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Oracle Java CAPS Intelligent Event Processor (IEP) User's Guide     Java CAPS Documentation
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Document Information

Designing Intelligent Event Processor (IEP) Projects

Intelligent Event Processor Overview

Complex Event Processing and Event Stream Processing

Typical IEP Scenarios

IEP Architecture

IEP Design-Time and Runtime Components

Basic Workflow

Creating an Intelligent Event Processing Module Project

To Create an Intelligent Event Processing Module Project

To Add an Event Processor to the Project

Adding and Configuring IEP Operators

To Add IEP Operators to an Event Processor

To Configure IEP Operators in an Event Processor

Disabling the Generation of Bindings and Services

To Disable the Generation of Bindings and Services

Validating Event Processors

To Validate Event Processors

Creating and Deploying the Composite Application Project

To Create a Composite Application Project

To Add the IEP Module Project to the Composite Application Project

To Define the Binding Components and Connections

To Deploy the Composite Application Project

Introduction to IEP Operators

Understanding Schemas

Understanding Streams

Understanding Relations

Supported Data Types

IEP Operator Inputs and Outputs

Aggregator Operators

Relation Aggregator

To Create a Relation Aggregator Operator

Time Based Aggregator

To Create a Time Based Aggregator Operator

Tuple Based Aggregator

To Create a Tuple Based Aggregator Operator

Correlation and Filter Operators

Relation Map

To Create a Relation Map Operator

Stream Projection and Filter

To Create a Stream Projection and Filter Operator

Tuple Serial Correlation

To Create a Tuple Serial Correlation Operator

Input Operators

External Table Polling Stream

To Create an External Table Polling Stream Operator

Replay Stream

To Create a Replay Stream Operator

Stream Input

To Create a Stream Input Operator

Table Input

To Create a Table Input Operator

Output Operators

Batched Stream Output

To Create a Batched Stream Output Operator

Invoke Stream

To Create an Invoke Stream Operator

Relation Output

To Create a Relation Output Operator

Save Stream

To Enable the Save Stream Operator Dynamically at Runtime

To Disable the Save Stream Operator Dynamically at Runtime

Stream Output

To Create a Stream Output Operator

Table Output

To Create a Table Output Operator

Relation Converter Operators

Delete Stream

To Create a Delete Stream Operator

Insert Stream

To Create an Insert Stream Operator

Notification Stream

To Create a Notification Stream Operator

Relation Stream

To Create a Relation Stream Operator

Relation Operators


To Create a Distinct Operator


To Create an Intersect Operator


To Create a Minus Operator


To Create a Union Operator

Union All

To Create a Union All Operator

Sequence Operators

Contiguous Order

To Create a Contiguous Order Operator:

Gap Window

To Create a Gap Window Operator:

Stream Converter Operators

Attribute Based Window

To Create an Attribute Based Window Operator

Partitioned Window

To Create a Partitioned Window Operator

Time Based Window

To Create a Time Based Window Operator

Tuple Based Window

To Create a Tuple Based Window Operator

WSDL Documents in IEP Module Projects

Data Types in the WSDL Document

Message Objects in the WSDL Document

Bindings and Services in the WSDL Document

Generating Concrete WSDL Documents

Generating Abstract WSDL Documents

Understanding the IEP Database

Configuring the IEP Database to Use Oracle

To Create the IEP User in the Oracle Database

To Install the Oracle Database Driver in the Application Server

To Create the Non-XA Connection Pool

To Create the Non-XA JDBC Resource

To Create the XA Connection Pool

To Create the XA JDBC Resource

To Enable Automatic Recovery of XA Transactions

To Configure the IEP Service Engine to Use the JDBC Resources

To Restart the IEP Service Engine and Create the Database Tables

Configuring the IEP Database to Use MySQL

To Create the IEP User in the MySQL Database

To Install the MySQL Database Driver in the Application Server

To Create the Non-XA Connection Pool

To Create the Non-XA JDBC Resource

To Create the XA Connection Pool

To Create the XA JDBC Resource

To Enable Automatic Recovery of XA Transactions

To Configure the IEP Service Engine to Use the JDBC Resources

To Restart the IEP Service Engine and Create the Database Tables

IEP Service Engine-Specific Database Tables





Event Process-Specific Database Tables



Operator-Specific Database Tables

Configuring Message Reliability in an IEP Module Project

To Disable Message Reliability for Outbound Messages


WSDL Documents in IEP Module Projects

When you save an IEP Module project, IEP generates a Web Services Description Language (WSDL) document for each event processor.

The WSDL documents contain the endpoints for the event processors.


Caution - Do not edit any section of the generated WSDL other than the following sections:

  • HTTP SOAP binding and service generation for input

  • File binding and service generation for output

IEP generates a WSDL document according to specific rules based on the XML Schema (the XSD) that are important to understand. These rules are provided as reference and to enable you to change specific binding components and service engines that can be changed.

The name of the WSDL document is derived from the name of the event processor. For example, if the event processor is called insiderTrade.iep, then the WSDL document is called insiderTrade.wsdl.

Note - If you subsequently rename the event processor, IEP does not refactor the name of the WSDL document.

The target namespace is a convention of an XML Schema that enables the WSDL document to refer to itself.

In the process of representing the event process in the WSDL document, the name of your event process is concatenated with the string _iep to form the target namespace. For example, if the name of the event process is MyEventProcessor, then the target namespace of the WSDL is MyEventProcessor_iep.

