

abstract schema name, 1, 2, 3, 4

accessor methods, 1 - 2

abstract, 1

acknowledgement mode for message-driven beans, 1


application server, 1 - 2

database server, 1 - 2

entity bean instances, 1

message-driven bean instances, 1

stateful session bean instances, 1

web browser from within the IDE, 1

adding remote interfaces to a bean for testing, 1 - 2

admin server, Sun ONE Application Server, 1

afterBegin method

in a stateful CMT session bean, 1, 2, 3

afterCompletion method

in a stateful CMT session bean, 1, 2, 3

anonymous instance

entity bean, 1

message-driven bean, 1

stateless session bean, 1

application assembly, 1 - 2

Also refer to Building J2EE Applications

application clients

for testing purposes, 1 - 2

using the IDE to create, 1

application server

admin server, starting, 1

distributed support, 1

EJB container services, 1, 2

instance, starting, 1

plugin, 1 - 2

provided with IDE, 1, 2

specifying resources, 1, 2, 3 - 4

Sun ONE Application Server requirements, 1 - 2, 3 - 4

tab on property sheets, 1

applications, configuring, 1

assembling beans into an EJB module, 1 - 2

avoiding message-driven bean problems, 1



class, 1

entity bean, 1, 2

message-driven bean, 1

session bean, 1

classes and interfaces, 1, 2 - 3, 4, 5

entity bean types, 1, 2

methods, introduction to, 1

properties, 1 - 2, 3 - 4, 5 - 6

session bean types, 1

bean-managed persistence (BMP), 1

comparing with CMP, 1

completing the generated code, 1 - 2

bean-managed transactions (BMT), 1, 2, 3, 4

beforeCompletion method

in a stateful CMT session bean, 1, 2, 3

business methods, 1, 2

in entity beans, 1

in a BMP entity bean, 1

in a CMP entity bean, 1

in a message-driven bean, 1

in a session bean, 1, 2

testing, 1 - 2

compared to home methods, 1


cardinality of a CMR, 1

cascade-delete functionality in a CMR, 1


a primary-key class, 1

an entity bean's fields, 1

beans, general rules, 1 - 2

field types, 1

to another bean class or interface, 1

checking security, 1

class closure, 1

class files

of a session bean, 1

of an entity bean, 1

clean-up after server crash, 1


relationships with enterprise beans, 1, 2

supported by the IDE, 1, 2

CMP 1.1 entity beans and the application server's generated SQL, 1

CMP entity beans, configuring for databases, 1 - 2



CMP fields

adding, 1

and CMRs, 1

from database table columns, 1, 2

in a set of related CMP entity beans, 1

in a single CMP entity bean, 1

initializing values, 1

specifying individually, 1 - 2

CMRs (container-managed relationships)

