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System Administration Guide: Printing     Oracle Solaris 11 Express 11/10
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Document Information


1.  Introduction to Printing in the Oracle Solaris Operating System

2.  Planning for Printing (Tasks)

3.  Setting Up and Administering Printers by Using CUPS (Tasks)

4.  Setting Up and Administering Printers by Using Print Manager for LP (Tasks)

Introduction to Print Manager for LP

Notification of Printing Events in Oracle Solaris Desktop

Switching From CUPS to the LP Print Service

How to Enable Print Manager for LP

Managing Network Device Discovery Services (Task Map)

How Auto-Discovery of Devices Works

Issues With the Network-Attached Printer Discovery Service Under LP

How to Enable the Network Device Discovery Service From the Desktop

How to Enable Network Device Discovery Services by Using SMF

How to Determine Which Printers Are Known to the System

Getting Started With Print Manager for LP

About the Print Manager Window

Managing Printers by Using Print Manager for LP (Task Map)

Adding Newly Discovered Printers by Using Print Manager for LP

How To Set Up Auto-Discovered Printers by Using Print Manager for LP

How to Manually Add a Printer by Using Print Manager for LP

Managing Printer Queues by Using Print Manager for LP

How to View or Change a Print Queue's Properties

How to Delete a Print Queue

How to Pause or Resume a Print Queue

Managing Printer Groups and Print Jobs (Task Map)

Managing Printer Groups

How to Create a New Printer Group

How to Create a New Search Group

How to Create a New Search Group by Using a Queue Pane Filter

How to View or Change an Existing Search Group's Properties

How to Delete a Printer Group

Managing Print Jobs by Using Print Manager for LP

How to Delete a Print Job

Managing Print Manager for LP Behavior and Preferences (Task Map)

Setting Preferences That Determine How Print Manager for LP Behaves

Setting Preferences for Local USB Printer Discovery

Settings Preferences for Network-Attached Printer Discovery

Configuring Auto-Discovery Settings for Network-Attached Printers

5.  Setting Up and Administering Printers by Using Oracle Solaris Print Manager (Tasks)

6.  Setting Up Printers by Using LP Print Commands (Tasks)

7.  Administering Printers by Using LP Print Commands (Tasks)

8.  Customizing LP Printing Services and Printers (Tasks)

9.  Administering the LP Print Scheduler and Managing Print Requests (Tasks)

10.  Administering Printers on a Network (Tasks)

11.  Administering Character Sets, Filters, Forms, and Fonts (Tasks)

12.  Administering Printers by Using the PPD File Management Utility (Tasks)

13.  Printing in the Oracle Solaris Operating System (Reference)

14.  Troubleshooting Printing Problems in the Oracle Solaris OS (Tasks)



Managing Print Manager for LP Behavior and Preferences (Task Map)

For Information
View or change preferences for Print Manager for LP.
Behavior of the Print Manager for LP GUI is set in the Print Manager tab of the Printer Preference dialog. You can change certain default settings for the application in this dialog.
Configure preferences for local USB printer discovery.
The Local tab of the Printer Preferences dialog is where preferences for how directly attached printers are auto-discovered is located. You can view or change some of these settings.
Configure preferences for network-attached printer discovery.
The Network tab of the Printer Preferences dialog is where preferences for how network-attached printers are auto-discovered is located. You can view or change some of these settings.

You can view or edit Print Manager for LP preferences in one of the following ways:

The Preferences dialog is displayed, enabling you set preferences for how Print Manager for LP behaves, as well as preferences for how local and remote printer queues are treated.

Graphic displaying the Preferences window of the Print Manager for LP, with the Print Manager tab shown.

The Preferences dialog contains the following three tabs:

Print Manager

Controls the behavior of the Print Manager for LP.

Local Printers

Controls auto-discovery, printer queue configuration, and notification preferences for local printers.

Network Printers

Controls auto-discovery, notification, and group preferences for network-attached printers.

Setting Preferences That Determine How Print Manager for LP Behaves

The Print Manager tab controls the behavior of the Print Manager for LP GUI.

Setting Preferences for Local USB Printer Discovery

The Local Printers tab controls the behavior of local printers.

Graphic showing the local tab of the Print Manager for LP Preferences dialog.

You can change the following preferences:

When a new printer is connected:

When a printer is disconnected:

When a printer is reconnected:

Settings Preferences for Network-Attached Printer Discovery

The Network Printers tab of the Print Preferences dialog controls the Print Manager for LP GUI's behavior for when a network-attached printer is auto-discovered and preconfigured.

Graphic showing the Network tab of the Print Manager for LP GUI's Preferences dialog.

You can change the following settings:

Configuring Auto-Discovery Settings for Network-Attached Printers

This sub-dialog contains settings that control the type of network printers that are discovered and the parameters for doing so.

By default, the Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) service is available. You might need to enable this service, depending on the Oracle Solaris release you are running. Any other available print services will be listed here.

The controls on the right-hand side of the configuration sub-dialog are dictated according to the service that is selected in the list. Some services may have advanced controls in the form of an expander section. The expander is collapsed by default.

The ability to edit some of these controls requires certain Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) privileges. If you are not logged in with the appropriate RBAC privileges, the controls are visible, but they are read-only. To find out what you or your system administrator need to do to allow the editing of these controls, click the Details button.

For instructions, see How to Enable the Network Device Discovery Service From the Desktop.