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Sun Java[TM] System Identity Manager 7.1 Admininstration 

Chapter 2
Getting Started with Identity Manager

Read this chapter to learn about the Identity Manager graphical interfaces and how you can quickly begin using Identity Manager. Topics covered include:

Identity Manager Interfaces

The Identity Manager system includes three primary graphical interfaces through which users perform tasks:

Identity Manager Administrator Interface

The Identity Manager Administrator interface serves as the primary administrative view of the product. Through this interface, Identity Manager administrators manage users, set up and assign resources, define rights and access levels, and audit compliance in the Identity Manager system.

Interface organization is represented by these elements:

In some areas, such as Accounts, tabbed forms divide longer forms into one or more pages, enabling you to navigate them more easily. This is illustrated in Figure 2-1.

Figure 2-1  Identity Manager Administrator Interface

The Identity Manager Administrator Interface is navigated through menu tabs, subtabs, and form tabs.

Administrator Interface Logon

When you log on to the Administrator interface, you remain logged on according to the session limits established for your implementation, with one exception. If cookies are disabled for your Web browser, then these actions will cause the system to prompt you to log in again during the session:

To avoid multiple login requests, enable cookies.

Identity Manager User Interface

The Identity Manager User interface presents a limited view of the Identity Manager system. This view is specifically tailored to users without administrative capabilities.

When a user logs in to the Identity Manager User interface, any pending work items and delegations for the user are displayed on the Home tab, as illustrated in the following figure:

Figure 2-2  User Interface (Home Tab):

View and respond to user work items, submit user requests, enable delegation, and edit user profile.

The Home tab provides quick access to any pending items. Click an item in the list to respond to a work item request or perform other available actions. After the action has been completed, click Return to Main Menu to go back to the Home page.

A user can perform various activities from the User interface, such as changing their password, performing self-provisioning tasks, and managing work items and delegations.

The following options are available to a user from the User interface:

Customizing the User Interface

The User interface is often customized to present a unique, company-specific view and offer custom selections.

Customizing Navigation Layout

If preferred, the navigation in the User interface can be changed from a horizontal-tab view (default) to a vertical tree view. To configure the vertical navigation view, set the following configuration object:

ui.web.user.menuLayout = 'vertical'

For more detailed information about customizing and branding the User interface, read Identity Manager Technical Deployment Overview.

Customizing Dashboard Display Options

From the Administrator interface, you can select which options you want to display on the user dashboard. To configure display options, select Configure, and then select User Interface.

By default, all available, configurable information displays on the user dashboard. You can de-select one or more of these options to prevent information display:

Identity Manager IDE

The Sun Identity Manager Integrated Development Environment (IDE) provides a graphical view of Identity Manager forms, rules, and workflows. Using the IDE, you create and edit forms that establish the features available on each Identity Manager page. You can also modify Identity Manager workflows, which define the sequence of actions followed or tasks performed when working with Identity Manager user accounts. Additionally, you can modify rules defined in Identity Manager that determine workflow behaviors. The following figure shows the IDE interface.

Figure 2-3  Sun Identity Manager IDE interface

Use the Identity Manager IDE to customize forms and workflows.

For more information about the IDE and using it to work with Identity Manager forms and workflows, see Identity Manager Workflows, Forms, and Views.

You can also use the Business Process Editor (BPE) to make customizations, if you have it installed with earlier versions of Identity Manager.

Help and Guidance

To successfully complete some tasks, you might need to consult Help and Identity Manager guidance (field-level information and instructions). Help and guidance are available from the Identity Manager Administrator and User interfaces.

Identity Manager Help

For task-related help and information, click the Help button, which is located at the top of each Administrator and User interface page, as depicted in Figure 2-4.

Figure 2-4  Help button in the

Identity Manager Help offers task-related information and access to the Search feature.

Identity Manager interface

At the bottom of each Help window is a Contents link that guides you to other Help topics and the Identity Manager terms glossary.

Finding Information

Use the search feature in the Help window to locate topics and information included in Identity Manager Help and documentation. To search the online documentation, use the following procedure:

  1. Enter one or more terms in the search area.
  2. Select to search one of two documentation types. By default, the feature searches online help.
    • Online Help — In general, online information provides steps to help you perform a task or complete a form.
    • Documentation (Guides) — Identity Manager Guides primarily offer information to help you understand concepts and system objects, as well as complete reference information.
  3. Click Search.

