

_campaign.xml file, 1, 2

_catalog_menu.xml file, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

_confirm_unsubscribe.xml file, 1, 2

_detail.xml file, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

_device_error_msg.xml file, 1

_device_unsupported.xml file, 1

_download.xml file, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

_enter_coupon.xml file, 1, 2

_gift_cancel_confirm.xml file, 1, 2

_gift_cancel_success.xml file, 1, 2

_gift_details.xml file, 1, 2

_locale_selection.xml file, 1, 2

_login.xml file, 1, 2

_login_disabled.xml file, 1, 2

_main_menu.xml file, 1, 2

_manage_category.xml file, 1, 2

_my_gifts_menu.xml file, 1, 2

_preview.xml file, 1, 2

_preview_list.xml file, 1, 2

_purchase_confirm.xml file, 1, 2

_search.xml file, 1, 2

_share_content.xml file, 1, 2

_share_content_confirm.xml file, 1, 2

_share_content_receive.xml file, 1, 2

_share_content_success.xml file, 1, 2

_sms_sent.xml file, 1, 2, 3

_unsub_success.xml file, 1, 2

_user_admin_menu.xml file, 1, 2


access permission, 1


push listener

overview, 1

register, 1

push sender

CIMD2 properties, 1

overview, 1

register, 1

SMS HTTP properties, 1

streaming, 1

subscriber, LDAP, 1

WAP gateway

default, 1

Nokia Activ Server 2.0.1, 1

Nokia Artus WAP gateway, 1

Openwave WAP gateway, 1

AddCapabilityAdapter adapter, 1, 2

AddDerivedEditionAdapter adapter, 1, 2 file, 1

alarms, 1


Event Service, 1

Messaging, 1, 2

User Profile, 1

WAP Gateway, 1

API filtering, 1

APIFilterAdapter adapter, 1

audio preview, 1

authorization key, 1

auto_provision.unknown.user property, 1 property, 1

auto_provision.unknown.user.enabled property, 1

auto_provision.unknown.user.firstName property, 1

auto_provision.unknown.user.lastName property, 1

auto_provision.unknown.user.middleName property, 1

auto_provision.unknown.userpeer property, 1

auto_provision.unknown.userpeer.gifting property, 1

auto_provision.unknown.userpeer.mobile_originate property, 1

auto-login user, 1

automatic provisioning

unknown user, 1

unknown user peer, 1

automatic publishing, 1 file, 1, 2


BaseDeviceHandler class, 1

billing adapter, 1

Billing API, 1

billing information, 1

billing integration, 1

billing records, 1

binary content, push, 1

browse, quick, 1

browser.config file, 1

bundle configuration shown, 1

buy for a friend, 1


Catalog Manager properties, 1

category depth, 1 file, 1, 2, 3 file, 1, 2

cdsi command, 1, 2, 3 file, 1


SMS push listener, 1

SMS push sender, 1

CIMD2 properties, 1

Combined Delivery, 1 file, 1

conf.xml file, 1

confirm purchase

desktop, 1

device, 1

confirmation message, 1 file, 1

CopyrightAdapter adapter, 1

coupon, 1

csv_record.xsl, 1

currency symbol, 1

custom fields

defining, 1

featured content, 1

hints, 1

labels, 1

properties, 1

searching, 1 file, 1, 2

customized reports, 1


database synchronization, 1

default_record.xsl, 1

desktop content list, items in, 1

developer notifications, 1

Developer Portal properties, 1 file, 1


notification, 1

preload capabilities, 1

quarantine, 1

Device Client web services, 1

device-specific pages

generating, 1

modifying, 1

page elements, 1

device-specific user interface framework, 1

digital rights management See DRM

digital rights object, 1 file, 1

doExecute method, 1

DoJa library, submitting, 1


agents, 1

configuration, 1

event handler, 1


enabling and disabling, 1

supported, 1

