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Oracle® Server Management Agents User's Guide
Oracle Technology Network
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Using This Documentation

Oracle Server Management Agents User's Guide Overview

Oracle Server Management Agents

Configuring Hardware Management Agent and Hardware SNMP Plugins

Oracle Server Hardware SNMP Plugins Overview

Working With Management Agents

Using the itpconfig Tool

Troubleshooting Management Agents

General Management Agents Troubleshooting

itpconfig Troubleshooting

Oracle Solaris Operating System Troubleshooting

Issues Installing with pkgadd

How to Remove a Packaging Lock File

Linux Troubleshooting

Hardware Management Agent Service Fails to Start

How to Solve Issues With IPMI Device Drivers

Hardware Management Agent Service Status Dead

How to Solve Issues with IPMI Device Drivers


How to Remove a Packaging Lock File

  1. At the command prompt, type the following:

    svccfg list

    If you see/TEMP/application/management/hwmgmtd listed in the output then delete the file by typing the following:

    svccfg delete TEMP/application/management/hwmgmtd

  2. Type the following:

    svccfg list

    You should no longer see TEMP/application/management/hwmgmtd listed.

  3. Remove the packages by typing the following:

    pkgrm SUNWssm-hwmgmt-config

    You should now be able to install SUNWssm-hwmgmt-config.