The search returns linked search results. Use the Previous/Next or First/Last buttons to page through the listed results, as demonstrated in Figure 2-5.

Figure 2-5  Search Results Navigation

Navigate through Help and documentation search results by using the first, previous, next, and last controls.

Clicking Reset clears the contents of the Help window.

Search Behavior

If you search for more than one word, the search feature returns results that include each word, both words, and variants.

For example, if you enter the following search term:

resource adapter

then the returned results will include matches to the following words:

However, if you include search terms in quotations (for example, “resource adapter”), then the search feature returns only exact matches to that phrase.

Alternatively, you can use advanced query syntax to specifically include, exclude, or order query elements.

Advanced Query Syntax

The Search feature supports advanced query syntax, including:

See Appendix B, "Advanced Search for Online Documentation" in this guide for more information about Identity Manager’s advanced documentation search features.

Figure 2-6  Identity Manager Help

Page-level help is available for the Administrative and User Interfaces.

Identity Manager Guidance

Identity Manager guidance is brief, targeted help that appears next to many page fields. Its goal is to help you enter information or make selections as you move through a page to perform a task.

A symbol marked with the letter “i” displays next to fields with guidance. Click the symbol to open a window and display its associated information.

Figure 2-7  Identity Manager Guidance

Guidance displays when you mouse over a small, square marker with the letter i.

Logging In to Identity Manager

To log in to the Identity Manager Administrator or User interfaces, enter your user ID and password, and then click Login.

Forgotten User ID

Identity Manager allows you to retrieve your forgotten user ID. When you click Forgot Your User ID? from the login page, a lookup page appears and requests identity attribute information associated with your account, such as first and last name, email address, or phone number.

Identity Manager then constructs a query to find a single user matching the entered values. If no match is found, or multiple matches are found, then an error message appears on the Lookup User ID page.

By default, the lookup feature is enabled. However, it can be disabled by one of the following actions:

The set of user attribute names presented are configured through the system configuration attributes security.authn.<Administrator Interface | User Interface>.lookupUserIdAttributes. The attributes that can be specified are those defined as queryable attributes in the UserUIConfig configuration object.

If recovered, then Identity Manager sends email to the email address of the recovered user by using the User ID Recovery email template.

Identity Manager Tasks

The following tasks matrix provides a quick reference to commonly performed Identity Manager tasks. It shows the primary Identity Manager interface location where you will go to begin each task, as well as alternate locations or methods (if available) that you can use to perform the same task.

Table 2-1  Identity Manager Interface Task Reference 

Managing Identity Manager Users

To do this:

Go to:


Create and edit users

Accounts tab, List Accounts selection

Accounts tab, Find Users selection (User Account Search Results page)

Approve user account creation

Work Items tab, Approvals subtab


Set up user authentication (policies)

Security tab, Policies selection


Change user passwords

Passwords tab, Change User Password selection

Accounts tab, List Accounts selection

Accounts tab, Find Users
selection (User Account Search Results page)

Identity Manager User interface

Reset user passwords

Passwords tab, Reset User Password selection

Accounts tab, List Accounts selection

Accounts tab, Find Users
selection (User Account Search Results page)

Find users

Accounts tab, Find Users selection

Passwords tab, Change User Password selection

Enable or disable users

Accounts tab, List Accounts selection

Accounts tab, Find Users
selection (User Account Search Results page)

Unlock users

Accounts tab, List Accounts selection

Accounts tab, Find Users
selection (User Account Search Results page)

Managing Identity Manager Administrators

To do this:

Go to:

Set up delegated administration (through organizations)

Accounts tab, List Accounts selection, Create User page

Assign capabilities

Accounts tab, List Accounts selection, Create or Edit User page Security subtab

Assign capabilities (through admin roles)

Accounts tab, List Accounts selection, Create or Edit User page Security subtab

Set up approvers (to validate account creation)

Accounts tab, List Accounts selection, Create Organization page

Roles tab, Create Roles page

Configuring Identity Manager

To do this:

Go to:

Create and manage resources (Resource Wizard)