non-compliant devices, 1

preferred delivery type, 1

DRM Fusion Toolkit, 1

DRMAdapter adapter, 1

DRMAgent property, 1

dynamic banner, 1


encoding, content type, 1

Event Service API, 1

Event Service, configuring, 1 file, 1, 2, 3

expiration, share content, 1

expired item, deactivate, 1

external content ID, 1

external content, refresh period, 1

ExternalToInternalAdapter adapter, 1, 2


featured content, 1

field names

Catalog Manager, 1

Developer Portal, 1

Subscriber Portal, 1

Vending Manager, 1

files, maximum size, 1

Forward Lock, 1

framework, user interface, 1 file, 1


genmarkup command, 1, 2, 3

gift, 1

gift restriction, 1

grace period, 1


hints, custom fields, 1


iAppli applications, 1, 2

iappli.sql file, 1

IAppliValidationAdapter adapter, 1

items in

content list, device, 1

My Campaigns, 1

My Downloads, 1

My Gifts received, 1

My Gifts sent, 1

My WIsh List, 1

SMS bundle, 1

items per page

Catalog Manager, 1

Developer Portal, 1

Subscriber Portal, 1

Vending Manager, 1


Java Advanced Imaging Image I/O Tools, 1


labels, custom fields, 1


access permission, 1

mapping file for, 1

sample mapping file, 1

tuning, 1

LDAP subscriber adapter, 1

load balancer cookie, 1

login attempts, 1


mail service, configuring, 1

mapping file, LDAP, 1, 2

maximum size

application, 1

content, 1

files, 1

message length, 1

Messaging API, 1, 2

Messaging Service, 1

MethodRedirectionAdapter adapter, 1

MIDletPermissionsAdapter adapter, 1

MIDletSigningAdapter adapter, 1

MIDletValidationAdapter adapter, 1

mobile originated push message, 1

Monitoring Service, configuring, 1 file, 1, 2

My Campaigns, items in, 1

My Downloads

items in, 1

process, 1

My Gifts, 1

My Gifts received, items in, 1

My Gifts sent, items in, 1

My Wish List

items in, 1

process, 1


Nokia Activ Server 2.0.1, 1

Nokia Atrus WAP gateway, 1

notification templates, 1

notification, device, 1


developer, 1

subscriber, opt-in, 1

number of login attempts, 1


oma.drm10.plain property, 1

oma.drm10.rights property, 1 file, 1, 2

Openwave WAP gateway, 1


page elements, 1

page threshold

Catalog Manager, 1

Developer Portal, 1

Vending Manager, 1

pages, Subscriber Portal, 1

PAR file, 1

password reminder, 1

permission, access, 1

PlayableMimeTypes.config file, 1

popularity, 1

customizing definition, 1

default definition, 1

recalculating, 1

port number, Confirm Listener Service, 1

Postpaid Service, configuring, 1 file, 1, 2, 3

preferences, set, 1


audio MIME type, 1

caption, 1

device page, 1

externally hosted, 1

price shown, 1


log in, 1

purchase, 1

search for content, 1

set preferences, 1

view content, 1

view My Downloads, 1

view My Gifts, 1

view My Wish List, 1

view promotions, 1

ProcessOmaDrmMessageAdapter adapter, 1, 2


Catalog Manager, 1

common, 1

custom fields, 1

Developer Portal, 1

Device Client web services, 1

DRM Fusion Toolkit, 1

Monitoring Service, 1

search result fields, 1

Subscriber Portal, 1

Vending Manager, 1

provisioning, automatic

unknown user, 1

unknown user peer, 1

publishing, automatic, 1



desktop, 1

device, 1

process, 1

quick, 1

push adapter

CIMD2 properties, 1

definition, 1, 2


overview, 1

register, 1


overview, 1

register, 1

SMPP properties, 1

SMS HTTP properties, 1

push message

length, 1

mobile originated, 1

push proxy gateway, 1

push type, default, 1

push, enabling and disabling, 1, 2 file, 1, 2

