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iPlanet Application Server 6.0 Administration and Deployment Guide



access control lists (ACL)
creating, 1
described, 1
modifying, 1
ACL. See access control lists, 1
Administrative Server
in failover, 1
AgentToken, 1
application .ear file, 1
creating, 1
Application Component Criteria, 1, 2, 3, 4
Application Component Performance value, 1
application components
administering, 1
calculating performance, 1
changing the distribution level, 1
described, 1
disabling, 1
distributing, 1
enabling, 1
input from HTTP variables, 1
partitioning, 1
performance criteria, 1
application directories
specifying, 1
application errors, 1
application log, 1
administering on multiple servers, 1
deploying, 1
distributing for load balancing, 1
hosting and deploying for load balancing, 1
hosting locally, 1
hosting on multiple servers, 1
partitioning, 1, 2, 3, 4
security, 1
upgrading, 1
HTTP input variables, 1
upgrading, 1
archive files
managing, 1
saving, 1
asynchronous database queries, 1
attributes, charting in Monitor window, 1
access control lists for C++ applications, 1
defining access control lists, 1
role based J2EE applications, 1
setting role-based, 1


Directory Server, 1
maximum for cluster, 1, 2, 3
Bank application
tutorial for deploying, 1
base interval, 1
bridge process
described, 1
bridge procss
adding, 1
Bridge Server
process attributes, 1
broadcast communication, 1
broadcast intervals, 1
adjusting, 1
described, 1
bytes received
monitoring, 1
bytes sent and received, monitoring, 1
bytes sent, monitoring, 1


C++ Server
adding and tuning, 1
in failover, 1
process attributes, 1
cache, 1
parameters, 1
parameters, adjusting, 1
size, described, 1
size, setting, 1
enabling, 1
CGI flag
configuring, 1
described, 1
changing IP address, 1
Chapter Single Template, 1, 2
class files, 1
class path
configuring, 1
cluster data
dump file format, 1
ClusterName key, 1, 2
adding servers to, 1
communication in, 1
creating, 1, 2
defining multiple, 1
described, 1
example, 1
in Directory Server, 1
keys, 1
managing, 1, 2
mapping to synchronizer, 1
modifying default, 1
priority of, 1
removing servers from, 1
setting up, 1
Clusters key, 1
cold start, 1
described, 1
editing, 1
example of, 1
clusters, 1
web connector, 1, 2, 3
web server manually, 1
container, 1
conventions, documentation, 1
configuring, 1
disabling, 1
enabling, 1
CPU load, 1, 2, 3
process attributes, 1
CXS process
adding, 1


database connection parameters, 1
setting, 1
database connections
caching, 1, 2
monitoring, 1
threads, 1
database drivers
configuring, 1
described, 1
logging to, 1, 2
message log, 1
web server message log, 1
DB2 resource managers, 1
DB2 XA logging, 1
declarative parameters, setting for run time, 1
deleting a server, 1
deploying, 1
applications, 1
manually, 1
preparing an EJB for, 1
registering a server for, 1
about modules, 1
convert to iAS, 1
creating a Web Application module, 1
creating an EJB-JAR module, 1
creating application .ear file, 1
EJB-JAR modules, described, 1
enabling EJB support for Rich Clients, 1
import from 4.0, 1
importing a third-party J2EE application, 1
linking references, 1
packaging application components, 1
preparing an enterprise Java bean, 1
register data source, 1
tutorial, 1
web application module, described, 1
deployment descriptors, 1, 2
editing EJBs, 1
editing servlets, 1
editing web application, 1
deployment descriptors EJB
EJB References tab, 1
Environment tab, 1
General tab, 1
iAS tab, 1
Lightweight CMP tab, 1
Method Permissions tab, 1
Resource References tab, 1
Security Role References tab, 1
Security Roles tab, 1
Transactions tab, 1
deployment descriptors servlets
Cache tab, 1
General tab, 1
iAS tab, 1
Initialization Parameters tab, 1
Security Role References tab, 1
deployment descriptors web application
Context tab, 1
EJB References tab, 1
Environment tab, 1
Errors tab, 1
General tab, 1
iAS Session tab, 1
JSP Tag Libraries tab, 1
Login tab, 1
MIME tab, 1
NLS tab, 1
Resource References tab, 1
Security Roles tab, 1
Security tab, 1
Servlet Mapping tab, 1
Deployment Tool, 1, 2, 3, 4
starting, 1
directories, root, 1
Directory Server, 1
adding backup, 1
clusters, 1
configuring failover, 1
described, 1
documentation, 1, 2
Directory Server entries
modifying using Netscape Console, 1
disabling application components, 1
disk, 1
failure, 1
input and output, 1
distinguished name (DN), 1
distributed data synchronization
configuring, 1, 2
described, 1
setting server priority, 1, 2
setting up between servers, 1
Distributed Data Synchronization (DSync)
logging options, 1
DN (distinguished name), 1
Document Type Definition (DTD), 1
documentation, 1
conventions, 1
DSync messages
logging, 1
DSync node data
dump, 1
dump file format, 1
dump cluster data, 1


