GNOME 2.0 Desktop for the Solaris Operating Environment User Guide

Introduction to the Desktop

The desktop lies behind all of the other components in your desktop environment. The desktop is an active component of the user interface. You can perform the following tasks from your desktop:

By default, your desktop contains three objects.

Figure 8–1 Desktop with Default Objects

Desktop with default desktop objects.

Table 8–1 describes the functions of the default objects on the desktop.

Table 8–1 Functions of Default Desktop Objects




Nautilus home location icon.


Opens a Nautilus window, and displays your home location in the view pane.

Nautilus Start Here icon.

Start Here

Provides an access point to some of the key features of the GNOME Desktop.  

GNOME Overview icon.

GNOME Overview

Opens a help browser window, and displays overview information about the GNOME Desktop. 

Nautilus Trash icon.


Opens a Nautilus window, and displays your Trash in the view pane.