pushlistenerfactory.xml file, 1

pushsenderfactory.xml file, 1, 2


quarantine a device, 1

quick browse, 1

quick purchase, 1


refresh period, external content, 1


push listener adapter, 1

push sender adapter, 1

remote Vending Manager search fields, 1

reports, customized, 1

request headers, 1

response messages, saving, 1

restriction, gift, 1

result fields

Catalog Manager, 1

configuring, 1

Developer Portal, 1

properties, 1

Subscriber Portal, 1

Vending Manager, 1



SMS push message template, 1

submission validation workflow criteria, 1

subsubmgr.xml file, 1

vsadminsubmgr.xml file, 1

schema.xml file, 1, 2


custom fields, 1

default fields, configuring, 1

default result fields

Catalog Manager, 1

Developer Portal, 1

Subscriber Portal, 1

Vending Manager, 1

field names

Catalog Manager, 1

Developer Portal, 1

Subscriber Portal, 1

Vending Manager, 1

remote Vending Manager fields, 1

search engine, configure, 1

security.config file, 1, 2

Separate Delivery, 1

server.policy file, 1

SetEditionWeightAdapter adapter, 1, 2

share, 1

share content expiration, 1

share content template, 1

signup link, 1

single sign-on, 1


push listener, 1

SMS push listener, 1

SMS push sender, 1

SMPP properties, 1

smppapi-0.3.7.jar file, 1

smppapi-0.3.7.tar.gz file, 1

SMS bundle, items in, 1

SMS HTTP, push sender, 1

SMS push

binary content, 1

messages, 1

SMS push sender adapter, 1

sms_push_msg_template.xsl file, 1


SMTP push sender adapter, 1

Solr, 1

startApp method, 1 file, 1


adapter, 1

configuration, 1

enable, 1 file, 1

struts-config.xml file, 1

style sheet, 1

submission verifier workflow

creating, 1

default, 1

externally hosted copyrighted content, 1

iAppli applications, 1

Java applications, 1

specifying criteria, 1

workflows provided, 1

subscriber account management, 1

subscriber adapter, LDAP, 1

subscriber integration, 1

subscriber notifications, opt-in, 1

Subscriber Portal

device-specific page elements, 1

generating pages for a device, 1

modifying pages, 1

pages, 1


log in, 1

purchase, 1

search for content, 1

set preferences, 1

view content, 1

view My Downloads, 1

view My Gifts, 1

view My Wish List, 1

view promotions, 1

properties, 1

style sheets for, 1

user interface framework, 1

Subscriber Portal URL, 1

subscriber preferences, 1

subscriber provisioning, 1 file, 1, 2, 3 file, 1

synchronization, database, 1


tell a friend, 1

template, share content, 1

timeout, authorization key, 1

traps, 1

try content, 1

tuning LDAP, 1


uname command, 1

unprovisioned user, downloading to, 1

unsubscribe, 1

update license, 1

user interface framework, 1

User Profile API, 1


Vending Manage properties, 1 file, 1, 2, 3


wait time, for LDAP, 1

WAP gateway adapter

default, 1

definition, 1

Nokia Activ Server 2.0.1, 1

Nokia Artus WAP gateway, 1

Openwave WAP gateway, 1

WAP Gateway API, 1

WAP push sender adapter, 1

wapgateway.config file, 1


default, 1

define, 1


configuring, 1

when previewing content, 1

when stocking content, 1

WML-1_1.xsl, 1

WML-1_2.xsl, 1


See submission verifier workflow


XHTML-Alternate.xsl, 1

XHTML-AU.xsl, 1

XHTML-Basic.xsl, 1

XHTML-Color.xsl, 1

XHTML-IAppli.xsl, 1

XHTML-Motorola.xsl, 1

XHTML-NokiaSeries40.xsl, 1

XHTML-SE.xsl, 1

XHTML-Symbian.xsl, 1

XHTML-UP.xsl, 1

XML file

pushlistenerfactory.xml, 1

pushsenderfactory.xml, 1

xml_record.xsl file, 1