 Copying DRM Fusion Toolkit JAR Files

4.2.3 Enabling OMA DRM 1.0

5. Streaming Configuration and Integration

5.1 Integrating With a Streaming Server

5.2 Configuring Content Delivery Server for Streaming

6. Single Sign-On Support

6.1 Using the MSISDN Number Through the WAP Gateway

Part II Messaging Configuration

7. WAP Gateway Configuration

7.1 WAP Gateway Adapters Provided

7.1.1 Default WAP Gateway Adapter

7.1.2 Nokia Activ Server 2.0.1

7.1.3 Nokia Artus WAP Gateway

7.1.4 Openwave WAP Gateway

7.2 Using a WAP Gateway Adapter

8. Outgoing Push Messages

8.1 Push Sender Adapters

8.1.1 SMS Push for Messages Setting Up Support for SMPP Setting Up Support for SMS HTTP Setting Up Support for CIMD2

8.1.2 WAP Push for Messages

8.1.3 SMTP Push for Messages

8.1.4 SMS Push for Binary Content

8.2 Using a Push Adapter

8.3 Configuring the SMS Push Message

8.4 Configuring Support for MMS

9. Mobile Originated Push Messages

9.1 Push Listener Adapter

9.1.1 Configuring the Subscriber Portal for MO Push

9.1.2 Configuring the Messaging Service for MO Push Setting Up Support for SMPP or CIMD2 Setting Up Support for HTTP

9.2 Using a Push Adapter

10. Messaging Service and Confirm Service Configuration

10.1 Configure the Mail Service

10.2 Configure Storage of Response Messages

10.3 Handling Confirmation Messages

Part III Content Management

11. Search Setup

11.1 Configuring Default Result Fields

11.1.1 Catalog Manager Administration Console

11.1.2 Developer Portal

11.1.3 Vending Manager Administration Console

11.1.4 Subscriber Portal

11.2 Configuring the Search Engine

11.2.1 Configuring the Default Search Fields

11.2.2 Adding Custom Fields to the Search Index

12. Pricing Configuration

12.1 Set the Currency Symbol

12.2 Set a Grace Period

13. Digital Rights Management Configuration

13.1 Setting the DRM Methods Supported

13.1.1 Content Delivery Server DRM Agents

13.1.2 OMA DRM 1.0 Methods

13.2 Setting the Preferred Delivery Type

13.3 Setting the Preferred Action for Devices that Do Not Support OMA DRM 1.0

13.4 Setting the Event Handler

14. Submission Verifier Workflows

14.1 Content Validation Adapters

14.1.1 Adapters Provided

14.1.2 Writing an Adapter

14.1.3 Registering a Content Validation Adapter

14.2 Workflows Provided

14.2.1 Workflow for Java Applications Default Workflow for Java Applications Workflow for Signing Java Applications

14.2.2 Workflow for iAppli Applications

14.2.3 Workflow for Externally Hosted Copyrighted Content

14.2.4 Default Workflow

14.3 Creating a Workflow

14.3.1 Using the Add Capability Adapter

14.3.2 Using the External to Internal Adapter

14.3.3 Using the Process OMA DRM Message Adapter

14.3.4 Using the Set Edition Weight Adapter

14.4 Specifying Workflow Criteria

15. Previews and Watermarks

15.1 Configuring Previews

15.1.1 Setting the Default Caption

15.1.2 Identifying Audio Preview Files

15.2 Configuring Watermarking

15.2.1 Installing the Java Advanced Imaging Image I/O Tools

15.2.2 Watermarking When Content is Stocked

15.2.3 Watermarking When Content is Previewed

16. Content and Submission Formats

16.1 Configure iAppli Support

16.1.1 Add the DoJa Library to the Database

16.1.2 Submit the DoJa Library

16.2 Configure PAR File Support

17. Featured Content

17.1 Enabling Featured Content

17.2 Configuring Featured Content

Part IV User Interactions

18. Portal Configuration

18.1 Setting the Common Properties

18.2 Setting the Developer Portal Properties

18.3 Setting the Subscriber Portal Properties

18.4 Setting the Catalog Manager Properties

18.5 Setting the Vending Manager Properties

19. Device-Specific User Interface Framework

19.1 Overview of the Framework

19.1.1 Page Definitions

19.1.2 Style Sheets

19.1.3 Processes and Page Usage Log In Process View Content Process Search for Content Process Set Preferences Process View Promotions Process View the My Downloads List Process View My Wish List Process View the My Gifts List Process Purchase or Download Process

19.2 Generating Pages for a Specific Device

19.3 Modifying Pages for All Devices

19.4 Adding a Custom Page

20. Notification Configuration

20.1 Configuring Developer Notifications

20.2 Configuring the Default for Subscriber Notifications
