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iPlanet BuyerXpert 4.5 Administrator's Guide

List of Tables

Table 1   Chapter Summary

Table 1-1   iPlanet BuyerXpert Administrator Tasks Overview

Table 1-2   Administration Tools

Table 3-1   Examples of Typical DCAPs

Table 3-2   Default Approval Matrix

Table 4-1   Administrator's Resource Setup Tasks

Table 5-1   Conflict Resolution Strategies

Table 5-2   Administrator's Business Rule Tasks

Table 5-3   iPlanet BuyerXpert Rules Listed by Category

Table 5-4   Accounting Code Rules Conflict Resolution

Table 5-5   Additional Information Rule

Table 5-6   Approval Rules Conflict Resolution

Table 5-7   Commodity Code Rules

Table 5-8   Company Rules Conflict Resolution

Table 5-9   Contract Rules Conflict Resolution

Table 5-10   Currency Rules Conflict Resolution

Table 5-11   Discount Charge Rule Conflict Resolution

Table 5-12   Invoice Matching Conflict Resolution

Table 5-13   Locale Conflict Resolution

Table 5-14   Bill to Location Rules Conflict Resolution

Table 5-15   Ship to Location Rules Conflict Resolution

Table 5-16   Ship From Location Rules Conflict Resolution

Table 5-17   Pay to Location Rules Conflict Resolution

Table 5-18   Send to Location Rules Conflict Resolution

Table 5-19   Order Entry Rules

Table 5-20   Payment Types Conflict Resolution Table

Table 5-21   Payment Terms Conflict Resolution Table

Table 5-22   Pricing Rules Conflict Resolution

Table 5-23   Quality Entry Rule

Table 5-24   Receiving Rules

Table 5-25   Reports Rules Conflict Resolution

Table 5-26   Security Rules Conflict Resolution

Table 5-27   Shipping Rules Conflict Resolution

Table 5-28   Taxation Rules Conflict Resolution

Table 5-29   Timecard Rules Conflict Resolution

Table 5-30   EDI Document Rules Conflict Resolution

Table 5-31   EDI Receiver Rule Conflict Resolution

Table 5-32   EDI Receiver Qualifier Rule Conflict Resolution

Table 5-33   EDI Sender Qualifier Rule Conflict Resolution

Table 5-34   EDI Currency Rule Conflict Resolution

Table 5-35   Pre 4.1 SP1 EDI 850 Order Map Rule Conflict Resolution

Table 5-36   EDI Auto Submit Rule Conflict Resolution

Table 5-37   UDF Rule Conflict Resolution

Table 5-38   Unit Conversion Rules Conflict Resolution

Table 6-1   Catalog Privileges

Table 6-2   Administrator's Catalog Manager Tasks

Table 6-3   Loader Command Options

Table 6-4   Import Utility Input Files

Table 6-5   Import Utility Run-Time Parameters

Table 6-6   createxml Script Parameters

Table 6-7 Script Parameters

Table 7-1   Import Data File Contents

Table 7-2   Import Data File Symbols

Table 7-3   Ongoing Importing Tasks

Table 7-4   Import Options

Table 9-1   Administrator's Timecard Tasks

Table 10-1   Administrator's Reports Tasks

Table 10-2   Report Folder Permissions

Table 10-3    Report Parameters

Table 11-1   Sample Order

Table 12-1   Available Invoice Header Values

Table 12-2   Available Invoice Line Values

Table 12-3   Available Purchase Order Line Values

Table 12-4   Quality Data Table

Table 12-5   User Interface Datatypes

Table A-1   Organization Worksheet

Table A-2   People (Users) Worksheet

Table A-3   Credit Card Worksheet

Table A-4   Location Worksheet

Table A-5   Freight Terms Worksheet

Table A-6   Shipping Carrier Worksheet

Table A-7   Shipping Method Worksheet

Table A-8   Payment Methods Worksheet

Table A-9   Payment Terms Worksheet

Table B-1    Admin Privileges for Organizations

Table B-2   Admin Privileges for Organizational Units

Table B-3   Privileges—Users

Table B-4   Admin Privileges for User Groups

Table B-5   Admin Privileges for Locations

Table B-6   Admin Privileges for Accounting Code Segments

Table B-7   Admin Privileges for Accounting Code Values

Table B-8   Admin Privileges for Commodity Code Segments

Table B-9   Admin Privileges for Commodity Code Values

Table B-10   Admin Privileges for Business Rules

Table B-11   Admin Privileges for AIFs

Table B-12   Admin Privileges for System Units of Measure

Table B-13   Admin Privileges for Organization Units of Measure

Table B-14   Admin Privileges for Price Lists

Table B-15   Admin Privileges for Price Adjustments

Table B-16   Admin Privileges for Payment Types and Subtypes

Table B-17   Admin Privileges for Payment Instruments

Table B-18   Admin Privileges for Payment Terms

Table B-19   Admin Privileges for Approval Matrix

Table B-20   Admin Privileges for Approval Model

Table B-21   Admin Privileges for Approval Delegation Table

Table B-22   Admin Privileges for Approval Cases

Table B-23   Admin Privileges for Shipping

Table C-1   Attributes Common to iPlanet Applications

Table C-2   Organization Attribute Mapping

Table C-3   Organizational Unit Attribute Mapping

Table C-4   User Attribute Mapping

Table C-5   User Group Attribute Mapping

Table C-6   Location Attribute Mapping

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Copyright © 2002 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.

Last Updated June 10, 2002