Sun GlassFish Web Space Server 10.0 Microsoft Sharepoint Add-On Guide

Choosing Actions Menu Options

The Actions menu has Start Crawler, Clean Running Status, and Remove Index options.

Start Crawler

When you select Start Crawler, the crawler starts indexing all the metadata. The Crawler Status changes from Ready to Running, and when the crawling is completed, it changes to Stopped.

Clean Running Status

The "Status" records the last-modified of a crawled object (site, list or item), so the next crawl will only update the index of those items changed since last crawl. When need to crawl all objects disregarding the time stamp, then we need to clean the status (database). Running Clean Running Status cleans the status.

Remove Index

After cleaning the status, the crawler runs just as the very first time. If you want to re-index all the metadata, you need to select the Clean Running Status and Remove Index options consequently. If the Sharepoint site has no changes, you will see exactly the same number of indexed items.