introduction to, 1

adding, 1 - 2

editing, 1 - 2

in a set of related CMP entity beans, 1

managed by the EJB module, 1

code, finishing

entity beans, 1, 2 - 3, 4 - 5

message-driven beans, 1 - 2

session beans, 1, 2 - 3

coding security into enterprise beans, 1

commit method, 1

compiler options

include validation or not, 1

require EJB QL or not, 1

compiling compared to validating, 1

configuring application components, 1, 2 - 3, 4 - 5

Also refer to Building J2EE Applications

configuring CMP entity beans for databases, 1 - 2

connection factories

for enterprise beans in general, 1

for message-driven beans, 1

connections to resources

for enterprise beans in general, 1

for message-driven beans, 1

consistency through validation, 1

container-managed persistence (CMP), 1, 2

container-managed transactions (CMT), 1, 2, 3, 4

contracts within J2EE architecture, 1

conversational session, 1 - 2

copying and pasting a bean, 1 - 2

create methods, 1, 2

in entity beans, 1 - 2, 3

in message-driven beans, 1

in session beans, 1, 2 - 3

to insert data into a data store, 1


a new entity bean instance, 1

a new J2EE application, 1

a new message-driven bean instance, 1

a new session bean instance, 1

an EJB module around enterprise beans, 1

testing objects, 1

current PointBase user ID and password, 1

customized exceptions, 1


adding interfaces to a bean, 1 - 2

modifying methods, parameters, and exceptions, 1 - 2


data access object (DAO), 1

data store in the J2EE application model, 1

data synchronization, 1

database connections, 1 - 2

specifying in property sheets, 1 - 2

when generating a CMP entity bean, 1 - 2, 3 - 4

database mapping, 1

properties on CMP entity beans, 1 - 2

with CMP fields, 1 - 2, 3 - 4

database schema

capturing, 1

using to generate CMP fields, 1 - 2, 3 - 4

database server

included in the IDE, 1, 2

user ID and password, 1

using to generate CMP entity beans, 1

data-storage connections, 1 - 2


database resources and connection factories, 1 - 2

JMS resources, 1 - 2

runtime information, 1, 2, 3 - 4, 5 - 6

security, 1, 2

transaction attributes, 1, 2 - 3

default servers, 1

deleting an enterprise bean, 1

deployment descriptor, 1, 2, 3

deployment, providing for, 1

design recommendations, 1

destination, message-driven, 1

developer roles in the J2EE model, 1

development life cycle of an enterprise bean, 1

difference between

business and home methods, 1

container-managed and bean-managed persistence, 1

container-managed and bean-managed transactions, 1

enterprise beans and JavaBeans, 1

finder and select methods, 1

session and entity beans, 1, 2

stateless and stateful session beans, 1

using JTA and the JDBC API, 1

directionality of a CMR, 1

dropped ejbRemove invocations, 1

duplicate messages, 1



bean methods, 1

beans, 1 - 2

CMRs, 1 - 2

EJB QL statements, 1

SQL statements generated by an application server, 1

EJB 2.0 specification supported, 1

EJB Builder Wizard, 1, 2 - 3

defining a BMP entity bean, 1 - 2

defining a CMP entity bean, 1 - 2

defining a message-driven bean bean, 1 - 2

defining a session bean, 1 - 2

defining a set of related CMP entity beans, 1 - 2

generating CMP entity bean classes, 1 - 2

