IPv6 Administration Guide

Enabling IPv6 Nodes Task Map

Table 2–1 Enabling IPv6 Nodes Task Map



For Instructions, Go to ... 

Enable IPv6 on a node 

Involves touching hostname6.interface file, displaying addresses, and entering the addresses in the /etc/inet/ipnodes file. See the note that follows this table.

How to Enable IPv6 on a Node

Configure a Solaris IPv6 router 

Involves adding entries to the indp.conf file.

How to Configure a Solaris IPv6 Router

Add IPv6 addresses to NIS and NIS+ 

Involves adding entries to the /etc/ipnodes file.

How to Add IPv6 Addresses to NIS and NIS+

Add IPv6 addresses to DNS 

Involves adding AAAA records to the DNS zone and reverse zone file. 

How to Add IPv6 Addresses to DNS

Note –

You can enable IPv6 on a system when you install the Solaris software. If you answered yes to enable IPv6 during the installation process, you can omit the following procedures to enable IPv6.