editing descriptors, 1
EJB container declarative parameters editor
accessing, 1
containers, 1, 2
upgrading, 1
error messages
from applications, 1
from services, 1
errors, application, 1
event logging, 1
choosing message destination, 1
described, 1
message format, 1
to console, 1
to database, 1, 2
to file, 1
using scripts to set up, 1
event notification, 1
by script, 1
polling for, 1
evtcategory field, 1
evtstring field, 1
evttime field, 1
evttype field, 1
execution time, average, 1
Executive Server, 1
process attributes, 1


failover, 1
Administrative Server, 1
Directory Server, 1
DSync logging option, 1
failover save interval
setting, 1
failover save interval, described, 1
fault tolerance
increasing, 1
fonts, use in document, 1


global transactions, 1
creating with Netscape Console, 1


set maximum messages, 1
setting interval, 1
heartbeat mechanism, 1
hidden fields
configuring, 1
disabling, 1
enabling, 1
Host, 1
http log, using scripts to set up, 1
HTTP variables, 1
adding, 1
creating, 1
input to application components, 1, 2
mapping, 1
mapping to database fields, 1
use in logging, 1
in web server requests, 1


support, 1
iAS Adminstration See iPlanet Application Server Administration Tool.1
iasadmin, 1
in-doubt transactions, 1
resolving, 1
information messages, 1
INIT file, 1
installation key
updating, 1
installation key, updating, 1
enabling, 1
IP address, changing, 1
iPlanet Application Server
administrative tasks, 1
documentation, 1
multiple server environment, 1, 2
registering, 1
resources, increasing, 1
unregistering, 1
iPlanet Application Server Administration Tool
described, 1
starting, 1
iPlanet Registry Editor, 1


Java Class Loader, 1
Java Server (KJS)
adding, 1
adding and tuning, 1
in failover, 1
process attributes, 1
JSP caching, 1
set per-page, 1
upgrading, 1


Key, 1
about, 1
accessing cluster information, 1
configuring for CGI requests, 1
configuring HTTP variables, 1, 2
configuring multicast communication, 1
configuring the web connector, 1
configuring the web connector port, 1
updating installation key, 1
kregedit key, 1
ksvradmin, 1


described, 1
described, 1
modifying entries with, 1
described, 1
entries, adding to Directory Server, 1
entries, described, 1
entries, formatting, 1
ListenPort, 1
load balancing, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
adjusting weight factors, 1, 2, 3
broadcast interval, 1
calculating loads, 1
described, 1
disabling, 1
distributing applications for, 1
effect on user requests, 1
hosting applications for, 1
ias, user defined criteria, 1
and multicast communication, 1
per component response time, 1
per server response time, 1
plug-in, 1, 2
prerequisites, 1
round robin, 1
selecting method, 1
sticky, 1, 2
sticky, enabling, 1
update interval, 1
web connector plug-in, 1
load-balancing service, 1, 2, 3
log buffer, 1
log failure
recovering from, 1
log( ), 1
Log_db2.sql, 1
Log_ifmx.sql, 1
Log_mssql.sql, 1
Log_ora.sql, 1
Log_syb.sql, 1
described, 1
process data to a file, 1
server messages, 1
specifying iAS machine for, 1
to file, 1
to process console, 1
web server requests, 1
logging service
configuring, 1
enabling, 1
logical volumes, 1, 2, 3
logtime field, 1


Management Information Base (MIB)
described, 1
formatting entries, 1
making available, 1
mapping HTTP variables, 1
master agent, 1
configuring, 1
starting, 1
starting on a nonstandard port, 1
described, 1, 2
modifying value, 1, 2
MaxHops, 1, 2
maximum engine shutdown time
setting, 1
maximum server shutdown time
setting, 1
MCastHost, 1
MCastPort, 1
memory thrash, 1, 2, 3
message-logging service, 1
configuring, 1
enabling, 1
choosing which type to log, 1
console, 1
error, 1
event logging, 1
formatting, 1
information, 1
types, 1
warning, 1
DSync logging option, 1
MIB. See Management Information Base, 1
Microsoft SQL Server resource managers, 1
Microsoft SQL Server XA logging, 1
mirror, 1
DSync logging option, 1
monitoring, 1
passive, 1
process attributes, 1
queries, 1
service, 1
using SNMP, 1
multicast communication, 1, 2
configuring, 1
multicast server host address, 1
multicasting, 1
multiple_associations, 1
multi-threading, 1


Netscape Console
described, 1
documentation, 1
using to create groups, 1
using to create users and groups, 1, 2
NoCookie, 1


