C H A P T E R  1

Installation Overview

This chapter provides an overview of the tasks to install the Netra CT server. Detailed instructions for each task are provided on the pages specified.


Detailed Instructions

Prepare your site for installation by checking the room and rack spacing, and the AC or DC power source.

Site Preparation

Mount the chassis in a rack, if necessary.

Mounting the Chassis in a Rack

Connect the DC grounding cable, if necessary.

To Connect the DC Grounding Cable

Install the Netra CT server in the chassis, if necessary.

To Unpack a Netra CT Server

Install optional cards, such as satellite CPU or I/O cards.

Installing Additional Cards into the Netra CT Server

Connect the cables to the host CPU card and/or a host CPU transition card.

To Connect Cables to the CPU Card (host CPU card)

To Connect Cables to the CPU Front Transition Card (host CPU front transition card)

To Connect Cables to the CPU Rear Transition Card (host CPU rear transition card)

Connect the cables to the alarm card or to the alarm rear transition card.

To Connect Cables to the Alarm Card (Front-Access Models Only) (alarm card)

To Connect Cables to the Alarm Rear Transition Card (Rear-Access Models Only) (alarm rear transition card)

Connect the cables to any additional cards you installed.

To Connect Cables to the Front-Access Satellite CPU or I/O Cards (front-access I/O cards)

To Connect Cables to the Rear-Access Satellite CPU or I/O Cards (rear-access I/O cards)

Assemble and connect the AC or DC input power cables to the server.

Assembling and Connecting the DC Input Power Cable

Power on the server.

Powering On the Server

Install the server software.

To Install the Solaris Operating Environment

Connect any optional external SCSI devices.

To Connect an External SCSI Device