Complete Contents
Chapter 1 Introducing Netscape Console
Chapter 2 The Netscape Server Family Setup Program
Chapter 3 Using Netscape Console
Chapter 4 User and Group Administration
Chapter 5 Using SSL
Chapter 6 Delegating Server Administration
Chapter 7 Using SNMP to Monitor Services
Chapter 8 Administration Server Basics
Chapter 9 Administration Server Configuration
Appendix A Distinguished Name Attributes and Syntax
Appendix B Administration Server Command Line Tools
Appendix D Introduction to Public-Key Cryptography
Appendix E Introduction to SSL
Managing Servers with Netscape Console: The Netscape Server Products

Previous Next Contents Index

Chapter 2 The Netscape Server Products
Setup Program

This chapter provides an overview of the Netscape Server Products Setup Program and information for using it in various situations.

This chapter contains the following sections:

Note. Each Netscape server has its own detailed installation instructions. You'll find these in your server's Install.htm file at server

It's More Than Just a Setup Program
The Setup Program integrates the installation of multiple Netscape servers into a single operation. Use the Netscape Server Products Setup Program each time you need to

Installing a New Server
Note. Each Netscape server has its own detailed installation instructions. Look for the server's Install.htm file at This section provides an overview of installation dependencies and options common to all Netscape 4.0 servers.

Directory Server Must Be Installed First
The Setup Program authenticates against an installed Directory Server. During installation, you'll need to provide the Configuration Administrator's ID, password, and base DN. These are stored in the Directory Server. If authentication fails, you won't be able to complete the installation. For detailed information, see your server's Install.htm file at

When you install a Directory Server for the first time, the Administration Server and Netscape Console are automatically installed for you.

Administration Server Is Required in Each Server Root
All Netscape servers require that an Administration Server be installed in each server root. If an Administration Server is not currently installed, the Setup Program automatically installs one for you.

Installation Modes
The Setup Program offers three installation modes: Express, Typical, and Custom.


Use this to get the system running quickly, using default settings a much as possible. This mode was designed for administrators who want to test basic server operation on a particular system before actually deploying the server. It automatically generates administrator names, passwords, and other information required to complete the most basic installation.


Use this mode if you want to be able to specify some, but not all, installation options. Administrators use this mode most often because it lets them modify some settings such as directory location, user names, and passwords.


Use this mode only if you've run the installer before, and are familiar with server configuration settings and how to modify them. This mode is most useful to the administrator who routinely installs and upgrades servers, and whose company has already identified special enterprise needs.

Figure 2.1    Installation Modes

Silent Installation
The Silent Installation feature allows you to use a file to predefine all the answers that you would normally supply to the Setup Program interactively. This is useful when you want to install a large number of the same type of Netscape server using the same installation specifications. For detailed information on Silent Install, see your server's Install.htm file at

Figure 2.2    The Setup Program displays the servers and components available to you.

Installing Netscape Console as a Stand-Alone Application
You can install Netscape Console as a stand-alone application--without installing a server--on a machine local to you. This is useful when you want to manage servers on remote machines. For detailed information, see your server's Install.htm file at


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