generating exceptions, 1

generating method signatures, 1, 2, 3

generating session bean classes, 1 - 2

propagating changes through bean classes, 1 - 2

EJB container

managing persistence, 1

managing transactions, 1

pooling entity bean instances, 1

pooling message-driven bean instances, 1

pooling stateless session bean instances, 1

role within a J2EE application, 1

services provided to entity beans, 1

EJB JAR file, 1, 2 - 3

EJB module, 1

configuring, 1 - 2

creating, 1 - 2

for testing purposes, 1

properties, 1 - 2, 3 - 4

transaction attributes, 1 - 2


editing, 1

errors, 1

foreign keys, 1

in finder methods, 1, 2

in select methods, 1, 2

required or not by compiler, 1

table-to-table joins, 1

EJB references, 1

ejbActivate method, 1, 2, 3

completing in a stateful session bean, 1 - 2

on entity bean instances, 1

on stateless session bean instances, 1

ejbCreate method, 1, 2

in a BMP entity bean, 1 - 2

in a CMP entity bean, 1 - 2

in a message-driven bean, 1, 2

in a session bean, 1, 2 - 3

in entity bean instances, 1

pooling stateless session bean instances, 1

ejbFind method, 1

ejbLoad method, 1, 2

on BMP entity bean instances, 1

on CMP entity bean instances, 1

to synchronize with the data store, 1

ejbPassivate method, 1, 2, 3

completing in a stateful session bean, 1 - 2

on entity bean instances, 1

on stateless session bean instances, 1


ejbPostCreate method, 1, 2, 3

in a BMP entity bean, 1 - 2

in a CMP entity bean, 1 - 2

in a session bean, 1 - 2

ejbRemove method, 1, 2, 3, 4

pooling stateless session bean instances, 1

removing a database entity, 1

ejbStore method, 1, 2, 3

on BMP entity bean instances, 1

enterprise beans

classes, 1

deleting, 1

design recommendations, 1

development life cycle, 1

different from JavaBeans, 1

elements of a bean, 1

methods, 1

persistence, 1

relationship to EJB container, 1

security, 1, 2, 3

testing, 1 - 2

transactions, 1

updating, 1 - 2

used in applications, 1

workflow, 1


context method, 1

mapping bean to database, 1

represented by a session bean, 1

represented by an entity bean, 1

entity beans

introduction to, 1

bean class, 1, 2

completing the code for a BMP, 1 - 2

completing the code for a CMP, 1 - 2, 3 - 4

generating a set of related CMP beans, 1 - 2

generating BMP classes, 1 - 2

generating CMP classes, 1 - 2, 3 - 4

home interface, 1, 2

life cycle, 1

local home interface, 1, 2

local interface, 1, 2

locating instances, 1

methods, 1

pooled state, 1

primary keys, 1

primary-key class, 1

ready state, 1

relationship to EJB container, 1

remote interface, 1, 2

type, 1, 2


entry on property sheet, 1

equals method, 1

error information, 1


a message-driven bean instance from memory, 1

a session bean instance from memory, 1

an entity bean instance from the pool, 1

example applications, where to download, 1


customized, 1

java.rmi.RemoteException, 1

javax.ejb.CreateException, 1

javax.ejb.EJBException, 1

predefined, 1

remote, 1

system-level and application-level, 1, 2

executing business logic

in a message-driven bean, 1

in a session bean, 1

in entity beans, generally, 1

Explorer window of the IDE, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8