<definitions targetNamespace="MyEventProcessor_iep"

Data Types in the WSDL Document

The WSDL document defines XSD types (data types). IEP data types, as observable and editable from the property editor for a specific operator, have their counterparts in XSD data types.

For each operator, IEP generates two XSD elements: a regular message object and a batch message object.

Each XSD element contains the following:

Attributes have specific data types and have their equivalent representation in the XSD.

IEP Data Type
XSD Data Type

The following types are based on a simple event process that contains a Stream Input operator and a Stream Output operator.

   <xsd:schema targetNamespace="MyEventProcessor_iep" 
      <xsd:element name="MyStreamInput_MsgObj">
               <xsd:element name="AttrInteger" type="xsd:int"/>
               <xsd:element name="AttrBigInt" type="xsd:long"/>
               <xsd:element name="AttrDouble" type="xsd:double"/>
               <xsd:element name="AttrVarchar" type="xsd:string"/>
               <xsd:element name="AttrDate" type="xsd:date"/>
               <xsd:element name="AttrTimestamp" type="xsd:dateTime"/>
      <xsd:element name="MyStreamInputBatch_MsgObj">
               <xsd:element name="MyStreamInput_MsgObj" minOccurs="0" 
               <xsd:element name="AttrInteger" type="xsd:int"/>
               <xsd:element name="AttrBigInt" type="xsd:long"/>
               <xsd:element name="AttrDouble" type="xsd:double"/>
               <xsd:element name="AttrVarchar" type="xsd:string"/>
               <xsd:element name="AttrDate" type="xsd:date"/>
               <xsd:element name="AttrTimestamp" type="xsd:dateTime"/>
      <xsd:element name="StreamOutput0_MsgObj">
              <xsd:element name="AttrInteger" type="xsd:int"/>
              <xsd:element name="AttrBigInt" type="xsd:long"/>
              <xsd:element name="AttrDouble" type="xsd:double"/>
              <xsd:element name="AttrVarchar" type="xsd:string"/>
              <xsd:element name="AttrDate" type="xsd:date"/>
              <xsd:element name="AttrTimestamp" type="xsd:dateTime"/>

Message Objects in the WSDL Document

The WSDL document contains two types of message objects:

IEP uses the regular message object when you are sending in one message at a time. A batch message object is useful when you want to send in multiple messages.

<message name="MyStreamInput_Msg">
   <part name="input" element="typens:MyStreamInput_MsgObj"/>
<message name="MyStreamInputBatch_Msg">
   <part name="input" element="typens:MyStreamInputBatch_MsgObj"/>
<message name="StreamOutput0_Msg">
   <part name="output" element="typens:StreamOutput0_MsgObj"/>

If one of the messages in the batch message group fails to be processed appropriately in the IEP, others will fail as well.

With a single message object, message failure is on a one-by-one basis.

Bindings and Services in the WSDL Document

By default, the WSDL documents that are automatically generated in an IEP Module project include concrete information (bindings and services).

You can configure IEP to generate abstract WSDL documents instead.

Generating Concrete WSDL Documents

By default, the WSDL documents that are automatically generated in an IEP Module project include concrete information (bindings and services).

If the event processor has a Stream Input operator, then the WSDL document contains a SOAP-based binding and service.

If the event processor has a Stream Output operator, a Batched Stream Output operator, or a Relation Output operator, then the WSDL document contains a file-based binding and service.

The following example shows a SOAP-based binding and service, followed by a file-based binding and service.

<binding name="InputBinding" type="defns:InputPt">
   <soap:binding style="document" transport=""/>
   <operation name="MyStreamInput">
      <soap:operation soapAction="MyStreamInput"/>
         <soap:body use="literal"/>
   <operation name="MyStreamInputBatch">
      <soap:operation soapAction="MyStreamInputBatch"/>
         <soap:body use="literal"/>

<service name="InputService">
   <port name="InputPort" binding="tns:InputBinding">
      <soap:address location="http://localhost:12100/service/newEventProcessor_iep"/>

<binding name="OutputBinding_StreamOutput0" type="defns:OutputPt_StreamOutput0">
   <operation name="StreamOutput0">
         <file:message fileName="StreamOutput0.txt"

<service name="OutputService_StreamOutput0">
   <port name="OutputPort_StreamOutput0" binding="tns:OutputBinding_StreamOutput0">
      <file:address fileDirectory="C:/temp/newEventProcessor_iep"/>

You might need to manually update the default settings for any binding and service. For example, the default file directory is a Windows path, which would not work correctly on a UNIX system.

For detailed information about the binding and service configuration, see the documentation for the HTTP Binding Component and the File Binding Component.

Note - If you manually update the WSDL document and then save the IEP Module project again, the changes that you made to the WSDL document are overwritten.

Generating Abstract WSDL Documents

You can configure IEP to generate abstract WSDL documents by editing a flag in the IEP project properties file. The bindings and services are not included.

With this approach, you can define the bindings and services by using the Composite Application Service Assembly (CASA) Editor.


Caution - If you use the CASA Editor, do not clone the IEP WSDL document to customize its generated bindings and services. Updates to the generated WSDL documents will not be updated after the cloning. Over time, the cloned and edited WSDL document deployed for the bindings will become inconsistent with the WSDL document deployed for the IEP Service Engine.

To Generate Abstract WSDL Documents

  1. Go to the location of the IEP Module project and open the file.
  2. Change the value of the always.generate.abstract.wsdl flag to true.
  3. Save the file.