Resources tab

Manage resource groups

Resource tab, List Resource Groups selection

Create and manage roles

Roles tab

Find roles

Roles tab, Find Roles selection

Edit capabilities

Security tab, Capabilities selection

Create and edit admin roles

Security tab, Admin Roles selection, Create/Edit Admin Role page

Set up email templates

Configure tab, Email Templates selection

Set up password, account, and naming policies; assign policies to organizations

Security tab, Policies selection

Configure Identity Attributes

Meta View tab, Identity Attributes selection

Configure Identity Events

Meta View tab, Identity Events selection

Configure ChangeLogs

Meta View tab, ChangeLogs selection

Loading and Synchronizing Accounts and Data

To do this:

Go to:

Import data files (such as XML-format forms)

Configure tab, Import Exchange File selection

Load resource accounts

Account tab, Load from Resource selection

Load accounts from file

Account tab, Load from File selection

Compare Identity Manager users with resource accounts

Resources tab, Reconcile with Resources selection

Auditing, Risk Analysis, and Reporting

To do this:

Go to:


Set up audit events to capture, and enable auditing

Configure tab, Audit selection

Run and manage reports

Reports tab, Run Reports selection to create, run, and download reports; View Reports to view report results.

Define and run risk analysis reports

Reports tab, Risk Analysis selection

View graphical reports

Reports tab, View Dashboards selection

Managing Compliance

To do this:

Go to:


Define audit policies

Compliance tab, Manage Policies selection

Assign audit policies

Accounts tab, Compliance selection

Manage compliance violations

My Work Items tab, Remediations selection

Set up Periodic Access Reviews

Compliance tab, Manage Access Scans selection

Monitor Periodic Access Reviews

Compliance tab, Access Reviews selection

View Audit reports

Reports tab, Auditor Report type selection

Managing Identity Manager Tasks

To do this:

Go to:


Run a defined task (or process)

Server Tasks tab, Run Tasks selection

Schedule a task

Server Tasks tab, Manage Schedule selection

View Task results

Server Tasks tab, Find Tasks or All Tasks selection

Suspend or terminate a task

Server Tasks tab, All Tasks selection

Managing Service Provider Users

To do this:

Go to:


Manage Service Provider Users

Accounts tab, Manage Service Provider Users selection

Manage Service Provider Transactions

Server Tasks tab, Service Provider Transactions selection

Configure Service Provider features

Service Provider tab, Edit Main Configuration selection

Configure Transaction defaults

Service Provider tab, Edit Transaction Configuration selection

Create or edit Service Provider policies

Security tab, Policies selection

Where to Go from Here

After you become familiar with Identity Manager interfaces and the ways that you can find information, use the following reference to guide you to the topics you want to focus on:

Chapter Topic


Chapter 3, "User and Account Management"

Describes the Accounts area of the interface and provides procedures for managing user accounts.

Chapter 4, "Configuration"

Describes the configuration tasks and how to set up Identity Manager objects.

Chapter 5, "Administration"

Explains how to create and manage Identity Manager administrators and organizations.

Chapter 6, "Data Synchronization and Loading"

Provides a guide to the features and tools you can use to maintain current data in Identity Manager.

Chapter 7, "Reporting"

Describes the reports and how to generate them.

Chapter 8, "Task Templates"

Describes the Task Templates you can use to configure certain workflow behaviors.

Chapter 9, "PasswordSync"

Describes how to set up the PasswordSync utility to synchronize password changes in Windows Active Directory and Windows NT domains with changes with Identity Manager.

Chapter 10, "Security"

Describes the security features and how to use them.

Chapter 11, "Identity Auditing"

Describes how to define audit policies and manage compliance.

Chapter 12, "Audit Logging"

Describes the audit logs and how the auditing system works.

Chapter 13, "Service Provider Administration"

Describes features for managing service provider users.

Appendix A, "lh Reference"

Describes commands available from the Identity Manager command line.

Appendix B, "Advanced Search for Online Documentation"

Instructions for using advanced queries in the online help to search the Identity Manager documentation.

Appendix C, "Audit Log Database Schema"

Audit data schema values for the supported database types and audit log database mappings

Appendix D, "Active Sync Wizard"

Used to configure Active Synchronization for versions of Identity Manager prior to 7.0.

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Part No: 820-0816-10.   Copyright 2007 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.