C H A P T E R  2

Preparing for Installation

This chapter contains information that you need before you install the Java Studio Enterprise developer environment. Java Studio Enterprise provides a full set of developer tools and servers for developing and deploying applications written in the Javatrademark programming language using J2EE concepts. See Chapter 1 for more information on the specific versions of the component product software included in this offering.

This chapter covers:

Overview of the Installation Process

This section describes the general process for installing and validating the Sun Java Enterprise System software on your system. All language versions of this software are installed using the same installer. During installation you are asked to select the language support you need. English language support is always installed.

TABLE 2-1 Overview of Software Installation and Configuration


For Instructions

Plan your installation.

Planning for Installation

Verify system readiness.

Verifying System Readiness

(Solaris only) Install the necessary Solaris patches.

See Appendix A for a list of the necessary patches and Verifying the Solaris OS Patch Requirements

Install Java Studio Enterprise.

Set up your initial Java Studio Enterprise IDE environment.

Setting Up the Java Studio Enterprise IDE

Confirm configuration of Sun Java System Application Server.

Using Sun Java System Application Server

(Optional) Validate that your selected servers were installed correctly

Validating Server Installation (Microsoft Windows Systems)

Validating Server Installation (Solaris OS)

(Optional) Configure PointBase.

Using Databases

Planning for Installation

To properly plan your installation, review the following sections.

Supported Platforms

Java Studio Enterprise is supported on the following platforms:

Handling Existing Installations of Component Products

Sun Java Studio Enterprise 6 IDE

To keep a previous version of the IDE, such as Sun ONE Studio 5, Standard Edition or Sun ONE Studio 5 Update 1, install Java Studio Enterprise in a different installation directory. The Java Studio Enterprise IDE can co-exist with an existing installation of Sun ONE Studio 5. However, there are some things to be aware of.

Note - If you install the Java Studio Enterprise IDE on a system with an existing installation of Sun ONE Studio 5, the installer detects the existing installation of Sun Java System Application Server (formerly Sun ONE Application Server) that was installed as part of Sun ONE Studio 5 and does not install a second copy. When prompted by the Java Studio Enterprise installer (on the Linking Tools to Local Servers page), type the Admin User Name, Admin Password, and Admin Port that you used for the existing Application Server installation.

If you prefer to uninstall your existing IDE, see the Getting Started Guide for your currently installed version for the proper uninstall procedure. It is not necessary to delete your existing user directory.

Caution - Uninstalling the older version of Sun ONE Studio 5 after installing the Java Studio Enterprise IDE results in the removal of Sun Java System Application Server. This means your system no longer has an application server. Although, the IDE can use a remotely installed application server, the IDE examples and tutorials may not work under this circumstance. To correct this situation, run the Java Studio Enterprise installer and re-install Sun Java System Application Server, then manually configure the IDE with the new Application Server location and other application server admin information.

Java Studio Enterprise Servers

The set of component product servers included with Java Studio Enterprise software is also distributed as part of the Sun Java Enterprise System deployment software suite. In general, component products installed by the Java Enterprise System installer are compatible with this software. However, this installer detects only the component products that are also bundled with Java Studio Enterprise.

Java Studio Enterprise software detects and is compatible with the following product installations:

If a component product server of the correct version is installed, but not configured, you should uninstall it first and then reinstall it with the Java Studio Enterprise installer.

Selecting an Installation Type

Java Studio Enterprise provides a choice of installation types called typical and custom.

This option enables you to install individual component products.

During installation, you are prompted to select the installation type on the Installation Type page. For more information, see the installation chapter for your platform.

Note - If a compatible component product is detected as already installed on the machine, then the installer does not display the Installation Type page, but instead displays the Product Selection page. Component products that are detected as already installed on your machine are grayed out on the installer product selection page.

Verifying System Readiness

The installer performs the following system checks during the installation process:

System Dependencies

Having the Correct User Privileges

On a Solaris system, you must have superuser (root) privileges to install this software.

On a Microsoft Windows system, you must have administrative privileges to install this software.

If you do not have the proper user privileges or are unfamiliar with installing software necessitating these privileges, please contact your system administrator for assistance.

System and Disk Space Requirements

If the memory found does not satisfy the recommendations, the installer displays a warning but allows installation to proceed. If you proceed with installation with low memory you may experience poor performance during runtime usage of the software.

The operating system and disk space checks must be satisfied in order for installation to proceed.

TABLE 2-2 lists the system requirements needed to install a complete Tools and Servers configuration (Typical Installation) on the supported platforms.

TABLE 2-2 Java Studio Enterprise System Requirements to Install Tools and Servers on One System

Supported Platforms

Minimum Configuration

Recommended Configuration

Windows 2000 Pro, Windows XP Pro

Pentium III, 500 MHz

512 MB RAM

Pentium III, 1GHz


Solaris 8 OS, Solaris 9 OS (32-bit/64-bit, UltraSPARC® platform)

UltraSPARC® II 450MHz

512 MB RAM

UltraSPARC® III 750MHz


Solaris 9 OS x86 Platform Edition

Pentium III, 500 MHz

512 MB RAM

Pentium III, 1GHz


These are general guidelines. Your requirements might vary depending on which additional software you have installed for use with Java Studio Enterprise software.

