Complete Contents
Chapter 1 Introducing Netscape Console
Chapter 2 The Netscape Server Family Setup Program
Chapter 3 Using Netscape Console
Chapter 4 User and Group Administration
Chapter 5 Using SSL
Chapter 6 Delegating Server Administration
Chapter 7 Using SNMP to Monitor Services
Chapter 8 Administration Server Basics
Chapter 9 Administration Server Configuration
Appendix A Distinguished Name Attributes and Syntax
Appendix B Administration Server Command Line Tools
Appendix D Introduction to Public-Key Cryptography
Appendix E Introduction to SSL
Managing Servers with Netscape Console:
Next Contents Index


Managing Servers with Netscape Console provides background information system architects and administrators need to successfully install and manage a Netscape enterprise. Read about Netscape server basics here before you begin actually installing and configuring servers in your enterprise.

What's in This Guide
This book provides information you need to use Netscape servers:

Conventions Used in This Guide
Monospaced font
This typeface is used for any text that appears on the computer screen or text that you should type. It's also used for file and path names and functions.

Boldface type is used for window elements such as input areas and check boxes.

Italic type is used for emphasis, book titles, and glossary terms.

Note. Sidebar text marks important information. Make sure you read the information before continuing with a task.

[ ]
Square brackets enclose commands that are optional. That is, you can omit any text that appears in square brackets.

< >
Angle brackets enclose variables. When following examples, replace the angle brackets and their text with text that applies to your situation. For example, when path names appear in angle brackets, substitute the path names used on your computer.

Forward slash is used to separate directories in a path. If you use the NT operating system, you might be more familiar with \ in paths, but NT supports both forward and back slashes.

Marks text that applies only to the Unix versions of the administration server.

Marks text that applies only to the Windows NT versions of the administration server.

Viewing This Book Online
For your convenience, this book is also available online. When using any Netscape server software, you can view the online version of Managing Servers with Netscape Console.

To view the online book:

  1. From the Help menu, choose Contents.
  2. Click Bookshelf.
  3. In the Bookshelf listing, click Managing Servers with Netscape Console.

© Copyright 1999 Netscape Communications Corporation