Working With the EDM for Sun Master Patient Index

ProcedureTo View Demographic Information

  1. Using one of the search methods described in Searching for Patient Profiles, display the patient profile you want to view on the View/Edit page.

    By default, the demographic fields are displayed when the View/Edit page appears. For information about the demographic fields, see About Demographic Fields on the Patient EDM.

  2. To view demographic data in a system record:

    1. In the EUID tree in the left portion of the page, expand Source Systems.

    2. Expand the system and local ID you want to view.

    3. Under the expanded system and local ID, click Person.

      Note –

      You can return to the Person page for the SBR by clicking Person under SBR in the EUID tree on the left side of the page.

  3. From the View/Edit page, you can do any of the following:

    1. To view additional demographic information about the patient, use the scrollbar on the right side of the page.

    2. To modify patient information in the SBR, see Updating the Single Best Record Directly.

    3. To modify patient information in a system record, follow the appropriate procedure under Maintaining Patient Information or Maintaining System Records on the Patient EDM.

    4. To view a history of transactions for the displayed profile, click Transaction History (for more information, see Viewing a Patient's Transaction History).

    5. To view potential duplicates of the displayed profile, click Potential Duplicate (for more information, see Working with Potential Duplicate Patient Profiles).

    6. To view detailed information for the next patient in the search results list, click Next> in the upper portion of the page.

    7. To view detailed information for the previous patient in the search results list, click <Previous in the upper portion of the page.