The main factor in determining how much installation disk space you need is a combination of the products that you choose to install and the presence of compatible products on the target system. The installer does not proceed with installation if insufficient disk space is detected.

TABLE 2-3 describes the disk space requirements on each supported platform for the following installations:

Software Product Dependencies and Conflicts

The installer helps you to identify software dependencies and conflicts by performing the following checks prior to actual installation:

Solaris OS only: The installer detects only the component products that were installed by means of Solaris package distributions. The installer does not detect components that were originally installed by other means. Because of this, you may want to perform an independent survey of the system or consult with others to determine what software is currently installed. For example:

Installed Component Product Detection

Java Studio Enterprise software detects, but is incompatible with the following:

Java Studio Enterprise software can co-exist with the following:

Component Product Dependencies

It is useful to know the interdependencies among the component products so that you can understand the behavior of the Product Selection page displayed during installation and properly plan your installation. TABLE 2-4 lists the dependencies that each component product has for other component products. It does not include dependencies on shared components, such as the J2SE platform.

To use this table, find the product you want to install in column one, then look at column two. The products listed in column two must also be installed for proper behavior. Column four lists whether the dependent products must be on the same machine as the column one product. The installer makes these selections for you during the installation process. The information is presented here for planning purposes.

TABLE 2-4 Component Product Dependencies

Installed Component Product

Dependent Component Product


Dependent Component Product Must Be
on the Same Machine as Installed Component Product?

Java Studio Enterprise IDE (Tools)

Sun ONE Application Server


yes, also works with remote installation of the application server

Sun ONE Application Server

Sun ONE Message Queue

3.0.1 SP1


Sun ONE Directory Server




Sun ONE Identity Server

Sun ONE Directory Server




Sun ONE Web Server



Sun ONE Message Queue




Sun ONE Portal Server

Sun ONE Identity Server



Sun ONE Web Server




Shared Component Dependencies (Solaris OS only)

The installer ensures that software that is already installed on the machine is compatible with Java Studio Enterprise software.

Many systems already have shared components, such as Ant or NSS. The Java Studio Enterprise installer checks shared components on the machine. If it finds shared components whose version is incompatible with Java Studio Enterprise, it lists them. If you proceed with installation, the installer upgrades the shared components to the newer versions.

It is important that you verify that it is safe to upgrade shared components. You need to check that existing programs that use the older shared components will be compatible with the newer versions. See Appendix F for a list of shared components.

J2SE Handling

The Java Studio Enterprise installer searches for the existence of compatible versions of the Javatrademark 2 Platform, Standard Edition (J2SE platform) on the target system. Based on the findings the installer presents one of the following two choices:

Checking Other Prerequisites

Verifying the DNS Suffix

Installation and configuration of Directory Server, Identity Server, Portal Server and Web Server require a valid domain name. On Microsoft Windows machines, the DNS Suffix property must be set to a valid value.

Use the procedure appropriate to your platform to verify that the DNS Suffix is set correctly on your machine. If you have questions about the correct DNS Suffix or domain name for your machine, contact your network administrator for assistance.

procedure icon  To Verify DNS Suffix (Microsoft Windows XP Professional Systems)

1. Right-click My Computer and select Properties.

The System Properties dialog box is displayed.

2. Select the Computer Name tab.

Review the value of the field Full computer name. If it contains a fully-qualified domain name for your computer, for example hostname.my.company.com, then your settings are complete. If the field is blank or incomplete, then continue to the next step.

3. Click Change (a button near the bottom of the displayed tab).

The Computer Name Changes dialog box is displayed.

4. Click More.

The DNS Suffix and NetBIOS Computer Name dialog box is displayed.

5. Type the correct DNS suffix in the field, Primary DNS suffix of this computer, and verify that the check box, Change primary DNS suffix when domain membership changes, is checked.

6. Reboot your machine and follow steps 1-3 to verify your changes.

procedure icon  (To Verify DNS Suffix (Microsoft Windows 2000 Professional Systems)

1. Right-click the My Computer icon on your desktop.

2. Select Properties from the contextual menu.

3. Select the Network Identification tab and click Properties.

The Identification Changes dialog box displays.

4. Click More.

The DNS Suffix and NetBios Computer Name dialog displays.

5. Type the correct DNS suffix in the field, Primary DNS suffix of this computer, and verify that the check box, Change primary DNS suffix when domain membership changes, is checked.

6. Reboot your machine and follow steps 1-3 to verify your changes.

procedure icon  To Verify Domain Name (Solaris OS)

1. Change to the /etc directory.

2. View the resolv.conf file and verify that it contains the proper domain name entry for your machine and an entry for the DNS name server for your organization or network.

Note - If the resolv.conf file does not exist, contact your network administrator to configure the domain name that is appropriate to your enterprise network.