C H A P T E R  3

Installing Java Studio Enterprise
(Microsoft Windows Systems)

This chapter describes how to install Java Studio Enterprise software from physical media (CD-ROM or DVD) or from files downloaded from the web.

This chapter covers the following topics:

Using the GUI Installer

Note - If you encounter errors at any point during the installation, refer to Troubleshooting During Installation and see Chapter 15 for general troubleshooting tips.

procedure icon  To Install Java Studio Enterprise Software

1. Verify that you have properly prepared your machine for installation. See Chapter 2 for details.

2. Log in to your system with administrator privileges.

3. Start the installer.

If the autorun feature is enabled on your machine, a Windows command line window appears and the installer starts. After a few moments, you see the Java Studio Enterprise Welcome page. If the installer did not start, follow these additional steps to start the installer:

a. From the Start Menu, choose Run, and browse to the product directory on the media.

b. Double-click the file media-drive\installer.bat.

The installer starts and the Welcome page appears.

a. Download the Java Studio Enterprise software into your java-studio-download-dir and unzip the file.

b. Double-click the file java-studio-download-dir\installer.bat to invoke the Java Studio Enterprise installer.

4. On the Welcome page, click Next and follow the installer instructions.

The installer asks a series of questions and installs the products you selected. When installation is complete, the Installation Complete page appears. If you have questions about the installer pages, refer to the following sections for more information:

5. Review the Installation Complete page.

a. Click on the View Summary button to view the installation summary information.

A new window opens and displays the Installation Summary Report. You see two buttons at the top: Install Summary and Configuration Data.

b. Click on the Configuration Data button to view the configuration data for the component products that you installed.

c. Close the Installation Summary Report window.

d. To view the installer logging messages, click View Log on the Installation Complete page.

A window opens and displays the Installation Log.

The log files can be found at the location specified by the user environment variable %TEMP%. For example, C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Local Settings\Temp.

The log file names are of the following format:

6. Click Close to exit the installer.

7. When installation is complete, proceed to validate the installation using the appropriate chapters:

Note - If you plan to use Sun Java System Application Server, read Chapter 9 before attempting to deploy your applications.

Product Serial Number Page

Enter your product license serial number on this page. If you are installing Java Studio Enterprise software for evaluation purposes, generate a trial license by checking the box next to the text, " Generate 90-day trial license serial number". This text is seen on the installer's Product Serial Number page.

If you have purchased the software, enter the license serial number that was provided to you at the time of purchase. You can upgrade to a permanent license after installation by using the license manager tool. See Chapter 12 for more information on this tool.

Installation Type Page

Note - If any compatible component products are detected as already installed on the machine, then the installer does not display the Installation Type page, but instead displays the Product Selection page.

Select your preferred installation type on this page.

This option installs the Java Studio Enterprise IDE and all component product servers to provide you with a complete and integrated developer environment for creating your enterprise applications.

procedure icon  To Create a Two-machine Distributed Installation

1. On the server machine, start the installer.

2. On the Installation Type page, select Custom > Install Only Servers on this machine.

3. Run the installer.

4. On the tools machine, start the installer a second time.

5. On the Installation Type page, select Custom > Install IDE and connect to remote servers.

6. Click Next.

The Where are your remote servers page appears.

7. Type the values for the Remote Application Server Host Name, Remote Application Server Port Number, Remote Application Server Admin User Name and Password, and Remote Application Server Admin Domain (usually domain1).

If your remote Application Server installation was created using the Java Studio Enterprise installer, review the Configuration_Data.html file in your web browser to find most of these values. The Configuration_Data.html file is found in the java-studio-install-dir.

8. Click Next to continue the installation.

Proceed the same as for Typical Installation.

procedure icon  To Install Selected Component Products

1. Start the Java Studio Enterprise installer.

Follow the instructions on the installer pages.

2. On the Installation Type page, select Custom > Select what to install.

The Product Selection page appears.

3. On the Product Selection page, select the individual component products that you want to install.

Some component products have dependencies on other products. The installer selects the dependent products for you. Review Component Product Dependencies for more information about the product dependencies. Because of these dependencies, some combinations are not supported. For example, you can not install Identity Server or Portal Server without also installing Directory Server and Web Server.

