Solaris のシステム管理 (第 1 巻)

x86: Configuration Assistant メニュー

このメニューは、Configuration Assistant を実行するたびに表示されます。

Solaris Device Configuration Assistant 

The Solaris(TM) (Intel Platform Edition) Device Configuration Assistant
scans to identify system hardware, lists identified devices, and can
boot the Solaris software from a specified device. This program must be
used to install the Solaris operating environment, add a driver,
or change the hardware on the system.
> To perform a full scan to identify all system hardware, choose Continue.
> To diagnose possible full scan failures, choose Specific Scan.
> To add new or updated device drivers, choose Add Driver.
About navigation...
    - The mouse cannot be used.
    - If the keyboard does not have function keys or they do not respond, 
      press ESC. The legend at the bottom of the screen will change to 
      show the ESC keys to use for navigation.
    - The F2 key performs the default action.
F2_Continue		F3_Specific Scan		F4_Add Driver		F6_Help

x86: Bus Enumeration メニュー

このメニューは、Configuration Assistant が自動検出できるデバイスのハードウェア構成データを集めているときに一時的に表示されます。

Bus Enumeration
Determining bus types and gathering hardware configuration data ...
Please wait ...

x86: Scanning Devices メニュー

このメニューは、特別なドライバだけで検出できるデバイスを Configuration Assistant が手動で走査しているときに表示されます。

Scanning Devices
The system is being scanned to identify system hardware.
If the scanning stalls, press the system's reset button. When the
system reboots, choose Specific Scan or Help.
			Scanning: Flpppy disk controller
			|         |        |         |         |         |
			0	 		 20       40        60	       80       100
Please wait ...  

x86: Identified Devices メニュー

このメニューは、システムで識別されたデバイスを表示します。このメニューからは、「Boot Solaris」メニューに移動できます。また、キーボード構成の設定、デバイスの表示や編集、シリアルコンソールの設定、構成の保存や削除など、付加的な作業も実行できます。

Identified Devices
The following devices have been identified on this system. To identify
devices not on this list or to modify device characteristics, such as
keyboard configuration, choose Device Tasks. Platform types may be
included in this list.
	EISA: Adaptec 1740/1742 SCSI controller
	EISA: Motherboard
	EISA: SMC EtherCard Elite32C Ethernet adapter
	ISA: Floppy disk controller
	ISA: Game port (Joy stick)
	ISA: PCMCIA controller
	ISA: Parallel port
	ISA: Serial port
	ISA: System keyboard (US-English)
	ISA: VGA w/ 8514/A compatible graphics adapter
F2_Continue		F3_Back			F4_Device Tasks			F6_Help