Oracle resource managers, 1, 2
Oracle XA logging, 1


partitioning applications, 1, 2, 3
passivation timeout
described, 1
setting, 1
passive monitoring, 1
per component response time
setting up, 1
per server response time
setting up, 1
performance, 1
charting, 1
logging, 1
monitoring, 1
physical volumes, 1, 2, 3
adding, 1
poll for events, 1
port number for web connector
configuring, 1
described, 1
preparing an EJB for deployment, 1
primary synchronization server. See Sync Primaries1
changing server, 1
clusters, 1
data synchronization, described, 1
effects on synchronization cluster, 1
not assigned to Sync Local, 1
synchronization range, 1, 2
process attributes
charting, 1
monitoring, 1
process console
logging to, 1
process data plots
deleting, 1
modifying, 1
adding, 1
configuring threads for, 1
Sync Alternate to Sync Backup, 1
Sync Backup to Sync Primary, 1


queries, monitoring, 1


iPlanet Application Server, 1
server for deployment, 1
registry, 1
removing expired nodes, 1, 2
request execution profiles, 1
request threads, 1
CGI, configuring, 1
current, 1
number received, 1
per interval, 1
ready, 1
total, 1
total number, 1, 2
waiting, 1
resource managers, 1
adding, 1
configuring, 1
configuring for DB2, 1
configuring for Oracle, 1
configuring for SQL Server, 1
configuring for Sybase, 1
troubleshooting, 1
response time
increasing, 1
restart file, 1, 2
restart option, 1
adjusting, 1
restart.bak file, 1, 2
Rich Client, 1
Rich Clients, 1
enabling EJB support, 1
about, 1
managing, 1
root directories, 1
JSP, 1
specifying, 1
round robin
setting up, 1
run time
setting EJB container declarative parameters for, 1


access contol lists (C++ applications), 1
authentication, 1
cookies, 1
described, 1
hidden fields, 1
implementing, 1
role based, 1
security, application, 1
serialize_all_operation, 1
serialize_start_end, 1
server load criteria, 1, 2
configuring, 1
server response time, 1
changing priority, 1
editing, 1
editing descriptors, 1
upgrading, 1
session timeout
described, 1
setting, 1
single sign-on support, 1
single_association, 1
described, 1
enabling statistics collection, 1
monitoring, 1
verifying configuration, 1, 2
split-primary cluster, 1
iPlanet Application Server Administration Tool, 1
stateful session bean
described, 1
statelesss session bean
described, 1
static group, 1
creating, 1
sticky load balancing, 1, 2, 3
enabling, 1
storing users and groups, 1
stubs and skeletons, 1
subagent, 1
supplier initiated replication (SIR), 1
Sybase resource managers, 1, 2
Sybase XA logging, 1
Sync Alternates
described, 1
promotion to Sync Backup, 1
start order in cluster, 1
Sync Backups
described, 1
promotion to Sync Primary, 1
start order in cluster, 1
Sync Locals
described, 1
Sync Primaries
described, 1
start order in cluster, 1
Sync Servers
described, 1
SyncServers registry key
contents, 1, 2, 3
to define Sync Server, 1
SyncTimerInterval, 1, 2
system-level services, 1


thread parameters
setting, 1
thread pool, 1
thread safety, 1
adjusting number of, 1, 2
configuring availability, 1
current requests, 1
database connections, 1
monitoring, 1, 2
performance impact, 1
request waiting, 1
single-threaded environment, 1
specifying minimum and maximum, 1
user requests, adjusting number, 1
DSync logging option, 1
timer interval
described, 1
setting, 1
toggle mode, 1
DSync logging option, 1
transaction log failure, 1
recovering, 1
transaction log file, 1
transaction manager, 1, 2
administering from the command line, 1
administering in Transaction window, 1
configuring per process, 1
configuring per server, 1
monitoring, 1
transport mappings
described, 1
example of, 1


UNIX, 1, 2
unregistering a server, 1
update interval, 1
updating installation key, 1
applications, 1
AppLogics, 1
EJBs, 1
JSPs, 1
servlets, 1
format in manual, 1
user groups, 1
user-defined criteria
setting up, 1
modifying, 1
users and groups
adding with LDIF, 1
creating with Netscape Console, 1, 2
managing, 1
storing, 1


warning messages, 1
web application module
described, 1
web connector
configuring, 1, 2
described, 1
in multiple-iAS environment, 1
port number, configuring, 1
web connector plug-in, 1, 2, 3
web server
configuring manually, 1
web server requests
logging, 1
weight factors
adjusting, 1, 2
adjusting for load balancing, 1
wide area network (WAN), 1


XA logging
configuring for DB2, 1
configuring for Oracle, 1
configuring for SQL Server, 1
configuring for Sybase, 1
xa_open failure, 1
xa_recover, 1
XAER_INVAL error, 1
XAER_RMERR error, 1
XML files
EJB-JAR module deployment descriptors, 1
web application deployment descriptors, 1

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Copyright © 2000 Sun Microsystems, Inc. Some preexisting portions Copyright © 2000 Netscape Communications Corp. All rights reserved.

Last Updated April 25, 2000