extra files, adding to an EJB module, 1


features of J2EE architecture, 1

final methods, 1

findByPrimaryKey method, 1, 2

finder methods, 1, 2, 3, 4 - 5, 6, 7

foreign keys, 1


generated code

CMP entity bean set classes, 1

deployment descriptor, 1

entity bean classes, 1

exceptions, 1

message-driven bean class, 1

method signatures in entity beans, 1

method signatures in message-driven beans, 1

method signatures in session beans, 1

session bean classes, 1

generated testing objects, 1

getCallerPrincipal method, 1

getRollbackOnly method, 1

getter and setter methods, 1, 2 - 3

getUserTransaction method, 1

gotchas for message-driven beans, avoiding, 1


hashCode method, 1

home interface, 1, 2

entity bean, 1, 2

session bean, 1

testing, 1 - 2

See also local home interface

home methods, 1, 2

compared to business methods, 1



best practices, 1 - 2

completing a BMP entity bean, 1 - 2

completing a CMP entity bean, 1 - 2, 3 - 4

completing a deployment descriptor, 1 - 2

completing a message-driven bean, 1 - 2

completing a session bean, 1 - 2

completing a set of related CMP beans, 1 - 2

EJB compiler, 1

error information, 1

Explorer window, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8

saving changes, 1

Source Editor, 1

validating beans, 1


a message-driven bean instance, 1

a session bean instance, 1

an entity bean instance, 1

persistent fields, 1

state in stateful session beans, 1

inserting data into a data store

using a create method, 1

installed servers, 1

instance pool

entity beans, 1

message-driven beans, 1

stateless session beans, 1

instance, application server, 1

isCallerInRole method, 1



application architecture, 1

contracts, 1

developer roles, 1

documentation list, 1

specification, Blueprints, 1

Java Message Service (JMS), 1

Java Transaction API, 1

Java Transaction Service (JTS), 1, 1

java.rmi.Remote, 1

java.rmi.RemoteException, 1, 1

java.sql.Connection, 1

JavaBeans, different from enterprise beans, 1

Javadoc, using in the IDE, 1

javax.ejb.CreateException, 1

javax.ejb.EJBContext, 1

javax.ejb.EJBException, 1

javax.ejb.EJBHome, 1, 2

javax.ejb.EJBObject, 1, 2

javax.ejb.EntityBean, 1

javax.ejb.MessageDrivenBean, 1

javax.ejb.MessageListener, 1

javax.ejb.SessionBean, 1

javax.transaction.UserTransaction, 1

JDBC API, 1, 2, 3 - 4

don't mix with JTA code, 1

JDO QL, Sun ONE Application Server's approach to CMP 1.1 entity beans, 1

JNDI, 1, 2

matching resource values, 1, 2 - 3

JSP pages as clients, 1

JTA, 1, 2


large icon, 1

life cycle

methods, 1

in a BMP entity bean, 1 - 2

in a CMP entity bean, 1 - 2

in a session bean, 1 - 2

of a message-driven bean, 1

of a session bean, 1

of an entity bean, 1

local home interface

introduction to, 1

See also home interface

local interface

introduction to, 1

See also remote interface

locating entity bean instances, 1

logical node, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 - 6

lookup methods, 1 - 2, 3 - 4


maintaining enterprise beans, 1 - 2

maintaining state across method calls, 1

making changes to beans, 1 - 2

matching properties to lookup code, 1 - 2, 3 - 4

message order, 1

message selector, 1

message-driven beans

bean class, 1

completing the code, 1 - 2

developing, 1 - 2

methods, 1

onMessage method, 1

setMessageDrivenContext method, 1

transaction management, 1

message-driven destination, 1

message-oriented middleware, 1

methods on enterprise beans, 1

afterBegin, 1

afterCompletion, 1

beforeCompletion, 1

business, 1

create, 1, 2

editing, 1

ejbActivate, 1

ejbCreate, 1, 2, 3

ejbLoad, 1, 2

ejbPassivate, 1, 2

ejbPostCreate, 1

ejbRemove, 1, 2

ejbStore, 1, 2

equals, 1

final, 1

findByPrimaryKey, 1

finder, 1, 2

getCallerPrincipal, 1

hashCode, 1

home, 1

isCallerInRole, 1

life-cycle, 1

newInstance, 1, 2, 3

onMessage, 1

permission to execute, 1

private, 1

security, 1

select, 1

setEntityContext, 1

setMessageDrivenContext, 1

setSessionContext, 1

unsetEntityContext, 1

modifying a bean based on another bean, 1

modifying bean methods, 1 - 2

modifying beans in general, 1 - 2


approximating with message-driven beans, 1

not needed in enterprise beans, 1


nested transactions, 1

newInstance method

in entity beans, 1

in message-driven beans, 1

in session beans, 1


entity bean, 1, 2, 3

logical, 1, 2, 3, 4

message-driven bean, 1

session bean, 1


onMessage method, 1, 2

optimizing enterprise beans, 1

order of messages, 1

out-of-sequence messages, 1


package (folder) node in Explorer, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

