GNOME 2.0 Desktop for the Solaris Operating Environment User Guide


You can access all desktop environment functions through menus. Your default panels contain menus, so you can use a combination of menus and panels to perform your tasks. The Menu Panel contains Applications and Actions menus. You can also add the GNOME Menu to your panels.

You can use the Applications menu and the Actions menu to access almost all of the standard applications, commands, and configuration options. You can also access the items in the Applications and Actions menus from the GNOME Menu. The items in the Actions menu are at the top level of the GNOME Menu.

To add a GNOME Menu to a panel, right-click on the panel then choose Add to Panel -> GNOME Menu. The GNOME Menu is represented by a stylized footprint, as follows:

GNOME Menu icon.

Click on the GNOME Menu button on a panel to open the GNOME Menu.

You can add as many additional menus as you want to any of your panels. To open a menu that you add to a panel, click on the menu icon on the panel. You can perform other actions on your menus, such as copy menu items to panels.