GNOME 2.0 Desktop for the Solaris Operating Environment User Guide
 default applications
  See preferred applications
  adding a file or folder to ( Index Term Link )
  adding launchers ( Index Term Link )
  adding symbolic links ( Index Term Link )
  changing pattern or color of background ( Index Term Link )
  copying a file or folder to ( Index Term Link )
  creating a folder on ( Index Term Link )
  customizing background ( Index Term Link )
  deleting an object from ( Index Term Link )
  desktop objects ( Index Term Link )
  introduction ( Index Term Link )
  moving a file or folder to ( Index Term Link )
  opening objects ( Index Term Link )
  overview ( Index Term Link )
  preferences ( Index Term Link )
  removing an object from ( Index Term Link )
  selecting objects ( Index Term Link )
  using Desktop menu ( Index Term Link )
  using Trash ( Index Term Link )
 desktop environment components, introducing ( Index Term Link )
 desktop environment preference tools
  See preference tools
 Desktop menu
  description ( Index Term Link )
  illustration ( Index Term Link )
 desktop objects
  deleting ( Index Term Link )
  files and folders ( Index Term Link )
  launchers ( Index Term Link )
  opening ( Index Term Link )
  removing ( Index Term Link )
  selecting ( Index Term Link )
  symbolic links ( Index Term Link )
  adding objects to ( Index Term Link )
  adding to panel ( Index Term Link )
  closing ( Index Term Link )
  modifying properties ( Index Term Link )
  opening ( Index Term Link )