
FIGURE 1-1small space Model J2EE Application as Supported by the Sun ONE Studio 5 IDE

FIGURE 1-2small space Typical Basic Configuration for an EJB Application

FIGURE 1-3small space Example of an Application With All Three Kinds of Enterprise Beans

FIGURE 1-4small space Work Flow Inside the Application at Runtime

FIGURE 1-5small space Development, Assembly, and Deployment of an Enterprise Bean

FIGURE 1-6small space Generated Elements of an Enterprise Bean Shown in the Explorer Window

FIGURE 2-1small space Basic Choices About Enterprise Beans in the Sun ONE Studio 5 IDE

FIGURE 3-1small space Possible Wizard Selections for a Session Bean

FIGURE 3-2small space Default Classes of a Typical Session Bean With Remote Interfaces

FIGURE 3-3small space Explorer's Detailed View of a Typical Session Bean With Remote Interfaces

FIGURE 4-1small space Selections in the EJB Builder Wizard for CMP Entity Beans

FIGURE 4-2small space Default Classes of a Typical CMP Entity Bean

FIGURE 4-3small space Explorer's Detailed View of a Typical CMP Entity Bean With Local Interfaces

FIGURE 4-4small space Explorer's Detailed View of a Typical CMP Entity Bean With a Composite Primary Key

FIGURE 5-1small space Selections in the EJB Builder Wizard for a CMP Entity Bean Set

FIGURE 5-2small space Default Classes of a Typical Set of Related CMP Entity Beans

FIGURE 5-3small space Expanded Nodes of an EJB Module Containing Related CMP Entity Beans

FIGURE 6-1small space Explorer's Detailed View of a BMP Entity Bean

FIGURE 7-1small space Default Class and Methods of a Typical Message-Driven Bean

FIGURE 7-2small space Explorer's Detailed View of a Typical Message-Driven Bean

FIGURE 8-1small space References Tab of the Properties Dialog Box for a CMP Entity Bean

FIGURE 8-2small space Standard Tab of the Resource Reference Property Editor for an Entity Bean

FIGURE 8-3small space Sun ONE App Server Tab of the Resource Reference Property Editor for an Entity Bean

FIGURE 8-4small space Sun ONE AS Tab's Properties for an EJB Module Containing CMP Beans

FIGURE 8-5small space How to Specify a CMP Bean's Data-Source Properties to Sun ONE Application Server 7

FIGURE 8-6small space EJB Local References Property Editor, Showing an Example of Override Selections for an Enterprise Bean's Local References

FIGURE 9-1small space Example of Sun ONE Application Server 7 Nodes as Displayed in IDE Explorer's Runtime Tab

FIGURE 9-2small space Example of Test Objects Generated for Enterprise Beans

FIGURE 9-3small space Client JSP Page Generated to Test Example Session Bean Converter

FIGURE 9-4small space How to Specify a Database Connection for a CMP Entity Bean

FIGURE 9-5small space Customizer for Adding an Interface Class to a Bean