The installer disables the selection of component products that are already installed on your machine.

4. After making your selections, click next and continue the installation.

Installation Directory Page

Enter your installation directory on this page. The default installation root directory is %Drive%\Sun\jstudio. Follow these guidelines if you specify a non-default installation directory:

Each component product is installed in its own folder beneath the root directory. See Appendix B for more information on the directory structure.

Configuration Page

The Administrator User ID and Administrator Password that you enter on this page are used to configure the Java Studio Enterprise server products that you are installing. Use this ID and password to access the server administrative interfaces after installation. Remember to note your password and keep it secure. You can not access the password after installation.

You can review the configuration data after installation in the following ways:

For example C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Local Settings\Temp. The file name is of the format: Summary_Report.timestamp.

Note - Identity Server and Portal Server do not use the Administrator User ID that you enter on this page. Use the user name amadmin for these two servers.

Installing on Machines Without a Static IP Address

This section contains information about installing the Java Studio Enterprise servers on a system that does not have a static IP address. The basic installation process for this scenario is the same for the Solaris OS and the Microsoft Windows platforms.

Use the procedure To Install Using Localhost IP Address, if you are installing on a non-network machine or a machine without a static IP adddress, for example:

Basically, you should disconnect from the network and reboot before installing. This enables the Java Studio Enterprise installer to automatically pick up as your IP address and localhost as your host name.

If your machine has been connected to a network and already has a dynamic IP address assigned (via DHCP), the installer configures using the dynamic address and this may cause the servers to stop functioning as expected when the machine is rebooted.

Note - You can not connect from remote systems to Application Server installed on a machine using and localhost as described in this section.

procedure icon  To Install Using Localhost IP Address

1. Disconnect your machine from the network.

2. Reboot the machine.

Machine is now using the IP address for localhost,

3. Verify that the Primary DNS suffix is set correctly.

See Verifying the DNS Suffix.

4. Install Java Studio Enterprise using the standard install procedure.

See Chapter 3 for Microsoft Windows systems. See Chapter 5 for Solaris OS systems.

5. When installation is complete, proceed to validate the installation using the appropriate chapters:

Note - If you use localhost as the machine name (host name) when installing this software and you normally use a proxy server when connecting to the Internet, you may need to change the proxy settings in your Web browser to direct connection or to not use a DNS proxy server when trying to access the Administration Consoles of the servers you install.

Using Silent Mode Installation

Silent installation is useful for installing Java Studio Enterprise on multiple hosts that require similar installation configurations. Silent installation requires that you run the installer once to capture your input values in a state file. Using appropriate command line options, the product is not installed during this dry run of the installer. The state file contains your responses as a list of parameters, each representing a single prompt or field. You can then run the installer on many hosts, using an edited version of this state file as input. It is necessary to edit the state file parameters that are machine or platform specific. This process propagates one installation configuration across multiple hosts in your enterprise.

Please refer to Chapter 7 for details on preparing and executing a silent installation.

Troubleshooting During Installation

This section contains problems that may be encountered during installation that are specific to Microsoft Windows machines. See Chapter 15 for additional troubleshooting information.

1. While installing Java Studio Enterprise the installer hangs during the installation of the J2SE version 1.4.1_06 platform:

Reason. You may have a Netscape process running.

Solution. Close all Netscape browsers and disable Netscape Quick Launch.

2. While installing Java Studio Enterprise the installer hangs during the installation of Web Server, if the installation is cancelled, a window pops up displaying the Web Server desktop shortcuts:

Reason. Web Server installation sometimes hangs during creation of the desktop shortcut on laptops.

Solution. Install Web Server separately using its component product installer, then install the rest of Java Studio Enterprise using the same installation directory that you use for the Web Server.

To find the Web Server component product installer, change to the following directory: java-studio-download-dir\Windows\Product\web_svr\Packages and double-click setup.exe. Be sure to install both Web Server and Java Studio Enterprise in the same installation directory. Failure to do so may result in the misconfiguration of other server component products that rely on Web Server for proper functioning.