parallel processing, approximating with message-driven beans, 1


entity bean instances, 1

stateful session bean instances, 1

password and user ID

PointBase, 1

performance in enterprise beans, 1

permission to execute a method, 1

persistence, 1

completing BMP entity beans, 1

managed by the EJB container, 1

setting properties, 1 - 2

wizard selections for CMP entity beans, 1, 2

persistent fields, 1

specifying individually, 1 - 2

plugin, application server, 1, 2 - 3

PointBase Server 4.2 Restricted Edition, 1, 2

PointBase user ID and password, 1

poison messages, 1



entity bean instances, 1

message-driven bean instances, 1

session bean instances, 1

stateless session bean instances, 1

predefined exceptions, 1

primary keys, 1

adding a new one to an entity bean, 1 - 2

adding more to an entity bean, 1

primary-key class, 1

in an entity bean, 1

required methods, 1

private fields, 1

private methods, 1

problem handling with exceptions, 1


error information, 1

working outside the logical node, 1 - 2

programmatic security, 1, 2

propagating changes, 1 - 2


of a bean, 1 - 2, 3 - 4

of an EJB module, 1 - 2

of CMP entity beans using databases, 1 - 2

publish model for message-driven beans, 1


queue, 1

quick reference

to entity bean types, 1

to session bean types, 1 - 2


ready state, entity bean instances, 1

recommendations for enterprise bean design, 1


EJB local references, 1 - 2

EJB references, 1

environment entries, 1

overriding at the EJB module level, 1 - 2

overriding at the J2EE application level, 1

resource environment references, 1 - 2

resource references, 1 - 2

tab on Properties window, 1

to a database, 1 - 2

related CMP entity beans, creating sets of, 1 - 2

related objects

of an entity bean, 1

renaming all at once, 1

remote exceptions, 1

remote interface, 1, 2

entity bean, 1, 2

session bean, 1

See also local interface

remote interfaces, required for testing, 1 - 2

remote object, 1

remotely referenced enterprise beans, 1


a database entity, 1

a message-driven bean instance, 1

a session bean instance, 1

an entity bean instance, 1


an enterprise bean, 1

bean fields, 1

repeated messages, 1

resource environment references

to destinations (queues or topics), 1 - 2

to queues or topics, 1 - 2

resource references

to connection factories, 1

to databases and connection factories, 1 - 2

resource-factory references, 1 - 2

responsibilities of the bean provider

when coding entity beans, 1

when coding message-driven beans, 1

when coding session beans, 1


through declarative runtime information, 1, 2

through wizard selections, 1

roles, security, 1, 2

runtime information, 1, 2


sample applications, where to download, 1

saving changes, 1

security, 1, 2

getCallerPrincipal method, 1

isCallerInRole method, 1

roles in deployment descriptor, 1

security checking

in a message-driven bean, 1, 2

in a session bean, 1

in an entity bean, 1

select methods, 1, 2

sequence of messages, 1

server crash, entity bean state survives, 1

server registry, 1


provided by EJB container, 1

services provided by EJB container, 1, 2

servlets as clients, 1

session beans

introduction to, 1

bean class, 1

completing the code, 1 - 2

home interface, 1

life cycle, 1

methods, 1

pooling, 1

remote interface, 1

representing entities, 1

stateful, 1

stateless, 1

synchronizing state during a session, 1

type, 1

session-synchronization interface, 1, 2 - 3

classes, 1 - 2

set of related CMP entity beans, 1, 2

setAutoCommit method, 1

setEntityContext method, 1, 2, 3

setMessageDrivenContext method, 1, 2, 3

setRollBackOnly method, 1

setSessionContext method, 1, 2

small icon, 1

Source Editor, 1 - 2

specification supported

EJB 2.0, 1

specifying security, 1

SQL, 1, 2

generated by the application server, 1

generated from EJB QL statements, 1

setting properties in the Sun ONE AS tab, 1

SQL Insert statements, 1

starting an application server instance, 1

starting the application server, 1

state, maintaining across method calls, 1

stateful session beans, 1, 2

passivating and activating, 1

selecting in the wizard, 1

stateless session beans, 1, 2

selecting in the wizard, 1

subscribe model for message-driven beans, 1

Sun ONE Application Server, 1

declaring properties, 1 - 2

connection factories, 1

database resources, 1 - 2

finder methods, 1

JNDI names, 1, 2 - 3

on BMP entity beans, 1

on CMP entity beans, 1 - 2

on message-driven beans, 1

on session beans, 1

queues or topics, 1, 2 - 3

security, 1

transaction attributes, 1 - 2

plugin, 1 - 2

starting a server instance, 1

starting the admin server, 1

superclass, 1, 2

supported EJB specification, 1


an entity bean instance with the data store, 1

state during a session, 1, 2 - 3

system exception, 1


table mappings, 1 - 2, 3 - 4

techniques for working with enterprise beans, 1 - 2

test client, 1 - 2

testing on Sun ONE Application Server, 1, 2 - 3

threading, approximating with message-driven beans, 1

tiers in J2EE architecture, 1

topic, 1

transaction control

in a message-driven bean, 1

in a session bean, 1

in an entity bean, 1

transactions, 1

attributes, 1

on an EJB module, 1 - 2

on individual beans, 1

on individual methods, 1

bean-managed, 1, 2, 3

boundaries, 1

container-managed, 1, 2, 3

in entity beans, 1

in message-driven beans, 1

in session beans, 1, 2, 3 - 4

nested, not allowed in JTA, 1, 2

rollbacks, 1

using JTA, 1

using the JDBC API, 1

type of

entity bean, 1, 2

session bean, 1


unique identifiers in entity beans, 1

unsetEntityContext method, 1, 2, 3

updating enterprise beans, 1 - 2

user ID and password for PointBase, 1

user security roles, 1

user transaction (UT) methods, 1


validating beans, 1 - 2


workflow of an EJB application, 1

wrapping legacy code using the JDBC API, 1, 2


XML deployment-descriptor file, 1, 2